In the world of comprehension, the fastest time for a cultivator to enter the first level of the enlightened spirit realm is three months.

This is already the level of a peerless genius.

But Yu Xue had only practiced... for three hours!

Fuck, how can those so-called comprehension geniuses survive?

Ye Chui was shocked, but also had doubts in his heart. He hurriedly pulled off the T-shirt Yu Xue was wearing outside, and put his hands on her body.

Yu Xue was taken aback for a moment, and said to Ye Chui in her heart: "No, there is a cat watching by the side, let's wait another day... shall we?"


Ye Chui was speechless, and explained: "I didn't expect to do that kind of thing with you. I want you to control the aura to circulate for a week, so that I can understand your realm."

Hearing Ye Chui's explanation, Yu Xue blushed and said in her heart: "Alright then, I'll start now."

Afterwards, Ye Chui felt a ray of spiritual energy emerge from Yu Xue's dantian, and then circulated rapidly in several major meridians of the body.

In less than a second, it ran for a week.

Ye Chui couldn't help but open his mouth wide, it can really run for a week?


Could it be that Yu Xue is really a rare talent in comprehension?

Yu Xue asked Ye Chui in her heart: "How about it, have I already completed the first level of the Spirit Enlightenment Realm?"

"Yes, that's right……"

Fuck, those peerless geniuses in the comprehension world are going to die.

"Hmph, it's very simple. You still said it would take three months. How can it be so difficult." Yu Xue continued with a little complacency.

Ye Chui was speechless. Normally, it would take so much time. Even if Ye Chui thought that Yu Xue's physique might be faster, it would still take a month, but she...

It only took three hours!

Is this because this kind of spiritual body is really special?

Ye Chui smiled, anyway, Yu Xue's strength is obvious, that's just right, he can train Yu Xue to be a super expert, and it will also be a great help when he officially fights with Hellfire in the future!

"You did a good job." Ye Chui continued, "I will give you some attack methods, you practice slowly, I guess, at this speed you will soon be able to reach the second level of the spiritual enlightenment realm... ..."

Generally speaking, the further you practice, the slower your breakthrough will be.

But at this time, Ye Chui was full of confidence in Xue, so she didn't know how long it would take to wash her face to reach the seventh stage of the Enlightenment Realm.

a year or a month?

I get excited just thinking about it.

This night, Yu Xue didn't sleep for the rest of the time, lying in Ye Chui's arms, and Ye Chui taught Yu Xue some uses of spiritual energy through a wireless connection.

In fact, he doesn't have much experience to teach Ye Chui, but he must be a great master of crafting. Even if he has no experience, his vision is still there.

At least in Qiling Territory, he can give Yu Xue corresponding guidance.

Yu Xue had reached the first level of the Enlightenment Realm at this time, and possessed the most basic self-protection power, which made Ye Chui feel relieved of her a lot.

At least the kitten should not be able to do her any harm anymore.

"The things in the real world are almost explained, and you can go to participate in the mission of the ruins..."

In the early morning of this day, Ye Chui's heart moved, and he summoned Huo Lei Shen's avatar, opened a portal in the air, and directly entered the spiritual space.

"Next, I will do my best to complete the task of this relic and improve the status of my avatar in Hellfire, which will also allow me to have a deeper understanding of this Hellfire!"


in the spiritual world.

"Are you going to perform that mission?" Huo Lei Shen's avatar went directly to Xing Mei, and Xing Mei immediately showed a happy smile after hearing his request, "Great, let's go now!"

"it is good."

Afterwards, Ye Chui and Xingmei came to the teleportation hall.

To perform this relic mission, one must first be teleported into a certain area.

This teleportation, of course, must use the teleportation array.

In the huge teleportation hall, countless junior cadres are busy guarding each formation.

When entering here, Ye Chui thought of the previous conflict with that Jack, and subconsciously went to look for that Jack, only to find that the teleportation map that Jack originally managed had changed.

Ye Chui didn't think too much about it, and followed Xingmei to a division-level cadre.

"Hello, we are going to carry out the mission of the ruins." Xingmei approached the junior cadre politely. At the same time, she waved her small hand and opened a window in front of her. There was relevant information on it, which could prove that Ye Chui had applied for this mission. .

The senior cadre checked it out, then nodded: "That's right, you have already applied for this task. Well, you stand in the center of the formation, and I will help you carry out the teleportation."

"Thank you." Xingmei said in a crisp voice.

Holding Ye Chui's hand, he stood in the center of the array.

Seeing her appearance, Ye Chui frowned involuntarily and asked, "You seem very excited?"

"Ah? Is there? I'm not excited." Xingmei hastily denied.

However, her skills were clumsy, which made it easy for Ye Chui to see through.

Ye Chui was even more curious: "Xingmei is only happy because she received this task, or... does this task have any special meaning for her?"

The junior cadre didn't sneer at Ye Chui because he was a first-level executive. He dutifully activated the teleportation formation. With a flash of white light, Ye Chui and Xingmei disappeared in the center of the formation. In the next moment, Ye Chui Both Xingmei and Xingmei appeared in another hall.

The style is very similar to the previous teleportation hall, but it is much smaller.

Before Ye Chuizai could seriously check the surrounding environment, a western girl who was dressed similarly to Xingmeixiang came over automatically.

