Interstellar arena

Chapter 238 Concise Fighting Technique

[4700-word big chapter, ask for a red ticket]

Four or ten minutes later, Liu Fei returned to the fitness hall.

According to Xiao Qiangguang's plan, Bai Fang's group entered the fitness hall in several groups, and Bai Fang and Joseph pooled their money to exchange some Morton coins at the bank.

Although the capitals of the United States of Drow and the Morton Empire fell, their coins would not collapse, because both the drow coins and the Morton coins originated from the Human Federation Bank.

The Human Federation is also known as the Human Alliance. It is the first interstellar organization established by mankind after entering the era of interstellar migration, and it is also the last interstellar alliance. Human beings face some common difficulties, and the Human Federation has experienced a glorious era of prosperity.

It is a pity that this prosperity was broken after the appearance of aliens 160 years ago, and the human federation disintegrated. After several years of war, the federation was divided up by some forces. There are seven independent star fields.

Of course, it is said that there are seven independent star fields, but in fact, there are only six star fields, because the human home planet Earth in the Milky Way is jointly managed by the six star fields. The birthplace of Earth, the most important thing is to prevent the invasion of aliens, because human beings suspect that the eighth largest galaxy and the Milky Way, the birthplace of aliens, have an unknown and mysterious shortcut...

Strictly speaking, the coins of the seven major galaxies are all issued by the Federal Bank.

When the Human Federation disintegrated, in order to avoid the economic collapse caused by the war, the major power countries of the seven galaxies unanimously ruled to retain the function of the Federal Bank. This is also the only legacy left by the Human Federation. It contributes to the development of the human economy. made a huge contribution.

White Fang and Joseph are all poor people, and they don’t have much savings. The money of nearly a hundred people adds up to only 500 million drow coins. The exchange rate is one to one. After deducting some messy expenses, there are more than 400 drows left. million Morton coins.

Fourteen million Morton coins is not a large amount, but there is no problem in being the banker.

Bai Ya used his own identity and Liu Fei's identity to apply for two federal bank cards. The advantage of this card is that it can be used in all seven galaxies, but the disadvantage is that the complicated handling fees are so high that ordinary people cannot afford it. After those complicated handling fees, when the cardholder's funds reach a certain amount, the service he enjoys is also first-class. In addition to enjoying the noble treatment when spending, the bank will send senior consultants to provide customers with high-quality services at any time. .

Commonwealth Bank's advertising slogan is: If you can think it, they can do it!

After finishing some preparations, a group of people dispersed and rushed to the fitness hall from passages in all directions.

The fitness hall is already crowded with people. While watching the fighting match on the ring, people are discussing the fight between Liu Fei and Koslov in full swing.

In many corners of the fitness hall, the scene of Liu Fei fighting with Koslov was replayed.

When Liu Fei appeared in the fitness hall again, it immediately caused a stir among the soldiers.

When Liu Fei and a group of big guys split up, their every move was reflected to General Danny. At the beginning, General Danny didn't take it seriously, but he paid attention to it only after it was confirmed that nearly a hundred people had dispersed. However, it is extremely dangerous for a group of dangerous elements with invincible courage to walk around on the Xingyao.

Danny breathed a sigh of relief when the information fed back by the main control optical brain showed that everyone had arrived at the fitness hall of the Xingyao. However, he was still a little puzzled, why did they go to the fitness hall separately?Do they have any intentions?

"General, just now Liu Fei participated in a free-kicking competition in the fitness hall."

Dr. Wayne checked the main control optical brain. The main control optical brain has been set up to lock on Liu Fei and Bai Fang for 24 hours and monitor their every move. grouped together for easy reference.


Danny just looked up at the holographic video, and immediately immersed himself in his busy business. There are too many things he needs to deal with, and there are too many documents he needs to endorse. Let him worry, of course, he can hand over these things to others, but there are too few people he can trust now. In the past, he had a father who was not stupid to rely on, but now, he can rely on only yourself.

"You have to take this person seriously, Danny!" Dr. Wayne suddenly looked serious and called Danny's name.

"Huh?" Danny put down his pen and looked up at Dr. Wayne.

"What are you going to do with them?" asked Dr. Wayne.

"I haven't thought about that yet." Danny frowned at Dr. Wayne's face.

"You have to think about whether to keep them by your side or let them go, you have to decide now!" Dr. Wayne paused word by word.


