Then Ye Chui took the two beauties to dinner.

The atmosphere is awkward, that's for sure.

Although Wang Wenxue was born beautiful, it was obvious that her head was a little slow in response, and she didn't realize that she had become a big light bulb.

She saw An Le'er pouring a drink into her mouth in depression, and thought that An Le'er was happy to see Ye Chui. After An Le'er finished drinking a glass of wine, she smiled and helped An Le'er pour another glass.

Wang Wenxue also excitedly talked about some interesting things that happened to her recently.

Originally, she and her younger sister depended on each other, and their life was very poor, but when they met Ye Chuizhen, they met a noble person by fate, and their life changed drastically.

Her surname is not a person who likes to show off, but this change still makes her feel a lot of happiness.

Recently, she got a commission as a car model, so she rented a new house.

At this time, most of what she talked about were some suggestions for the decoration of the residence.Speaking of being happy, he picked up the wine glass and drank a few sips, his snow-white face suddenly puffed up.

Originally it was just eating, but in such an atmosphere, even Ye Chui drank a lot of wine.

In fact, with Ye Chui's current ability to control the power of water, he can control the flow of water in his body. It is not a joke to not get drunk after a thousand cups...

Even if you are drunk, you can recover quickly with the power of your heart.

But the atmosphere was so strange, Ye Chui felt like he wanted to get drunk directly, and then he really got drunk...

When I woke up, it was dawn.

Ye Chui felt that he was lying on something soft, and rubbed his face on it involuntarily.

Very comfortable to say.

Then he opened his eyes, Ye Chui was stunned for three seconds before he realized what the soft thing was - it was An Le'er's chest.

At this moment, he was lying on An Le'er's body, his face rippling in her pair of soft flesh.

But both Ye Chui and An Le'er were wearing clothes.

It seems that after drinking too much last night, they came back in a daze and just lay down together casually.

Ye Chui is very glad that nothing happened - if the first time between him and An Le'er happened in such a daze, then he would definitely regret it.

Before An Le'er woke up, Ye Chui planned to get up and leave quickly.

But as soon as he stood up, he felt his hand touched another soft place, and he subconsciously scratched it. It felt very good, like a sleeping bird...

Ye Chui turned his head to look, and then opened his eyes wide.

Damn it, Wang Wenxue was lying on the other side, and his hands were pinching her breasts that were not plump but absolutely attractive!

Wang Wenxue also drank some wine last night, and she came back with Ye Chui'an Le'er and lay down together.

What's terrible is that Wang Wenxue just opened her eyes at this time, and after a moment of confusion in her eyes, she understood what happened.

She looked at Ye Chui, then looked down at Ye Chui's hand on her chest, and then she screamed "Ah!!!".

It doesn't matter if you shout, An Le'er next to her also wakes up.



"Big satyr!"

The two girls kept yelling and directly threw Ye Chui out.

An Le'er suffers from male misogyny, although she feels very good towards Ye Chui, she still cannot accept such intimate contact.

Wang Wenxue only has feelings for Ye Chui similar to that of a younger sister and an older brother.

When this happened, both of them became angry with embarrassment.

After sweeping the floor and going out, let alone Ye Chui, he ignored Ye Chui for a long time...

In the next few days, Ye Chui stayed in Xizhou City.

He has a lot to do right now.The deity is here to try to restore Bai Xi's magic weapon of the cave.

For the first array of this magic weapon, Ye Chui has already comprehended most of it, and if there is no accident, this array can be completely repaired soon.

In addition, he has to design a magic weapon for fishing boats.

The sea is very dangerous, and the fishing boat may encounter various dangers. This boat is under the control of his father, so Ye Chui is also very attentive.

Strive to make this big ship more safe. Of course, the ability to fish cannot be left behind.

Design blueprints and crack array diagrams.

A few days passed like this.

Ye Chui went to the 4S store once, and knowing that Peng Tianhua really obediently terminated the contract and paid double the compensation, Ye Chui was relieved.

What made Ye Chui feel very speechless was that Ozawa still didn't pay much attention to him.

They are also very cold when they speak.

Ye Chui was so overwhelmed that he couldn't figure out how he offended her...

spiritual world.

Huo Lei Shen's avatar has also stayed at home to design the Iron Man suit.

The battle suit needs to display all of Ye Chui's strength and increase Ye Chui's attack power, so this time Ye Chui is designing it with all his heart.

Let this suit fully display all the power of the power of water and the power of wind.

On this day, the door of Ye Chui's residence in Geluo Town was suddenly pushed open. When Ye Chui turned his head to look, he saw Xingmei walking in from the outside with some hesitation.

She even looked at Ye Chui with a somewhat scared expression on her face.

Ye Chui turned over and jumped up from the sofa, and asked with a smile, "Xingmei, is your injury completely healed?"

Xingmei nodded: "Our phantom's injuries are easy to heal, and I have fully recovered after the past few days of cultivation."

Having said that, Xingmei walked up to Ye Chui with some trepidation.

She looked hesitant, as if she didn't know how to speak.

When Ye Chui left Hellfire's headquarters before, Xingmei was very concerned about what he said.

From these words, it is clear that Ye Chui already knows about Xingjue Xingmei's relationship and Xingmei's identity.

In the past few days, Xingmei has become very worried.

At night, I often have nightmares involuntarily, fearing that suddenly the cadres of Hellfire will appear in front of me and arrest her because of her infernal status.

Fortunately, for several days in a row, there was no movement from Hellfire.

It seems that Ye Chui didn't tell anyone else her secret.

