The puppet attacked, and directly inserted the two swords into Bingtao's body, and the blades passed through his body.

Bingtao showed a stunned and unbelievable expression on his face. If this puppet is only at the first level, how could he have no attack power?

He didn't expect that he was just teleported here, and he was immediately attacked like this!

Let him directly lose all attack power.

After the puppet seriously injured Bingtao, it did not continue to kill. This is the characteristic of the training area, leaving a trace of life for the executives.

It retracted its weapon, turned into a burst of white sand and disappeared in front of Bingtao.

Bing Tao squatted on the ground, hurriedly took out a tube of Yuanli liquid from his body, raised his head and drank it, and the wound on his body slowly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This Yuanli liquid is very effective. In addition to supporting skills to attack, it also contains a large amount of life essence, which can quickly recover from injuries.

In the process of replying, Bingtao finally figured out something: " not a level-[-] training area at all, but at least level-[-]!"

Bing Tao is only the executive of the three poles, to this five-level training area?

This is simply courting death!

A horrified expression appeared on his face, and then he looked up at Ye Chui floating in the air.

Ye Chui also happened to be looking at Bing Tao with great interest, with a faint smile on his face.

Bingtao spat fiercely, and said to Ye Chui, who was floating in the air: "You are floating in the air, do you think there is no problem? Hmph, besides being able to attack on land, puppets also have some flying puppets! "

Just as Bingtao was saying this, there was a sudden sound of birdsong in the distance, Ye Chui turned his head to look curiously, and found that there were three or four black spots flying over quickly, and they became bigger in a blink of an eye. It turned out to be birds and beasts like falcons, looking at their posture, they obviously wanted to attack Ye Chui.

Seeing this, Bingtao laughed loudly: "Look, this is attack puppets, they are very powerful, just wait to be torn apart by them!"

As he spoke, Bingtao squatted on the ground, feeling extremely proud.

This kind of flying puppet will only attack units suspended in the air, but it will not pay much attention to people squatting on the ground.

Relatively speaking, he is much safer than Ye Chui now.

However, Bingtao quickly opened his eyes wide——

These flying puppets came besieging, but Ye Chui did not do anything to escape. He just stood there, suddenly raised one hand high, made a fist, and the muscles on his arm suddenly bulged, full of strength.

This is the starting move of the meteorite falling from the sky.

Ye Chui took a deep breath, and the dense pattern of the Iron Man's suit kept flickering, connecting all the arrays related to this set of exercises, waiting for the flying puppets to come to him one by one.

Each of the flying puppets has a width of three to four meters after spreading their wings, and they are very ferocious. There are four of them in total. They fly together with overwhelming power, and they arrive in front of Ye Chui in an instant.

Ye Chui's punch exploded, and in an instant, his fist seemed to be divided into countless pieces.

It was as if countless meteorites fell from the sky.

The reason why the skill of meteorite falling from the sky has this name is because of the power that it seems that meteorites fall from the sky and hit the ground.

Boom boom boom!

Those ferocious flying puppets seemed to have been attacked by countless artillery fires suddenly. Almost in an instant, the huge bodies began to disintegrate, shattered continuously, and pieces of debris fell to the ground.

Bing Tao, who was waiting to see the joke, immediately opened his mouth in surprise, and even forgot to breathe for a moment.

He didn't react until he was about to suffocate himself.

But there was still an expression of disbelief on his face, it was so powerful that he could kill all four flying puppets with just one punch?


This was completely beyond his imagination.

That kind of flying puppet, not to mention four, even if there is only one, if Bingtao encounters it, he has no confidence in whether he can deal with it.

But Ye Chui completely solved these four with just one punch...

What kind of power is this?

Bingtao immediately realized that Ye Chui was not a first-level executive at all, and his level was at least above the fifth level.

To become an executive, most people will work hard to upgrade their level, because each level will have certain benefits, such as a certain amount of points will be distributed every month. With this welfare attraction, the executive has enough After the strength, it will go to the executive's assessment and upgrade.

There are very few people who deliberately suppress their level, but Ye Chui is obviously one of them.

Is this pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger?

In fact, of course it's not like this... It's just because Ye Chui's strength is improving a bit fast, and he doesn't have time to complete the assessment.

Anyway, the source of Ye Chui's points is enough now, and a lot of points can be obtained quickly. He plans to wait for the strength to reach the peak level, and then go directly to the executive officer's assessment.

