The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

221 As a cat, are you so afraid of mice, do you look like a badge?

Obviously, the kitten used the ability to charm Goudan and Gu Feihai.

Although both of them knew about being watched, they didn't suspect the kitten at all.

Ye Chui thought to himself that he must first find a way to lure the kitten away from Yu Xue's side for a while, and then explain to her what's going on.

But the key is how to lure this little beast away?

The kitten has been leaning on Xue's side, not moving, and it seems to be wary of Ye Chui.

In its eyes, Ye Chui is probably the strange sorghum in the eyes of little loli. Although its charm is useful to Ye Chui, the result is terrible. Being hugged and pinched by Ye Chui, it is very resistant.Whenever Ye Chui approached it, it immediately let out a meowing sound, and then Yu Xue stared at it fiercely at the same time.

"It seems that we have to think of other ways." Ye Chui pondered in his heart.

"Old man, I'm hungry, I want to eat supper." Yu Xue suddenly turned her head and said to Gu Feihai who was beside her.

Since she was a child, she always called Gu Feihai the old man, and Gu Feihai also readily accepted this title.

Following Yu Xue's words, Yu Goudan also turned his head and said, "Old Gu, I'm also a little hungry, let's prepare some supper."

"Okay, I'm still stewing braised pork in the pot." Gu Feihai said and went to the kitchen to get busy. He likes cooking very much.

"Something to eat!?" Ye Chui's heart moved, and he thought of a good way to lure the kitten away from Yu Xue's side. A mouse was fed to the kitten, and the animal was led away from Xiaoxue's side, even if there was no way to do so, Xiaoxue would probably be disgusted with the kitten when she saw the kitten eating a mouse, right?"

Thinking of this, Ye Chui immediately took action, catching a mouse.

In fact, as long as Ye Chui enters Yu Xue's consciousness, he can immediately execute the Sky Hammer Kill to remove the charm virus that the kitten planted in Yu Xue's consciousness.

But Ye Chui didn't dare to do this directly, because it would be easy to show his feet.

It's better to let Yu Xue see the kitten eating the mouse, and then take advantage of the opportunity to let Yu Xue delay the kitten to a certain extent, and take the opportunity to help her clean up the consciousness virus, which is safer.

Ye Zhi turned on the scanning system of Iron Man's suit and scanned the entire room.

It's a pity that Ye Chui didn't find a mouse, and the place seemed to be cleaned very well, so Ye Chui went outside the room.

Yu Goudan and Yu Xue were still fighting over the TV, but they didn't notice that Ye Chui had walked out of the room.

This is a villa, and there is a small yard outside. There are some flowers and plants planted in it. Ye Chui scanned it and soon found a small mouse, but it was only one centimeter long. He took the little mouse in his hand and picked up its tail.

Seeing the little mouse struggling constantly, Ye Chui smiled faintly: "As a cat, I like to eat mice by nature, hehe, let me see if you can withstand the attraction of this mouse."

Thinking of this, Ye Chui walked into the hall again and came to the sofa.

At this time, Yu Xue had the upper hand for the time being. The Vampire Diaries was playing on the TV. The kitten seemed to be very interested in this TV series, poking his head out of Yu Xue's arms to watch with relish.

As Ye Chui approached, it suddenly became alert and turned its head to look over vigilantly.

This little thing is quite proud, meowing, as if saying what can I do.

"Hey." Ye Chui showed a smirk on his face, and then took out the little mouse, shaking it in front of the little cat.



Yu Xue and the kitten's screams sounded at the same time.

Feeling Ye Chui standing behind her, Yu Xue turned her head to look, just in time to see a little mouse dangling in front of her eyes.

As a girl, she was naturally afraid of such things, so she immediately jumped up from the sofa and let out a scream... This is understandable.

But what made Ye Chui a little depressed and sweating profusely was——

Why, this kitten seems to be more scared than Yu Xue! ?

At the same time as Yu Xue was screaming, the kitten also screamed, and then desperately crawled into Yu Xue's arms, turning his head to look at it from time to time, his little head was full of panic.


Ye Chui was speechless, what the hell, as a cat you are so afraid of mice, are you plausible?

"Take it, take it!" Yu Xue yelled, shouting loudly.

The kitten also meowed in horror, and kept crawling into its arms.

Helpless, Ye Chui had no choice but to carry the little mouse out with a feeling of failure.

Damn, even if he was killed, he would never have imagined that a cat would be afraid of mice.

When he came back, Ye Chui saw Yu Xue staring at Ye Chui fiercely, and shouted angrily, "What are you trying to do? Look, you scared my kitten."

The kitten meowed aggrievedly.

Ye Chui was even more speechless, being frightened into such a state by a mouse, you still feel very angry, little beast, don't you?

"I also think it is cute, so I want to find something to eat for it." Ye Chui said politely, it was really a mistake.

