All four look at each other.

A dangerous breath spread in the air. Impressively, the two moved at the same time. Liu Fei threw away the food in his hands, and with a diving leap, he pressed up on Lan Xin. Lan Xin also made a diving leap, but Liu Fei was still one step behind in the end. , was pressed by Liu Fei.


The two fell from the bed to the bottom of the bed and rolled over several times. Liu Fei discovered that this woman's strength was surprisingly great. Moreover, this woman had a very stubborn temper. Although her limbs were being suppressed by Liu Fei, she was still struggling with her teeth , with both hands firmly crossing Liu Fei's neck...

This was a silent struggle, and it was understandable that Liu Fei didn't want to disturb the people in the hotel. To Liu Fei's surprise, this woman with a strong personality gritted her teeth and didn't make a sound, but resisted desperately. An astonishing force erupted.

Suddenly, Liu Fei was shocked, and he found that his power disappeared like flowing water.

"Liu Fei, you are in misery, you are in misery, the after-effects of your cross-legged arc have not disappeared, you have broken the bandage just now and you have used too much force, and now you are using force again, are going to be defeated by a woman, sad It's sad, it's really Longyou shallow water being played by shrimps, and tiger falling in Pingyang being bullied by dogs..." Xiao Qiangguang's voice sounded out of place in Liu Fei's brain.


A sharp machete ended the silent and fierce battle.

Feeling the icy breath from the sharp machete on her neck, Lan Xin's body, who was pressing on Liu Fei's body, stiffened immediately, and her beautiful eyes stared angrily at Liu Fei's eyes, as if about to spew out flames.

"Let go of your hands, turn over slowly, um...slow...slow..."

Although Lan Xin looked angry, she didn't dare to do anything wrong. She could feel the cold murderous intent in this young man's eyes. She believed that as long as she made the slightest movement, the other party would cut her throat open without hesitation. , she doesn't want to die yet, she's still young...

Finally, Lan Xin rolled over from the young man onto the bed.

There was a suffocating silence in the room, the two lay side by side on the bed motionless, as time passed, Lan Xin's face began to flush with fever. The man was lying on the bed, and it was a strange man who didn't even know his name...

What does he want to do?

He doesn't want to insult me, does he?

What should I do if he insults me?

No, my heart is pure and pure, and I will never agree even if I die...


Thinking of this, Lan Xin couldn't help but secretly glanced at the man beside her... Ah!Lan Xin's face was blank immediately, the man beside him had already fallen asleep, and the scimitar was resting on his chest.


Looking at the sleeping Liu Fei, Lan Xin was dazed at first, then couldn't help laughing, then sat up slowly, tidied her messy hair, and started to take away the soul-stirring scimitar , I found some bandages again, and tied Liu Fei's hands. This time, the way of binding was different. Except for the hands and feet, the whole body was covered with a layer. Just in case, I even put A bed was covered with sheets, and now Liu Fei looked like a mummy...

After finishing all the work, Lan Xin clapped her hands: "Huh, fighting with my sister Lan, I don't want to live!"

After unhurriedly taking a hot bath, Lan Xin took a glass of cold water and walked up to the sleeping Liu Fei, a sly look flashed across her face.

"Wow..." A glass of water poured directly onto Liu Fei's face. Liu Fei, who was soundly asleep, was shocked. He woke up, opened his eyes, and suddenly found that he had become a prisoner. After struggling hard, his limbs were still weak. , there can be a slight movement.


"Name?!" Lan Xin looked at Liu Fei vigilantly, and after confirming that Liu Fei could not break free, she proudly patted Liu Fei's face with Yuehua, with a vicious look on her face.

"Liu Fei."

"Is it male or female?"

"...Male." Liu Fei hesitated, but still answered honestly.


"1.7 meters eight.'


"One hundred and fourteen."

"Hmph, no wonder it's so important, nationality?"

"The United States of Drow."


"I don't know, maybe 21, maybe 22." Liu Fei shook his head. He has always been in a state of confusion about his age. Know how old Liu Fei is.

"Hey, is there anyone who doesn't know their age? Didn't your parents tell you?!" Lan Xinliu raised her eyebrows upside down, looking like she was going to kill someone.

"I never saw my parents."

"Ah... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I'm sorry..."

"It's okay." Liu Fei shook his head lightly.

"Hmph, why should I apologize to you! Tell me honestly, what are your plans for me! Do you want to molest this girl?!"


Liu Fei subconsciously took a look at Lan Xin's body. At this moment, he realized that this was a fierce woman. She was a beautiful woman, with silky smooth skin and jade skin, crystal white like suet white jade, soft and smooth. Like silk, there is a kind of pure temperament that can only be found in students, and there is also a unique quiet elegance and noble and extraordinary charm. Those dark and beautiful eyes that are seductive and deep-eyed make you feel astonished just by looking at you. You are fascinated, but you are not allowed to be profane...

"What are you looking at! If you look again, I'll goug out your eyes!" Lan Xin waved her scimitar, showing her teeth and claws.

"..." Liu Fei was dumbfounded for a moment, but after listening to these fierce words, he felt relieved, because he didn't feel the slightest murderous intent, which showed that although he was a prisoner, he was actually safe. This girl It should not have killed anyone.

"Say, why did you enter my room, did you want to steal something?!"

"I just want to rest for a while." Liu Fei answered every question. He already felt that the strength of his body was gradually recovering. At this time, he had already started to use the method of breathing and breathing. He needed to delay the time to recover the lost strength bit by bit. Convergence, the longer the interrogation, the better.

"Hmph, only ghosts believe it. You are not a good person because of your sneaky and wretched appearance. I will call the security of the hotel to arrest you now." Lan Xin stared into Liu Fei's eyes tightly, as if she was going to call someone look like.

Liu Fei was taken aback. With the current situation being taken away, he might never even think about leaving the space city for the rest of his life.

"Hey, be afraid, it really is a villain, so let's make a deal." The subtle changes in Liu Fei's eyes naturally couldn't escape Lan Xin's observation, and he said triumphantly.


"I need money." The so-called Lan Xin, who was full of warmth and lust, and hungry and cold, and was cornered by 5000 million federal coins, actually hit Liu Fei's crooked idea on Liu Fei's head.

"How much?" Liu Fei's brows were filled with joy. As long as money can solve the problem, it is not a problem. This is what Brother Nine, the boss of the slum area, said.

"Fool, you have revealed your bottom, you should pretend you have no money, hey, two idiots are together, what kind of society is this, a girl's family actually wants to blackmail a robber who caressing about human life, the world is going down, the world is going Under the sun..." Xiao Qiang Guangnao shook his head and sighed.

"Are you rich?!" Seeing Liu Fei's expression, Lan Xin was taken aback for a moment, she never expected Liu Fei to agree so readily.

"No, no..." Liu Fei immediately shook his head in denial after hearing what Xiao Qiang Guangnao said.

"Then how much will you give me?" Seeing Liu Fei's strange expression, Lan Xin became more suspicious.

"How much do you want?" Although Liu Fei was once poor, he didn't have any specific concept of money, and he didn't even have the slightest experience in bargaining, so he could only ask passively.

"Do you have this number?"

Lan Xin raised her rootless finger and looked at Liu Fei with hope.

"50" Liu Fei almost immediately shook his head when he realized that he only had more than 30 billion federal coins.

"Ahem...then how much do you have?" Lan Xin almost choked on the number Liu Fei said. However, she had suffered discrimination since she was a child, and had tasted the warmth and coldness of the world. She has much richer life experience than Liu Fei. After the sound, he remained calm and asked with advance as retreat.

ps: I have been troubled by insomnia...

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