The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

209 There is no problem with torturing him to death


Ye Chui felt something hit the secret room heavily.

This secret room is a cubic building made of steel. It is a whole, so it will not collapse.

But Ye Chui felt the vibration, as if something hit the outside of the secret room heavily, causing the whole secret room to shake.

Ye Chui was startled: "What's the matter with this impact?'s already 21%, almost completely draining all the Yuanli and spiritual energy in Yuxue's body!"

Similar to what Ye Chui had expected before, Yu Xue filled up 20.00% of Ye Chui's storage for the Iron Man battle after draining all the energy in Yu Xue's body.

This is enough for Ye Chui to fight for several hours.

It was only a few minutes before Yu Xue woke up from waking up.

But even in these few minutes, she was tormented by Ye Chui and was about to faint again.

After all, Ye Chui has been working on and off for three or four hours...

After such a long time, Ye Chui is nothing, but under the snow, it is already a little swollen...

It's just that although Yu Xue couldn't take it anymore, she didn't say it out loud, and endured it with her mouth pursed.

Ye Chui couldn't bear her appearance, he kissed her lightly, and stopped the following activities.

Yu Xue was sore and weak, leaning against Ye Chui, she asked in a strange voice: "What kind of clothes are you wearing? Are you playing cosplay? Hmph, what kind of bad habit is this?"


Said that this Iron Man suit is a cosplay?

Well, Ye Chui really doesn't have any other better explanation, so he can accept it by default.

"It's too dark, why don't you turn on the light?" Yu Xue was about to look for the light, but with the light from Ye Chui, she saw the layout of the entire secret room, and exclaimed, "What is this place? It's so small... Oh, isn't this the secret room that my father made? No wonder I feel so stuffy, so it's here, Ye Chui, why are we here again?"

"It's hard to say..."

Ye Chui was worried about the situation outside, he put Yuxue on the bed steadily, and then tidied up his clothes.

"Something happened stay here, I'll go outside and have a look."

"What's going on outside?" Yu Xue said and got up again.

But Ye Chui pushed her down on the bed in the secret room: "Be obedient, wait here obediently, and I will solve the troubles outside soon."


Five Three Seven Nine was very angry.

Incomparable anger.

At the same time, he also felt very painful——

The last collision made by the steel egg, at super high speed, coupled with the penetrating power brought by the continuous rotation of the two swords, allowed the two swords to be directly inserted into his body, breaking his tattoo armor , smashing his stomach to pieces.

A normal person would have died long ago.

But [-] is not dead yet.

The transformed body has surpassed the limit of the human body, giving him extraordinary vitality. He fell into a pile of ruins, but he fumbled for something in his pocket in his hand—it was a small syringe with light blue inside. Colored liquid, this is officially consistent Yuanli liquid!

Almost every executor will carry some Yuanli Liquid on his body as a trump card.

Wusanqijiu gasped for a few breaths, squeezed the tube of Yuanli liquid onto his thigh, and injected the liquid inside into his body.

Then, the lines on Wu[-]'s body lit up.

The exhaustion on his face was gone, and some of your wounds on your body are also healing visibly with the naked eye.

With a squeak, [-] kicked the tattered body of the steel egg away, and then stood up in the chaos.

His abdomen was bloody and bloody, but the terrifying wound was still healing visible to the naked eye.

Power surged on Wu San Qi Jiu's body.

Anger was also constantly burning in his heart.

Wusanqijiu raised the scimitar in his hand and looked at the steel egg: "I'm going to dismantle you into pieces of scrap iron..."

"I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't allow you to do this." A playful voice suddenly sounded from the side.

Wusanqijiu turned around in horror, and saw Ye Chuizheng looking at him with a smile.

Ye Chui is wearing a black hooded dress, which is tight and sets off Ye Chui's perfect muscular figure. On this dress, there are lines that seem to be full of electronic texture. Shining brightly. .

"Who are you?" Wusanqijiu gritted his teeth and said coldly, and was about to turn to attack Ye Chui immediately.

The machete slashed head-on.

The leaf hangs still.

The blade was only two centimeters away from Ye Chui's head.

Ye Chui kicked it out.


[-] was kicked away.

Half of the villa collapsed, and there were still some high walls that were crumbling. Ye Chui's kick directly kicked Wu Sanqijiu into the villa that was about to collapse. With a bang, the villa collapsed completely.

Completely buried it below.

Ye Chui looked at the ruins, and a gleam flashed in his left eye.

