On a bus full of ordinary passengers, someone suddenly drew a gun, which caused an immediate commotion.

Especially a middle-aged woman sitting next to Gao Ming Wang Li couldn't help but screamed, Gao Ming shouted coldly: "Shut up, or I will destroy you!"

Hearing his words, the middle-aged woman immediately stopped screaming, but the panic in her eyes still couldn't be concealed, and her whole body was trembling.

And Wang Li was completely petrified.

The gun was pointed at her head, and the cold muzzle was pressed tightly against her forehead. She could feel the texture of metal, which told her that it was a real gun, not a toy gun. Trembling, he said, "Gao Ming...you...what are you doing?"

"Robbery!" Gao Ming yelled viciously, and then he yelled at the middle-aged man who had fainted in front of him, "Second Uncle! Second Uncle!"

"Stop screaming, he's already passed out." Ye Chui reminded him kindly, and when the opportunity arises, he will also subdue this clever man.

Small shrimp leaves of this level are not to be taken seriously.

Gao Ming was very nervous, and when he heard Ye Chui's words, he was even more worried. He called his second uncle a few more times, but after getting no response in the end, he took Wang Li as his amulet, looked at Ye Chui and said, "You treat me well. What did Second Uncle do? I warn you, don't act recklessly, or I'll just shoot this woman's head off!"

Hearing Gao Ming's words, Wang Li was even more frightened and snot and tears flowed out continuously.

She met Gao Ming in the car, saw that he was handsome and funny, so she chatted with him happily in her heart.

She even thinks that this is a good man, if possible, she is willing to develop a little deeper with him...

But in the blink of an eye this funny handsome man put a gun to her head!

She stared at Ye Chui, and begged, "Ye Chui..."


Ye Chui had an indifferent expression on his face, as if saying that this woman's life and death are my business.

Of course, although he doesn't have any good feelings for Wang Li, it is still a human life after all, and Ye Chui is not so indifferent to a person's life.

He just pretended to be indifferent on purpose, trying to dismantle this brilliant vigilance.

At this moment, the driver of the bus had already noticed someone was robbing, stopped the car in panic, opened the door and was about to rush out, and some passengers wanted to slip out of the bus.

Seeing this, Gao Ming shouted loudly again: "Stop, everyone, I will shoot anyone who makes another move!"

Using one person's life to threaten other people is Gao Ming's usual method.

For ordinary people, even if it is the life of an irrelevant person, when the life and death of this life is in his hands, he can't let it go.

This is the purest part of human nature.

Sure enough, the crowd in the bus who originally wanted to flee stopped, and the chaos in the bus subsided.

Everyone looked worriedly at Gao Ming who was confronting the robbers at Wang Li's ruins which were being hijacked.

"Don't do this to me, you think I'm afraid to shoot!?" Gao Ming glared at Ye Chui viciously, and had already put the safety on the pistol.

He was very smart, he didn't choose to point the pistol directly at Ye Chui, but found other people as hostages.

He knew that for those fools who acted bravely, they would take the lives of others more seriously. He had never met such a fool before. That fool was beaten to death by him with a fearless face, but he was almost killed by the police catch……

This made him keep in mind that it is best to find ordinary people as hostages.

"You shoot." Ye Chui smiled calmly.

At the same time, he also quietly activated the Calcining Heart Sutra, connecting it to Iron Man's suit, exuding a shocking power.

In the eyes of Ye Chui, a weapon refiner, firearms such as pistols can be regarded as murder weapons. Every murder weapon is entangled with a fierce beast. The pistol cannot be activated.

Now Ye Chui's Calcining Heart Sutra has reached the fourth level, and the deterrent power it exudes is a hundred times stronger than before.

The pistol in Gao Ming's hand had already completely failed.

In fact, Ye Chui could have directly punched Gao Ming's face without distinguishing between three, seven, and twenty one, and it would be done directly.


He did not intend to do so.

Seeing Wang Li's disgusting face, Ye Chui's heart moved, and he wanted to play tricks on this woman.

So Ye Chui leaned on the seat beside him, showing a very leisurely look, and continued to smile and said: "You are really shooting."

"Don't think I'm afraid!" Gao Ming gritted his teeth and shouted.

