The filming of the ambiguous prophet then officially started.

Because it is a virtual entertainment circle, there are many unnecessary troubles in reality, and the efficiency is super fast.

According to Ye Chui's estimate, it will only take a week for the first episode to be filmed.

"In the future, we can broadcast one episode a week and upload it to the video station according to the weekly broadcast situation." Ye Chui thought in his heart, "Besides this ambiguous prophet, there are other dramas that need to be prepared, but the rest Let them figure it out on their own, this virtual entertainment industry is completely a closed virtual world, a sound social form, and they can handle all kinds of TV dramas by themselves!"

Ye Chui, as a master craftsman, has enough experience in designing magic weapons.

In this virtual entertainment circle, he designed a tight hierarchy, enough to allow all the spirits to live in harmony without any unpleasant things happening, and everything is for creating the best work.

"Okay, just wait for the finished product of this TV series to come out!"

Ye Chui thought of the novel of the Ambiguous Prophet again.

"This novel is also very exciting, and if the novel becomes popular, it can also absorb a lot of sentient beings' wish power...Nowadays, online novels are a new industry, and Hellfire hasn't noticed the huge potential in it...Taking advantage of this great opportunity Opportunity, I have to find a way to control the high-end writers in the industry!"

Ye Chui's so-called control is to take the most popular novels among online novels into his own hands.

That is the so-called great writer.

"The fat man of the Wu family can write more than 20 words in a day now... It's hard to imagine that this speed is amazing. Online novels must be updated on time. A novel with 300 million words can be uploaded for at least a year..."

Ye Chui suddenly had an idea.

"Then it's better to let the fat man of the Wu family write it alone, and then ask him to open a few more vests. With his speed, there is no problem in opening dozens of vests!"

Thinking of this, Ye Chui immediately began to prepare.

This kind of matter can be completely left to Ozawa, so that Ozawa will upload it on time every day in the future, and Ye Chui doesn't have to think about it at all.

"By the way, I forgot the most important thing."

Ye Chui suddenly thought of something again, and patted his forehead: "After the virtual entertainment industry started to operate, I was too busy filming TV dramas and so on, and even forgot the most important advertisement. Not only does my Sky Hammer car need advertisements, but also my upcoming The Tianhammer mobile phone to be put into production also needs a lot of advertising and marketing..."

Ye Chui immediately searched from the list of virtual characters, and found several filming directors, five in total.

These directors are all condensed by using the good fortune of those big-name directors.

If it weren't for one of the best directors, it would be impossible for the items they used to be auctioned online.

These virtual directors also have one of the best directing talents in China.

"You help me film the commercials for Tianzhu car and Tianzhu mobile phone. You can ask Ozawa for relevant information. You can use the stars you need and other facilities at will." Ye Chui said to several directors.

"Ok, no problem!"

Several directors agreed immediately.

One of them, who named himself Zhang Jimou, asked, "How do we divide the work?"

These virtual directors also compete with each other.

"It's fine for each of you to shoot a car commercial and a mobile phone commercial. I'll choose to watch it then." Ye Chui said.

Anyway, the virtual resources of stars can be used indefinitely.

That is to say, Ye Chui does not need to spend any money to shoot commercials.

Shoot whatever you want.

In addition, the star directors in the virtual entertainment circle, they are all condensed by Ye Chui with the good fortune of directors and stars like the deity. Just like the fat man of the Wu family, they were born for filming and acting.

Doing this kind of thing will not feel any fatigue, but will enjoy it.

When Ye Chui said so, the five directors agreed and looked at each other with challenging eyes.

Then they left the room in unison.

"I really look forward to what the advertisement they shoot will look like..." Ye Chui couldn't help thinking.

After finishing these things, Ye Chui stretched vigorously.

In order to be busy with this magic weapon, he has not had a good rest for more than half a month.

At this moment, he even felt that the flesh beneath him was ready to move.

Just in time to see Xue Zheng driving a car speeding fast not far away, Ye Chui's figure rushed up, hugged the girl out of the speeding car, and went straight to the middle of the wasteland to build Li Cheng the hut.

"Ah, Ye Chui, what are you doing!?" Yu Xue was frightened, and she couldn't help but coquettishly said while lying in Ye Chui's arms.

"What do you say?"

As soon as Ye Chui spoke, people rushed into the hut and threw Yuxue directly to the bed.

This hungry man has already turned into a beast of lust...

Yu Xue and Wang Shiyu Baixi have been living here these days, and Yu Xue naturally put a lot of thought into the decoration of this room, making it a lot cleaner and tidy, at least compared to when Li Cheng used it as a lounge before. It's a lot tidier when it's done.

