After cutting the cage to pieces with a sword, Ozawa continued to ask Xingmei as if he had done something insignificant: "Why are you locked in the cage? What happened just now?"

"It doesn't matter what happened... Sister Ozawa, how did you do that just now?" Xingmei asked in amazement, "You can actually smash this kind of cage with a sword? This... This is not a game Something that skills can do, right?"

This relic area should be just a game for Ozawa.

And the cage that trapped her should have been stipulated by the rules that players cannot destroy it.

Moreover, even without the rules of the game, this cage cannot be easily broken.

Just like Ye Chui, after working hard for a long time just now, there is still no way for it to open it with a key.

But Ozawa broke the cage so casually...

Before Ozawa could answer, Xingmei discovered something strange again: "Huh? Why did the fragments of the cage fade and disappear? There is also the hole that Miss Ozawa made in the wall just now, and those falling debris It all faded and disappeared..."

Ye Chui also felt that what Ozawa could do was a bit strange, he looked at Ozawa: "How did you do it?"

"Hmph, I won't tell you!" Ozawa originally planned to answer Xingmei, but when Ye Chui said this, she immediately tilted her head and refused to speak.

Ye Chui rolled his eyes and said, "You're still angry, okay, I apologize."

"Where did you go wrong?"

"I shouldn't have told you immediately after I escaped from the mission of Rashomon in the dense forest." Ye Chui said.

Xingmei helped her think of this reason.

Although Ye Chui didn't quite understand it, from the perspective of a star beauty child, maybe Ozawa was really angry because of this incident.

Ozawa's face bulged, and he said, "You didn't contact me after you escaped danger. I know you've always treated me as a tool, right?"

"Uh, that's not true." Ye Chui said hastily.

For the magic weapon born under his hands, Ye Chui never regarded it as a tool.

Including steel eggs and phantoms, Ye Chui regards them as friends and family in his heart.

"Then what will you do next time if you encounter this situation?" Ozawa continued to ask.

"If you encounter this kind of situation, can I tell you in person as soon as possible?" Ye Chui said softly.

In fact, after Ye Chui escaped from that area, Ozawa should have felt it immediately, so Ye Chui felt that there was no need to contact Ozawa at that time.

Thinking about it now, Ye Chui's treatment of Ozawa was somewhat too indifferent.

If it was Yu Xue'an Le'er and the others, put yourself in their shoes, if Ye Chui hadn't personally confirmed it with them, they would definitely feel a little unhappy.

Ozawa snorted softly, and said arrogantly: "Well, I will forgive you this time."

Hearing what she said, Ye Chui also breathed a sigh of relief.

Just about to say something more, Ozawa has already stuck it up, holding Ye Chui's arm: "Brother Ye, I have been thinking about you in my heart these days..."


She's changing a little too fast, right?

Ye Chui coughed softly, and hurriedly asked, "Xiao Ze, how did you do it just now, whether it is the wall over there or this cage, you should not be able to destroy it, how did you do it? "

"Hee hee, I have recently developed a kind of power. As long as I add this power to my attack, even an easy attack can cause huge damage here." Ozawa explained.

At the same time, in order to demonstrate, she took out the Hemoying sword and waved it to the side.


The entire wall suddenly collapsed.

And those bricks and tiles also began to fade and disappear.

Xingmei couldn't help asking: "This kind of power is amazing, it can make the destroyed things disappear, but... Miss Ozawa, you are a game character, how can you do such a thing?"

"Niucha's life doesn't need to be explained." Ozawa said very arrogantly.

Ye Chui rolled his eyes, walked to the pile of bricks that were gradually disappearing, inspected them, and then frowned: "It's strange, I can feel... the breath of reality?"

"Hee hee, brother Ye is really the best." Ozawa walked to Ye Chui's side and explained with a smile, "Yes, I don't know why I can feel some kind of relationship between reality and spirit." traits, and then speaking of controlling this trait, it forms this kind of wonderful power, at least in this spiritual world, my attack is invincible."

"The characteristic between reality and spirit... This kind of power is really wonderful." Ye Chui was a little surprised, and he realized it carefully, "Well, this kind of power should only be controlled by you. For you, whether it is Whether the spiritual world or the real world, there is no difference between reality and spirit, so the boundary between reality and the spiritual world can be blurred, so this kind of power can only be controlled by you."

Ye Chui quickly made an analysis.

"Xiao Ze, the lethality of your power is at least invincible in the spiritual world!" Afterwards, Ye Chui said to Xiao Ze with a look of amazement.

He was also very happy.

Fuck, can you be unhappy that there is such a super thug out of thin air?

Ye Chui said doubtfully again: "Well, you are so powerful, you have to think of a powerful name, is this name..."

"I've already thought about it, let's call it Hundan Power." Ozawa continued.

"Hundan Power!?" Ye Chui's eyes lit up, "Good name, appropriate! Domineering!"

"That's right, Brother Ye, this name is very appropriate." Ozawa was also very happy.

"That's right, Soul Dan Power, Ozawa, your talent for naming is as powerful as mine, which makes me very pleased." Ye Chui said sincerely.

Xingmei on the side was completely speechless, the power of soul light... where is it appropriate?Domineering there?

At this time, there was a sudden whimpering sound from all around.

Then I saw ghosts coming from all directions.

Thick and dense, terrifying and abnormal.

"Picasso must be controlling all the hooligans here and started attacking us!" Xingmei immediately became a little worried, "There are so many ghosts, and there are all kinds of ghosts among them, Huo Leishen, what should we do?"

"It's a little meaning."

Ozawa said calmly, swung the Hemoying sword in his hand, and slashed towards the surroundings.


At this moment, if one were to stand outside the castle and look at the castle, one would see a flash of sword light coming out of the castle and turning around in a circle.

