Interstellar arena

Chapter 262 The Deformed Prosperity

After some bargaining by the old man, the deal was settled at 30 yuan, and everyone swiped [-] coins each on the thin middle-aged card machine.

As mentioned earlier, the coins of the major star regions are all issued by the Federal Bank, and the exchange rate is one to one. Therefore, 30 yuan can be any kind of coin. In fact, it is this kind of currency that is busy in the seven star regions. The exchange ratio of one to one makes the seven star fields.

Under the leadership of the old man, everyone squeezed into the crowd with great interest, and suddenly, the eyes of the group of people looked straight.

Sure enough, it was a group of "stunning beauties", "closed moon and shameful flowers", "sinking fish and falling geese", all of them were the best women in the world with crooked melons and jujubes, flat noses and slanted eyes. It was strange that the crowd of onlookers were still applauding wildly, The atmosphere was warm and seemed extraordinarily weird.

Seeing those grotesque women writhing their obese bodies, a group of people almost vomited, and hurriedly squeezed out of the crowd to escape. The thin man who collected the money was hiding in the crowd with a wretched smile on his face.

"Old Huang, is this the beauty you mentioned?" A young man retched a few times and asked.

"This is the dungeon, a dungeon full of tricks and tricks, if you are not careful, you will fall for it..." The old man said with a wry smile.

"Why are those people watching so enthusiastically?" The strong young man asked a little puzzled.

"It's just some cheap ones. It's estimated that a few breads can make them shout for a day."

"I see……"

When everyone suddenly realized, they couldn't help looking at each other and laughing. It costs 30 yuan to see it once. Although they didn't see any blood-spitting dances, they also gained some insight. It's worth it!

Everyone followed behind the old man again. On the side of a stage surrounded by curtains, everyone finally saw the legendary dungeon striptease. It was a real role-playing beauty. Every woman was carefully selected, with no skin. There is no slight flaw, the figure is even more graceful, and the dance seems to have received professional training, which is completely different from the scam at the beginning. However, watching a striptease is also very expensive, as high as 2000 yuan. In it, hugging and shaking hands with the dancer Or a sum of money was extorted for some intimate actions. Of course, although a sum of money was extorted, everyone still felt that it was worth the money...

After experiencing the extortion of watching striptease, people are afraid to enter places such as roadside bars, restaurants and dance halls, and start to search for treasure along the street.

Visitors entering the underground city, in addition to enjoying some of the underground city's style dances, the main purpose is shopping.

Here, the goods can be said to be everything, small handicrafts, chemical raw materials, rare metals, some antique oil paintings and artworks are all available. The most exaggerated thing is that Liu Fei saw "sale of various universes" on a stall less than two square meters spaceship" in red letters.

"interested in?"

The old man came to Liu Fei's side. He was a little curious about this taciturn young man, because after entering the dungeon, except for the initial questioning, he almost said a word, even when he was entangled by the dancing girl. His face was indifferent, expressionless, but he didn't seem to care about extorting money.

"They really have?" Liu Fei was a little puzzled.

"It's hard to say, maybe there is, maybe there isn't, someone once bought a small spaceship with very little money, of course, you don't expect to have any formal procedures for any large-scale goods purchased here, if you have no way to send a It is best not to buy a spaceship registered in the seven star domains for laundering."

"Understood." Liu Fei nodded, he thought of the pirate ship, no doubt, the feeder boat they robbed themselves would definitely be sold here.

"Do you want a spaceship?" The rough and fierce man sitting on the earth altar seemed to see that Liu Fei was a little moved, and he came up to him, trying his best to pretend to be kind and asked.

"No." Liu Fei replied lightly, wanting to leave.

"Little brother, go slowly. Although this old man is right, most of the spaceships here are black goods. However, we have a way to register for the spaceship bought by the little brother to ensure unimpeded access in the seven star fields. Of course, the price...hehe, it may be a little more expensive..." The big man said mysteriously.

"Let's think about it first."

The old man seemed afraid that Liu Fei would be fooled, so he quickly pulled Liu Fei away.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I will be honest, so you can think about it first. This is my booth number. I won't leave within half a month. If you are interested, come to me anytime. Guaranteed to be cheap and good..." The big man quickly followed behind Liu Fei, and handed Liu Fei a piece of paper with the booth number recorded, with an unusually attentive expression.

