Interstellar arena

Chapter 267 Relentless pursuit


With an earth-shattering loud noise, the bright silver mecha crashed into the big tree that required several people to embrace, and one-third of the thick trunk was wiped off due to the violent impact. Flying sawdust shot all over the sky, some tourists suffered heavy casualties, and there were groans everywhere.

"Woo... my mecha, my mecha..." Xiaoqiang Guangnao let out a mournful wail. The skeleton mecha can be said to be the painstaking effort of Xiaoqiangguangnao, and it is also the only one that can do without Liu Fei. Under such a fierce impact, even though it brushed sideways, the armor of the skeleton mecha was still distorted and deformed by the violent impact.

Liu Fei didn't care about the damage of the mecha. Just when the left shoulder of the skeleton mecha passed by the giant tree, the skeleton mecha suddenly turned sideways, and the right mechanical arm suddenly looped around, hooking the remaining half of the mecha. The huge tree and the mecha weighing dozens of tons abruptly changed direction, and at the same time, the black man who followed him suddenly lost his tracking target because of his speed...

Under the huge inertial force of the skeleton mecha, the giant tree turned in a circle, and actually circled behind the black man. The steel body suddenly folded, and the other mechanical arm made a very clever upward movement.

This was an extremely ferocious blow, and the people in the main control room breathed a sigh of relief almost at the same time. As long as the mechanical arm touched the black man, even if he did not die, he would be seriously injured. If the black man was seriously injured, it meant that the battle was over.

Now, the people in the main control room don't care who wins and who loses. The most important thing is to end the battle as soon as possible. Under this brutal battle, the number of casualties in the space city is skyrocketing. It is obvious that one person and one mecha are enemies The meeting is extremely jealous, and the situation of endless death, only one side loses, this battle can end...

The main control room became extraordinarily quiet, and everyone was looking forward to that earth-shattering blow.

A strange scene appeared, the black man who was chasing from behind and then ran to the front suddenly grabbed his black suit with both arms and spread it out, embracing the violent wind, and suddenly, the black man flew into the air, which was unbearable Dodged that fierce blow...


Before the people woke up from the surprise, the mecha missed a hit, and immediately fled away and ran towards another street. The moment the silver light mecha let go of the giant tree, the giant tree was overwhelmed. , "click", finally fell down.

The giant tree fell, and the luxuriant branches and leaves formed a barrier, which bought Liu Fei a little time. After all, the body of the multicolored alien was very small, blocked by those branches and leaves, and the impact force of the body in the air had disappeared. Going from stillness to lightning speed is a process.

"You are miserable, miserable..." Xiaoqiang Guangnao wailed.

"What's the matter?" Liu Fei's heart skipped a beat.

"The multicolored alien already has a certain amount of physical knowledge, and it has begun to use it in battle. Just now, it knows how to spread its skirts to catch the strong wind to form resistance, and change its direction by controlling the airflow. Huh... Its evolution is too fast. It is no longer an instinct to fight, but a kind of thinking, a kind of thinking... No, no... You have to find a way, otherwise, you will be killed by it sooner or later..."

Liu Fei had no time to pay attention to the little Qiang Guangnao who was muttering to himself, and ran all the way towards the open streets. At this time, the colorful aliens had already caught up again.


Seeing a person and a mecha rushing towards the open street one by one, the shock in everyone's heart cannot be overstated. The mecha's counterattack around the big tree just now was amazing. The calculation of the distance and the timing, They've all reached the pinnacle level.

Under that amazing blow, the black man's performance was even more classic, and it was even more miraculous to use the clothes to form wind resistance to change direction.

Both the pilot of the mecha and the black man can be said to be the best of the best. Of course, it is the black man who makes people more frightened. After all, he fights against the mecha with his bare hands, and kills the mecha to death. , This is simply unheard of in human history, absolutely unprecedented.

The holographic surveillance lens zooms in and tracks extremely quickly.

The mech ran wildly all the way, constantly using some public facilities on the street to form obstacles, and the black man behind was not afraid of any obstacles at all, almost running at a distance between them, like a black line, and the streets were full of panic The fleeing people, where they passed, were like being tortured by thousands of horses and horses, it was horrible.

"Liu Fei, there is a suspended armored vehicle ahead." Xiaoqiang Guangnao said suddenly.

"Suspended armored vehicle!"