"Although Liu Fei is a man of few words, he has a kind of concentration that is beyond ordinary people. Moreover, he exudes an imperceptible personality charm. After long-term contact with him, he will unconsciously It affects everyone around him, and it is very dangerous to keep this kind of person around!"

"Since it's dangerous, let them go, doctor, I don't have the extra energy to take care of them now." In Danny's view, although Liu Fei is powerful, he is just an insignificant little person.

"Well, let them go..." Dr. Wayne very much agrees with this decision. Liu Fei is full of variables and uncertainties. No one knows whether staying with such a person is a blessing or a curse, and now , Danny needs a loyal group, obviously, Liu Fei has no loyalty to Danny.

"No, doctor!" Tony, who was standing beside him, suddenly shouted.

"Huh?" Both General Danny and Dr. Wayne's eyes fell on Captain Tony's face, and they felt Tony's anger.

"Liu Fei can let him go, but Bai Ya and the others can't!" Tony said firmly.

Danny and Dr. Wayne looked at each other, and there was a long silence in the office.

Danny let out a long sigh. He thought of the loyal guards who were buried in the windy prairie, and a look of sadness appeared on his face. He waved to Tony and said, "They are handed over to you. You can go out first. I want to be quiet for a while." !"

"Yes, thank you Your Highness...General!"

Tony backed out with a look of gratitude.

"Doctor, am I doing the right thing?"

"Right or wrong is a very complicated issue. From Liu Fei's point of view, you are wrong. From Tony's point of view, you are right. Now, Tony is more important than Liu Fei. If Bai Fang and his group If people don't die, Tony and the others may have problems with their loyalty, killing White Fang will make Tony and the others more loyal to the general, but the general may have another powerful enemy."

"Liu Fei?!"

"Yes, Liu Fei!" Dr. Wayne affirmed.

"What does the doctor mean?" There was a wry smile on Danny's face.

"General, why not..."

"Doctor Hugh, Danny can't do it. If Liu Fei is killed, even if Danny builds an eternal foundation in the future, he will only have nightmares in bed. Besides, I can't do business with Li Wenyan."

"The general has a kind heart. Now that the general has made up his mind, after leaving Morton Star, let's find an excuse to separate Liu Fei from Bai Ya. That's the only way to do it."

"Well, the doctor should pay more attention and don't let Li Wenyan know."

"Yes, General."


Just when General Danny and Dr. Wayne decided to kill White Fang and his group, White Fang and his group were raking in money.

Their method of earning money is very simple, that is, they send people out to fight themselves, and the odds are [-] to [-]. This kind of odds is an insult to some fighting masters, but whether it is insult or respect, White Fang is a man. It swept across the entire fitness hall like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves.

For a group of soldiers, this group of strangers is really too powerful, they are like unreachable mountains, which are admirable.

A steady stream of masters rushed to the fitness hall to challenge Bai Fang and his group.

However, what makes the soldiers feel desperate is that anyone who comes out casually can be invincible. Some fighting masters who were once glorious are as vulnerable as babies under their hands. This is a great blow to the soldiers' self-esteem. challenge.

At the end of the battle, the soldiers fell into madness and became united like never before. Every soldier hoped for a hero to appear, but unfortunately, this hero did not appear for a long time.

The fighting game gradually changed its method. In order to lure the soldiers to bet and fight, Joseph and the others were arrogant and domineering in the arena, even arrogantly changing the rules of the game. As long as they can persist for 1 minute in their hands, they will be considered victorious.

This blatant provocation made the soldiers lose their minds, and the consequence of losing their minds was that a steady stream of Morton coins fell into the pockets of White Fang and the others.

Liu Fei never made a move, and the soldiers forgot about his existence.

Liu Fei was trying to figure out some fighting skills. From the soldiers, Liu Fei learned the application of fighting skills. From Joseph and the others, Liu Fei felt the importance of strength.

When the power gap is too large, skills will become dispensable. When the power is infinitely close, skillful skills will determine the outcome.

It has to be said that there are still a lot of master fighters on the Xingyao, but in terms of strength, the gap with Joseph and the others is so great that it can no longer be made up with skills.

Among them, the most classic battle example is that a very agile soldier competed with the big man holding an iron rod. The contest lasted for 25 minutes, which is already the longest time record. During these 25 minutes, that The soldier occupied the absolute initiative from the beginning to the end. He played with a stupid bear like a monkey to his heart's content, which aroused warm applause from the soldiers. Every soldier believed that victory was in sight!However, the final outcome is still that the big man wins, because the body contact between the two is just that moment of contact, and the battle is over.

