The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

243 Then kick them all out of the guild

Naturally, Ye Chui couldn't play all the scenes that happened at that time, but made some edits to fully reveal Wang Li's behavior of committing the second crime.

For example, he claimed that the robber Gao Ming was his boyfriend, and after being threatened with a gun by Gao Ming, he told Gao Ming that they would collude with him to hold Ye Chui. Finally, when he arrived at the police station, he unreasonably framed Ye Chui as a gang with the robber. But she was collectively identified by the passengers on the bus as the one who was with the robbers, and so on.

The video lasted about 10 minutes, and Wang Jun stared at the mobile phone video and couldn't say a word.

After the video was played, Wang Jun pointed to the phone and said intermittently: "This... this must be fake, this must be fake!"

"You can ask someone if it's fake." Ye Chui sneered and put the phone away, "Or you can confirm with Wang Li yourself whether what happened is the truth!"

Wang Jun didn't know what to say, he was not a fool, he just came here this time in a fit of anger and wanted to give Ye Chui a hard lesson, but in fact he knew his daughter's virtues in his heart.

The things shown in the video are probably true.

All of a sudden, he lost his confidence, and he lost a bit of momentum even when he was messing around.

Ye Haishan snorted at this time, apparently dissatisfied with Wang Li's behavior, and felt that it was right for his son to be separated from this kind of woman.

But Wang Jun didn't intend to just let it go, he thought about it for a while, and then thought of something, pointed at Ye Chui and shouted: "Even if it's true, I can't blame my daughter, if you want to blame it, blame you for being a shameless little boy!" , My daughter is also like this because she is too angry for a while, and you forced her to do this."

"Fuck, according to what you say, does your daughter's murder also have to be blamed on me?" Ye Chui rolled his eyes depressedly.

When dealing with people who are slightly related to Wang Jun, you can't use force directly. If you want to replace it with other people to stalk, Ye Chui has already punched him out.

Wang Jun snorted and continued to shout at Ye Chui: "That's two different things. It's not a lie that you hired a rich girl to be a bad face, right?"

Mentioning this Ye Haishan is also more concerned. He actually thought it was a bit strange. Even if his son suddenly changed his surname, he made 10 yuan in just half a year. He felt it was unreal.

Even if he believed in Ye Chui's character, he still felt a little thumping in his heart.

If he knew that Ye Chui had earned tens of millions of dollars in a few months, and would earn tens of millions of dollars every month in the future, what would he think...

Ye Haishan looked at Ye Chui and said, "Ye Chui, just tell me about your girlfriend carefully!"

Hearing his father's question, Ye Chui's subconscious reaction was to say, "That?"

——Fortunately, he reacted in time and did not say this question.

Ye Chui thought for a while, and then said: "She is indeed a rich girl, I do business with her, Dad, I assure you, I never took a penny from her."

Ye Chui said with certainty, because this was the truth.

Ye Haishan's puzzled expression returned to normal.

Wang Jun snorted but said, "It's really nice to say, since she's your girlfriend, she won't come back to take a look after your dad is hurt like this? Are you a jerk or something!"

Ye Chui explained that Ozawa's voice suddenly came to his ears: "Brother Ye, Xiaoxue is coming from Xizhou City now, and it is estimated that he will arrive in Yuxiang Town at three or four in the afternoon."

"What?" Ye Chui was startled, "What is she doing here?"

Ozawa smiled grinningly, and continued: "In the past two days, she has been binge-watching all kinds of family dramas and actively studying to be a good daughter-in-law in China. She thinks she has achieved success in cultivation, so she set off here Hee hee, she originally planned to give you a surprise."

Ozawa has the intelligence of a normal person, and Ye Chui's Iron Man suit has super computing power. Ozawa's data cloud is also stored in Ye Chui's Iron Man suit, allowing her to serve Ye Chui at any time.

Ozawa also fully saw what Ye Chui experienced.

At this time, when talking about why Ye Chui's girlfriend didn't come back with him, she told Ye Chui the news that Xiaoxue was coming.

Ye Chui was a little sweaty. Originally, he didn't intend to let Xiaoxue come over because Xiaoxue was a little young, but Ye Chui couldn't say it outright and said that she was not suitable to see her in-laws...

Now it seems like a big mistake.

The communication with Ozawa was actually very fast, Ye Chui then smiled and said to Wang Jun: "My girlfriend will come back this afternoon, she is busy with work, so I was delayed in Xizhou City for a few days first."

"Brother, is your girlfriend coming?" Ye Ling asked in surprise, "Why didn't you tell me earlier, and let my mother and I prepare well."

Ye Chui smiled and said, "Don't bother."

"How can I do that?" Ye Ling was still a little worried.

She felt that since her brother's girlfriend was a rich girl, she must have been spoiled, and she had to clean it up after coming back here.