Liu Fei's deep pupils constricted impressively. The suspension armored vehicle is simply a mech killer, because ordinary suspension armored vehicles have heavy weapons.

Although many mechas also have the ability to fly in the atmosphere, the mechas rely entirely on engine power to fly, and the suspension vehicle has an anti-gravity system in addition to the engine. In the atmosphere, the suspension vehicle will be more flexible. At least, the mecha is difficult Hovering in the air, the hovercar is completely stationary.Parallel direction changing performance is more superior.

Anyone with a little knowledge of physics knows that whether it is an enemy or an attacker, if they are in motion, their accuracy will be affected. Just like a sniper, they will hold their breath and keep themselves in a state of absolute stillness.

Undoubtedly, in the atmosphere, the suspended armored vehicle is the nemesis of the mech, not to mention that the Liu Fei skeleton mecha is not equipped with long-range strike capability at all.

"Don't worry, according to the data, those suspension armors are not equipped with heavy weapons, but you will also be in danger, because there are too many suspension vehicles, and they occupy absolute air superiority, the armor of the skeleton mecha is already affected Serious damage..."

"I see."

Liu Fei started the holographic scanning system, and after locking twenty ships, his eyes were like blades, his arms jumped rapidly on the main control board, and the main control board seemed to be covered with a layer of mist. Liu Fei had already used his gestures to the extreme...

Seeing that one person and one mecha were approaching the encirclement, under countless eyes, the embarrassed mecha suddenly staggered, and the black man shot at the mecha like a cannonball, and everyone's hearts beat wildly.

Just as the black man collided with the mecha, suddenly, the mecha that was about to fall suddenly stood up in an almost impossible posture, and turned sideways, barely avoiding the black man's attack. The moment the black man brushed past the mecha, the mecha advanced instead of retreating, and the thick steel body suddenly stood up...


With a palpitating muffled sound, the cockpit armor of the mecha hit the black man's back. The black man was rushing forward, but he was hit by this huge force, and unexpectedly, he was hit and flew into the sky. It became a little black spot.

People were stunned, the black man flew into the sky, the mecha had already entered the ambush circle, and the fire net woven by the suspended armor in the air suddenly poured down like hail.

The mecha became the primary target. After all, in people's eyes, the mecha was more threatening.

"Wuuuuu... my mecha, my mecha..."

In the cockpit, there was the sound of the little glare brain ghost crying and howling, while Liu Fei drove the mech and rushed forward under the hail of bullets. 500 meters ahead was the residential area.

At the beginning of the battle, Liu Fei tried his best to avoid entanglement with the colorful aliens in places full of buildings. Of course, it was not that Liu Fei was afraid of hurting innocent people. The most important thing was that the more complicated the terrain, the faster the colorful aliens would explode. Xiang is also more mysterious and unpredictable. Only in open places, the colorful aliens have no place to rely on.

Now, Liu Fei has no choice. His enemies are not only colorful aliens, but also [-] floating armored ships in the sky. Although those light weapons cannot directly destroy the skeleton mechs, if they are allowed to attack, it is only a matter of time before they are destroyed. ...

500 meters!

400 meters!

300 meters!


Liu Fei felt that his vision was a little blurry, he was fighting almost entirely by instinct, this high-intensity driving and high concentration of mental power put him on the verge of collapse, because this was different from the drow mecha The virtual battle in college is different, he has maintained a peak state from beginning to end, just like a [-]-meter sprint, there is no chance to adjust his physical fitness, and the slightest slack will cost him his life...

"Order to shoot that black person!"

Joey was very dissatisfied with the results of the first wave of police attacks. Twenty hovering vehicles attacked a mecha, but still let the mecha escape and left the preset encirclement.

In order to avoid causing greater losses to the space city and to end the battle as soon as possible, killing the black man is undoubtedly the priority.

At this time, the black man who was hit into the sky had already landed. Under the fierce impact, the black man seemed to be fine, and ran wildly again, chasing after the bright silver mech.

Twenty suspended armored vehicles immediately formed an encircling circle and started shooting at the black man.

"You are strong, but you can't withstand the shooting of the laser gun!"

There was a sneer on Joey's face, but he soon discovered that his order had brought a huge disaster to the space city...

ps: If the red ticket is fiercer, there will be Chapter 3, wow haha!

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