Fang Jing suffered from insomnia all night.

Ye Chui drove her car away when she left, which made her very angry.

At the same time, the phone call with the captain made her feel a little restless.

The captain asked her to find a way to ask Ye Chui out, and he wanted to get in touch with Ye Chui in person.

If Ye Chui still refuses to agree to cooperate, then the captain will deal with him.

"Eliminate" him.

This made Fang Jing feel a little sorry. She was the one who suggested to the captain to absorb Ye Chui after she discovered the super high imitation iPhone5s.

But now, she feels that it is very likely that she will kill Ye Chui because of this.

In all fairness, she was really not a good agent, at least she couldn't just ignore other people's lives.

She didn't wake up until noon, she was depressed, she ate something casually, and then sat by the bed in a daze.

He was thinking about how to connect with Ye Chui and ask her out.

It was at this time that she saw a car drive by through the window of the factory building.

It's her Honda Accord!

"Ye Chui took the initiative to return the car?" Fang Jing was taken aback for a moment.

But before she could do anything, she saw another car coming through the window.

It was a battered sports car, in a bad shape, as if it had just been drilled out of a garbage dump.

"This car..."

Fang Jing was taken aback for a moment, vaguely feeling that she had seen this car somewhere before.

Soon, she remembered.

"Isn't this the car that Brother Hammer's younger brother was playing with at the garbage station last time?"

Fang Jing was puzzled, wondering why Ye Chui brought that person over.

But at this moment, an incredible scene happened to her.

The broken car drove up to her Honda Accord, and rubbed and rubbed...

No matter how you look at that action, it feels super wretched.

"What's going on here!?" Fang Jing was extremely surprised.

Then, what Fang Jing didn't expect was that her Honda Accord seemed to be unable to stand the harassment of that broken car, and then started to move and rushed out.

The broken car followed.

The two cars plunged into the wasteland ahead one after the other.

Fang Jing was very curious: "Is the person driving my car Ye Chui? Who is in that broken car? What are they playing?"

Thinking in her heart, Fang Jing hurriedly found a mask to put on her face, and then hurriedly went downstairs to chase her out.

Standing in front of the sign that said "Forbidden Entry" hesitated for a moment, and finally Fang Jing rushed in.

Originally, she was very curious about what Ye Chui was doing here, but now she couldn't restrain her curiosity and wanted to find out.

After walking for 10 minutes, she already felt dizzy, and the disgusting smell of natural gas became stronger and stronger.

Masks are pretty much useless.

"I was too reckless to just walk in like this..." She finally realized her mistake.

Turning to leave.

The weather is a little gloomy.

She was already a little dizzy, and there was a feeling in her stomach that she wanted to vomit.

The steps became heavier and heavier, and she felt that her consciousness was gradually weakening.

"Go out quickly... how long have I been walking... what's going on..." She felt weaker and weaker, but she couldn't get out of the scorched mountain.

Slowly, she fell to the ground, and when she tried to get up again, she couldn't.

"how so……"

She thought weakly in her heart.

Then, I don't know how long it took.

There was a sound of dun dun dun dun, is it a tractor?In the already blurred eyes, what he saw was a car.

That wrecked car.

Someone is here... Great, she should be saved, right?

Fang Jing fainted.


"Why did she faint here?" Ye Chui told Gang Dan to stop, then jumped out of the car and hurried to Fang Jing's side.

Fang Jing fainted just now. She had diluted too much poisonous gas such as natural gas, and she was very weak at the moment.

"We must take her out of here quickly, otherwise we will be finished."

Ye Chui made a judgment immediately.

It is conceivable that when Gang Dan chased the Honda Accord to this wasteland, Fang Jing saw two cars and ran in curiously.

It's just that she noticed the poisoning here, and wanted to leave immediately, but lost her way, didn't go out, and finally fainted to the ground.