"Fuck, you're a puppy if you don't speak up!" Ye Chui said with a smile.

Gao Ming was extremely angry, feeling that Ye Chui was challenging his bottom line.

In fact, they are in the robbery business, the most taboo is serial, robbery is robbery, but don't hurt people's lives.

Robbery and homicide are two completely different crimes.

However, Gao Ming is really too angry now.

While Wang Li, who was kidnapped, was frightened, but her eyes showed an angry expression.

The woman was so stupid that she couldn't tell the difference, her hatred for Ye Chui overcame her fear of being hijacked, she yelled: "Ye Chui, you bastard, if I die today and become a ghost, I won't let you go, you bastard ..."

"Shut up, I'm paralyzed!"

Gao Ming was taken aback by Wang Li's loud voice, and almost pulled the trigger. He cursed fiercely, stopped drinking, and Wang Li continued to be stupid.

But Ye Chui smiled faintly, and said to Gao Ming: "Look, she has a grudge against me, if you kill her, I'll be happy before it's too late, so hurry up and do it."

Wang Li was shocked and angry. Under the influence of these two emotions, she made another extremely stupid decision.

"Gao Ming, you... don't kill me, Ye Chui's girlfriend is a rich and beautiful woman, you let me go, we... let's blackmail him together?"

Let's blackmail him together...

When Wang Li said this, all the passengers on the bus felt ashamed.

As Ye Chui is a brave man, they are naturally on Ye Chui's side. What Ye Chui said before can anger Gao Ming, they all think it is a strategy, not sincere, so they don't feel that Ye Chui hates him but thinks he is very witty.

But Wang Li said this at this time... Do you dare to be more stupid and shameless?

Gao Ming was also taken aback for a moment, amused by Wang Li's divine thinking.

At the age of 17, he debuted with his second uncle and got robbed more than a hundred times. This is the first time he has met such a strange woman...

Ye Chui rubbed his forehead, speechless to Wang Li's super silly reaction.

He has no interest in continuing to play anymore.

So he stretched out his hand and grabbed Gao Ming directly.

Gao Ming's eyes suddenly turned cold, and his heart was extremely angry. He felt that Ye Chui was insulting him, and he felt that he didn't dare to shoot at all.

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Gao Ming pressed the trigger with his finger, and the pistol let out a soft sound: "Ka!"

Following this soft sound, Wang Li screamed like crazy, as if she was being fucked by someone...

After Gao Ming fired another shot at Wang Li, the pistol was aimed at Ye Chui immediately, and then fired one after another.

"click" "click" "click"

There was a crazy smile on his face. As a desperado, his mind had already been distorted to a certain extent. At this moment, he was completely immersed in the pleasure of killing and cruelty.

But soon his expression became stiff.

Ye Chui looked at him with a smile, but he shot one after another, but there was only a hollow sound, and the bullets didn't come out at all...

Wang Li, who was pushed away by him, was squatting on the aisle of the bus at this time, covering her head and screaming.

She was so frightened that she didn't have any wounds on her body.

The pistol broke?Gao Ming looked at his pistol suspiciously.

He obviously checked it before starting today, why did it suddenly get stuck?

Ye Chui chuckled: "You are a toy? You are so brave to use a toy gun to rob."

The other passengers on the bus felt scared when Gao Ming fired the gun, but the funny scene later made them all relax. They all thought that Gao Ming's gun was a toy gun, and they thought it was really stupid Yes, even used a toy gun to rob...

Without the deterrence of guns, some passengers with a strong sense of justice stood up and planned to follow Ye Chui to do justice.

Wang Li also finally realized that she hadn't been shot in the head. She got up from the ground tremblingly, but a smell of scratching came out from under her... She was completely scared to pee .

Getting up from the ground, Wang Li panicked and left Gao Ming's side.

As for Gao Ming, he was already in a cold sweat, studying this and that gun in his hands, trying to figure out why the gun suddenly failed.

The corner of Ye Chui's mouth smiled slightly, this scene seemed familiar.

He suddenly withdrew the deterrent force emanating from him.

The suppressed pistol in Gao Ming's hand immediately recovered, just at this moment he was delving into his hand and pulled the trigger——


Gunshots rang out.

