The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

219 When Yujie's training is in progress

After a day and a night of building, Ye Chui has completely revived the steel egg, and gave him a brand new ability, flight.

Thanks to the powerful configuration of these two Aston Martins, the steel egg has gained more powerful mobility, which is directly upgraded by a level compared with the original broken car.

The weapon system has also been improved to a certain extent.

The fierce soldiers from No. [-] to No. [-] have increased their firepower to a certain extent.

No. [-]'s flamethrower has also been transformed from a single tube to a double tube, with stronger firepower.

The tomahawks and double knives of No. 50.00 and No. [-] have also been upgraded to a certain extent, and their power has increased by at least [-]%.

The electromagnetic pulse wave of NO.11 has also undergone a perfect upgrade.

Originally, the steel egg had to accumulate a certain degree of evil energy to activate this function, but now there is no need to accumulate evil energy, and it can release a perfect pulse by directly using its own power.

The defense of NO.12 fierce soldier has also been improved, and as a logistical fierce soldier, it provides faster bullets and stronger bullet power.

As for the final No. 13 ultimate fierce soldier, steel egg originally released a small missile, which would consume all his power, but now he doesn't have to worry about this, a small missile will only consume one-third of his energy. Power, but power does not decrease—this is the result of Ye Chui's more thorough study of the battle map as he cultivates, and he can use fewer resources to maximize the power of the battle map.

The flying ability of the steel egg was modified by Ye Chui with the help of the flight system of his Iron Man suit.

The flamethrower uses the principle of the array to provide a huge propulsion, allowing the steel egg to fly freely in the air.

At noon, after Ye Chui completely revived the steel egg, he felt a little tired, so he asked the steel egg to take him to Fang Jing to rest.

Just walked to Fang Jing's room, and accidentally looked out the window, and found that the steel egg soared into the sky with a whoosh and took off to a high altitude.

"Steel Egg has just gained the ability to fly, it seems that I can't wait to experiment."

Ye Chui said with a smile, he didn't think there was a killer coming to deal with him, but he got into the steel egg car by mistake, and was walked to the sky by the steel egg to play.Ye Chui just smiled lightly at the moment, not taking it seriously at all.

Fang Jing was lying on the bed, she seemed to be asleep.

She was wearing a sexy hollow pajamas.

This room was specially reorganized by Fang Jing. The doors of the room are all anti-theft doors with special hardness. Only Ye Chui has the key to the door, so she usually feels at ease staying in this room. She will worry about being harassed by other people, so that she can enter Hellfire's laboratory with peace of mind, conduct research, or absorb various knowledge of Hellfire.

Fang Jing was originally a research scientist, and the science in Hellfire, which surpassed reality for 50 years, was very attractive to her, and she would spend countless hours in the laboratory every day.

Of course, in addition to doing some research in this laboratory, she mainly focused on the knowledge of a lot of science and technology in Hellfire.

In Ye Chui's blueprint for a technological kingdom, the scientific and technological knowledge that Fang Jing has mastered will be very important.

"Reviving the steel egg is really tiring... Let's have a good rest." Ye Chui took off his clothes and lay down on the bed.

He could tell Fang Jing to wake up from the Hellfire Laboratory, but there is no need for this now. Ye Chui just wanted to take a good rest. He rested his head on Fang Jing's soft and plump chest, feeling very comfortable and very I soon fell into dreamland...

When I woke up, it was already night.

The lights in the room were not turned on, and it was a bit dim.

Ye Chui sat up from the bed and saw Fang Jing lying on the computer desk beside him playing with the computer.

The light from the computer screen reflected on her face, setting off her beautiful face.

"Are you awake?" Noticing Ye Chui's gaze, Fang Jing immediately turned her head with a smile, "I was really scared to death. I just came out of the hellfire and saw someone lying beside me. Hmph, next time Can you let me know when you come over, it's already past eight o'clock in the evening, and I saw that you were sleeping so deeply, so you didn't turn on the light."

"Thank you." Ye Chui stretched his waist and got out of bed.

