Interstellar arena

Chapter 565 Li Meng Arrives

Dawn is coming.

In the large conference room of the Five Elements Tree House Palace, the lights are still brightly lit.

After a night of tense meetings, Liu Fei finally persuaded the leaders of the major tribes on the earth.While persuading the leaders of the major tribes, Liu Fei also had to "battle" with the little monk and little Qiangguang in his brain.

In this series of meetings that were almost quarreling, the earth government drafted a series of documents, including the earth neutral document and the military disposal document.

When the day was just getting brighter, the tense meeting broke up.

At this time, Bai Ya and others have prepared a spaceship "Elizabeth" for Liu Fei. Elizabeth is a gift Liu Fei received after fighting the alien civilization. It is a luxurious spaceship with a length of [-] kilometers. , has a very powerful defense capability, but no attack capability. Now, this spaceship comes in handy.

At eight o'clock in the morning, when the wedding participants were still asleep, Elizabeth drove Liu Feichenchen and Xiao Qiao, as well as Bai Fang and the guards of Ideal Star, and they left.

At the same time, the disheartened little monk also drove his ark away, and went deep into the vast universe, looking for his brother Hao.

After a fierce ideological struggle, Xiao Qiang Guangnao finally chose to stay in the seven star fields, and followed Liu Fei on a long "honeymoon" trip in the seven star fields.

Liu Xiaofei, Little Tadpole and the Alien King also chose to follow Liu Fei.

After leaving the earth, the Elizabeth made a space jump directly and left the solar system.

Less than three hours after the Elizabeth left the earth, a shuttle boat landed on the earth and arrived at the Five Elements Tree House Palace.

Li Meng.

Although Li Meng was wearing casual clothes, his stout body still showed his extraordinary character, and his gestures and gestures were even more faintly majestic.

When the shuttle boat entered the earth's airspace, Li Meng was extremely nervous and excited. Although he missed Liu Fei's wedding, it was not too late.

Finally, to see the brothers who were born and died together.

All of a sudden, Li Meng felt a sense of being close to his hometown.

At the Earth Dock, Li Meng dawdled for at least an hour before making up his mind.

No one understood Li Meng's mood.

In the past few years, he passed Liu Fei several times. In Li Meng's heart, he felt deep guilt and self-blame for Liu Fei. It is conceivable how much courage he needs to face Liu Fei now.

Fortunately, he finally took this step, this crucial step.

In Li Meng's hands was an exquisite small wooden box, inside the box was a gift he carefully selected for Liu Fei.As early as when Li Meng knew the day of Liu Fei's wedding, he had prepared the gift in his hand. He had imagined the scene of giving Liu Fei a gift countless times.

Five Elements Tree House Palace.

"I want to see Liu Fei." Holding the gift in both hands, Li Meng's majestic body stood in the lobby of the Tree House Hotel, with a somewhat uncomfortable expression.

"Sorry—" the hotel waiter glanced at Li Meng with a lazy expression on his face.Is Liu Fei so easy to see?If everyone wanted to see Liu Fei, wouldn't Liu Fei be so busy.

"I'm Li Meng." Li Meng interrupted the hotel waiter, and a power that looked down on the world came out through his body.

"Sir—Li Meng—General Li Meng—"

The hotel waiter was forced into a cold war by Li Meng's murderous aura, and when he was about to ask, he suddenly thought of the well-known General Li Meng in the Seven Star Regions.

The man in front of him had leopard eyes, was thick and domineering, mighty and imposing, and his calm demeanor was completely in line with the legendary image of Li Meng.

"It's me, I want to see Liu Fei." Seeing the waiter startled, Li Meng smiled slightly, with a happy smile on his face.

"Li—General Li, wait first, wait first—" the waiter stammered and led Li Meng to sit on the sofa.

"Not urgent."

A friendly smile appeared on Li Meng's face, he was in a very good mood now, and naturally he would not be as familiar with a hotel waiter who has eyes but does not know Mount Tai.

In less than 10 minutes, all the high-level executives of the Tree House Hotel were alarmed. People rushed to the lobby of the hotel from the warm quilts, stood respectfully around Li Meng and obeyed orders.

Who is Li Meng?

The current Li Meng can be said to be extremely powerful, calling the wind and rain, a small tree house hotel naturally dare not offend such a dominating figure.

The owner of the mysterious tree house hotel also arrived in person.

When the tree house hotel was in trouble, some high-level officials on the earth also rushed to the lobby of the tree house hotel. Their speed was very fast, because they had not had time to sleep after the meeting.

The enthusiasm of the tree house hotel benefited Li Meng very much.

However, when the leaders and high-level leaders of the major tribes on the earth arrived at the hotel, Li Meng noticed something was wrong, because all the eyes were filled with obvious hostility.

Why is this happening?

Looking at the angry and fiery eyes, Li Meng was a little embarrassed. He came to have a wedding, not to fight fiercely, but judging from the momentum of the other party, it was obvious that he was not welcome to come.

They come, the security!

Li Meng is a character who rolls on the tip of a knife. Although he is a little embarrassed, he naturally doesn't take it to heart. He believes that as long as he sees Liu Fei, all problems will be solved easily.

"Dear General Li, this is a neutral document drafted by our earth, and it will be announced to the seven star regions soon, please read it." A respected tribal leader and senior earth official suppressed his anger, walked in front of Li Meng, respectful handed paper documents in hands.

"Ah—this is—"

"Also, this is the legal document left to you by Mr. Liu. From now on, the Galaxy Fleet will be under your command."

"What!" Li Menghu's body trembled, his expression changed dramatically.

"General Lee, you can inspect the galaxy fleet and the fleet of New Curdo Space City at any time."

"I want to see Liu Fei, what the hell is he doing?"

Li Meng's eyebrows were raised upright, and he suddenly shouted loudly, a powerful and domineering atmosphere swept across the lobby of the hotel instantly, and everyone couldn't help but backed up a few steps, each one secretly startled.

There are no men without merit under the prestigious name, and it really is a well-deserved reputation.This Li Meng is worthy of being a well-known figure in the world, his majesty and demeanor is frightening.

"Mr. Liu has left the earth." The respected tribal leader gave a long sigh.

"Where did you go?"

"I don't know." The old man shook his head.

"I don't know—I don't know—he just left?" Li Meng was a little out of his wits.self-mumbling.

"Yes, yesterday, after we discussed it all night and drafted some legal documents, he left, just three hours ago."

"Gone, gone—ah—"

Li Meng suddenly let out a long roar, and rushed out of the hotel like a mad tiger.

Three hours!

Three hours!

Three hours away—


Li Meng boarded the shuttle boat impatiently. He wanted to catch up with Liu Fei, and he wanted to tell him that they were good brothers, and power and wealth were just floating clouds.

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