After recovering from her injury, she immediately set off to the ruins area, wanting to confirm with Ye Chui herself, to know exactly what Ye Chui wanted to do.

"Fire God, you... can you tell me what you want to do?"

At this time, Xingmei asked with a bit of worry.

"I don't want to do anything." Ye Chui said with a smile.

He naturally knew the meaning of Xingmei's words, he continued with a smile, "Xingmei, you look so shy, it's not because I saved your life, so you want to confess to me? Hehe, be careful Others will laugh at you when they hear it."


Hearing what Ye Chui said, Xingmei was immediately surprised, and felt that Ye Chui's words didn't fit at all.

But then, Xingmei immediately came to her senses.

When Ye Chui said this, he was clearly reminding her that there might be some means of surveillance in Geluo Town.

If she rashly reveals her identity as Infernal Affairs, it is very likely that she will be discovered immediately.

Xingmei covered her mouth subconsciously, and was taken aback.

I thought to myself that I was really careless, I had been worried about Ye Chui's opinion before, but you forgot such an important thing.

There was a look of gratitude in her eyes, and then she continued to ask Ye Chui: "Fire God, I want to know, did you save my life?"

"If you calculate it, it should be the senior cadres Youdu and Kaya who saved your life. Youdu fought with Xingjue. In the end, Xingjue used a thought flower to turn into hundreds of millions of spores to escape. I tortured you, and then I asked Kaya to help me find out where you are and saved your life, hehe, I almost angered Kaya to protect you, but in the end she still thought I had more potential, so she forgave me for being so presumptuous, Bring us back here."

Ye Chui said with a smile, explaining what happened after Xingmei passed out.

Xingmei looked at Ye Chui and asked with trembling voice: "But why did you do this?"

When she asked this, it sounded like she was moved by Ye Chui.

But Ye Chui could tell that what she wanted to say was that Ye Chui saved her and knew her identity, but he didn't expose her. What kind of purpose did Ye Chui have.

Ye Chui shrugged his shoulders and said, "Interesting."

"Interesting?" Xingmei looked surprised, what kind of interesting is this?

Ye Chui patted Xingmei's shoulder lightly, and said with a smile: "I think our hearts are connected."

"The mind is connected!?" Xingmei was taken aback.

Of course she would not regard this sentence as Ye Chui's ambiguous confession, she keenly saw that it meant something else.

The same mind, does it mean the united front?

But there are only two camps in the entire spiritual world, Hellfire and the Spirit Guard, so Ye Chui is also a member of the Spirit Guard?

But why has she never heard of it?

There was a suspicious expression on Singmei's face.

Ye Chui stretched out his finger and tapped her little head lightly, then pointed to his own head: "You are a very honest girl, and I am also a very honest man, tell me, right?"

Xingmei couldn't help but widen her eyes.

When Ye Chui said this, he was clearly referring to the belief virus installed in their consciousness.

Whether you are a liaison or an executive, you must accept your faith and become a loyal believer in the great being of Hellfire.

This belief is the belief virus.

As long as you join Hellfire, you must be sincere to that great being, and it is impossible to do anything to betray him.

But obviously, the belief virus installed in Xingmei's consciousness is fake.

What Ye Chui meant by saying this was naturally that, like Xingmei, the faith virus installed in his consciousness was also fake.

"Okay, don't continue this topic for now." Ye Chui continued to say to the surprised Xingmei, "You should know that I will treat you well in the future, and you will treat me well too, right?"

Xingmei stared at Ye Chui with big eyes for a moment, then nodded.

She also knows that these things should not be discussed at this time, as long as the two parties confirm that they will not affect each other.

Xingmei went on to say: "Huo Lei Shen, I really didn't intend to do the mission of the Rashomon in the dense forest before, I thought the mission would be very simple, but I didn't expect such a thing to happen, I'm really sorry... "

She said this to explain that she didn't intend to put Ye Chui in danger.

Things happened beyond her imagination.

Ye Chui patted her little head: "I believe in you."

Although Ye Chui once doubted about Xingmei's affairs, he still chose to believe in the end, he believed in his intuition in this regard.

There was a relieved expression on Starmi's face.

In fact, she has been worrying that Ye Chui will care about that matter these days.

"Ah, Huo Leishen, what tasks have you and Miss Ozawa done these days, and how many points have you got?" Then Xingmei asked excitedly.

"Uh, what is this..." Ye Chui said a little embarrassedly, "Actually, I have stayed here for the past few days and did not go out. Ozawa seems to be angry with me, and she has been refusing to contact me."

"It must be that Miss Ozawa died in the mission last time, so she is angry with you, right?" Xingmei said immediately, "Let me explain to Liaison!"

Xingmei doesn't know the relationship between Ye Chui and Ozawa, but she knows that if Ye Chui hugs Ozawa's thigh, the points will be earned.

In addition, she took the responsibility for the task of Rashomon in the dense forest onto herself, so she wanted to explain it to Ozawa.

Ye Chui didn't stop her either, but hoped that Xingmei and Ozawa could have a good communication.

Then, Xingmei ran to her own bedroom, which was written that boys are not allowed to enter the women's room.

After about 5 minutes, Xingmei finally finished communicating with Ozawa.

She poked her head out of her room, smiled and said to Ye Chui: "Miss Xiaoze has forgiven me, but she is still angry with you."

"Is that so..." Ye Chui rolled his eyes.

Fuck, how did I offend this girl?

"That's right, that's right." Xingmei continued, "Miss Ozawa said that she wants me to quickly find a way to accept the task, and let me find the task with the highest difficulty score. She will do a lot!" (To be continued. )

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