In fact, he didn't need to sleep at first, and the power of his heart could sweep away the exhaustion in his mind. It's just that the spirit brought by sleeping is completely different from the spirit brought by using the power of the heart. Speaking of it, Ye Chui still likes the refreshing feeling brought by a real sleep.

"It's already night, are you hungry, can I cook something for you?" Fang Jing continued.

A very virtuous look.

She sat up from in front of the computer, stretched out her hand to brush the hair that blocked her view, she was still wearing the almost translucent pajamas, her charming breasts were looming, this really had an extraordinary attraction to Ye Chui .

Ye Chui immediately let out a smirk, reached out and grabbed Fang Jing's little hand, and pulled Fang Jing into his arms.

He stretched out his big hands and kneaded Fang Jing's plump breasts wantonly, and said with a smile, "Are you hungry? Do you want me to feed you first?"

Before Fang Jing could resist, Ye Chui pressed his lips together.

It was a long, deep kiss.

Ye Chui's hands continued to walk on Fang Jing's body. His hands seemed to have a strange magic power, which aroused Fang Jing's interest and made her breathe quickly...

How could she refuse, she threw Ye Chui onto the bed directly, turned against the guest, and couldn't wait to take off the light pajamas that didn't have much fabric on her body, and tightly pressed down the **** that made the man burn...

In the room, there was an endless spring.

And at this time, Ye Chui quietly injected a force of vitality into Fang Jing's body through the double-cultivation method.

Ye Chui's heart power is contained in this Yuan force, with a certain consciousness, it quietly walks around Fang Jing's body.

Yuan Li has a powerful life essence, which can life and death human flesh and bones.

Ye Chui did this in order to change Fang Jing's physique, and quietly enhance her physical fitness.

At the same time, this power of heart is also connected with Ye Chui, if Fang Jing is in danger, Ye Chui can also sense it.

Fighting against hellfire may encounter various dangers in the future, which is also for Fang Jing to protect herself.

It is really unrealistic to ask Fang Jingxiu, but Ye Chui can teach Fang Jing some fighting skills and let her increase her fighting power.

——Ye Chui wants to train Fang Jing to become Yujie, so how can she do it without any combat power.

Even now, when Yujie's training is in progress...

Almost an hour later.

The two stopped, and Fang Jing lay in Ye Chui's arms and said in a complaining voice: "You haven't come to find her these days, are you with other women again, is it Xiaoxue or Lele?"


Ye Chui didn't expect Fang Jing to ask such a question suddenly, and he didn't know how to answer it.

"Hmph, pervert!" Fang Jing got up from Ye Chui's side.

She didn't seem to worry about this issue any more, but stretched out her hand to tie her hair together, and continued to say to Ye Chui, "I'm even hungrier after being teased by you like this, do you want to eat something?"

"It just so happens that I'm a little hungry too." Ye Chui said as he rubbed his belly.

He hasn't eaten anything since last night.

"Then I'll go cook."

Fang Jing hurriedly put on her clothes as she spoke, and got up to cook.

There is another room next to here, which was specially converted into a kitchen by Fang Jing, and some meals can be cooked in it.

While Fang Jing was busy, Ye Chui put on his clothes first and walked to the computer next to him.

The computer was already in the screen saver state, Ye Chui casually pressed the keyboard, and the screen appeared.

Ye Chui found that what was displayed on the screen was a holographic-influenced design. This should be the equipment that Fang Jing found from the Hellfire Laboratory. If this technique is explained using technology, then Ye Chui cannot understand it.

After just a few glances, Ye Chui stopped paying attention.

It was at this time that Ye Chui's cell phone rang suddenly, he took it out to look at it, and found that the caller was from Gangdan's car phone.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chui answered the phone.

"Boss, are you awake? I just went to find you, but Fang Jing told me that you were sleeping on the bed, so I didn't bother you."

"What do you want from me?"

"A killer came to assassinate you today, so I intercepted it."

"Killer!?" Ye Chui couldn't help being taken aback, and hurriedly asked, "Where is that killer now?"

"Here in the wasteland, I have interrogated him before and asked everything out, and now he... he has lost his mind."