"What a fool!" Ye Chui hugged Fang Jing up by the waist, and got into the steel egg, "Send us out, hurry up."

The steel egg started immediately, a gust of wind rushed to the battery, the limit speed was raised, and a gust of wind was brought up.

It took only 2 minutes to reach the edge of the wasteland.

Ye Chui got out of the car with Fang Jing in his arms, and said to Gang Dan: "Go find that car, I've told you what to do, it's up to you next."

The steel egg made a beeping sound, and twisted its body around, looking very embarrassed.

"Fuck me, where did all your hooliganism go before? I've fixed the fuck for you, hurry up, hurry up and fuck me!"

Ye Chui kicked the guy angrily while talking.

Only then did Steel Egg mobilize and rush into that piece of wasteland.

Then Ye Chui hugged Fang Jing and hurried back to her residence.

The employees on the mobile phone production line did not notice Ye Chui.

Putting Fang Jing back on her bed, Ye Chui opened the window again to allow air to circulate.

He briefly checked Fang Jing's condition, touched his chest... no, it was her heartbeat, and found that everything was normal.

After all, the natural gas component in that wasteland is very little, but Fang Jing has been in it for too long, so there will be poisoning.

Rest for a while and recover.

"What kind of secret mission is this kind of girl going to carry out... How low must the level of the Qianlong organization be?" Ye Chui couldn't help thinking this way.

Afterwards, Ye Chui planned to leave.

But at this moment, he saw Fang Jing's cell phone beside the pillow.

Ye Chui's heart suddenly moved.

He walked over and picked up the phone.

The phone has a password lock, but it's nothing to Ye Chui. A flash of light in his hand directly made the phone's consciousness surrender to him, and then it opened automatically.

The system of the mobile phone is specially designed. When searching in the mobile phone, there will not be any text messages, nor will there be any call records.

It can be seen that Fang Jing has done enough to prevent secrecy, but it is not enough.

As long as the mobile phone is an electronic device that is used, it will leave some information behind, and others may not be able to find it, but Ye Chui is different. He can directly talk to the mobile phone and learn all about the mobile phone in the most direct way. secret.

It only took a few seconds for a string of numbers to appear on the phone.

"That's the number!"

Ye Chui used Fang Jing's mobile phone to redial the number.

Yesterday, Fang Jing used this number to contact the captain.

Soon, the other side is connected.

"Fang Jing, you called me, did you already make an appointment with Brother Hammer to meet me?" A rough voice came from the other side of the phone soon.

"She didn't make an appointment, I will make an appointment with you myself." Ye Chui said with a smile.

The other side was silent for a moment, and then the voice continued to remember: "Are you Brother Hammer?"

"That's right, it's me." Ye Chui said with a smile.

"What happened to Fang Jing?"

"She's fine now." Ye Chui glanced at Fang Jing who was sleeping peacefully, and continued, "Tell me, where will we meet?"

"Haha, you're so funny, you even took the initiative to come to see me? Very well, what we need most is someone of your kind!" The rough man laughed and said, "I'm in Tianhai Commercial Building now, you can Come here to find me, I will accompany you anytime.”

"Okay, I'll go find you."

Ye Chui turned off the phone and threw it aside.

"Tianhai Commercial Building... This seems to be a very famous commercial building in Xizhou City. He actually asked me to meet here?"

Ye Chui smiled coldly, he was curious how this guy would wait for him.

The other party is already thinking about Ye Chui, he is not interested in the so-called night fire mission at all, he just doesn't like this feeling.

If there is such a problem, it must be resolved immediately.

Ye Chui walked to the window and looked at the wasteland in the distance through the window.

"Hmm... I don't know if the steel egg has been obtained now?"


Today's second update~~~~Please recommend, collect, and reward~~~~~ In other words, Cannon has built a qq group, everyone is welcome to join in and chat together~~~~ The group number is 326480484~~ ~ Just built, you should be able to add it directly~~


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