The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

229 That's the level 1 executive just now!

There was an aura about this tall man that made Ye Chui feel terrible.

This is the breath of a super expert.

In other words, this person is much stronger than Ye Chui, and he is the most powerful person Ye Chui has ever seen since his rebirth.

"It's you?" A woman's voice suddenly rang in my ears.

Ye Chui turned his head to look, and found that it was the fifth-level liaison officer Natasha who was speaking.

As she walked over, she asked with a smile on her face, "What are you going to do in the teleportation hall? Do you want to quit this relic mission?"

Those who were sent into this relic mission were all masters among the executors, and some were recognized as geniuses.

However, every day, there are many executives who are aware of the difficulty of the task of this ruin.

Or cause your own points to become a liability, and you have to leave here.

Natasha is used to seeing executives who leave in despair, and when she saw Ye Chui, she subconsciously thought so too. She was still laughing at Ye Chui for overreaching, but the expression on her face was very kind, which is also her way of life. The way, never take the initiative to offend others.

"I'll go back and exchange some things, and I'll come back later." Ye Chui said flatly, Natasha's acting skills, which she didn't smile, were just child's play in his eyes.

"Exchange something?" Natasha was a little surprised, thinking that this kid has already become in debt, and there are still points that can be exchanged?

She was surprised and surprised, but there was a smile on her face.

"Congratulations, you must have made a fortune in the game, right?"

"Almost." Ye Chui responded casually.

2000 million points... It's about the same.

Ye Chui didn't like Natasha very much, and was about to leave, but suddenly he thought of something, pointed to Jack, and said to Natasha: "Who is that tall man over there? "

"Him? You don't even know him?" Natasha's tone was involuntarily mixed with disdain, and then she continued, "He is Picasso who is currently ranked first in the standings, he is a big shot... Hehe, Do you need me to introduce you to him? I know him very well."

Originally, Ye Chui just wanted to ask, but Natasha was so kind as to introduce him to the other party?

Of course Natasha wouldn't be so kind, she just wanted to see Ye Chui make a fool of herself.

Who is Picasso?

Known as the strongest executor, he has a high reputation among the hundreds of eighth-level executors.

He is even more arrogant, he doesn't even bother to know ordinary Xiao Xiami.

Natasha said that she wanted to introduce Ye Chui to Picasso because she wanted to see Ye Chui suffer, which was one of her hobbies.

Without waiting for Ye Chui to refuse, she greeted Picasso on her own: "Picasso, long time no see."

Picasso turned his head, saw that it was Natasha, and nodded with a smile: "Natasha, do you have anything to do?"

"This brother admires you very much and wants to get to know you." Natasha pointed to Ye Chui and said to Picasso.

Ye Chui frowned.

Fuck, who said that the young master admired this guy?

This woman did it on purpose.

However, Ye Chui is a polite person. Although he was not happy with Natasha's deliberate malice, he still smiled and nodded as a greeting.

However, what Ye Chui didn't expect was that Picasso snorted and glanced at Ye Chui coldly, his eyes were full of contempt, as if to say, even you want to know me?You deserve it too! ?

It's not once or twice that people despise Ye Chui. Ye Chui can bear the blow completely, but the anger in his heart burns involuntarily.

And at this time, Jack also saw the existence of Ye Chui. He naturally remembered Ye Chui's appearance, and couldn't help but shouted: "It's you? You are also in this mission!?"

"Is this mission prohibiting me from joining? Why can't I be here?" Ye Chui said flatly.

I guessed in my heart that Jack also came to participate in this relic mission?

Originally, Ye Chui thought that only executives could participate in this kind of task, but now it seems that even cadres can participate.

"Jack, do you know him?" Natasha interjected and asked Jack.

"Of course I know him. Hehe, this kid was very powerful a while ago. A first-level executive actually broke the record of level-51 angry spirit monsters, killing [-] angry spirit monsters in ten days." Jack said coldly, As if he wanted to provoke Picasso on purpose, he said to Picasso, "You seem to have kept that record before, right? It's a pity that it was broken by such an unknown kid now. It's a pity."

"Oh, you broke my record?" Picasso immediately looked at Ye Chui with displeasure, his eyes full of amusement.

"That's right." Ye Chui nodded.

