"Huh? What happened? Why did the water knife suddenly shatter by itself?"

The mysterious person who controlled the water array map was stunned when he found that the water knife was smashed by Ye Chui.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chui could detect his attack, and even shattered the water knife.

His reaction was also quick, and he immediately realized that something was wrong, he hurriedly manipulated the formation and increased the pressure on Ye Chui, and the pressure around Ye Chui became several times stronger in an instant.

However, Ye Chui looked safe and sound.

It seems that there is no abnormality at all due to the change of water pressure.

Ye Chui, who has already comprehended the power of water, has already surpassed anyone in this world in his understanding of water, and water pressure has no effect on him!

Originally, Ye Chui was a master craftsman, and his understanding of the power of water has reached its peak.

It's just that after being reborn, his cultivation is no longer. Although he has an understanding of water, he doesn't have the most crucial comprehension.

At this time, the power of water has been comprehended, and the most critical link has been untied.

Ye Chui's extreme control over water naturally also fully recovered.

The wounds on his body have fully recovered bit by bit. This is a treatment using the power of water.

Feeling the sudden change of water pressure around him, Ye Chui smiled lightly, and waved his right hand lightly——


The water flow is surging, and the surging water flow is directly dispelled.

Ye Chui then seriously realized: "Well, the power of this water formation is indeed not small. It should have existed for some time, but its power has been greatly reduced, and there have been many loopholes..."

"How did this happen? He seems to have become so powerful in an instant!?" The mysterious man was extremely surprised, his voice turned cold, "Did he just play with me? Damn, I won't let him go, Ningshuizhen, give me I hang him!"

Water vortices suddenly appeared in the water surrounding Ye Chui, and these water vortexes quickly formed water knives, and then shot at Ye Chui quickly.

Ye Chui smiled lightly: "This formation already has many flaws, and the person who controls this formation obviously doesn't have a deep understanding of this formation, so they attacked me like this. This kind of attack is simply a child's play, not only The lethality is not enough, but also exposed his position!"

Whoosh whoosh.

A pair of sharp water knives came to Ye Chui's side in an instant.

Ye Chui's body spun suddenly, and the surrounding water was driven to form a whirlwind, and the water knives around were immediately deflected from their orbits and flew in all directions.

"it's here!"

When Ye Chui was spinning, he also reasoned to the controller through this diagram.

Without spending much energy, he completely sensed where the other party was hiding.


Ye Chui stretched out his hand and pointed, and a jet of water shot out immediately, forming a ripple in the water and shooting towards a seemingly ordinary boulder on the bottom of the sea.


Then there was an exclamation.

A patch of blood appeared on the clear bottom of the sea.


in the spiritual world.

"Get him out of the water for me, I want to see for myself what he has become!" Xingjue said coldly.

Although it was far away from the giant, the giant seemed to be able to hear it. He immediately stretched out an arm and fished under the water.

Xingjue turned to look at Xingmei: "Okay, the matter here is over, I will take good care of you in the future, and will not let you get into any danger again."

Xingmei was still sobbing, just staring blankly at the newly formed lake at the giant's feet.

"What? Do you still think he's still alive?" Seeing Xingmei's appearance, Xingjue suddenly showed displeasure, "You give up, although I don't know how he did it, but just now he controlled those flames , is definitely beyond his ability too much, he should have died of exhaustion long ago."

"Fire and Thunder God... Huo and Thunder God is still alive!" Xing Mei said stubbornly.

As Ye Chui's liaison officer, she can sense whether Ye Chui is still alive, and she has this feeling at this moment.

"Alive? So what if you're alive, why don't you let me kill you?" Xingjue also knows about Xingmei's relationship with Ye Chui. Since Xingmei said that Ye Chui is still alive, she is alive.

Hmph, what a tenacious guy, it doesn't matter, let me do it myself this time, to actually make his beloved sister so obsessed... Damn it!

Xingjue looked coldly at the lake at the giant's feet.

The giant's big hand had already been inserted into the water, and the leaf was about to be fished out vertically.

at this time……


Streams of water suddenly shot out from the lake, like bullets, hitting the giant's arms one after another.

The giant screamed involuntarily, and raised his hand hastily.

He became angry again, clenched his fists, and smashed his head into the water.


With this punch, the lake water suddenly scattered around, causing the giant's fist to shake the ground.

Those streams of water rose one after another, like water snakes wrapped around the giant's arms, then quickly climbed up, and finally condensed to the giant's head.

It completely wrapped the giant's head.