Ye Chui hung up the phone, opened the window, and the figure had already got out of the window as soon as he moved.

He has the ability to fly, and he has come to the central area of ​​the wasteland almost in the blink of an eye.

At this time, a huge building was built in the middle of the wasteland. This building is the place where Steel Egg and other Autobots live. Beside this huge building, there is another slightly smaller house, which is said to be Small, in fact, it is more than 100 square meters, and there are all kinds of facilities inside. It is the place where Li Cheng delivers food and rests every time he comes here.

The wasteland is filled with all kinds of poisonous gases. It is impossible for ordinary people to survive in the wasteland. However, there is a purification device made by Ye Chui in this house, which can keep the air in the room pure.

And the steel egg is where the man in the sunglasses was imprisoned.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Chui had already arrived in this room, and met the killer who assassinated him, the man in sunglasses.

But at this moment, the man in the sunglasses was squatting in a corner, with a trembling expression on his face, trembling all over, and an almost demented expression on his face.

Ye Chui frowned, and asked the steel egg who was also staying in this room: "Why is he like this?"

"Hey, today I took him for a walk in the sky, this guy is too timid, he was so frightened that he broke down..." Steel Egg explained.

The actual situation is that the steel egg has just gained the ability to fly, and then it started to snarl vigorously. It flew to an altitude of [-] meters with the man in the sunglasses, let go and let the man in the sunglasses fall, and when he almost fell to the ground, he He grabbed the man in the sunglasses again, took him high into the sky again, and continued to let go of him to let him fall...

After several times of tossing like this, the man in the sunglasses was not scared to death but just had a nervous breakdown, which is quite remarkable.

Seeing that Ye Chui's face seemed a little angry, Gang Dan hurriedly continued: "Boss, I also wanted to interrogate him. After all my troubles, he has confessed everything."

Ye Chui rubbed his forehead and asked, "What did he explain?"

"He said that he was sent by a killer agent named Wang Jing. It is said that a young master gave the order to deal with you, but he doesn't know who that young master is. These are the middlemen that Wang Jing acts as, boss , let's find trouble with that Wang Jing." Gangdan said excitedly.

"Forget it..." Ye Chui shook his head helplessly.

The steel egg came back to life, is it just wishing to make a fuss?

As for the man in the sunglasses, Ye Chui vaguely guessed what was going on. Gu Feihai had called him before and said that Zhang Yueyang had already found someone to prepare a killer, because the middleman belonged to the killer world and had already paid a deposit. , so there is no way to stop this matter, this is an industry regulation.

Gu Feihai was born in the world of killers, so he understands the truth inside.

He originally planned to help Ye Chui solve the problem of the killer, but after finding out that Ye Chui is a cultivator, he completely dispelled this idea...

A hundred ordinary killers are no match for Ye Chui.

Originally, Ye Chui had already forgotten about the killer, but he was unlucky to be hit by the steel egg.

"How to deal with this killer?" Steel Egg then asked again.

You can't keep this broken guy in the wasteland, can you?

"I'll take it away later and throw it at the gate of the police station. The identity of this kind of person cannot be investigated. If you hand it over to the police, they will soon be able to confirm that it is a killer, so let them do the rest." Ye Chui Said thoughtfully.

Naturally, he would not soften his heart towards the killer who wanted to assassinate him.

It's just that this guy has already been scared and has a mental breakdown... Ye Chui will not continue to make things difficult for others, just leave it to the police.

Afterwards, Ye Chui glanced at Gang Dan again, and said with a smile, "How is it, how does the new shape and body feel?"

"Hey, it's great, super stylish, isn't it?" Gangdan posed proudly, he was [-]% satisfied with his new image.

"As long as you are satisfied." Ye Chui nodded with a smile.

The steel egg is the first intelligent life created by Ye Chui in this world, and it has a special meaning to him.

Originally, Ye Chui never treated the spirits he built, that is, intelligent life, as slaves.

And the steel egg is regarded as a brother by Ye Chui, the existence of his buddies makes him feel satisfied, and Ye Chui is also very happy. (To be continued.)

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