Seeing Ye Ling's worry, Ye Chui smiled and said, "Don't worry, it's fine, she listens to me very much."

Wang Jun's expression on the side felt a little helpless, but he was not willing to just give in.

With a snort in his mouth, he continued: "The bus to Yuxiang Town only takes one trip in the afternoon. Your girlfriend will come over, right? Coincidentally, my daughter's boyfriend is also coming in the afternoon, so I want to see your girlfriend then. what does it look like."

After Wang Jun said this, he seemed to feel ashamed to stay here any longer, so he turned around and left.

Ye Haishan's voice was a bit puzzled: "Wang Li's boyfriend is coming too? Where did her boyfriend come from? I'm so confused..."

Ye Ling snorted and said, "This is too obvious. After Wang Li broke up with her brother, she also has a boyfriend. Uncle Wang Jun just wanted to show off."

"Then what's the matter with what he said just now?" Ye Haishan continued with some doubts.

Ye Ling was smart and said, "Don't you know what Uncle Wang Jun's name is, Dad Ge? He just wanted to take advantage of it, but he found himself in the wrong."

Ye Haishan thought about it for a while, and it was indeed so.

Wang Jun came here angrily to settle accounts, maybe he was hoping to ask Ye Chui for some mental damage fees or something.

It turned out that Ye Chui took out the video.

He had nothing to say, his mind of wanting to take advantage of it turned into his mind of wanting to compare Ye Chui.

It just so happened that Wang Li's new boyfriend was also coming to Yuxiang Town in the afternoon, and he took the same bus as Ye Chui's girlfriend, so he started to compare.

Wang Li's new boyfriend has heard from his daughter that he is doing well, even better than the rich girl Ye Chui found, which makes him very proud.

According to his theory, if Ye Chui finds a daughter from a rich family, it's called a bad boy, and if his daughter finds a noble son, it's called being capable.

Ye Chui couldn't understand Wang Jun's idea very well, he smiled faintly and didn't take it seriously: Wang Jun wants to use her daughter's boyfriend to show off?Among the noble sons in Xizhou City, there is no one who can compare with Yu Xue, a little rich woman!

What good boyfriend can someone like Wang Li find?

Ye Haishan recalled, sighed and said: "Hammer, why are you like this? You didn't tell us when you broke up with Wang Li. I think Wang Jun probably knew about his daughter breaking up with you a long time ago. Hey, two days ago on his birthday, I asked your mother to give him two gold-patterned fishes as a gift, isn't that a free gift?"

Gold-patterned fish can be bought for thousands of yuan, this gift is really not cheap.

Ye Chui said apologetically, "Dad, I made a mistake in this matter, and I will pay more attention to it in the future."

Ye Ling said furtively beside Ye Chui: "Brother, isn't your new girlfriend pretty?"

"It's beautiful." Ye Chui said with a smile.

There is a saying in Xizhou City that there are the best sisters, and this pair of sisters are now Ye Chui's women.

Ye Ling immediately became interested: "I'm really looking forward to seeing my sister-in-law. Actually, I didn't like Wang Li from the beginning, that is, she is a bit pretty and I don't think she is good enough for my brother."

Hearing his sister defending herself like this, Ye Chui couldn't help laughing.

Actually speaking of beauty...

Compared with Yu Xue, Wang Li is like the difference between a dogtail grass and a rose.

Ye Haishan blamed Ye Chui slightly, but since the incident had already happened, and Wang Jun's behavior really made him a little unhappy, he let go of his dissatisfaction.

I am looking forward to what Ye Chui's new girlfriend will look like.

"Ye Ling, you should go back later and tell your mother to prepare some delicious meals. It's the first time a girl comes to our house, so I can't neglect her." Ye Haishan told Ye Ling with a smile .

Ye Lingen nodded her head, and left the ward impatiently.

Ye Chui still stayed here, but he felt a little worried in his heart.

Yu Xue is really too young, although her body is very sexy, but her appearance is a bit [***]... I really don't know if Ye Haishan can accept it.


in the spiritual space.

With a flash of white light, Ye Chui's Huo Lei Shen avatar and Xing Mei returned to the teleportation hall in Negro Town in the ruins area.

Coming out of this hall, Ye Chui followed Xingmei directly to a large square in the center of Geluo Town.

At this time, tens of thousands of people, or tens of thousands of game players, gathered in this square.

Most of them belonged to the Skyhammer Guild, and the rest were game players who were attracted to watch the fun, and some executives and low-level cadres who were performing tasks came to join in the fun.

This kind of thing is not often able to see.

And among these people, there is a hotly dressed and beautiful female player, the game id Shui Yueqin.

She is the president of the Skyhammer Guild (that is, Ozawa).

