"Your armor is mine!"

The ancestor of the Yu family screamed wildly, and rushed towards the steel egg, rushing into the steel egg's body.


It came out from behind the steel egg again.

Gang Dan was speechless, stretched out his hand and patted himself on the head, with a puzzled expression on his face.

Ye Chui showed a rather speechless expression: "You don't know Heart-changing King Kong, do you... have no education."

"..." The patriarch of the Yu family was shocked, thinking, what is this?Sounds like a scam...

try again!

Thinking this way in his heart, he penetrated into the steel egg again.

This time he was more careful and detected the condition inside the steel egg.

However, the ancestor of the Yu family was extremely surprised. Inside this armor...

Why is there no one?

Could it be that... this entire piece of armor is actually a magic weapon?

To have such a magic weapon!

In the distance, Huo Lei Shen's avatar has rushed over, and his body has also rushed into the steel egg, and the ancestor of the Yu family was pulled out of the body of the steel egg, and then the ancestor of the family of the Yu family was thrown out.


Although the ancestor of the Yu family was only a spiritual energy body, the layer of black smoke wrapped around him had already materialized, and directly blasted a big hole in the mountain village.

"Don't keep alive!" Ye Chui snorted coldly.

Huo Lei Shen's avatar transformed into the image of Huo Lei Shen's hammer, and rushed towards the ancestor of the Yu family with the sound of breaking through the air.

Amidst the loud noise, the whole ground seemed to shake.

It was shocking to see such a super exciting scene, but Gu Feihai, Wang Shiyu, Shitou and others expressed their composure.

The Xuezang Mountain had been shaken one after another before, and they were already very psychologically qualified.

Huo Lei Shen's Hammer transformed into the image of Huo Lei Shen's avatar again, standing in the big hole that was blown out.

The ancestor of the Yu family seemed to be completely scattered and disappeared.

The avatar launched the scanned map of Iron Man's suit and scanned around.

"Well... let him run away!"

Soon, Ye Chui's avatar saw the figure of the ancestor of the Yu family, and he turned into an inaudible bug-like figure and quietly crawled out from the crack in the ground.

Ye Chui's avatar was about to turn into an electric snake and go after it, but suddenly he was taken aback: "Huh? He's gone...he must have entered some hidden space!"

Huo Lei Shen's avatar flew away and temporarily gave up the search for the ancestor of the Yu family. He took a closer look and sensed Bai Xi's location. With a flash of lightning, he rushed into Zhang Shangen's house and carried the unconscious Bai Xi out.

Although Bai Xi is a cat demon, but her demon power is low, she didn't attract any attention from the ancestors of the Yu family just now, and just passed out by treating it like an ordinary kitten.

Ye Chui checked to make sure she was fine.

Then the avatar hugged Bai Xi and gave it to Wang Shiyu to take care of, and then his body merged into Ye Chui's body.

"Ye Chui, that person is..." Gu Feihai asked in amazement when he saw the clone of Huo Lei Shen merged into Ye Chui's body.

"You can think of it as my avatar." Ye Chui simply explained, facing so many things with Gu Feihai today, he doesn't need to hide anything anymore.

"How is the ancestor of the Yu family?" Gu Feihai continued to ask, "Have you killed him yet?"

Ye Chui shook his head: "No, he hid, Gu Feihai, take Xiaoxue down the mountain with Uncle Yu first, Steel Dan, take them away."

"Boss, I'll stay and help you." Steel Dan didn't intend to leave just like that.

"You can't help here, the ancestor of the Yu family is now in a ghost state, you can't attack him at all." Ye Chui explained.

Steel Dan was a little reluctant, but still agreed, and was about to leave, but Shi Shi suddenly walked aside, where dozens of villagers were standing dumbly, as if they were walking dead.

They were imprisoned by the ancestors of the Yu family, so they stood there stiffly.

"Grandpa..." Shitou walked towards what he thought was the old man, and called out eagerly in a low voice.

The person he called Grandpa was a muscular old man. When he heard Shi Shi's words, he seemed to have a certain reaction, and his eyes suddenly opened!

"Grandpa!" Shito was overjoyed.

But Ye Chui in the distance was shocked: "Stone, leave him!"

The moment Ye Chui reminded him, Shitou's grandfather stretched his hands towards Shishi's neck, as if he wanted to pinch him!

The stone was very excited, and it rolled on the spot in a hurry, barely avoiding it.

He looked shocked: "Grandpa, you..."

The dozens of mountain people in the mountain village all started to move at the same time. They looked like zombies with indifferent faces, without any emotional fluctuations, and their steps were extremely stiff, and they moved staggeringly.

"Shitou, come back quickly, they are controlled by the ancestor of the Yu family!" Ye Chui said hastily.

The people in this mountain village should have been imprisoned by the ancestors of the Yu family a long time ago. Once the emergency comes, they can be turned into puppets like zombies.