In Ye Chui's field of vision, his left eye already has the function of perspective scanning. This is the scanning ability that can only be possessed by the Sky Hammer 2 system in his brain after wearing the Iron Man suit.

Looking through a ruined wall, Ye Chui saw [-], and found out that [-] did not hang up.

"Boss..." Steel Egg's voice sounded weak.

"Thank you, without the last few minutes you fought for, we would have finished the game." Ye Chui squatted in front of the steel egg, and patted the front of his tattered car.

Seeing Gang Dan like this, Ye Chui felt a little sad in his heart. Of course, the sadness was not too strong, because although Gang Dan was wounded all over his body and was dying, he would not die.

Even if his body is broken, his consciousness will exist in the car symbiosis network, and Ye Chui can revive him at any time. .

"Hey, what a joke." Steel Egg laughed a few times, "When you revive me, you have to make my appearance cooler."

"Stop that tattered look?" Ye Chui said with a smile.

"No, now I have a lot of cars and sons, and a group of beauties and luxury cars. It would be too bad to be in a pair of [***]~, next time I want to really chase after the cool ones, It also needs to be equipped with a super powerful weapon system..." Steel egg said, his voice became weaker and weaker, "Oh, let's not talk about it, my consciousness system is about to short-circuit."

"Well, you should rest first, and I'll revive you when I finish my work here." Ye Chui said with a smile.

"Okay... wait!" Steel Egg suddenly thought of something again, "This time, you must not forget to install jj for me!"

"Don't won't happen." Ye Chuihan said.

Then, the broken car body of the steel egg became completely silent.

The car is technically dead.

Of course, the Autobot is not dead, Ye Chui can bring him back to life again.

Xiao Hei came over from a distance, saw the appearance of the steel egg, and said in a low voice: "Dad already gone... Ye Chui, are you sure about dealing with that guy?"

"Don't worry, there is no problem in torturing him to death."

As Ye Chui said, he took out something from the steel egg.

It was a fist-sized iron block with strange lines on it.

Ye Chui handed this piece of iron to Xiao Hei: "There is nothing for you here, go back to the wasteland, and when I solve this place, I will go to you... This piece of iron is the original consciousness of Steel Egg, resurrect him when it comes in handy.”

"Well, okay." Xiao Hei nodded, didn't say much, turned into a car form and left in a hurry.

Ye Chui then turned his head to look at the mess next to him, and said, "Come out, I know you're fine, and you're preparing for a surprise attack."

There was a crashing sound of bricks and tiles, and Wu Sanqijiu got up from the wreckage.

Still holding the scimitar tightly in his hand.

He fell into the water before, but now his body was covered in dust, and he was in an indescribable mess, but his eyes radiated a murderous light, staring at Ye Chui firmly.

"Are you from Hellfire? As far as I know, there is no such powerful person in this world except Hellfire."

"Don't care who I am, you must die today." Ye Chui told him simply.

"Dead? Hmph, you will be the only one who dies."

As [-] said that, he suddenly held the scimitar with both hands, and then lifted it vigorously.

A sharp breath began to permeate around his body.

The scimitar suddenly turned into a huge scimitar that was more than ten feet high—this is a deadly move of the five-three-seven-nine scimitar!

In the previous fight with Steel Egg, enough evil energy had been accumulated on this knife, and this evil energy could be converted into attack power, allowing Wu San Qi Jiu to condense this illusory and extremely powerful scimitar.

When he was in the mental space, Ye Chui also saw Wu Sanqijiu use this trick, splitting the angry spirit monster in half at once.


Ye Chui is not comparable to the wrathful spirit monster.


The huge scimitar seemed to have opened up the world, hacked down from the sky, and the huge blade had a terrifying power.

Ye Chui went unmoved, and calmly watched the terrifying knife shadow descending on him.


There was a crisp sound.


It was like the sound of breaking glass.

When the illusory knife shadow touched Ye Chui's body, it broke into pieces like a cup dropped to the bottom.

Wusanqijiu opened his eyes wide, unable to believe it.

He wanted to be invincible with this move, but at this moment...

There was still astonishment on his face, but Ye Chui had suddenly appeared in front of him, and he dodged his scimitar.


It was so easy, as if there was no force at all, and it was just five, three, seven, nine, which cost thousands of points to exchange, and broke it—just like breaking chopsticks, it was broken, and then Throw it aside.

"Although the steel egg can still be resurrected, but...he has become so miserable, it makes me really angry." Ye Chui smiled lightly, but the smile was very cold, he looked at Wu Sanqijiu, "So , Do you still have any hole cards, show them as soon as possible." (To be continued.)

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