After killing the four flying puppets, Ye Chui was very satisfied with the power of his punch.

Of course, in his opinion, there are still some small flaws, but a few more strokes should be able to remove these flaws.

After identifying the direction, he planned to leave here.

But at this moment, Bingtao's voice suddenly sounded again: "Wait, please wait!"

Ye Chui looked over curiously: "What's wrong? Do you have anything else to do?"

"Of course I have something to do." Bingtao hurriedly shouted, "I didn't expect you to be so powerful, I really misjudged, but since I met you, it was also my luck, and I couldn't take that thing away by myself , and now I meet you, that's just right!"

Ye Chui frowned and said, "What exactly are you trying to say?"

"In this area, I know that there is a high-level magic weapon hidden, which is very powerful. I know that message and want to come over and take that magic weapon away, but you have also seen it. With my strength, it is impossible to take that magic weapon away." Something." Bingtao said in a discussing tone.

Ye Chui was a little curious and asked, "A high-level magic weapon? Why is there a magic weapon here?"

"I also learned by chance that a seventh-level executor came here for training, and accidentally lost the magic weapon that he spent 8000 million points in exchange for. He himself was seriously injured, so there is no way to do it for the time being I came back to pick up things, I met him and heard this information by chance, so I wanted to claim that magic weapon as my own." Bingtao said really, "Selling that magic weapon secretly can earn at least [-] yuan. Wan, how about we split the money equally?"

Ye Chui squinted his eyes, feeling that Bingtao's words were unbelievable, he appeared beside Bingtao in a flash, and at the same time directly connected to the wireless network, accessed Bingtao's consciousness, and captured all the thoughts in Bingtao's heart. I want to fully appreciate it.

This is equivalent to him launching the soul-searching technique, but there are some variants, which are more powerful.

In an instant, Ye Chui understood what was going on, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Sure enough, it was Picasso who asked him to delay him, well, he wanted to see what this guy planned to do next.

Thinking this way in his heart, Ye Chui smiled on the surface: "There is such a thing, 8000 million points, this is not a small sum, well, I will go with you to find this magic weapon."

Hearing Ye Chui's promise, Bingtao was overjoyed and thought to himself: "What a fool, he was fooled by me so easily... Picasso told me that as long as he can trap this kid in the training area Just give me 3000 million points, 3000 million. If he doesn’t take it seriously, it’s like a huge sum of money to me. Although this task is a bit difficult, but... fortunately, I exchanged that kind of thing before, and I can completely redeem him. Play to death here!"

"Since you agree, let's go!" Bing Tao said to Ye Chui with a smile, "Of course, I will guide the way, but you have to help me solve any danger on the way."

"Naturally, don't worry." Ye Chui said with a smile.


real world.

The night passed quickly, and in the early morning, Ye Chui got up early, and his sister had already made breakfast, and after eating breakfast together, they went to the hospital with breakfast.

On the way, Ye Chui thought about his sister's college entrance examination, so he asked, "Xiao Ling, where do you want to go in college?"

"University registration will start in a few days, and I'm thinking about it." Ye Ling shook her head, and she looked at Ye Chui, "Brother, where do you think I should go?"

"Look for a school in Xizhou." Ye Chui thought for a while and said.

Xizhou is not considered a first-tier city in China, but when Ye Ling went to school in Xizhou, Ye Chui was able to take care of her. Now he has a deep affection for this sister and wants to keep her by his side.

Ye Lingen let out a sigh and nodded. In fact, she was going to Xizhou City, and she wanted to stay closer to her brother.

After chatting like this, we came to the hospital.

Let Ye Haishan eat first, but Li Qiuju pulled Ye Chui out of the ward: "Hammer, I heard that Cheng Song was beaten very hard this morning, and his legs may be lame in this life. It’s too late, why don’t you find a way to go out and hide for a while?”

"Mom, don't worry, don't worry, it's okay." Ye Chui comforted with a smile, he really didn't take these things seriously, "Cheng Fugui dare not do anything to me."

"He is the mayor." Li Qiuju said anxiously.

"It's just a mayor, nothing special." Ye Chui said with a smile, "Mom, they hurt my dad first, and I beat him up. If they dare to make trouble again , I will make them regret it."

Li Qiuju looked at Ye Chui with strange eyes, and felt that the man in front of her was a little different from the son she remembered, but she couldn't explain exactly what was different, so she hesitated for a moment, then she sighed , Did not continue to say anything and returned to the ward.