"There are also under the mountain!"

Gu Feihai then shouted.

The villagers who were sent to search for Gu Feihai in the mountains before also became in the same state, gathering like zombies.

Among those children, some timid ones burst into tears.

"Don't be afraid. Although these people have their minds controlled, they are just ordinary people and won't have much attack power..." Ye Chui said hastily.

"Then grandpa can still wake up?" Shito asked with concern.


Ye Chui nodded.

This kind of control is similar to a belief virus, which penetrates a controlling idea into the consciousness of others, making others a puppet.

However, compared to the belief virus, the virus of this level is weaker and weaker, and Ye Chui can easily clear it out.

Ye Chui's avatar separated and rushed down the mountain, while Ye Chui rushed to dozens of people in the mountain village.

He shouted in his mouth: "Uncle Da, Gang Dan, you two protect everyone and don't let these people touch the children. If they are touched, this virus is very likely to be infected!"

"Understood." Uncle Da said together with Gangdan.

And Ye Chui's deity and avatar have already acted quickly, put their hands on the heads of the mountain people, and the Tianhammer killing consciousness anti-virus software runs quickly, directly accessing the consciousness of these mountain people, and then clearing the virus that controls them!

After the virus is cleared, these villagers will immediately regain their sobriety.

Cleared one by one.

But Ye Chui was puzzled in his heart: "These puppets are not lethal, the ancestor of the Yu family controls them... It seems to be just to delay time, what does he want to do?"

At this moment, in a secret room under the ancestral house.

This secret room is very gloomy, giving people a feeling of fear.

And most of this feeling of fear comes from a huge sculpture on the side of the secret room.

It was a ferocious monster head, somewhat like a bull's head, with two horns growing out of it, but its mouth was covered with fangs, and its face was covered with scales.

Although it is carved from stone, it is very realistic, and the texture of the scales is even more clearly visible.

Seeing this statue makes people feel awe-inspiring to the sculptor.

The ancestor of the Yu family became a pool of black smoke, hovering in front of the statue, and said in a cold voice.

"Damn it, originally I just wanted to seize Yu Goudan and get spiritual power from his daughter... But who knew that Ye Chui was killed, why is he so powerful, and the exercises he used are not at all Any kind of cultivation method I have seen, what is that? Damn, I have already reached the peak of the seventh layer of Tianchong and only one step away from entering the moon-watching state, but now I have failed, I am not reconciled, I will never That's how it's going to be..."

As he said this, he stretched out a hand in the black mist, stroking the huge stone statue in front of him, and then he laughed out loud, which contained a feeling of hysteria and madness.

"My ancestor of the Yu family once subdued an ancient evil beast and imprisoned it in this snow cave. I want to drag you to be buried together, and release this ancient evil beast to die with you!"

Saying this, the ancestor of the Yu family seemed to have touched some prohibition. The terrifying statue in front of him suddenly cracked one after another, and pieces of stone fell off like skin, revealing the blue-brown scales inside. The skin comes—

This huge stone head turned out to be real, with flesh and blood, but it was covered with a layer of rock.

At this moment, the rock fell, revealing the true face of Lushan Mountain inside.

The ferocious and terrifying face is daunting.

The patriarch of the Yu family involuntarily took a few steps back. He had already felt the terrifying coercion, and his body made of black mist had even begun to dissipate, as if it could not be condensed into shape.

The cyan monster revealed that it slowly began to surge, and he, who had been sealed for thousands of years, had begun to recover.

Breathing sounds began to come from the mouth and nose.

Then, those eyes that were originally tightly closed suddenly opened, and an evil light burst out of them like a sharp dagger.

With this eye contact, the body of the ancestor of the Yu family dissipated even faster, because of the terrifying pressure at that time.

He shouted tremblingly: "An evil beast from ancient times, I, the No. 19 descendant of the Yu family, will undo your seal and give you freedom..."


A terrifying roar suddenly pierced through, and the earth began to vibrate terrifyingly.

Ye Chui and his avatar are constantly purifying those mountain people who have become walking corpses. Hearing the roar and feeling the terrifying vibration, Ye Chui's body trembled involuntarily: "This sound... so scary, I I feel like something is waking up!"

"The mountain people here must be rescued quickly!" Ye Chui's deity and clone accelerated at the same time.

The mountains began to collapse, and terrifying cracks appeared one after another. The original mountain villages began to collapse, and the cottages fell into the cracks in the ground.

"Gangdan, take everyone down the mountain and get out of here as soon as possible!"

Ye Chui hastily shouted that the steel egg has the ability to detect and can lead everyone to escape.

"Boss, be careful too, I'll be back to support you soon!" Gang Dan agreed, picked up the unconscious Yu Xue and Yu Goudan, father and daughter, and rushed down the mountain first.

"Everyone follow me!" (To be continued.)

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