How to make money has become Liu Fei's top priority and a problem that must be solved. If he spends it like this every day, after a year, he will give up his hard-won admission qualification because he does not have enough tuition fees.

make money!

make money!

It's easy to earn money from rich people, like that young man who tried to insult Su Zijing, just to throw out [-] drow coins casually in order to vent his anger...


Killer Guild!

As if a thunderbolt illuminated the dark night sky, Liu Fei's spirit was lifted.

If he could earn [-] yuan by doing a job like those two killers, wouldn't his tuition be settled immediately?

One year's tuition plus living expenses is about [-] yuan, and the total of four years is only about [-] yuan...

Liu Fei, who had been dozing off all this time, suddenly opened his eyes. In front of him was a face that looked like a flower and jade, and the distance was so close that Liu Fei could almost see the bright pupils around him. An orange shadow in a cleaner's uniform.

It's almost an instinct.



Su Zijing stared blankly at the rapidly enlarged fist, with a look of horror on her face. The fist was frozen an inch in front of Su Zijing, and the wind of Ling's fist was like an ice blade scraping across her face.

Slowly, slowly, that fist was withdrawn, Su Zijing felt as if she had walked back and forth from hell, her still heart began to beat crazily.

In Su Zijing's hand, there was a piece of paper with bastards drawn on it. She just wanted to play a prank by pasting the paper on Liu Fei's body. Before she did it, she almost got punched...

"I'm looking for your brother." Liu Fei glanced at the piece of paper in Su Zijing's hand, and said coldly.

"My brother... um..." Su Zijing was completely taken away by the thrilling punch, and nodded subconsciously.

Liu Fei closed his eyes again, Su Zijing didn't dare to do anything wrong again, and walked away in fear to contact Su Ziyun, this guy is too cold-blooded, he doesn't know how to be sympathetic, hum!It's better to stay away from him.

When get out of class was over at noon, Su Zijing plucked up the courage to walk in front of Liu Fei.

"My brother said that we will have a buffet at Qinghe Teahouse next to Zall University at night." Su Zijing said cautiously.

"Yes." Liu Fei nodded.

"I have a friend who wants to experience life in the slums, can I live with you?"


"I know, three hundred and one night, hum, miser!" Su Zijing interrupted without waiting for Liu Fei to speak.

"it is good."

Liu Fei stood up and strode out.

"What are you going to do?"

"Have a meal."



Liu Fei rushed to Li Meng's mecha laboratory immediately, but he didn't see Li Meng, only a middle-aged man cleaning it clumsily.

Looking at the towering mechas in the huge mecha laboratory, Liu Fei couldn't help being in a daze for a while. It seems that he has to say goodbye to this place for a while.

When Liu Fei sat at the buffet, he looked lonely. He was used to advancing and retreating with Li Meng. Li Meng suddenly resigned and left here, which made him very uncomfortable. The mecha laboratory is not so convenient.

The buffet was bustling with people coming and going, but around Liu Fei, there were still some vacant seats. People were used to keeping a distance from someone like Liu Fei. Not far from Liu Fei, there were a few The older cleaners are digging into their meals.

Suddenly, the buffet went quiet.

Liu Fei didn't raise his head, he already knew that it was Su Zijing who came, and only Su Zijing had such great power to make the lively buffet suddenly quiet.

Sure enough, there was a clear sound of high heels, and Liu Fei could imagine Su Zijing's haughty and arrogant expression without looking at it, and of course, the salivating expressions of some flower protectors around her.

A pleasant fragrance blows.

"Where's your partner?" Su Zijing sat down

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