Ye Chui then said that he had taken out all the pills he made, saying that they were some health-care medicines he had bought, and that taking a pill every day was good for his health.

Ye Haishan didn't think too much, and promised to remember to take the medicine.

He had been hurting his muscles and bones for a hundred days, but he didn't expect that after taking this medicine, it took only one month for his leg injury to heal completely.

Of course, this is a follow-up.

Ye Chui and Ye Ling stayed in the hospital, so Li Qiuju was asked to go home and rest first.

When she left, Ye Chui quietly put his mobile phone into the bag she was carrying.

That bag was brought by Ye Chui and Ye Ling when they brought their lunch over in the morning, and it was used to hold the lunch box.

Putting the mobile phone next to the mother is also for her safety.

After sending his mother away from the hospital, Ye Chui turned and went back to the ward.

What he didn't see was that not far away from a corner of the wall, a sneaky person stretched out his head. When he saw Ye Chui, he was slightly surprised, then quickly shrank back and took out his mobile phone A number was dialed.

The number was dialed after a while, and a steady voice came from the other side: "How's the matter?"

"Uncle, I'm outside the hospital right now... Ye Chui is fine, and it doesn't look like something happened to their house." The sneaky figure said nervously in a low voice.

"What?" The voice of the man on the other side, that is, Cheng Fugui, suddenly became angry, "Didn't the big bastard and the bastard say that it can be done in one night? You go find them two and find out what's going on !"

The sneaky figure swallowed a mouthful of saliva because of fear, and continued: "I went to find them this morning, but they were not at home. I wandered around the town for a long time and didn't see where they went..."

Cheng Fugui was also surprised: "Did you call their mobile phone?"

"Called, but the mobile phone reminder has been turned off, so I can't get through." The sneaky figure became more nervous as he spoke, "Uncle, is something wrong? Even if they didn't succeed, I should be able to hear something Ah, but now they just evaporated."

Cheng Fugui pondered for a moment, and then said: "Go and inquire first, these two are alcoholics, maybe they went to drink and got drunk, if you hear about them, call me immediately."

"Okay, uncle."

County hospital.

Standing in the corridor of the hospital, Cheng Fugui looked far less calm than the one on the phone. He walked back and forth nervously.

The big rascal and the second rascal, the rogue brothers, went to deal with Ye Chui. It was he who had the evil thoughts in his heart when he saw his son in such a miserable state last night.

Just now he called his nephew to ask him to confirm, he thought that if the two brothers didn't succeed, forget about it, and think of other ways to settle with Ye Chui later.

But when he didn't expect, the big raizi and the second raizi disappeared.

Cheng Fugui had asked this pair of brothers to do things before, and the two of them were very quick to do things, but this time they disappeared.

Could it be... Ye Chui did it?

Thinking of Ye Chui's icy appearance, Chen Fugui couldn't help shivering all over his body.

How did this person who had heard of pustule all of a sudden become like this?

"Hello." A doctor came to Cheng Fugui's side at this time, "Are you Chen Song's family?"

"It's me, what's the result of your discussion? Will my son's leg recover?" Cheng Fugui asked hastily.

After the son was sent here last night, he received medical treatment immediately.

After dealing with the broken leg, several doctors had a discussion together to discuss the treatment plan. The doctor who came here now obviously has discussed the treatment plan.

The doctor nodded first, and then handed a printed document to Cheng Fugui: "Your son's leg is seriously injured. In order to recover completely, in addition to surgery and correction, physical therapy is also required. After our discussion , according to this method, your son is likely to return to normal, but it costs..."

"I want the best treatment, how much will it cost?" Cheng Fugui said immediately.

His son is his lifeblood, and he is willing to spend any amount of money.

The doctor didn't answer directly, but pointed to a string of numbers on the last page of the stack of documents.

Cheng Fugui's eyes were about to protrude: "89!?"

The doctor nodded: "This is still the lowest standard. In fact, many people would directly choose amputation in a situation like your son's..."

"Amputation is absolutely not allowed!" Cheng Fugui roared, "89... then 89, and treat me according to this plan!"

"Okay, I'll make arrangements now." The doctor then turned his head and left.

"89 million..."

Cheng Fugui looked even more irritable, this money is definitely a huge sum of money for him.

Where did he go to get such a large sum of money?

Suddenly, Cheng Fugui's eyes lit up and he thought of something.

"The money that Yuxiang Town raised to buy the boat is still in my hands..."

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