Interstellar arena

Chapter 234 Xingyao Fitness Hall

Danny rested for a week at Norman Star.

This week, the temporary military court sentenced 280 seven people, 12 of whom were hanged, mainly from some administrative departments. In addition, the Supreme Court of the Norman Planet filed 650 cases and investigated and punished 800 corrupt officials.

This round of anti-corruption storm has given General Danny a high prestige on Norman Star. He has become a hero, and he is full of legends. The public's evaluation of Danny Morton is "rebirth from the ashes", He put the Morton family in the spotlight once again.

In the army, a series of purge activities were also carried out. However, unlike the anti-corruption storm, Danny’s rectification of military corruption and bureaucracy was much smaller. In the entire huge army system, he was hanged There were only three of them, and most of them were given light sentences.

It has to be said that Danny is a person with great political foresight. He is very clear that his current position in the army is not very stable. Substantial reforms will only make people in the army fluctuate. It is impossible to change the situation in one day. This is a long-term reform process, and killing chickens and monkeys now is enough.

During this week, except for the first day after Liu Fei arrived at Norman Star, he went back to the Lion and stayed in the maintenance cabin all day. People are full of curiosity, and it is hard to imagine that a person can forget to sleep and eat in the maintenance cabin.

Liu Fei is doing very important things, and the work of perfecting the skeleton mech is nearing completion. A large number of spare parts and outer armor have been brought into the warp space, including some required electronic equipment, etc., and even a lot of spare parts There are many backups for accessories, such as those two-axis alloy armors, there are at least five copies, which are made according to the instructions of the small strong light brain, Liu Fei is too lazy to ask, anyway, it is just a matter of pressing the operation button more, why? Have fun!

Although the spare parts of the skeleton mecha are all ready, Liu Fei has never had the opportunity to install those spare parts on the skeleton mecha.

It has to be said that Liu Fei's understanding of the mecha has been greatly improved by the perfection of the skeleton mech, which is completely different from the warping space, because this is the work that Liu Fei is interested in. It also takes a lot more thought.

Strictly speaking, Liu Fei started to have a comprehensive and systematic understanding of the mecha starting from the perfection of the skeleton mecha.

Another thing is to design a headset-type miniature optical brain, which is convenient for direct communication with the small strong optical brain anytime and anywhere, without using the optical brain as a medium. It is said that the optical brain is actually a simulator, and the structure is not Difficult, the main function is to collect Liu Fei's brain wave signal, and then feed back the information of the small strong light brain to Liu Fei's brain in the form of a virtual helmet.

According to the current level of technology, it is impossible for a headset-type micro-optical brain to analyze Liu Fei's brainwave signals. The optical brain is just a medium, not a processor, but it is a bit difficult to feed back the signal of the small strong light to Liu Fei's brain to form text information, picture information, or video information. At present, the small strong light brain can only Feedback to Liu Fei with text and voice, pictures and videos, the micro-optical brain still cannot meet the technical requirements, it is not a problem with the chip matrix of the small strong optical brain...

On the eighth day, Li Wenyan made a special trip to the laboratory to ask Liu Fei if he would go to Morton Star. Just when Liu Fei was about to refuse, Xiaoqiang Guangnao immediately insisted that Liu Fei must go.

The reason is simple.

Morton star is the economic and cultural center of the Morton galaxy, and it is also the scientific and technological research and development base of the entire Morton galaxy. It has a research institute with strong technical force, and the small strong optical brain is an old optical brain that has not been updated for 160 years. With new scientific knowledge, it needs the "big meal" of Morton to fill its hungry "stomach".

Of course, economic culture is also the data that Xiaoqiang Optical Computer needs to understand. According to Xiaoqiang Optical Computer, "My young master is an intelligent optical computer. Do you understand what is an intelligent optical computer? It is culture, marriage, politics, ideals, and morality. , law, ethics, medical treatment, health care... oh, there are too many, too lazy to explain to you with your IQ..."

Whenever Liu Fei heard the words "I'm too lazy to explain to you because of your IQ", black lines loomed on his forehead, and at this time, Xiao Qiangguang, who felt angry, would usually choose to shut up automatically.

Liu Fei has nothing to do now, and has no goals. Naturally, he still meets the requirements of the small strong optical brain. Judging from the current situation, the power of the small strong optical brain is still very beneficial to him. At least, he is equivalent to bringing a This super "Encyclopedia" is by my side, and it is quite convenient to consult.

Recently, Liu Fei has received countless benefits from the strong light brain since he was a child, such as some rare metal formulas, some casting knowledge, mechanical structure and transmission, and so on.

The current Xiaoqiangguang brain is like a vast ocean, inclusive of all rivers, it can absorb any knowledge instantly, while Liu Fei is a sponge, selectively absorbing from the vast amount of knowledge in the Xiaoqiangguang brain.