It cut the entire castle in half!

Fortunately, because Ozawa's cutting was very fair and smooth, although the villa was directly split in half, it did not cause the villa to collapse. It was just some paintings, candlesticks, wardrobes and other things that had just been slashed. They fell and were damaged.

Of course, those ghosts and spirit monsters that came besieging like a tide have died one after another, gradually fading and disappearing.

Both Ye Chui and Xingmei felt deeply shocked.

I am sub-Ao, with so many enemies rushing up, I can kill everyone else with a single strike...

This is simply too bad!

Xiao Zeyue took the sword back easily, and then looked at Ye Chui with a smile: "Actually, I have been practicing secretly for the past few days. The sword just now was just a simple use of the power of the soul. I still practice it." It has become a more powerful three moves, do you want to take a look? It's very powerful, and if I meet a giant like last time, I can definitely kill it instantly!"

Ye Chui: "..."

Ye Chui really didn't know what to say at this time.

As a computer is so powerful, he really feels blush as the master.

Suddenly, Ye Chui was taken aback: "No, Ozawa, you have not shown this power in front of other people, have you? If you let the people from Hellfire know, maybe it will cause some commotion."

"It's okay, I'm already prepared for protection. Every time I go to grab a head, I wear a mask." As Ozawa said, he put on the mask, and at the same time replaced all the advanced equipment on his body with Changed the simplest commoner clothes, and replaced the sword in his hand with a wooden stick.

At this time, her image is that of the masked man who has been frightening in the game recently, stealing people's heads and snatching old people.

Xingmei immediately let out an exclamation: "It turns out that the person who kept fighting with the Tianlu guild and forced Picasso to quit the guild is Miss Ozawa."

"Hee hee, it's actually the best way to grab a head." Ozawa said with a smile.

Ye Chui suddenly felt sad for Picasso.

Although Ye Chui has been in a state of retreat these days, he occasionally pays attention to outside news.

And the biggest news recently is probably the head-robbing of Tianlu Guild.

Since the appearance of the masked man, the guild has never succeeded in any task. At the last moment, a masked man with a good figure and a wooden stick appears suddenly from the sky, and then he can't help saying that the guild has worked hard Kill the boss with residual blood after hard work.

During this week, Picasso didn't get a single point.

In desperation, he had no choice but to participate in this kind of boss mission, and acted as the boss himself, and bet all the points, a total of [-] million, on it, in order to make a last-ditch effort.

But now, knowing that Ozawa is the masked man, it goes without saying that Picasso is about to suffer another tragedy.

Standing on the enemy's standpoint, Ye Chui felt sad for him.

"Brother Ye, most of my clones have already left the secret room, and they have explored the entire castle. If I guessed right, Picasso should be staying in one of the secret rooms of the castle. Indoors, I will take you there now. Next, I will act as a masked person, and I will let my avatar continue to pretend that I am with you, so that I can hide my identity." Ozawa then said.

"Well, this is the best." Ye Chui nodded.

A moment later, a clone of Ozawa came to where Ye Chui was, put on Ozawa's equipment, and modified the name with some name-changing props in the game.

In the future, this avatar will temporarily replace Ozawa as the original president of the Skyhammer Guild.

And Ozawa will act secretly as a masked man.

In fact, changing the name during the task is not allowed at all, but Ozawa has a way to do it.

The soul light power she controls, in addition to its powerful lethality, is also amazing that it can forcibly break the setting of the spiritual world.

Ozawa's identity as a masked person is not in the limelight at the moment, and she doesn't want to trouble Ye Chui. When her clone came to Ye Chui's side to pretend to be her, she disappeared in a flash.

Then, Ozawa's avatar took Ye Chuixingmei and rushed to where Picasso was.

At this time, in the secret hall of the castle.

Picasso was looking at the mirror in front of him in surprise.

These mirrors reflected the players who entered the castle, but at this moment, all the mirrors were pitch black.

Just now he summoned all the ghosts in the castle to swarm into Ye Chui's place, hoping to use the ghost sea tactics to directly kill Ye Chui.

He too sat in his seat waiting to see a good show.

However, there was a sudden tremor, and the entire castle seemed to be completely cut open, and the mirrors in front of him that could check the status of the game players also lost their effect.

As the boss in this quest, Picasso can perceive the status of all ghosts.

He felt that just now, all the ghosts and ghosts here have died...

In the end what happened?

"It can't be that [-] did it... He can't be so powerful..." Picasso muttered to himself, "Could it be... Could it be that masked man? She also came here? But why did she help Nine-five-two-seven? Did it just happen unintentionally?"

Thinking of the horror of the masked man made Picasso tremble uncontrollably.

But then he clenched his fists again: "There is an attack array in this hall, as long as I open the array, it can make this hall extremely dangerous, even a masked person can greatly reduce her state, this time I must take revenge!"

Thinking of this, Picasso showed a sneer on his face.

Originally planned to play with Ye Chui, but he didn't expect to be beaten up facelessly by Ye Chui, which made him, who was always proud, already a little angry.

On Ye Chui's side, he followed Xiao Ze all the way forward.

The inside of the castle is very gloomy and the path is tortuous.

If you don't know something about this place, you will definitely not be able to find a way out after you come in.

Fortunately, Ozawa's hundreds of clones immediately walked around after escaping from the secret room, and had a clear picture of the entire castle, and soon a group of people came to the hidden palace of the castle.

Ye Chui reached out and pushed open the door of the hall.

According to the quest, this is the end of the level, and we are about to face the final boss.

The ghostly Picasso sat on the throne in the center of the hall, looked at Ye Chui and his party who walked in with a cold face, and said in an even colder voice: "There will be no such good luck again, this time, you die deal!"

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