Interstellar arena

Chapter 28 Ferocious Girl

"Presumptuous!" At this time, Ma Dabiao realized the meaning of the poem, and suddenly became furious. He slapped the reclining chair suddenly, and the reclining chair made a creaking sound, which made Li Meng jump in fright, and stared blankly. Ma Dabiao didn't know what he said wrong.

"Xiao Mengzi, Xiao Mengzi, where are you?"

At this moment, there was a burst of urgent calls from outside the yard.

"Here, Huniu, here!" The voice was undoubtedly nectar-like, and Li Meng shouted hastily.

"What feet are you washing, hurry up, the flying skateboarding competition is about to start."

A tall, round-faced girl with two big braids and taller than Li Meng rushed in like a cannonball. The moment the door was pushed open, the whole room was blown by a strong air current. However, the momentum is extremely frightening.

After the girl rushed in, she grabbed Li Meng and ran outside. Li Meng was pulled staggeringly, almost fell, and was dragged away abruptly.

"I'm still washing my feet..." Lifting his wet feet, Ma Dabiao made a weak voice and looked at the two trembling doors.


After rushing out of the dilapidated Zhenyuan Universe Martial Arts Hall, Li Meng immediately slowed down and looked back at the Martial Arts Hall with lingering fears. This was the first time he saw Ma Dabiao angry.

This old man really has two brushes, grandma's, just getting angry, it scares Brother Meng and I am terrified!

"Xiao Mengzi, hurry up, it's going to start in half an hour." The round-faced girl holding Li Meng saw that Li Meng didn't move suddenly, and said eagerly.

"Huniu, don't be in a hurry, it only takes [-] minutes to drive the flying skateboard to the arena from here, and we still have [-] minutes."

Li Meng comforted the runaway girl. This girl was Ma Dabiao's adopted daughter, Ma Huniu. She was only nineteen years old, but weighed more than two hundred catties. She was slightly shorter than Li Meng's height of [-] meters. On the contrary, he was much taller than Li Meng.

Mahu girl is a bit impatient by nature, she behaves like a man, rampages in the slums, and is known as a female bully in the slums. Even Ma Dabiao has nothing to do with her and can't control her. Fortunately, she doesn't do anything harmful. Ma Dabiao turned a blind eye and let it go.

Of course, the people in the slums also look at Ma Dabiao's face and give Hu Niu a little face. After all, Ma Dabiao has stayed in the slums for decades.

"Hey, you don't have a skateboard. The two of us can't fly fast on a flying skateboard. It's better to go early."

"Not busy, not busy, safety first..."

Seeing Li Huniu take off the flying skateboard on his back, Li Meng suddenly frowns.

"Come on." Hu Niu stepped on the flying skateboard and said, "Today I will ask John to make one for you."

"You have no money."

Li Meng answered absent-mindedly. He looked at the place a little behind the Huniu, and mustered up his courage to stand on it cautiously. Li Meng's body was strong, and Huniu was even bigger than him. Weighing nearly [-] kilograms, standing on a small flying skateboard feels like two giants riding on a pocket pony, which is horrible.

Finally, Li Meng stood up on tiptoes close to Hu Niu, and hugged Hu Niu's bucket waist so that he didn't have to worry about falling off.

The flying skateboard rose slowly, a little overwhelmed, and wobbled in the air.

"Hee hee..." Hu Niu's fat body twisted and laughed.

"What are you doing?" Li Meng asked puzzled.

"Don't touch my waist, it's so itchy... Besides, I'm a girl and you're a boy, so it's not good to be seen by others..." Hu Niu said coquettishly.

"Hmm..." Hearing that laughter, Li Meng couldn't help feeling his scalp tingle, shivering, and hastily let go of Hu Niu's waist.

"Plop..." With a sound, Li Meng fell down. Fortunately, the flying skateboard was not high, but it just fell to the ground and didn't fall anywhere.

"Ah..." Huniu exclaimed, quickly lowered the flying skateboard to help Li Meng up, and said heartbroken, "It's all my fault, it's all my fault, where did you fall?"<b

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