This kind of record is nothing. If the energy is enough, with my current Iron Man suit, I can endorse 51 angry spirit monsters in ten days, even if it is [-], it will be more than enough.

"Very powerful." This Picasso is obviously not the kind of a large number of people, Jack's words successfully provoked him to hate Ye Chui, he moved closer to Ye Chui, and continued in a cold voice, "But you'd better be careful in the future, you This kind of executor, who is only at the first level, will be crushed to death as easily as an ant."

"I'll be careful." Ye Chui also said with a sneer.

He felt the pressure on him from this comparison, which was very strong. As far as Ye Chui is concerned, he is not his opponent at all in this spiritual space.

But Ye Chui was not timid at all.

This is due to his personality, even if you are good now, but sooner or later, the young master will surpass you.

Picasso had an undisguised disdain on his face, and he didn't put Ye Chui in his eyes at all.

On the other hand, Natasha and Jack exchanged colors with each other, with a bit of contemptuous smile in their eyes.

Natasha used to be Jack's liaison officer, and they were very familiar with each other. However, Natasha later chose to continue to upgrade the level of liaison officer, while Jack chose to apply for a low-level cadre. The two separated, but they still kept in touch with each other frequently. with.

Not really a friendship, just a relationship of mutual benefit and reciprocity.

Ye Chui didn't expect that he would draw hatred here, but he didn't worry too much. He walked past these three people and came to a low-level cadre in charge of teleporting the magic circle. This teleportation hall left.

"This guy is so defiant, he's so disgusting. Didn't he just break a record? With such a smug look, hey, he insisted on dragging me to introduce Picasso to him just now." Natasha said casually. A few words.

Hearing her words, both Picasso and Jack felt very useful and smiled.

Natasha continued to talk to Jack: "Jack, long time no see, why are you with Picasso?"

"I just met him by chance and had a chat." Jack said with a smile, and he continued to say to Picasso with a bit of obsequiousness, "Picasso, after this relic mission, you should start preparing for cadres." Examination? I think with your strength, there is no problem at all in becoming a mid-level cadre."

"That's natural." Picasso was very confident in himself, and replied with a smile, but then his face changed again, "Hmph, I originally planned to win the first place in this relic mission and get a lot of points. Then I went to buy a set of top-level guns that need to be exchanged for 20 billion points, which can greatly increase my chances of passing the test, but I didn't expect the president of the Skyhammer Guild to kick me without any reason! "

Natasha was also quite concerned about this matter, and hurriedly said: "I have also conducted a special investigation in the past few days. On the scoreboard of this mission, there is a guy whose points have risen very quickly. With nearly 2000 million points, I should be the person who took away your position as the guild leader and became the guild leader of the Skyhammer guild."

"Who is that?" Picasso turned his head and said to Natasha. He was very angry, but because he had been busy doing tasks during this period, he had no time to find information about the guy who took his position.

"He didn't have a registered name, and the scoreboard is just a string of numbers." Natasha snapped her fingers, and the window appeared in front of her eyes. She is a liaison officer and has the authority to view the scoreboard. At this time, the scoreboard was called out. Then he said: "Oh, his current points have reached more than 300 million, and his code name is... [-]."

"Nine-five-two-seven!?" Jack, who didn't care much about the standings, exclaimed when he heard the familiar number.

"What's the matter?" Picasso turned to look at Jack, frowning and asked, "Do you know this person?"

Jack nodded in disbelief: "Yes, I know..."

"Who is this person? What level of executive is he?" Picasso immediately asked.

Natasha also looked at Jack with great interest. From the scoreboard, only the name can be found, but other information cannot be checked.

Jack did not answer Picasso's question, but continued to confirm with Natasha: "Are you sure that guy's code name is [-]."

"That's right, it's 300." Natasha put the window in front of Jack in front of her and pointed it out to him, "Look, the one below Picasso now has [-] million points. , the code name is [-]."

"But it's impossible!" Jack yelled, "Nine-five-two-seven... is the first-level executive just now!"


This time, both Jack and Natasha were shocked at the same time.

The guy who was despised by them and didn't take it seriously felt that he could be trampled to death as an ant at any time...

It turned out to be the one who squeezed out Picasso and became the guide of the Skyhammer Guild! ? (To be continued.)

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