On a small hill on the outskirts of the city, there is a villa.

The scale of the villa is not small, and it feels like occupying the mountain as king.

There is a winding path leading to the villa on the mountain, which is Yu Goudan's residence.

Yu Goudan is a very strange person. He came out of the mountain, but he seemed to have a lot of affection for the mountain. After he was worth hundreds of millions, he actually went back to live on the mountain.

The steel egg was driving on this winding path at high speed.

After a while, he stopped outside the villa.

Hearing the movement of the car, the guard guarding the gate of the villa immediately came out to ask what happened.

"Where's Yu Goudan?" Ye Chui came out of the villa with Yu Xue in his arms, and asked the guard directly.

"Who are you, dare to call our boss's name like that?" The guard immediately shouted.

The name Yu Goudan is really special, and usually few people dare to call him by his name directly, which is a taboo.

"I brought you Xiaoxue here." Ye Chui didn't want to talk nonsense with the guard, so he directly hugged Xiaoxue in front of the guard for him to see.

"Miss!?" The guard naturally recognized his lady, and he was taken aback, "You...how did you take our lady with you? What happened to her?"

"My name is Ye Chui, I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, hurry up and call your boss, or Gu Feihai!" Ye Chui shouted anxiously.

"But...but our boss isn't here." The guard said eagerly.

"Not here?" Ye Chui couldn't help being taken aback.

"Our boss has gone to Yanjing." Seeing Ye Chui hugging Yu Xue, the guard couldn't figure out who Ye Chui was, but he knew everything about Ye Chui's questions.

"Where's Gu Feihai?"

"He followed suit."

"..." Ye Chui was speechless, he had made a phone call before he came here, but he didn't expect that neither of them was here, why did he go to Yanjing?

When Yu Goudan and Gu Feihai went to Yanjing, they naturally went to Zhang Yueyang to settle accounts. Zhang Yueyang took refuge in the family, and Yu Goudan wanted to make a mess of everything, so he beat Yu Goudan in front of Zhang Yueyang's family. Don never gives up.

——Yu Goudan has such a temper, is it great to have a family?He just wants to slap you in front of your family!

"Where are the bodyguards of your boss?" Ye Chui continued to ask, the boss is not here, so the bodyguards can stay here as meat shields.

"They all follow the boss's side."


Is this taking someone to Yanjing to find work?

What should I do now, do I have to find a way to escape?

In fact, at the limit speed of the steel egg, Ye Chui hid in the car with Yu Xue in his arms and let the steel egg run wildly at the limit speed, and it would be enough time.

But it's not Ye Chui's style to do so.

I would rather resist desperately than run away desperately.

After pondering for a moment, Ye Chui gritted his teeth and made a decision to stay here. At least this place is relatively remote. Even if there is a big explosion, it probably won't attract great attention.

Thinking of this, Ye Chui immediately continued to question the guard: "How many people are there in this villa now?"

"Five or six, what are you doing?"

"Notify them, leave within half an hour!" Ye Chui continued with a serious face.

Afterwards, Ye Chui ignored the guard's shocked face and walked past him into the villa.

The main building of this villa is a small two-story building, and there is a not-so-small garden outside. There is also an open-air swimming pool in the yard. The water in the pool is very clear. After thinking about it, Ye Chui jumped into the swimming pool and let Yu Xue wrapped in a towel can touch the cold water in the swimming pool.

She was hot all over at the moment, and being immersed in cold water like this would be good for her.

Ye Chui's cell phone rang suddenly. Ye Chui took the cell phone out of his pocket and pulled it out of the water. The cell phone was still dripping with water...Ye Chui shook it, and then pressed the connect button: "Lele."

"Ye Chui, where are you and Xiaoxue? I've already arrived at the hospital." An Le'er's urgent voice came over.

"I took Xiaoxue to another place." Ye Chui said to An Le'er in a serious tone, "Lele, listen to me, Xiaoxue's condition is not very good, but it can't be solved by going to the hospital. Now I want to take her to another place... I will explain the specific situation to you later, shall I?"

"What the hell happened?" An Le'er asked in a daze.

"I can't explain this to you for the time being..." Ye Chui didn't know what to say, "In short, Xiaoxue is very dangerous now, someone wants to kill her... But don't worry, I will protect her, you will wait Don't go home either, go directly to your father, it will be safer."

"Ye Chui, don't scare me, what happened?"

"That's it, I'll call you tomorrow morning." Ye Chui continued, and the executive officer of No. [-] will be here in a few hours. Whether he can solve this problem will be answered tomorrow morning. I know.

After saying this, Ye Chui hung up the phone, and it was not suitable to explain anything at this time.

Just after hanging up, Ye Chui's cell phone rang again, this time it was a call from an unfamiliar number, Ye Chui thought for a while, and then connected.