The Sky Hammer Guild was established by Maria Kurai, who was known as a super god in the game. Later, Maria Kurai passed away unexpectedly, and the name of the first guild of the Sky Hammer Guild was almost replaced by other guilds. It was at this time Shui Yueqin was born, replaced Maria Kurai with an unrivaled momentum and became the president of the Sky Hammer Guild again. Her operation was almost the same as Maria Kurai. The title of Super God.

If it weren't for the fact that the information about Maria Kurai's death was not easy to find on the Internet, many people would directly think that the current Shui Yueqin is the former Maria Kurai.

At this time, most of the Skyhammer Guild's players were summoned to the square to protest.

Most of the players expressed their dissatisfaction with Ozawa arbitrarily using the unknown Ye Chui as the leader of the union.

I don't know how this protest was launched. There are more than 8000 guild members standing on the opposite side.

There are only two to three hundred people on Ozawa's side.

It is already a situation of betrayal.

However, what surprised most players was that Shui Yueqin, the guild leader, showed a careless attitude towards this kind of scene.

Although surrounded by everyone, she was still leisurely, standing in the middle of the square with a look of wandering outside.

"President, just give us an explanation on what you are going to do!" A game player named Daily Yi Lu angrily said to Ozawa.

He is the vice-chairman of the Tianhammer Association. After Maria Kurai passed away unexpectedly, he was the most promising to become the new chairman. Unfortunately, Shui Yueqin appeared and replaced him, which made him feel dissatisfied all the time.

"He is the leader of the guild, and he is determined not to change it." A somewhat lazy voice rang out.

It sounds laid-back, but it's decidedly non-negotiable.

"Shui Yueqin, do you really intend to continue like this forever?" Daily Yilu yelled, "The guild was established by everyone, what you do is simply chilling the hearts of the brothers in the guild!"

In this game, the voice system speaks, and the people around can hear it, but the square is too big, and it is impossible to take care of everyone with the voice system alone, so the Skyhammer Guild also opened a third-party group chat software here .

At this time, Yilu continued to talk to other guild players in the group chat software with emotion: "The guild guide we found is the best guide in the entire dungeon, and there is only such a guide." To be able to match the name of our first guild. He has gained a lot of experience as our guide, but now? With other people, our pace of upgrading has been greatly weakened. Isn’t this what we asked for? Brothers, We are determined not to let that No. [-] be our guild leader again!"

"Resolutely don't let it!"

"It must be replaced, replaced with the original one!"

Various angry voices sounded in the group chat.

Every day Yilu seized this opportunity and continued to say to Ozawa: "Shui Yueqin, you make a decision, whether to continue to go against the wind in your own way, or to follow everyone's voice and replace that guide!"

At this time, Xingmei rushed to the scene with Ye Chui, squeezed away layers of game players, and came to the central area of ​​tens of thousands of people.

Xingmei looked concerned.

Although she knew that Ye Chui and Ozawa might know each other, she still expressed concern about this kind of scene. After she rushed over, she said to Ozawa eagerly: "Talk to everyone, Huo Leishen will definitely I will take on the role of guiding people well, please don’t be angry.”

Ozawa was originally listless, but after hearing Xingmei's words, she saw Ye Chui, and then she cheered up, showing a very excited look.

It's a pity that she can't show that she can move freely in front of other players, and can only do some actions prescribed by game characters like other game players, which makes Ozawa feel very unhappy.

She walked up to Ye Chui swayingly, smiled and said: "These people are really bad, they even want to replace your position, what do you think should be done?"

"You have to replace me." Ye Chui smiled and said with a look of complete indifference, "Then you can't tell them."

"But they didn't listen. You see, they all gathered to protest." Ozawa said with a bit of aggrieved voice.

"That's it...then kick them all out of the guild." Ye Cuiyu said in surprise.

The players who heard what he said were all furious, and asked the president to expel them all from the guild?

However... the president said in a surprised voice: "Sure enough, you are very careful!"

"What!?" Every day Yi Lu yelled, "President, what are you talking about... What a good idea this is!"

"That's a good idea!" Ozawa said with a smile.

Every day was even more shocking: "President, you actually say that, don't tell me... you really plan to kick us all out of the guild?"

"Yes." Ozawa said in a rippling voice.

Every day, I was stunned for a while, and then said coldly: "Okay, I want to see what you plan to do! There are nearly 1 people in our guild who have entered this copy of the ruins, and nearly [-] of them are against him. Don't you Do you want to expel these [-] players? If you have the ability, try it!"

Ozawa showed a somewhat depressed expression: Damn, do you think my old lady dare not?

Then, almost all the players who belonged to the Sky Hammer Guild received a system notification at the same time: "You have been kicked out of the guild by Shui Yueqin, the president of the Sky Hammer Guild."

This is a batch process. There were nearly [-] game players in the guild member list, but only a few hundred people remained in an instant.

"Fuck, keep whispering in my old lady's ear, my old lady has long been impatient, so get out of here early!"

Ozawa's impatient voice also rang out in the group chat.

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