The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

016 Birth of God-level Player Maria Aoi

Ye Chui quickly prepared lunch - he cooked three bowls of instant noodles.

One additional poached egg per person.

Originally, Ye Chui was relatively casual when it came to eating. If he had money, he would eat big meals, but if he had no money, he would eat instant noodles.

However, although he made a huge profit of 9000 yuan today, he couldn't leave Yu Xue, who was addicted to games, to go out to dinner with An Le'er, so he had to make the only things he could sell.

Fortunately, An Le'er didn't seem to care much about the taste of the instant noodles, and she ate them with relish.

"Actually, I like instant noodles very much. Unfortunately, my father said that this food is not good for my health, so I never let me eat it indiscriminately." An Le'er recalled.

It seems that it is not easy to be a rich girl, and instant noodles are not allowed to be eaten casually.

Ye Chui sighed indiscriminately for no reason, then looked at Yu Xue who was still squatting in front of the computer: "If you don't eat it, it will be cold."

Yu Xue didn't respond, she was lying in front of the computer desk, poking her little butt and playing very vigorously.

"Don't try to persuade her, no one can persuade her when she becomes crazy playing games." An Le'er said with a sigh.

So Ye Chui didn't say anything else, but just glanced at the game Yu Xue was playing with some curiosity.

Online games are very common in this era, but the original Ye Chui has very little contact with him, so Ye Chui doesn't know much about it at the moment.

After a few glances, he shook his head.

The Dragon Paradise that Yu Xue is playing is a large-scale online game that combines western magic culture with oriental fantasy culture.

It is a well-known online game with millions of online players.

But Ye Chui didn't find anything attractive.

Speaking of it, the interesting thing about online games is that it allows people to experience a strange life, and Ye Chui has already experienced this kind of life experience, and the feeling that online games bring to him is too false.

Instead of talking to Yu Xue, Ye Chui cleaned up the dishes, and then sat and chatted with An Le'er.

An Le'er is that kind of woman with a very elegant personality, perhaps a little naive, a little cute and passionate.

But on the whole she was a quiet woman.

Chatting with her is always a pleasure.

"Ye Chui, do you have any dreams?" An Le'er suddenly asked while chatting.

"Dream?" Ye Chui never thought about such things very much, he smiled, "Live well, that's all."

An Leer's mouth puffed up, feeling that Ye Chui's answer was too perfunctory.

Then she said with some longing: "My dream is to build my own car brand, and let it flourish like those world-class car brands..."

If this dream were heard by others, they would definitely think it was nonsense.

Full of girl fantasies.

However, Ye Chui didn't think so, he felt that An Le'er's dream would definitely come true.


Ye Chui almost couldn't help but say to An Le'er: "I really envy you for meeting me."

It may not be easy for others to start a brand new car brand, but for Ye Chui, it is a piece of cake.

As long as his cultivation of the Calcining Heart Sutra reaches a certain level, he can create a new car composition and develop a car with excellent performance, which is naturally a no-brainer.

"By the way." Ye Chui thought of an interesting topic, and asked An Le'er, "You seem to be single? You are so beautiful, there must be many boys chasing you?"

An Le'er didn't expect Ye Chui to bring up this topic suddenly, her face blushed slightly, and she said, "How could that be?"

"Don't deny it, it's unreasonable for you to be so beautiful if no one pursues you, but why are you still single?" Ye Chui then asked.

"I have to be busy with my career." An Le'er said.

Ye Chui nodded: "Well, by saying that, you are admitting that there are indeed many people chasing you."

"Ah?" An Le'er was taken aback for a moment, and then realized that Ye Chui's question just now was suspected of being a trap, with a coquettish look on her face, she snorted and said, "I hate it, I won't tell you these things. "

Ye Chui clicked to stop, did not continue this topic, and then talked about some things about cars.

An Le'er wants to open a car sales service company, and she has already found all kinds of connections. Her background is not simple, she belongs to a wealthy family, and she has ready-made wealth and contacts.

But the business that was originally a surefire business has been unable to open for a long time, and it always encounters various obstacles.

In the final analysis, it is also because she is not mature enough.

Ye Chui also heard from some of An Leer's complaints that her family probably did not support her idea of ​​starting her own business, and more wanted to marry her off as soon as possible, but An Leer had always resisted these things and insisted on To be a career-oriented strong woman.

When he saw An Le'er for the first time, Ye Chui only saw some characteristics of a lovely woman in her, but at this moment, he discovered some charming qualities.

"This woman is sure to marry me."

At the end of this conversation, Ye Chui had already had this thought in his heart.

An Le'er's specialty store has been unable to open for a long time, and Ye Chui's work has also been postponed, which is just right. He is planning to sell iPhones in batches recently, so as to make money and at the same time hone his own Heart Sutra, which is just right.

"Ah!!! I still lost in the end!!!"

At two or three o'clock in the afternoon, Yu Xue let out a wail and clacked the computer keyboard with both hands.

An Le'er couldn't help reminding: "Xiaoxue, what are you doing, this is someone else's computer."

"What's the matter, isn't it just a computer?" Yu Xue muttered, her cute little face puffed up, and she stood up from the computer desk.

Just now, she and a few friends in the game played the dungeon together. It took more than four hours for the 25-player dungeon to finally get to the end. Facing the final boss, she only persisted for 5 minutes before being wiped out by the opponent...

At this moment Yu Xue was very depressed, her big eyes suddenly looked at Ye Chui faintly.

"It's all your fault!" the little girl yelled.

"Blame me?" Ye Chui was stunned, "Why do you blame me?"

"If your computer wasn't so bad, how could I make mistakes one after another!" Yu Xue said without reason, "And you, you, you big rotten person and stinky beast, of course I will not perform well!"

No one noticed, but when Yu Xue said that, the computer screen behind her buttocks suddenly darkened slightly.

That's a sign of anger...

Maybe it's because Yu Xue said that the computer is super bad, or maybe it's because Yu Xue said that Ye Chui, the computer owner, is a bad person.

In short, Ye Chui's computer got angry.

She heard Yu Xue's words through the earphone microphone on the side.

After a few seconds of logical reasoning, the bunch of consciousnesses running in the background without much intelligence came to a very simple result.

She wants revenge on Yu Xue.

And the way is - she wants to enter the Dragon Paradise, and then leave no piece of Yu Xue's body in the online world!

With this result, Ye Chui's computer blinked happily again, and then registered an account, and entered the client of Dragon Paradise in the background.

Choose a character shape and martial arts occupation.

Through logical calculations, Ye Chui's computer chose the most difficult to control, but also the most powerful battle mage. The sect he joined was also the most difficult to mix, but he became the most popular assassination alliance after that.

The gender of the character... Female—Although I don't know why, Ye Chui's computer really wants to be a girl.

Lastly is the character name.

Occupation and sect can be obtained through calculation, but Ye Chui's computer began to struggle with such subjective things as names.

In her few thoughts, she made some logical calculations that almost killed herself, and finally, she had a flash of inspiration.

She wanted to please Ye Chui, the master.

And in the short contact with this master, the only thing she knows about Ye Chui's hobby is——

Porn! ?

So, according to the names of the two actresses that the master paid more attention to last night, Ye Chui's computer gave himself a very unique name.

Maria Aoi.

Registration is complete.

At this moment, the god-level player who caused huge waves in the game world in later generations was born. ;

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