Interstellar arena

Chapter 274 The Fighting Master's Choice

"What about the data?" Liu Fei was very dissatisfied with the self-proclaimed omnipotent little Qiangguang brain.

"Brother, he is a mecha fighting master. You think he is a carrot and cabbage. Anywhere, the information of a mecha master is absolutely confidential!" Xiaoqiang Guangnao said depressedly.

Liu Fei suddenly felt dizzy, with pursuers on his back and interceptions in front of him, he really had no way to escape now.

It seemed that it was impossible to escape the battlefield and enter a safe place within ten minutes.

Although Liu Fei has absolute confidence in himself, confidence does not mean arrogance. Although he does not know the true strength of a fighting master, it can be seen from the fighting style of Guo Er.

In the virtual training room of Zall Mecha University, Liu Fei was famous for his decisiveness and decisiveness. However, what he faced at that time were only some rookie students who had not really experienced cruel actual combat training. Mecha pilots at the mecha level immediately felt the huge gap between pilots at the fighting style level and students.

That kind of gap cannot be described by a simple level, because it is completely the rich fighting experience cultivated by cruel actual combat training.

In terms of fighting level, there is already a gap between Guo Er and Liu Fei at the fighting style level. However, with long-term frequent training and mission execution, plus most of the time in contact with real mechs, his perseverance and perseverance Compared with the students of Drow Mecha University, their familiarity with mechas is not on the same plane, and their adaptability is even farther away.

Facing Guoer's proficient fighting skills and rich combat experience, Liu Fei seemed a little powerless to kill in a short time.

Strictly speaking, Liu Fei's fighting skills are completely dependent on the thinking and powerful calculation of the bracketed arc step, and there is no complete fighting system, which makes it impossible for Liu Fei to use pure skills in a short distance. kill each other...

Of course, Liu Fei is also growing up. His fighting style, which is gentle like a dancing girl, unrestrained like a wild bull, and full of rhythm, is becoming more and more mature. It is completely expressed by mecha fighting, and the fighting has evolved into an artistic performance.

Since there is no escape, let's fight!


Liu Fei's eyes seemed to be burning with raging flames, staring closely at the sky blue mecha that was getting closer...



Hundreds of thousands of eyes in the space city were silently staring at the holographic screen, and people could clearly see that the sky-blue mech was almost catapulting towards the silver-colored mecha at a speed of ejection. That speed is full of courage and strength to move forward, fierce and agile...


Just when people were expecting the intersection of the two steel mechas, the blue mecha suddenly made a ghostly change of direction, drawing a stunning blue curved line on the holographic screen...

While people were stunned, the blue mecha actually bypassed the shiny silver mecha, and rushed towards the distance, like a blue lightning, even faster than the initial speed.



Between the lightning and the flint, Liu Fei's mind fell into a blank. He didn't understand why the opponent let him go at that moment of intersection. He even felt the rushing murderous aura rushing towards his face, which seemed to be a real force. The murderous aura made Liu Fei feel like he was in an ice cellar, and he felt like his cells were imprisoned.

Fighting master, really extraordinary!

This sudden detour was too unexpected. When Liu Fei was ready to fight, the opponent avoided it. This made Liu Fei's thinking unacceptable for a while, but he was ready for the battle to the death.

In fact, not only Liu Fei was sluggish, but tens of thousands of people were stunned. The battle they were looking forward to ended before it even started.


"Stupid bird, don't run away quickly, the colorful alien has recovered its fighting power!"

Xiaoqiang Guangnao's words made Liu Fei wake up like a dream. He finally understood why the fighting master let him go. It was all because of the colorful alien.

When Xiao Qiangguang brain reminded Liu Fei, the audience also woke up in shock, because the blue mecha that suddenly detoured had rushed into another battlefield that was ignored by others...

living hell!

Only hell on earth can be used to describe this battlefield.

Just as Liu Fei was running away, dozens of round hammers began to surround the black man, and the police in light armor also joined in the roundup. At this time, the nightmare was staged, and the black man was trampled into a pile of black by the silver mecha. The muddy black man swelled up like a balloon, and during the tens of seconds of being rounded up, he actually became a human again, a naked black man with terrifying muscles...

The massacre has begun!

If Liu Fei was killing one-sidedly, then the blacks were massacring one-sidedly. No mecha can withstand the huge momentum formed by the lightning speed. , Often just a hit, it will be fragmented, his body is like a black blade, and the thick armor is easily cut open like tofu in front of him.

Unlike Liu Fei who just destroys the mecha, the black man is simply a devil from hell. Under his hands, there are almost no survivors. All his attacks are concentrated on the cockpit. Often, the cockpit will be deformed once hit Twisted, or pierced through the engine, causing an explosion. Among the flying debris, the black man's powerful body was unscathed, which made people tremble with fear...

Those policemen in light armor were even more horrible. Their fragile bodies were vulnerable in front of the black man. The black man was like a zigzag black lightning, constantly harvesting life. Wherever he passed, blood rained all over the sky. Severed limbs flew around, and the scene was so tragic that the audience in front of the holographic screen couldn't bear to watch it.

The target of the blue mecha is the black man!

Only at this time did Joey pay attention to another neglected battlefield. The holographic screen switched. When he saw the scene of mech wreckage and blood rain flying everywhere, his body couldn't help but tremble.

The entire main control room was suffocatingly quiet.


In the cockpit of the blue mecha, SMS is not as old as people imagined, with fair skin, golden curly hair, and a chiseled face, full of the mature charm of a man in his sternness, in fact, he is only in his 40s , It is the state of a man's physical function at its peak.

Simak's deep blue eyes were fixed on the black man.

In fact, Simak has been paying attention to the battle between the silver mech and the blacks all the time. Even though he is a fighting master, he is still impressed by the silver mecha's ghostly movement and wild fighting style. Of course, what shocked him even more was the black man.

An unarmed human chasing a mecha and fleeing, this has gone beyond his thinking.

In his eyes, the horror of that black man has far surpassed that shiny silver mech.

Although the bright silver mecha has a good performance, it has not yet reached the point of being invincible. Moreover, Simak can see a bit of jerky from the amazing fighting. Obviously, the driver is a fighting genius. A genius without much actual combat experience is like a fledgling fledgling.

No matter how powerful the silver armor is, Simak is sure of victory, and he has absolute confidence to kill the opponent on the spot.

However, for the black man, SMS Simak was not at all sure.

When Lord Joy asked him to go out, Simak had already devoted all his attention to the black man. Of course, he hoped to get rid of the silver mecha before stopping the black man from killing.


At the beginning, Simak was full of confidence, but when he met the silver mech, he felt a raging fighting spirit, which seemed to make Simak change his mind, because he Knowing that he can't kill the opponent in an instant, the opponent is already fighting to the death.

Simak made a right choice, he must leave more physical strength to deal with the black man.

Relatively speaking, the black man is more important, because this is a space city, it is impossible for a mecha to escape, and the black man is harvesting life recklessly, he must stop it immediately, this is his responsibility and his obligation ...

ps: The three chapters have been updated, please ask for a red ticket. In addition, there may be an update at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning!

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