Obviously, there are not many people who are interested in spaceships. It is rare to meet someone who is interested. Naturally, you can't let it go easily. After all, this is a potential customer.

"Well, I will contact you then."

"Okay, little brother is a straightforward person at first glance. Brother Niu, although I seldom come to this dungeon to do business, everyone in the dungeon knows that brother Niu is the most trustworthy. If you cooperate with Brother Niu, I guarantee that you will not I regret it!" the big man assured, patting his chest.

Liu Fei nodded, and followed the old man forward, his goal was the pile of glazed gold, and he was even a little afraid that those rare metals had been sold out.

Liu Fei can almost predict that if the little strong light brain knows that there are piles of glazed gold in front of him and misses it, he will probably be scolded bloody by it. You know, the little strong light brain has already possessed metal It's so outrageous that as long as it is a slightly scarce metal, it must be included in the warp space, even if it is a screw containing rare metals, it will not let it go.

A group of more than a dozen people walked very slowly, and some people kept squatting down to buy their favorite small items at the booth. The transaction was quite pleasant, and there was no cheating as the old man said.

Of course, no one knows how many fake goods a group of people bought, but no one cares about them. After all, apart from shopping, the main purpose of coming here is to open your eyes and see what the legendary dungeon is like. Feel like.

For daily necessities and some works of art, Liu Fei does not have much appreciation ability, but he has a natural keenness for metal and sculpture works.

For any metal, Liu Fei only needs to weigh it, or do some simple identification to roughly distinguish it, while the carving art is simpler, and Liu Fei can judge whether it is worth collecting with just a glance.


Liu Fei discovered that the commercial atmosphere in this underground city is very strong, and the stalls are also large and small, small ones are a few square meters, large ones are thousands of square meters, and the passenger flow far exceeds that of the ground. On the basis of the huge flow of people , the transaction volume is even more immeasurable. Although they are all small items, they should not be underestimated because there are many tourists buying them.

The dozen or so people who accompanied Liu Fei returned with a full load, and each of them carried a shopping bag full of various commodities, including expensive jewelry, jade and rare metals. Of course, more A small piece of art that is easy to carry.

"Don't miss it when you pass by, this is the treasure from Drow Star..."

Drow star!

Liu Fei's body was shocked. The three characters of "Excellent Star" inexplicably aroused Liu Fei's homesickness, as if attracted by a magical force, Liu Fei walked towards a crowded crowd.

To Liu Fei's disappointment, this booth covers an area of ​​thousands of square meters, and the products are very rich. However, there is nothing that interests him. Most of them are some personal items, wallets, wedding rings, and some old items. Obviously, these are some things brought out by Drow Star at the beginning of its fall, and they were tossed and turned and ended up in Kodo Space City.

The tenacious Liu Fei suddenly felt a little sad. He knew that everything here has extraordinary commemorative significance for those exiles, and there are some touching stories behind everything. Liu Fei believes that if It's not that homeless people will not discard or sell these things when encountering difficulties they cannot overcome...

After looking around and making sure that he didn't see the items used by Li Meng and Chen Chen, Liu Fei let go of his hanging heart. At least he can believe that Li Meng and Chen Chen have not encountered any danger yet.


"Little brother, are you from the drow star?" The old man walked behind Liu Fei and asked.

Liu Fei's gaze suddenly became icy cold, like the edge of a knife.

"Brother, don't get me wrong. I don't want to pry into your privacy. I've heard people say that only people from the drow star are interested in these things. Moreover, because each item has an unusual meaning, the price is different. It is very expensive, but the business is not good, although there are many people who look at it, there are few people who buy it, after all, if you want to find the relics of your relatives here, it is like finding a needle in a haystack..." The old man sighed for a long time.

"I want to buy those metals." The sadness on Liu Fei's face disappeared, replaced by boundless indifference. He didn't want to talk about the drow star with a stranger.

"Glass gold?"


At this time, he was already close to the glazed gold booth, and Liu Fei strode over, picked up pieces of glazed gold and weighed them, yes, from the analysis of weight and color, this is genuine glazed gold.

"Boy, do you want it? If you don't want it, don't stand in front. If you delay my business, it's a small matter, but if I lose money, you will be in big trouble." Next to the piled glass gold, there are four big men playing cards on a crude table , a big man with a ferocious appearance probably lost money, after yelling at Liu Fei, he concentrated on pondering the poker cards in his hand.

ps: The climax is coming... Please support with red tickets!

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