"Hmph, my kitten doesn't know how to eat mice." Yu Xue held the kitten's two paws in front of her eyes with a smile on her face, "Isn't that right, kitten?"

"Meow, meow." The kitten meowed obediently.

Yu Xue turned her head away from the kitten and looked at Ye Chui: "The kitten said she hates you very much, so please stay away from it."

"..." You must have made up these words.

However, it is estimated that what the kitten said just now really meant that.

So Ye Chui had to sit far away on the sofa on the other side, watching Yu Xue make out with the kitten.

The kitten hid in Xue's arms, and looked at Ye Chui proudly - Ye Chui was sure that he just saw this little thing making a face at him, definitely!

"Supper is ready!" Gu Feihai's voice came from the kitchen at this moment.

In his hand was a plate of well-cooked braised pork and several bowls of rice.

The aroma of braised pork came from afar.

Not to mention anything else, Gu Feihai's skill in making braised pork is absolutely superb. Ye Chui had eaten before, but when he smelled the aroma, he felt hungry again, so he said, "Da Uncle, serve me a bowl of rice too, I'm hungry too."

"Okay." Gu Feihai immediately said with a smile.

He put a large plate of braised pork on the table in the living room, and helped Ye Chui serve a bowl of rice.

Yu Xue and Yu Goudan had already shouted that they were hungry, so they sat down together at this time, picked up rice and started eating.

The kitten was still squatting on Xue's lap, this little thing smelled the aroma of braised pork, its eyes immediately stared at the plate of braised pork without moving.

Yu Xuebao, the kitten, put a piece of braised pork on a small plate: "Little cat, you want to eat too, don't you, then eat it."

The kitten showed its small nose and sniffed it, and then stretched out its small tongue to lick the piece of meat. Finally, it seemed that the taste of the braised pork was really good, so it immediately opened its small mouth and bit it down, eating it with relish. It can be seen that this braised pork is very popular with kittens.

Seeing that it was eating happily, Yu Xue picked up a few more yuan, and the kitten was even more delighted to eat.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chui's heart skipped a beat, this little thing is still a foodie.

That's fine.

Taking advantage of the kitten's addiction to eating, he hurriedly pulled Yu Xue: "Xiaoxue, come here, I have something to tell you."

"What's the matter?" Yu Xue looked at Ye Chui curiously.

"You just come with me." Ye Chui took Yu Xue's hand and stood up from the dining table.

The kitten immediately raised its head and looked at Ye Chui and Yu Xue vigilantly. It seemed that it didn't want to leave Yu Xue's side, but it looked down at the braised pork on the plate again, and became extremely entangled. In the end, it still couldn't bear it. Overwhelmed by the temptation of the braised pork, it continued to eat. Anyway, Yu Xue was within its sight. It took a bite of the braised pork, and then looked up at Yu Xue.

"What on earth are you going to do? I'm hungry." Yu Xue said to Ye Chui with a puffy face.

"Did Uncle Da tell you about the surveillance last night?" Ye Zhizhi asked Yu Xue.

Yu Xue was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "I told you, what's the matter?"

Ye Chui said to the kitten who was greedily eating braised pork: "This kitten was sent by Hellfire to watch you."

"What?" Yu Xue was shocked immediately, "This... how is this possible, this kitten is so cute?"

Ye Chui didn't explain either, and gently placed a hand on Yu Xue's head, and then entered her consciousness...

During this process, Ye Chui found that entering Yu Xue's consciousness was extremely comfortable, without encountering any obstacles at all, which made Ye Chui stunned: "How could it be so smooth, even if he entered Fang Jing's consciousness , there will be a little bit of obstruction. In Fang Jing's consciousness, my authority has probably reached level six, but in Xiaoxue's consciousness, my authority seems to be level seven. She is completely open to me... I understand , it must be when I was absorbing the aura in her body before, I communicated with her subconscious mind, and her subconscious mind told me the reason why she gave everything to me!"

After thinking about this point, Ye Chui was quite moved.

Afterwards, she executed the Sky Hammer Kill, which directly wiped away the charm virus for kittens in Xue's consciousness.

This kind of first-level consciousness virus is easy for Ye Chui.

"Huh!?" The enchanting virus disappeared, and Yu Xue's senses changed a little immediately. She looked at the greedy kitten and said in surprise, "This kitten is from Hellfire to spy on me? It ……what is it?"

Under the influence of the Charm Virus, Yu Xue would not have doubts about the kitten, but after the Charm Virus was removed, Yu Xue's feeling would naturally be different.

"This kitten may be a monster, but you don't have to worry, it's just a little monster at best, except for being smart and using some charming spells, there's nothing special about it, at least she doesn't have any ability to hurt you " Ye Chui said in a hurry to comfort. (To be continued.)

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