One person and one optical brain each get what they need. Xiaoqiang Optical Computer needs Liu Fei's help to enter some core databases. This is the most convenient and efficient method. If Xiaoqiang Optical Computer uses its network penetration ability to enter some huge databases , it is difficult to guarantee that no trace will be left, and it will take a long time, because any important database is heavily guarded, just like the mothership of Xingyao, it is impossible to enter the main control optical brain from the outside. Even if it uses deceptive means to enter the main control optical brain, it is still unknown to obtain valuable data. After all, as an independent network individual in an independent interstellar world, it can cut off contact with the outside world at any time.

Of course, the most important thing is that the small strong light brain itself cannot move, which requires Liu Fei's assistance.

With the help of Liu Fei, Xiaoqiang Guangnao can completely get what it wants, just like now, the data of how many rolls of toilet paper the Starship Xingyao uses every day is obtained by Xiaoqiang Guangnao, and through the data of toilet paper Using the quantity, the small strong light brain can analyze a lot of useful data, such as someone having diarrhea, and even the mood of the chef, etc...

At noon, Liu Fei, Bai Ya and a group of people took a shuttle boat to meet General Danny on the Xingyao interplanetary mothership. At two o'clock in the afternoon, the mothership battle group began to assemble and fly towards Morton Star.

In just seven days, Liu Fei discovered that Danny Morton was a completely different person. He seldom spoke, even with Li Wenyan, and his expression was always dauntingly serious. , revealing a majesty that one dare not look at.

Of course, Liu Fei can completely ignore Danny's existence. Now he has found a new pleasure, which is to watch some soldiers hand-to-hand combat in the gym.

This is a huge fitness hall, at least [-] square meters, and there are countless separate training cabins around this fitness hall. This is the core gym of the starship Xingyao. As long as the soldiers are not on duty, they will come here to vent their excess energy, and free fighting is the most popular competitive activity for the soldiers, because, in addition to the hot and bloody scenes, you can also place bets.

In the army, gambling is strictly prohibited, but this has never been taken seriously by the soldiers. After all, in this vast space, living in a closed and boring space every day, if there is no exciting thing happening, it is easy to lose money. Claustrophobic or schizophrenic, the list goes on and on.

In fact, apart from ordinary soldiers, a large number of high-level military officers will also gamble in the fitness hall, and even go into battle directly. Here, there is no distinction between upper and lower, and everyone does not need to give face to anyone. Whoever has the biggest fist will be welcomed .

There is only less than three days' journey from Norman Star to Morton Star, there is no need to jump in space, and there is no need to stay on the hydraulic protection chair. Therefore, when the mothership battle group set sail, some soldiers who were not on duty flocked to the gym .

Liu Fei discovered this place by accident. He has the habit of being familiar with the environment. When he was familiar with the environment through the small strong light brain, he found that there are some very special training equipment here. Sai attracted.

There were a lot of people, at least 2000 people watched the battle, so Liu Fei had to stand at the back and watch from afar.

On the ring were two big men, without any protective gear, with some weird patterns tattooed on their bare upper bodies, and their bulging muscles were as strong as two bulls.

The fight was very fierce, a big man had several teeth knocked out, his mouth was full of blood, and the other's eyes were swollen high, the two of them showed no signs of stopping, they were still coming and going, punching to the flesh, "crack The sound of "crackling" made people jump in fear.

It is this brutal fighting style that attracted Liu Fei. Liu Fei has an almost harsh pursuit of actual combat, which stems from the influence of Ka Suo, because the pursuit of perfection in the art of killing must combine perfect theory with actual combat. The highest state of the art of killing can only be reflected in the middle, and it is not possible to bring out Ka Suo's ideas with a scalpel in the laboratory.

In fact, Liu Fei does not lack actual combat experience, but that is the experience of fighting beasts, not human combat experience. In many battles, Liu Fei relied on speed and precise calculation to win. rather than skill.

The battle is coming to an end, both of them seem to be exhausted, and their movements have become dull and numb. You punch me and I don't know how to dodge each other. The punches are all beaten to pieces. The atmosphere of the scene is very hot, and the soldiers are crazy. Shout out and cheer for the side that supports...

Slow down!

what!Good, but unfortunately not strong enough...


"Get out of the way!" Just as Liu Fei was concentrating on analyzing the fighting skills in the ring, suddenly, there was a shout from behind, and a hand was placed on Liu Fei's shoulder.

No matter what time it was, Liu Fei would never allow anyone to put a hand on his shoulder. The moment that hand was on Liu Fei's shoulder, it was almost an instinct, and he turned around abruptly. The whirling power smashed out like a heavy hammer!


There was a muffled sound, and a brawny man with a naked upper body and a golden belt around his waist was directly hit in the face by this sudden punch, and that generous body flew upside down in a cloud of blood, and fell heavily. He fell to the ground, and at the same time, there were several bloody teeth.

Suddenly, the whole gym fell into a burst of extreme silence. Thousands of eyes looked at Liu Fei. In this huge gym, Liu Fei was really eye-catching, because he was the only one wearing a neat black suit, and he was in harmony with his surroundings. The military is a bit out of place...

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