In the narrow space of the bus, the sound seemed to carry some echoes, which made the gunshot even more powerful.

The passengers on the bus all trembled, and then subconsciously checked whether they had been shot.

A moment later, a scream rang out.

This scream came from Gao Ming.

The pistol, which seemed to have been completely broken, suddenly returned to normal, and the bullet just hit the sole of his foot.

The left foot was completely bloody.

Gao Ming dropped the pistol, screaming continuously...

Everyone was surprised, it turned out that this pistol was not a toy, it turned out to be a real gun.


This guy actually shot himself?

Surprise, and some fluke.

"Let's go together and subdue him!"

"The belt used, made of cowhide, tied him up!"

Everyone rushed forward again and completely subdued Gao Ming.

Ye Chui didn't interfere, but there were endless voices of thanks and gratitude from all around, and Ye Chui responded with a smile.

There was one exception: Wang Li, who felt extremely ashamed because she peed on her pants, sat in a corner, looking at Ye Chui with vicious eyes.

Because she peed her pants, it's not easy to change clothes directly here, and she smells like scratches all over her body, so everyone around her kept her at arm's length, which made her feel even more ashamed.

She felt that Ye Chui must have played with her on purpose just now... Although she didn't know how, but now she was forced to pee her pants because of Ye Chui.

She was coerced to point a gun at her head, yet Ye Chui let the robber shoot her, it's really disgusting!

In her mind, it was only natural that the robbers would hijack her.

But Ye Chui encouraged the robbers to shoot when he saw that he was dying, which was simply the most heinous act.

It's Ye Chui's fault that she makes such a fool of herself now, she must make Ye Chui look good!

Gao Ming and his comatose second uncle were tied up by the crowd, Ye Chui sat back in his original position and felt the bus driving fast.


Fuck, what does Wang Li look like in that woman?How come he saved her life just now, why does he seem to owe her something?

Ye Chui didn't bother to think too much, and was about to go home, Ye Chui's heart was filled with a warm feeling.

The bus was driving fast, and soon came to Yuxiang Town.

Because there were two robbers on the bus, the bus driver drove the bus directly outside the town police station.

Someone had already called the police, so when the bus arrived, many policemen had already gathered, and there were also some urban residents who had heard about the robbery incident and were worried about their families.

Through the car window, Ye Chui looked at the crowd outside, wondering if he could see the figure of the little girl among them?

Before getting on the bus, he called his mother and knew that his little sister Ye Ling would come to pick him up.

Soon, Ye Chui saw a familiar figure.

This was the first time he saw it, but the figure in his memory was extremely profound, and Ye Chui recognized him at a glance.

Ye Ling, at a young age, is very beautiful, with a pair of big eyes that are watery, giving people a charming feeling.

With a bit of worry on her face, she stared at the bus door.

Seeing the passengers come down one by one, but her eyes kept looking in it, she was obviously looking for Ye Chui's figure.

Ye Chui's heart was touched by the thought of his sister, and he was about to leave the car immediately.

The two robbers had already been taken away by several police officers, and when Ye Chui got out of the car to find Ye Ling, Ye Chui suddenly saw Wang Li pulling a policeman and pointing at Ye Chui, shouting: "Comrade police, He is with those two robbers!"


Several policemen were shocked immediately, and looked at Ye Chui vigilantly.

Because of the robbery incident, these policemen were equipped with pistols to prevent any accidents. They took out the pistols and pointed them at Ye Chui.

Everyone else was shocked, and some people who didn't understand the situation stepped aside one after another.

The rest of the people were the passengers who were on the bus just now. They looked at Wang Li in disbelief, not knowing what basis Wang Li said.

"He is also a member of the gang of robbers?" A robber closest to Wang Li couldn't help asking, "How do you know?"

Wang Li pointed at Ye Chui angrily, and said in a straightforward manner: "He knew that the robbers were robbers before they even made a move in the car, and he also knew that one of the robbers had a problem with his gun. If he told those two The robbers were not in the same group, how could they know these things? They must have colluded, but he repented halfway and betrayed the two robbers, in fact, they were in the same group!"

Ye Chui: "#¥#@¥......"

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