Yu Xue was thrown on the bed, her little face showed a bit of displeasure, and she was about to get up immediately.

But how could Ye Chui let her succeed so easily, stretched out his hand to press the void, and Yu Xueren was already lying on the bed again, Ye Chui clenched his palms into fists and then opened them violently, tearing and pulling a few times, Yu Xueman's clothes on his body The clothes burst apart involuntarily, making her directly into a naked state.

This is a wonderful use of Ye Chuifeng's power. He controls the power of the wind in a meticulous manner, directly penetrates into the clothes, and can instantly strip the opponent's clothes...

The name of this move is called Explosive Shirt Dragon Claw Hand.

Yu Xue couldn't help screaming, and Ye Chui pounced on him like a hungry wolf.

Yu Xue is now at the fifth level of the Enlightenment Realm. She was curious about things like cultivation at first, so she tried to do it for a few days.

But she couldn't bear her surname at all, and she had completely let go when she arrived in Yuxiang Town.

Totally 5 minutes of heat.

It's just that when I think of it occasionally, I just run around on Sunday or something.

In this way, she entered the fifth level realm without hindrance.

At this speed, it is estimated that he will soon be able to completely catch up with Ye Chui...

Shit, if you take advantage of this time to bully her well, then maybe you will be bullied by this little girl...

Throwing Yu Xue down under her body, Ye Zhi straightened her gun straight in.

Yu Xue originally complained a little, but the pleasure of the next moment hit her, and she quickly changed from passive to active.

How else can I say that this girl is strong, with a slight twist of her petite body, Ye Chui's body weighing at least 150 catties was lifted up, and then rolled over and pressed under her.

The big bed creaked and creaked. Judging by the magnitude, it might collapse at any moment...

After more than half an hour, the suffering big bed finally stopped.

The two hugged and lay on the bed with indescribable satisfaction.

"It's really annoying. I didn't pay attention to people for more than half a month, and suddenly they came so violently..."

Yu Xue complained softly, her voice was full of satisfaction and happiness.

"Aren't you busy these days?" Ye Chui said with a smile.

He stretched out his hand and gently rubbed on Xue's small upturned breasts, the hand felt super good.

"Then are you done with your work now?" Yu Xue raised her head and looked into Ye Chui's eyes and said.

Ye Chui nodded: "The things I want to build have already been built, and then we will see their effects... What's the matter Xiaoxue, you seem to have something important to tell me."

"Indeed." Yu Xue's expression was serious at the moment, "It's about my father."

"**Dad?" Ye Chui was taken aback, "Didn't **Dad go back to his hometown? What's wrong?"

"My hometown is in a deep mountain, and there is no mobile phone signal there. After my father and the old man went back, every three days the old man would go down the mountain to a nearby small town to call me, but since a week ago After the old guy called, he hasn't contacted me again for so long." Yu Xue explained.

Her nerves have always been rough, and she gradually felt worried after not communicating with her family for such a long time.

"Could it be that Grandpa and Uncle Da have set off to go back?" Ye Chui asked a little strangely.

"If they set off and go back, I should be able to get through with them on the phone." Yu Xue said thoughtfully, "Besides, when I called the old man last time, he clearly told me, I'm going to stay in the mountains for a while longer."

Hearing what Yu Xue said, Ye Chui also felt that this was a bit strange, he frowned and said: "You called Uncle Da, did he tell you why the **** is doing in the mountains?"

"I heard from the old man that after they returned to my hometown, my father searched the ancestral house thoroughly in order to find me a secret book that could be used. Unfortunately, I found nothing, but..." Yu Xue said thoughtfully, "But the ancient Toutou called me for the last time. He mentioned that Dad found a letter left by his great-grandfather. The letter seemed to tell Dad what to do. Toutou didn't say much about the specific content...Ye Chui, Dad The old man hasn't come back so far, could it have something to do with this letter?"


Ye Chui nodded, and was quite puzzled in his heart: "Uncle Da is cautious, and if he hasn't contacted for such a long time, something may really have happened."

Having said that, Yu Xue became even more nervous: "I saw you were busy a few days ago, so I didn't bother you...Ye Chui, what should we do?"

"It's okay, I'll go back with you now." Ye Chui followed up.

He vaguely sensed a bad premonition.

Yu Goudan's grandfather was the one who claimed to be the last cultivator on earth.

There is a sense of pathos in this title.

It's hard to say whether there is any danger in what he told Goudan to do... (To be continued.)

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