This girl is very beautiful, with the charm of a mature woman. With a smile on her face, she said: "Hello, my name is Natasha, and I am the liaison officer responsible for explaining the mission to you. First of all, welcome to join the mission of the ruins, I I believe that you will benefit a lot in the coming time."

"Hi Natasha, my name is Xingmei, and this is my executive officer, his name is Ye Chui." Xingmei immediately stood up and introduced herself, and also introduced Ye Chui.

In the mission, Xingmei's role is more like a public relations, responsible for Ye Chui's logistics and some intelligence things.

She was very self-conscious, walked to Natasha's side, and continued to ask: "Can you explain this task to us immediately?"

Before accepting this relic mission, there was only a brief introduction, but there was no explanation of what the mission was supposed to do, so Ye Chui and Xingmei didn't know what the mission was going to do.

"Of course, this is my job." Natasha said with a smile, she gave Ye Chui a light look, and then continued, "Actually, our task is very simple, before I say it, I want to ask you , Have you ever played online games?"

"Online game?"

This made Ye Chui and Xingmei show puzzled expressions at the same time, wondering why Natasha would ask this question.

Xingmei shook her head directly. She was a ghost. She wandered around the forest for a long time before becoming a liaison officer. She had already completely forgotten about the past, and naturally she had no idea about this online game.

And Ye Chui nodded, and asked curiously: "I have played a little bit, but what does our mission have to do with online games?"

"Of course it does, because your task is to become an NPC in online games." Natasha continued.

"An npc from an online game?"

Ye Chui was even more puzzled, what's going on?

Just listen to Natasha continue to explain: "Hellfire has absolute control over the entire spiritual world, but there is still a part of the area that is stubbornly resisting, that is, the spirit guard group. Their main force is entrenched in the ruins area. In the near future, hellfire will aggressively attack this ruins area."

"Massive attack?" Xingmei suddenly lost her voice, showing a surprised expression, but she quickly recovered and pretended to be nonchalant.

Xingmei's voice interrupted Natasha's words, making her slightly unhappy, she paused, and then continued: "Master Youdu, one of the seven senior cadres of Hellfire, used his ability to create countless dolls Dolls, these dolls are connected to a game in the real world, so that players in the game can control these dolls to help us attack the spirit defenders."

Hearing Natasha's words, Ye Zhizhi was stunned immediately.

Real-world gamers control these dolls and help them perform tasks.

Doesn't that mean that Hellfire turned the entire spiritual space into a game, and then let players in the real world help them complete tasks?

And this game... Ye Chui thought of something, and asked Natasha: "The game you are talking about, shouldn't it be Ruins ol?"

"That's right, it's Relics ol!" Natasha nodded and said with a smile, "Hellfire also has a certain influence in the real world. This online game called Relics ol was released, and the total number of players exceeded 5000." Ten thousand. Originally, this game was used to screen game players with spirit body qualifications, but some time ago, Lord Youdu suddenly made a decision to introduce this game into our spiritual world, and use his ability to let online players replace us Resist the spirit defenders. You should have heard that the relic ol released a large dungeon not long ago, and this dungeon is actually the relic area of ​​this spiritual space."

Natasha is a fifth-level liaison officer with more authority, so she knows a lot of secrets that Xingmei doesn't.

For example, the real usefulness of the game Ruins ol - Xingmei has no idea about these.

Ye Chui heard her talking, but the deity here has already left Yu Xue's side in a hurry.

In the early hours of the morning, there were not many pedestrians in the city. Ye Zhizhi activated his flying ability directly and returned to his residence within 5 minutes.

Push the door and walk in: "Ozawa!"

"Brother Ye, what's wrong?" The image of Ozawa immediately appeared on the computer screen.

In the small living room is still Yu Xuezan's local tyrant machine, this machine is Ozawa's body, and it is almost never closed. Ye Chui helped this machine with some blessings, so it can be turned on for a long time without damage.

Ye Chui walked up to Ozawa, saw the game screen on the computer screen, and immediately asked, "Is what you're playing the same dungeon in Ruins ol?"

"That's right, Brother Ye, why are you so interested in these things all of a sudden?" Ozawa asked a little strangely.

Ye Chui didn't answer, but looked at the picture on the screen seriously.

There was a surprised expression on his face: "It turned out to be like this... Although I saw Ozawa playing this game screen before, I didn't pay attention to it. Now I look at it carefully. The feeling of this environment is clearly spiritual. space!"

The forest in the spiritual space is different from ordinary forests and has a unique atmosphere.

Ye Chui once stayed in this forest for ten days when he was doing the task of angering spirit monsters, and he deeply sympathized with this environment.

He immediately judged that the environment on the computer screen was exactly the forest of mental space.

The avatar in the mental space was still listening to Natasha explaining the task, with a calm expression.

But in the real world, Ye Chui showed an extremely shocked expression.

He had to be shocked that Hellfire could do such a thing!

That senior cadre named Youdu can make dolls.

These dolls are equivalent to puppets. Although they have combat power, they lack combat awareness, that is, they have strength but lack brains.

Letting real-world players control these dolls makes up for the lack of mind.

Those who are selected to enter the copy are all people with strong game skills, let them control the dolls to fight.

This is definitely a fighting power that cannot be underestimated! (To be continued.)

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