Interstellar arena

Chapter 569 I Just Don't Say It

Liu Fei stayed on the asteroid for a full twenty hours.

During this period, Liu Fei and Shu Rou had almost no verbal communication, they just accompanied her to watch the stars, cook, grow vegetables, make and make tea...

When Liu Fei returned to the Elizabeth, everyone was waiting in the main control room, looking at him with strange eyes, especially Xiao Qiao, who stared straight at Liu Fei, as if to see through Liu Fei The internal organs are normal.

"What are you doing?" Liu Fei showed a hint of embarrassment on his face.

"It's nothing, I'm just waiting for you." Chenchen smiled.


"They just think that you have changed. You are Liu Fei with steely willpower, and you are decisive. But now Liu Fei is sentimental and indecisive, not like the Liu Fei we know." Chen Chen said.

"Has there been any changes?" Liu Fei froze.

"They think you've changed, but only I know that you haven't changed." A teasing smile appeared on the corner of Chenchen's mouth.

"Really? Nothing changed?"

"The Liu Fei I know is a passionate man. The world is confused by his cold appearance."

"Ahem——" Liu Fei looked embarrassed.

"Everyone said, do you like the old Liu Fei or the current Liu Fei?" Chenchen asked suddenly.

Everyone glanced at each other, but no one answered. After all, this is risky, if the answer is not good.

"Bai Fang, tell me," Chen Chen nodded to Bai Fang.

"Ah - I - I don't know either - but - but, I think Brother Fei in the past was very masculine, but now Brother Fei is easier to get along with, both are good, both are good." Bai Hesitating, looking at Liu Fei secretly to see his reaction.

"Then do you think the current Brother Fei is better or the former Brother Fei? Or, if there are two Brother Fei, would you like to live with that Brother Fei?"

"This - I would still like to live with the current Brother Fei. The former Brother Fei was as inhuman as a robot, too scary, hehe -" Bai Fang smiled flatteringly, for fear that Liu Fei would become angry from embarrassment .

"What about you?" Chenchen looked at Joseph Iron Bar and the others.

"Live with the current Brother Fei." Seeing that Liu Fei didn't seem to respond to Bai Ya's words, Joseph and his group became more courageous and said in unison.

"Little Joe, what about you?"

"Ah - I - I like them all - I like them all -" Xiao Qiao looked like a shy little girl.

"Hehe, okay, just doing a random survey. Liu Fei, how is Shurou doing?"

"It's okay. She doesn't want to leave." Liu Fei looked calm.

"It's the asteroid that she doesn't want to leave. We can take that asteroid away." Chenchen showed a sly smile on her face.

"Is that okay?" Liu Fei was taken aback.

"Of course, the asteroid is a cage that Shu Rou built for herself. We can't take away her people, but we can take away her cage."

"Forget it." Liu Fei shook his head.

"Don't you love her?" Chenchen asked.

"No, I just sympathize with her." There was no wave in Liu Fei's deep eyes.


"I know Shurou. I know her inner world. She is proud and conceited, but at the same time she advocates violent aesthetics. This dual personality makes her easy to get into a corner, or even go to extremes. Now, she knows her own problems, and she is using A different way to change herself. She is not alone in the cage she built, she is not only introspecting, she is also enjoying a rare tranquility, if she convinces herself one day, she will from."

"You really don't love Shurou?" Chenchen stared at Liu Fei with her clear eyes.A woman is a woman after all, and Chenchen is no exception.

"I used to like Shu Rou. Strictly speaking, what I liked was not Shu Rou, but a woman with such a personality. I liked her self-reliance, her focus and persistence. Now, the past It's over, I have a woman I like, and that woman also likes me, so I'm very satisfied."

"I'm also self-reliant, focused and persistent. Could it be that I'm just a substitute for Shurou?" Chenchen didn't seem to want to let Liu Fei go, and looked at Liu Fei without blinking, extremely aggressive.

"You know it's not, because it's you who made me fall in love with such a woman." Liu Fei knew that if he didn't answer well, he would have a bad life, so he answered perfectly.

"Haha—brother, applaud, applaud quickly!"

Bai Fang laughed out loud, thunderous applause resounded from the main control room, and even Xiao Qiao clapped her jade hands desperately, with an intoxicated look on her face.

"When did you become so good at talking—" A red cloud appeared on Chenchen's flawless cheeks, and the redness continued to her white neck, which was beautiful and moving.

"I will always say it, but I just don't say it." Liu Fei looked at Chen Chen with tenderness.

"You are so bad, even I was confused by you." Chenchen pretended to be angry.

"It's because you took the initiative. I was a little scared, so I didn't say anything."


Chenchen blushed immediately, ran up to Liu Fei and punched her fists, Liu Fei grabbed Chenchen's slender waist, hugged her by the waist, and disappeared outside the cabin door, Chenchen screamed happily Faintly disappeared with the sound of the door slamming——

"Grandma, Brother Fei is Brother Fei. In broad daylight, to do such a mediocre thing so openly makes people feel that he is taking it for granted. Look at you, all of you are squirrel-eyed, with wretched looks, look horizontally and vertically You don't look like a good person—hey, little Qiao, what kind of nympho are you? Are you daydreaming?" While cursing, Bai Fang saw Xiao Qiao put his hands on his cheeks, closed his eyes slightly, his face flushed, and immediately diverted the fire , joked.

"It's up to you, hum!"

Xiao Qiao's face flushed, she gave Bai Fang a hard look, snorted coldly, and ran away quickly.

"Hey, brothers, what do you mean by pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger? Brother Fei is like, look at him, he never pretends to women, but some women cling to him like afterimages. This is the highest state of picking up girls." If a man can do what Fei Ge does, it is not in vain to make a trip in the world!" Bai Fang sighed.

"Hey, in the future, I will also learn how to pick up girls from Brother Fei. I have a cool face all day long, and let go of murderous looks when I have nothing to do—" Joseph quacked with a smile.

"Just like a butcher like you, you should have plastic surgery first." The taciturn Iron Rod suddenly said.

"Hey, Iron Rod, I always thought you were dumb, what's wrong, did you become enlightened today?" Joseph looked at Iron Rod in surprise.

"I always say it, I just don't say it." Iron Rod gave Joseph a blank look, and snorted coldly.

"a ha ha ha--"

"Ha ha--"

"Ha ha--"

Everyone was stunned at first, and then laughed wildly.In the main control room, ghosts were crying and wolves were howling, as if a group of demons were dancing wildly.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling glass of the main control room, the drow star is getting closer——

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