The reason is simple, the big man can withstand dozens of attacks from the soldiers, but the soldiers cannot withstand one attack from the big man.

What needs to be explained here is that Joseph and the others do not have any fighting skills. In fact, they have accumulated a wealth of fighting skills in the battle against the aliens. They are all honed skills. They are neither gorgeous nor beautiful. But very practical.

Liu Fei was also aware of this. He found that although Joseph and the others' fighting skills were simple, they were very concise.

However, Liu Fei also discovered that these condensed movements of Joseph and the others were not based on a thoughtful attack, but more often an instinct, that is to say, their fighting was driven by an instinctive force. Rather than a planned display.

After discovering this, Liu Fei began to sort out these condensed movements in a planned way, turning these movements into systematic fighting skills.

Liu Fei didn't even know that he was doing something that soldiers in the ancient cold weapon era did.

In the era of cold weapons, in the blood-boiling battlefield, any fancy movements are superfluous. The training of soldiers is mainly to kill the enemy. Every movement is honed and every attack is to go all out. With the rise of hot weapons, this kind of training aimed at killing the enemy has gradually evolved into a fighting technique with a performance nature. The fighting technique at this time has actually broken away from the fighting technique aimed at killing in the era of cold weapons. It has become more gorgeous and more ornamental. Of course, its role has also been greatly reduced.

The group of White Fang and Joseph experienced several months and thousands of kilometers of escape on the drow star. After their potential was stimulated, they were hunted down by thousands of aliens, and then stood out from the thousands of ordinary people. , It can be seen how rich their actual combat experience is.

During those few months of brutal life-and-death fighting and fleeing, Bai Fang and the others reached a state of returning to the basics. Their fighting skills directly skip those flashy movements and become concise, direct, and efficient. Naturally, they are not a group of comfortable Soldiers can match.

When the Xingyao starship battle group arrived at Morton Star, Bai Fang and Liu Fei already had 72 billion Morton coins on their cards.

The excess of more than 20 billion Morton coins is the result of other battleships betting through the Internet. Now, the soldiers on the entire Xingyao starship battle group can be said to have become destitute.

The happiest one is of course Xiaoqiang Guangnao, because Liu Fei's money is its money. Now, Xiaoqiang Guangnao is hiding in the corner alone and counting the money, counting it over and over again.

Where there is happiness, there will be pain, and there are too many people who are in pain. Few soldiers in the starship battle group Xingyao are happy, because the vast majority of people are betting wildly there. I lost my life savings in it...

Amidst the woebegone faces of the soldiers, the starship battle group Xingyao arrived at the interstellar port of Morton.

The interstellar port of Morton Star is already in an abandoned state. Many crashed spaceships are quietly floating in the air, and some metal debris is also mixed in, covering the entire port like a meteorite flow, quiet and depressing.

To General Danny's relief, only part of the transfer station at the port was damaged, and most of the facilities were still intact.

The interstellar port of a planet is very important. If the port is finished, it means that the planet will be completely isolated from the world, because the end of the interstellar port means that merchant ships are not controlled by the government, which means that residents There is no right to freely enter and exit the planet.

Someone once said: If a planet has no port, ten years later, the planet is likely to enter a barbaric era!

This is not alarmist talk. When a planet loses its interstellar port, it also loses its connection with other planets.

Human beings have separated the living planet from the industrial planet hundreds of years ago. When a human-inhabited planet loses contact with other planets, many high-tech products will not be replenished and resources will be exhausted. And if you want to re-establish a complete industrial system on a planet, it will be a very long process...

Now, Morton Star is on the brink of collapse.

When Danny ordered to clean up the garbage at the interstellar port, the entire Morton planet had entered a barbaric era, and this time was only two short months.

Compared with Drow Star, the situation on Morton Star is more brutal. After all, on Drow Star, the enemies that people need to face are aliens, and most of the human beings are killed by aliens.

On Morton, humanity's greatest enemy is a threat of its own kind.

Cities have become concrete jungles, and people hunt each other in the jungle, and everyone may become a prey...

History has proved countless times that the greatest enemy of human beings is themselves.

A philosopher once said that if human beings perish, it must be human beings who perish themselves!

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