Interstellar arena

Chapter 253 Metal Pit

During this period of time, Joseph and the others were in extreme pain. Although the shuttle boat was large, it mainly stored some food and some survival equipment, and there was not much room for movement. Except for a few people who took turns driving the shuttle boat, most of them People sit in a chair all day long and drowsy, and now Liu Fei needs to practice with him, and they are not very excited.

Of course, there is another reason. Joseph and his group have always been curious about Liu Fei's skills. To put it bluntly, they are a little unconvinced by Liu Fei's skills. However, they didn't feel how powerful Liu Fei was, because Liu Fei was suspected of being opportunistic in defeating the iron rod. This was not a real victory for Joseph and the others who believed in the supremacy of strength. As for Liu Fei killing Lifeng Beast, no one saw it, but Liu Fei and another Lifeng Beast hugged and fought together, which they could clearly see.

In the eyes of Joseph and the others, what makes Liu Fei great is his exhaustive IQ and calculation ability, not his powerful force.

When Liu Fei stood in the middle, everyone's eyes immediately fell on the iron rod, because the iron rod was defeated by Liu Fei last time, and logically, the iron rod should be the first to challenge Liu Fei.

What surprised people was that Iron Rod shook his head with a simple and honest smile on his ferocious face, then took a step back and squatted on the ground against the wall, with an expression of watching the excitement, and everyone was immediately disappointed.

"I'm here... Liu...Brother Fei..." Joseph handed the butcher knife that never left his body to the people around him, took off his shirt, revealed muscles like granite, and strode to the middle to look at Liu Fei. For a while, he didn't know how to address Liu Fei, he hesitated, and finally remembered that Bai Ya was calling Brother Fei, so he called him Brother Fei.

Like Liu Fei, except for Bai Ya, most of the people in this group are withdrawn and reticent. They are honest people in peaceful times, it is difficult to blend in with the general population, and they are a little confused about respectful titles and the like. Fortunately, Liu Fei doesn't pay much attention to these, he is more interested in fighting.

Liu Fei nodded, his deep eyes were fixed on Joseph's huge body, and he felt the oppressive force like a mountain.

A tall person has a great advantage in battle. Not only can he look down at his opponent from a high position, but his huge body will also form a psychological deterrent.

Liu Fei's sharp gaze ignited a raging fighting spirit, and Joseph's eyes turned blood red, emitting a tyrannical light.

Joseph has been fighting from the drow star to the Morton star. Fighting has become an instinct, fused with the soul. When encountering external stimuli, he will burst out astonishingly like the legendary berserk warrior. strength and fighting spirit.

Liu Fei took a step back, he needed a little distance, the tyranny exuded by Joseph was extremely astonishing.


This retreat was like a gunpowder keg being ignited, Joseph roared impressively, his thick body rushed towards Liu Fei like a city wall, his two arms were like two iron bars sweeping across, blowing the whistling wind in the air, Thrilling...

This is a stormy attack.

Joseph's legs are long and his hands are long, and he has a huge space to control. His two arms are like two iron bars rotating in the air, weaving into a moving and airtight net. The momentum is extremely astonishing. With his strength and current speed, even Even a light scratch can do a deadly blow.

Under the uninterrupted frenzied attack, Liu Fei retreated sharply, his body was floating in the air like a light bat, his two legs were densely interlaced at the speed of a sewing machine, under the thrilling attack, he was actually stiff opened the distance.

Unfortunately, this place is too small, except for the onlookers standing against one wall, there are only three walls left. The gathering had just been pulled away, and Joseph's fierce attack drove Liu Fei to a corner again. His long arms seemed like he didn't know The weary machine, though lacking in discipline, made up for its flawed attack with its own speed and strength.

According to Liu Fei's combat style, he would delay the battle and consume the opponent's physical strength. Unfortunately, the current environment does not allow his body to move around in this small space, and Joseph's body can completely control the situation.

Under this berserk attack, Liu Fei was quickly cornered.

The winner will be decided soon, because Liu Fei has no escape...

Joseph also seemed to sense that victory was in sight, and his attack speed became more and more fierce. He arched his body forward slightly, allowing his two arms to form a defensive line to prevent Liu Fei from penetrating the defense. He had seen Liu Fei's precise attack and speed before, and the slightest carelessness would make him Return in defeat.


The distance between the two was less than three meters, and behind Liu Fei was a metal wall. As long as Joseph stepped forward and swept across, Liu Fei had to confront Joseph head-on.

People became inexplicably excited, and the blood in their veins boiled. Whether Liu Fei was a dragon or a bug, he was about to reveal his true form.

With a sound of "Huh", under the hot eyes of the people, Joseph swung his fist to attack. This fist swallowed mountains and rivers, so fierce, the howling wind seemed to tear the space apart, and the momentum was extremely terrifying.


Just when people were expecting the head-to-head confrontation, suddenly, there was a muffled sound, and the whole cabin seemed to shake. Just when everyone was startled by the sound, Liu Fei jumped up out of thin air, and his body almost stuck to the ceiling. above……


In the air, Liu Fei strangled his body, stomped his feet on the metal wall at a high speed, and ran wildly on the wall.

Fly over the eaves!

Everyone looked at Liu Fei who was running wildly on the wall, and they were all stunned. This has completely violated physics. If Ma Dabiao saw it, he would naturally be able to see a trace of the doorway. Running, however, I guess Ma Dabiao couldn't understand why Liu Fei was able to stay on the wall for a long time, because when running, there would be a reaction force, and he could run by inertia at the beginning, but he couldn't maintain it after a long time .

When Joseph punched the air, Liu Fei had disappeared without a trace. When he came to his senses, suddenly, there was another rapid sound of "kicking", which was as dense as raindrops, as if the sound had hit his heart. It was almost a fighting instinct. Joseph stepped back sideways and looked to the side. Suddenly, he was terrified. He saw Liu Fei galloping from the other corner of the wall, condescending, accompanied by the sound of the giant hammer, like ten thousand horses galloping Normally, for a moment, Joseph's sanity was taken away, and he stood there stupidly at a loss...

"Boom" Suddenly, the whole cabin shook.

"Didididi..." The red lights in the room flickered frantically.

Red light, maximum alert!

When any spacecraft has a red alarm, it means that it is in danger, or it is an attack from the outside...

While people were waiting for Liu Fei's earth-shattering blow, Liu Fei's body, which was about to approach Joseph, unexpectedly changed its direction abruptly, and his body turned into a wisp of green smoke and disappeared outside the cabin door. The light brain's literacy class immediately reacted, and a swarm of swarms followed Liu Fei and rushed out.


Seeing everyone going out, Joseph felt powerless and fell to the ground. Liu Fei's fierce attack just now made him feel boundless fear. Facing the berserk speed and strength, he actually lost the will to resist This makes him feel unbelievable, you know, even in the face of thousands of aliens, he will not feel this way.

speed, strength?

Joseph moved suddenly. All this time, he only felt Liu Fei's speed. Why did he suddenly feel the surging power?

After thinking for a while, Joseph couldn't figure out why, so he held up the metal wall with one hand and stood up feebly, hey!Why is there a hole in this wall?


Joseph looked at the place where his hand touched, and there was actually a deep pit on the smooth metal wall, almost subconsciously, Joseph looked around, and immediately stepped back a few steps, with a look of shock on his face, and saw the metal wall On the top, there was a row of pits, and the direction of the pits was exactly the trajectory of Liu Fei running wildly on the wall...

Joseph's body became stiff, and he stared blankly at the deep pits one by one, feeling a chill down his spine.

How much force does it take to form this series of pits?

ps: There is an update today, ask for a red ticket!

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