"You'd better explain to me what happened!" Yu Goudan shouted angrily, "What's wrong with Xiaoxue?"

Obviously, the guard just now had already called Yu Goudan.

"Xiaoxue is being hunted down." Ye Chui said simply and directly, this is the main point of the matter.

"What!?" After Yu Goudan heard it, he was furious, "Zhang Yueyang, a bastard, dares to find someone!?"

"Eh..." Ye Chui was a little sweaty, and wanted to explain clearly that this had nothing to do with Zhang Yueyang.

But Yu Goudan has already snarled directly on the phone: "Paralyzed, I have to pick his tendons! Does the Zhang family think they are great? On the surface, they say they want to teach this bastard a good lesson, but in private And sent people to chase and kill my daughter, I really thought I was so easy to bully..."

Yu Goudan cursed indiscriminately on the phone.

For a long time, Ye Cui's impression of Yu Goudan was that he was a relatively stable person who would not get angry, but it was obvious that Yu Xue was his reverse scale.

He was in Yanjing these days, looking for trouble with Zhang Yueyang.

But Zhang Yueyang was sheltered by the family, Yu Goudan used his own methods to finally make the Zhang family bow their heads, and promised to severely punish Zhang Yueyang.Yu Goudan and Gu Feihai almost planned to come back, but now they heard that Yu Xue was being hunted down... Well, he will not give up until Zhang Yueyang is killed!

"You take Xiaoxue to my room!" After Yu Goudan yelled, his voice returned to calm, "You take Xiaoxue to my room, there is a password door behind the closet, the password is Xiaoxue's name, after opening, Inside is a secret room, you take Xiaoxue to hide in it. That secret room was specially designed by me, the walls are made of steel hundreds of meters behind, and even ordinary shells can’t be blasted... You take Xiaoxue to hide in it for five years. In an hour, Lao Gu and I will be able to rush back to Xizhou in five hours."

There is actually a secret room in this villa?

Although Ye Chui would never hide in the secret room, this secret room is perfect for Xiaoxue to hide in.

"Okay, I'll take Xiaoxue to hide in." Ye Chui agreed on the phone, "But something might happen later, so let everyone in the villa leave."

Yu Goudan hesitated slightly, then agreed: "Give back the phone to Xiao Ma."

Xiao Ma was the guard. After the mobile phone was handed over to him, Yu Goudan said a few words, Xiao Ma repeatedly said yes, and then hurriedly went to find the person who was still staying in the villa, and they left the villa overnight.

Half an hour later, the whole villa was deserted.

Ye Chui came out of the swimming pool with Yu Xue in his arms, and he walked into the villa all wet.

It was very easy, Ye Chui knew the secret room that Yu Goudan was talking about, the secret room was only about ten square meters in size, and there were mattresses inside, it could be seen that Yu Goudan was usually a very cautious person.

Ye Chui put Yuxue on the bed, and wiped off your water stains on her body with a towel.

Seeing Yu Xue with Chi Guoguo lying in front of him, Ye Chui's heart was full of hesitation and struggle.

"Do you want to have sex with her?" This is what Ye Chui is thinking about.

With the enemy at hand, Ye Chui didn't have the confidence to beat that guy, but if he had a relationship with Yu Xue, he would have the confidence to absorb the energy from Xue's body according to the method of double cultivation, and then activate Iron Man Fighting clothes, and then dealing with executive No. [-], it will become very simple.

But the key is...

Isn't Ye Chui the kind of person who makes things difficult for others, having sex without Yu Xue's permission?

This is not Ye Chui's style.

So he hesitated.

"Hey... I also think about Xiaoxue. Anyway, everyone is already so familiar... She shouldn't care too much, right?" Ye Chui thought of this reason for himself, and with this excuse and a valid reason, Ye Chui Then he finally made up his mind, the young master was forced.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Gangdan.

"Boss!" Steel Dan's voice quickly came from the phone.

"That guy should find this place soon. I don't know how long it will take me here, so before I go again, I have to ask you to stop me outside." Ye Chui ordered, "His weapon is a curved Knife, you have to be careful, this scimitar can accumulate murderous aura, and then burst out with a fatal blow, you have to be especially careful... Moreover, he may have other means of suppressing the bottom of the box."

"Hey, don't worry boss, I'll be fine." Steel Dan said with a smile on the other side.

"Well, that's fine."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Chui looked at Xiaoxue again.

"The method of double-cultivation..."

Ye Chui silently recalled a few key points of the method, and then reached out and took off the shirt he was wearing—even though it was a hot day, Ye Chui was still wearing a set of black underwear underneath, with a striped road on it. It was the Iron Man suit designed by Ye Chui. Unlike the suits in the movie or in the spiritual space, this suit was engraved on the suit by Ye Chui in the form of an array.

"...Then, let's begin." (To be continued.)

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