Interstellar arena

Chapter 295 Improving Efficiency

"The outer armor of the power system?!" Liu Fei's body shook. On the Xingyao and Stan, Liu Fei has a certain understanding of the power system. Simply put, the power system is the engine. The brain of a spacecraft, then, the engine is the heart of a spacecraft, it not only provides power for the spacecraft, it also provides energy for the entire spacecraft.

If the main engine of the space city is destroyed, it will definitely be a disaster. The backup energy cannot maintain a huge life cycle system, nor can it maintain the gravity system for a long time. People will be in a state of weightlessness. After the energy is supplied, the warm space city will soon drop to minus 200°, and all residents will be frozen to death...

Relatively speaking, most of the main control optical brains are located at the core of the spacecraft, so it is difficult to be hit by external forces, and the position of the engine is much more dangerous, because most of the engines have tail flame nozzles, although the tail flame will Some advanced cooling technologies are used, but because the tail flame part cannot be moved, this part is the most vulnerable to attack...

Of course, it is not easy to attack the engine part of a space battleship. After all, the speed of a space battleship is very fast in wartime, but this is fatal to Kodo Space City, because the space city can It doesn't have the agile speed of changing directions like a space battleship.

"Liu Fei, the pirates have already dispatched most of their warships to attack the engine compartment of the space city. According to this attack speed, the circuitous composite armor of the engine compartment can last for up to twelve hours. Repair at least one battleship channel..."

"The armor in the engine compartment can't be repaired?" Liu Fei felt the imminent crisis from the serious voice of Xiaoqiang's brain.

"The engine of the space city is too large, and the engine is running. Now the direct current exhaust nozzle has been closed, and the circuitous composite armor protection device has been activated. However, due to the high temperature generated by the engine operation, the engineer cannot repair it at all unless it is turned off. engine……"


Liu Fei was speechless for a moment. Turning off the main engine at this time would be tantamount to committing suicide, because most of the energy shield is powered by the main engine.

"Liu Fei, because the pirate's warship is attacking the engine room, the main engine has activated the protection device of the round armor. This armor has a total of 24 layers of protective armor. Because of the energy shield, the pirate needs at least half an armor to destroy one layer. Hours, that is to say, if within these twelve hours, the space city's battleship channel is still unable to get through, then the entire space city will be turned into a sea of ​​flames..."

"Twelve hours!"

"Yes, twelve hours, you have to think of a way, either leave the space city during these twelve hours, or help the space city get through this difficulty, there is no third choice!"

"Let's run away!" Liu Fei was used to staying away from danger, so he made a subconscious decision.

"Escape...where are we going to escape?" Little Qiang Guangnao said in a weeping voice.

"Let's start working." Seeing that Liu Fei was in a daze, Powell couldn't help reminding.

"The space city will be destroyed." Liu Fei shook his head.

"Hehe, no, I have lived in the space city for seven years. I am very aware of the power of the space city. If the fleet of the seven star regions destroys the space city, I still believe that if a group of pirates can destroy it It is impossible for a space city with a history of hundreds of years, and soon, the warship 'Poisonous Bee' of the space city will leave its nest, and then the pirates will scatter..." Powell said disapprovingly.

"What if the pirates attack the engine compartment?" Seeing Powell's confident expression, Liu Fei couldn't help asking.

"According to my understanding of the space city, the designers of the space city considered the possible crisis that the space city might face, and the protection of the engine compartment was the top priority. The most advanced circuitous composite armor was adopted, with a total of 24 layers of composite armor. Armor, if the energy cover is turned on, it will take at least 24 hours to completely destroy the [-] layers of armor with the pirate's firepower system. With the war potential of the space city, at least [-] hours can be used to break through the armor. A passage, unless..."

"Unless what?" Liu Fei didn't like this way of speaking at critical moments, and asked with a frown.

"Unless there are traitors in the space city who leaked all the external passages of the space city, if the pirates get the holographic map of all the passages, they can use the hot wire cannon to melt the metal passages and prevent the 'poisonous bee' battleship from flying out of the space city... ...Not good...there is really a traitor!" Powell's expression changed, he thought of the fact that according to the usual practice, there will be poisonous bee-class space battleships cruising around the space city for a long time, and millions of kilometers will be included in the monitoring. It is impossible to approach silently, and it is even more impossible for the space city to have no power to fight back.

Powell naturally did not expect that the second person in Space City had already revealed all the secrets of Space City in order to seize power.

"Liu Fei, he is familiar with the space city, maybe there is a way to tell him that Peter, the second person in the space city, betrayed the owner of Joy." The little strong light brain appeared in Liu Fei's mind.

"Yes, Peter of Space City betrayed Lord Joy." Liu Fei repeated.

"Ah... Peter betrayed Joey, they are two brothers... No! I can't die, I can't die..." Suddenly.Powell murmured in disbelief, and suddenly, his eyes lit up: "There is a way, let's speed up..."

Powell immediately shook his head with a look of frustration.

"How fast?"

"The method is very simple, to improve the work efficiency of the space city, is impossible...Look at them...they are all residents who have lived in the space city for a long time, and they have a blindness towards the power of the space city. Confidence..." Powell sighed.

Liu Fei followed Powell's gaze, and suddenly became dazed. The bustle and bustle was just an illusion, many people even gathered together to chat, and the mustache was sitting on the loader smoking a cigarette, looking at ease, there was still a beginning It was in a hurry, and some waiting transport vehicles gathered together like headless flies, and there was no tension of war at all.

"If I ask them to improve their efficiency, do you have a solution?" Liu Fei asked.

"Yes, I can provide them with metal formulas, and I can also increase the resistance of their armor by 30.00%!"

Powell answered decisively, with a hint of arrogance on his face, a pair of blue eyes shone with wisdom, and his scruffy body seemed to suddenly grow taller.

"it is good!"

Liu Fei bent down to pull out Yuehua tied to his calf, and the moment he pulled out the scabbard, Yuehua made a pleasant buzzing sound, and Liu Fei's keen six senses seemed to feel the pleasure emanating from the plastic memory metal.

"what are you doing?"

Powell couldn't help but shivered. This thin and ordinary-looking young man suddenly exuded a sharp and icy aura, which was shocking...

ps: There is another chapter at around one o'clock in the morning!

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