Interstellar arena

Chapter 249 Liang Gongzang? 【chapter 2】

Coffee is poisonous!

Li Wenyan was sitting in the laboratory waiting for the results, looking haggard. In just over an hour, she had already lost a lot of weight. General Danny in military uniform was sitting beside him. The laboratory was very busy, and the two cups of coffee were being processed. Several scientists were testing.

"Wen Yan..."

"I don't want to talk, I just want to know if the coffee is poisonous, Danny!"


General Danny opened his mouth and did not speak, but frowned, looking at a group of scientists who were busy with division of labor.

"Danny, can you answer a question for me?" Li Wenyan asked suddenly.


"How is your girlfriend doing now?"

"You want to know?"

"You can refuse to answer." Li Wenyan stared at Danny with a pair of clear eyes.

"The Keller family has disappeared."

After a while of silence, Danny finally answered Li Wenyan's question.

"Danny, can't you tolerate a little woman?" Li Wenyan clenched her teeth.

"Wenyan, this is politics. Behind me, there is a huge team. This cannot be decided by me alone. I hope you can understand."

"Yes, I can understand that you men, for your own benefit, can abandon women at any time, and even kill your fiancée." Li Wenyan showed a desolate smile on his face.

"Wen Yan..."

"Danny, I want to go home."

"We will set sail tomorrow, but..." General Danny hesitated and said, "I suggest that you stay on Morton."

"You already know about my father?" Li Wenyan asked back.

"I know, so I suggest you stay on Morton Star, at least, it's safe here!"

"General Danny, if I were your fiancée, would you kill me too?" asked.

"You don't need to answer this question, because you are not my fiancee." General Danny smiled.

"Then you're going to kill me for something else?"

"No, you are my friend, and I cherish the friendship between you and me!" Danny said with a serious expression.

"Thank you, I have always considered you my friend, and I cherish our friendship very much. No matter how you change, you are the same Danny who went to school with me, drove like crazy, drank, was sunny, and was cheerful!"

"Thank you."

Both of them seemed to be recalling their innocent student days, and there was a moment of silence.

"General, the results of the experiment are out." A scientist led by a soldier walked up to General Danny.


"One of the cups of coffee contained a toxin, which was difficult to detect. If the sample had not been destroyed, it would have been almost undetectable. After the toxin entered the blood vessels, it would be activated within about two days, causing myocardial infarction. This is a drug secretly developed by YB Company. Its main function is to explore human heart disease-induced diseases. There is no antidote yet, and it was once popular among the stars as an assassination poison..."

"Thanks, I'm tired."

Li Wenyan's face was pale, she held on to the chair, and stood up with all her strength, looking as if she was on the verge of falling.

"Are you leaving tomorrow?" General Denny asked.

"This is not my home."


Looking at Li Wenyan's frail back, General Danny sighed a long time. He understood how Li Wenyan was feeling now, because he had also experienced this feeling.

"Dr. Wayne has business with you, General."

Under the protection of a large number of guards, General Danny came to the main control room of Morton City. In the control hall, a holographic video is playing in the main control hall.

On the holographic video screen is a silver mecha.

When General Danny entered the main control room, the holographic video was played again, and the silver mecha in the holographic video appeared abruptly, as if it appeared suddenly, and was captured by the wolf pack warships performing missions in the air.

"Where's the one in front?" Seeing the silver mecha rampage in Morton City like a steel monster, General Danny's face changed color. Now Morton City is under military control.

"General, this is the mecha driven by Liu Fei. All the holographic videos of the barge are missing. These holographic videos were captured by the wolf pack battleship. It is actually a coincidence that all the combat units performing missions have received it. Instructions, this mecha was authorized by the military, afterward, we immediately inquired, and the military did not issue any relevant authorization orders."

Danny looked at the holographic video with a serious face and made no sound. The mecha was running wildly, destroying the public facilities of Morton City with impunity along the way. If it wasn't for the holographic video faithfully recorded, he couldn't believe that a mecha To be able to enter the city of Morton, where heavily troops are stationed, as if there is no one in the land...

