Interstellar arena

Chapter 272 Fighting Style 【Eruption Today】

For a long time, the residents of the space city have a kind of contempt for this silver mecha, because this mecha will be chased and fled by an unarmed "human".

In the eyes of many people, it is simply unbelievable that a steel mecha weighing tens of tons was chased and killed by a human being, and it has never happened even in the entire history of mankind.

Undoubtedly, Liu Fei has already been categorized as a cowardly mouse by people. It wasn't until the bright silver mecha started killing people that people didn't know how powerful this mecha was.

It was a completely one-sided killing.

That mech was like a gust of wind, and the autumn wind swept away fallen leaves all the way, like a broken bamboo.

What frightens people the most is the fighting style of the silver mech. Sometimes it looks like a ghost, sometimes it looks like a graceful dancer, sometimes it looks like a butcher holding a butcher's knife, and most of the time it looks like a raging bison On a rampage.

The two incompatible fighting styles of gentleness and wildness are perfectly blended together.

Laymen watch the excitement, and experts watch the doorway!Some experienced pilots of the mecha were overwhelmed by the precise fighting skills of that silver mecha. It was not a fight, it was a kind of artistic performance. In the gentleness of dancing and the wildness of killing, There are murderous intentions everywhere.

Since Muhammad's mecha was destroyed, the battle has been close to two minutes. The target of the bright silver mecha is very obvious, which is the densely populated residential area of ​​the space city. In these two minutes, thirty mechas have been attacked. The hit parts of these mechs are surprisingly similar, almost all of them are integrated optical circuits and optical brains, and they also affect the mechanical arms and legs and lose their ability to move when they are hit.

Some senior mecha pilots went from being excited at the beginning to trembling in the end. In addition to the superb driving skills of this silver mech pilot, what was even more shocking was that this pilot knew almost everything about the round hammer mech. , No one knows that this is the credit of an intelligent optical computer. When the round hammer appeared, the small strong optical computer immediately checked out the strengths and weaknesses of the round hammer...

Because the round hammer spends most of its time performing missions in space, so at the beginning of the design, there was not much consideration for fighting on the ground. , but the explosive power is insufficient. The most important thing is that the outer armor of the round hammer cockpit has a very weak place, and that is the optical brain.

Of course, these weaknesses of the Round Hammer are almost negligible in space. After all, the base of the Round Hammer is a space city, and it performs remote missions in space more often than on the ground.

However, these weaknesses, which have never been taken seriously, have become the nightmare of the space city today.

Facing the silver-bright mecha that was erratic like a ghost, the round hammer had no resistance at all, almost collapsing at the touch of a touch.

300 meters!

There are still 300 meters left, and the bright silver mech will enter the residential area. If it enters the residential area, the consequences will be unimaginable. It is conceivable that countless steel beasts weighing dozens of tons are fighting recklessly in the human settlements, causing What will happen to the destruction? !

The distance of 300 meters is almost negligible for a tens of tons of mecha. If the current speed is followed, the silver mecha will escape into a densely populated residential area within a minute. , most of them are some scientific workers and family members of Space City...

"Guoer, hold on for two minutes, and Master SMS will arrive!" Watching the unscrupulous killing of the silver mecha, Joey's mouth turned cold.


Guoer's heart skipped a beat, and for no reason, the already boiling blood surged even more.

Master SMS!

Master SMS is the only mecha pilot of the fighting master level in Kedo Space City. He not only has a very respected status in the space city, but even in the seven star fields, he still has a status that ordinary people look up to.

Although the space city is large, its financial resources and overall technological strength are difficult to compete with some countries. After all, the space city is just a city, a resting place in space, and no one wants to live here for a long time. If it is not to use some means, It is difficult to retain some talents.

In Space City, the overall level of fighting is actually not high, and most of them stay at the level of fighters and fighters. There are less than five people at the level of fighting style like Goer. It can be seen that a master-level mech pilot How lofty the status is.

Being able to witness the battle of masters will benefit you for a lifetime.

"Brothers, Master SMS Simak will arrive in two minutes, everyone hold on for a while!"


Dozens of soldiers agreed abruptly, and for a moment, the space city square was full of fighting spirit. At this time, the goal of the soldiers was not to kill this silver mech, but to wait for the appearance of Master SMS.

"Liu Fei, make a quick decision. There is a figure at the level of a fighting master who is about to appear on the stage. According to your current fighting level, although you are infinitely close to the level of a fighting master, it is only close. Moreover, your bracketed arc steps The sequelae will appear soon, and it is estimated that in about 10 minutes, you will be unconscious..."

"Two 10 minutes later..."

Hearing that a fighting master appeared on the stage, Liu Fei immediately became full of fighting spirit, but the 10 minutes was like a basin of cold water was poured on his head and face.

The surrounding soldiers began to block him bravely, and his pressure increased sharply. At this time, let alone fighting against the fighting master, it became a little difficult to even leave.

Two 10 minutes!

Liu Fei gritted his teeth, a trace of shocking blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, his hands began to jump rapidly on the main control board, and the main control board seemed to be shrouded in mist.

Liu Fei knew very well that this was a time of life and death, and he had to leave the battlefield and reach a safe place within these 10 minutes.

Target: Gore!

From the very beginning, Liu Fei avoided contact with Guoer, because he felt the powerful aura emanating from Guoer.

But now, Liu Fei is inevitable. If he wants to break out of this encirclement, he must disintegrate the fighting spirit of this group of people. Destroying Guoer's mecha is undoubtedly the most direct way, because, According to the information provided by the small strong light brain, Goer is the soul of this mecha squadron, a mecha pilot with fighting style.

It is undoubtedly the most effective way to make soul characters lose their fighting power.

However, Liu Fei is currently facing a problem, that is, he can only destroy Guoer's mecha, not kill Guoer. Undoubtedly, this is an extremely difficult requirement.

Anyone who has been on the battlefield knows that defeating a person is more difficult than killing a person!

Liu Fei couldn't understand Xiaoqiang Optical Brain's suggestion, but he still tried his best to obey it. After all, Xiaoqiang Optical Brain is an intelligent Optical Brain, and it considers things much more thoughtfully than him...


"Liu Fei, you only have 10 minutes. If necessary, you can kill!" Apparently, Xiao Qiang Guangnao also realized that this is a moment of life and death, and the restriction on Liu Fei will only be regretted for life.


Liu Fei nodded, his eyes became extremely ferocious, as if the evil deep in his heart was released by a word from the little strong light brain.

He hasn't fought a real fighting style person yet...



The bright silver mecha was like an uninhabited land among the dense mechas. After destroying five mechas one after another, it rushed towards Guoer with a very ghostly pace.

Guoer's mecha is also a round hammer, but it is a modified round hammer, and the color is pure black, which is particularly conspicuous in the space city square.

The entire space city seemed to be on fire, the air became suffocating, and hundreds of thousands of pairs of eyes were fixed on the two mechs that were approaching extremely fast...

ps: The climax broke out today, ask for a red ticket!

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