The giant was furious and slapped his hands on his face.

But the water is invisible, his hands can't sweep away the water controlled by Ye Chui.

And Ye Chui was standing on top of the giant's head at this moment, with his hands open, controlling the massive water.

His body has fully recovered, his wounds have healed, and his energy has almost completely recovered.

It's just that the tattoos full of electronic texture on Ye Chui's body are gone... It was the Iron Man suit, and Ye Chui had already taken off the suit.

The suit is powered by Yuanli, without Yuanli, the suit is useless.

In the previous battle, Ye Chui had completely exhausted his energy.

At this moment, he was only using the Calcining Heart Sutra to fight, which was also the field he was most familiar with.


The giant suddenly fell to one knee on the ground.

The mouth wrapped in the water let out roars, but the sound was much muffled after being filtered by the water.

"It seems that my guess is correct!"

Ye Chui, who was in the water, was overjoyed.

"This giant also needs to breathe. I wrapped his head in water enough to suffocate him!"

When Ye Chui saw this giant appear before, he had seen him breathing.

The hurricane that hung then was the breath of the giant's mouth.

But at this moment, Ye Chui controlled the huge water flow to cover the giant's mouth and nose, preventing the giant from breathing, and let him suffocate directly!

In fact, Ye Chui had thought about this method before.

But before Ye Chui could only control the power of fire and electricity, even if these two forms of power blocked the giant's mouth and nose, it would be useless.

Piaomiao cannot control the power of electricity. Although the power of fire can be controlled, the giant can also control the power of fire. It is obviously useless to use this power of fire to block his nose and mouth.

In the real world, Ye Chui's deity has comprehended the power of water. The deity and the deity are connected with each other, and the deity here also comprehended the power of water. He immediately controlled the water and wrapped the giant's head.

The strategy apparently worked.

As long as it persists like this, the giant should soon be suffocated.

"Persist for a while... as long as you persist for a while, he will be completely suffocated!" Ye Chui's face paled slightly.

Controlling the power of water will still consume a lot of his energy, of course it is much easier than controlling the power of fire.

"He can still control water!?" Seeing what Ye Chui did, Xingjue in the hidden place showed a shocked expression.

Water and fire are two completely different attributes.

Few people can achieve the duality of ice and fire, but Ye Chui can.

This broke his common sense.

However, Xingjue soon showed a sneer again, and said coldly: "It's a pity, if such a person joins our Spirit Guard, it will definitely be of great benefit to us, but unfortunately...now I have to kill him directly .”

Xingjue looked at the half-kneeling giant, and snorted: "The giant I developed, besides having the ability to attack with fire, has another ability to restrain the power of water..."


Almost at the moment Xingjue finished speaking, the giant who was about to suffocate suddenly let out a roar.

This time his voice was no longer muffled, but directly pierced through layers of water curtains, and roared.

The vast sound seemed to reach the sky.

Through this sound, there is a shock wave that wants to spread around.

Ye Chui's face changed, the water under his control was impacted by the shock wave, and was involuntarily scattered, his control over the water collapsed in an instant, and the water splashed down and scattered in all directions.

The giant's palm slapped him on the head. Seeing this, Ye Chui turned into a fiery snake, dodged like lightning, and flew downward.

He wanted to recondense the water that had been driven away.

However, this giant seemed to have an extra heart, stepped on the huge sole of his foot, and Ye Chui was shrouded in a shadow. He hurriedly rotated and moved to other places.


The huge sole of the giant's foot directly left a terrifying big footprint on the ground.

"Damn it, it was so cool to step on him just now, now it's time for him to step on me..." A ridiculous thought rose in Ye Chui's mind, and he flew towards a small puddle not far away.

Intending to absorb all the water to suffocate the giant again, this is the only way Ye Chui can kill the giant now.


Seeing that Ye Chui was about to touch the small puddle, a roar sounded behind him.

Accompanied by this roar was a terrifying whirlwind.

Ye Chui was thrown into the air directly.

There was a strong wind, and the breath from the giant's mouth directly changed the color of the sky and the earth, and the wind was surging.

Although Ye Chui's clone of the God of Fire and Thunder has the ability to levitate in the air, but this ability is completely useless at this time.

Like a leaf in a strong wind and heavy rain, it can't control itself and can only move with the wind.

The hurricane caused by the giant at this moment is at least several times stronger than when he just crawled out of the ground!

"Damn it, do you have to force me to comprehend even the power of wind?"

Ye Chui, who was blown back and forth in the wind, couldn't help but think depressingly.

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