General Danny's heart is very heavy, Liu Fei is like a huge stone pressing on his heart, starting from the windy prairie, Liu Fei feels more and more mysterious to him, he is like a head lurking in the darkness The ferocious beasts in the forest can violently hurt people at any time.

Suddenly, the holographic video was frozen on the 33rd floor of the hotel, and then began to slow down. People could clearly see that the silver mecha cockpit opened, and Liu Fei jumped out like lightning, and rushed into the room. Then, that The door of the cockpit was closed, and the silver mecha began to creep down, completely different from the agility at the beginning...

"There are two people?" General Danny's heart was beating violently, "How are those people doing now?"

"General, that group of people is not bad at all. They are all imprisoned. The relevant legal procedures have been completed. After they leave Morton, they will be executed immediately."

"Who else is in that mecha?" General Danny snapped.


The generals were silent for a moment, and no one could answer General Danny's question. However, someone saw the opportunity and immediately played the holographic video quickly. The screen speeded up. After Liu Fei got out of the hotel, he returned along the original route. The silver mecha that disappeared into the night suddenly appeared, the cockpit opened, Liu Fei entered the cockpit, and returned in the direction of the shuttle boat. However, the route seemed to have changed, and the mecha disappeared in a field of wolves. A few minutes after the group of battleships monitored the blind spot, Liu Fei walked out alone, and then returned to the shuttle boat to sleep with his head covered.

"Block that area!"

"General, we immediately sealed off that area, searched every inch of space, and found no one."

"A bunch of trash!"

General Danny strode out with a livid face, leaving a group of soldiers and scientists looking at each other in blank dismay. Dr. Wayne immediately followed General Danny.

On the suspension car, General Danny looked out of the car window with a livid face. He was very worried. He couldn't understand the authorization of the military department. How did Liu Fei do it?This mystery makes Liu Fei more and more mysterious, a powerful mystery.

"General, that Liu Fei is full of weirdness, how about..."



"Without Liu Fei, there would be no me, Danny. Although I am not a good person, I am not an ungrateful villain either. The cunning rabbit is dead, and the lackey is cooking; the bird is gone, and the good thing is still not done. Captain Tony, Issue my order, anyone who dares to touch Liu Fei, don't blame me for being cruel and ruthless, and punish him!"


"You dare to disobey?!" General Danny looked at Captain Tony with serious eyes.

"Yes, General!" Tony was startled and quickly lowered his head.

"The general is far-sighted. Although many people don't know Liu Fei's identity, and some published holographic images have also processed his appearance, his deeds have been circulated in the starship battle group Xingyao, and people have recited him as If the heroic figure who tried to turn the tide is killed, the paper will not be able to cover the fire after all. At that time, the general's reputation will definitely be affected. Besides, Liu Fei will not be able to endanger the general's status. General, I suggest that Liu Fei leave We, no, we stay away from him, he is too dangerous to control."

"Well, remember, without my order, whoever dares to disobey the order and make his own way, don't blame me for not remembering the old relationship!" General Danny glanced coldly at Captain Tony beside him, his warning was very obvious.


When General Danny and Li Wenyan were in the laboratory, Liu Fei was already in the cabin of the shuttle boat. Of course, Liu Fei was not sleeping with his head covered, and that kind of deception was a piece of cake for Xiao Qiangguang brain.

From the laboratory to General Danny's arrival in the main control hall, they were all monitored by the small strong light brain. Every look and every movement of General Danny was captured in Liu Fei's bedroom.

"Hey, this General Danny is not bad, otherwise, all our plans will be overthrown, and you will be on the run now." Xiaoqiang Guangnao said with a sinister smile: "However, Captain Tony and Dr. Wayne seem very I want to kill you, Liu Fei, you are such a failure in life, it is understandable for Captain Tony to kill you, then Dr. Wayne has a good relationship with you, but he wants to kill you, grandma, it is really unpredictable..."


Liu Fei was lying on the bed. In order to avoid the small strong light brain from harassing him, this time, he really covered his head. The small strong light brain chattered alone for a while and felt bored, so he turned off the holographic image and disappeared.

ps: There is an update today!

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