"Fuck, it really is Ultraman!"

Ye Chui was also stunned at the same time.

This huge foot belongs to a giant with a height of 50 meters.

He descended from the sky and stood in front of Qingniu with one foot just above Qingniu's head, stomping and stomping like a king.

That towering giant is really amazing, but the most amazing thing is...

"This Ultraman is still wearing a skirt?"

Ye Chui quickly understood that this was not an Ultraman at all, but the figure of a young girl.

Of course, this girl's size is a bit surprisingly big.

"What's going on here...Could it be that this girl is also some kind of ancient evil beast, who came here on purpose to compete with this green bull? But what kind of short skirt does the ancient evil beast wear, and her breasts are too obvious..."

Ye Chui was amazed, and he was suddenly taken aback.

"No, this is not the girl's body, but a kind of energy body... This is a kind of armor? The girl's body is probably wrapped in it!"

Ye Chui felt unbelievable that he could do this kind of technique?

From the perspective of his professional master, the level of people who can make this kind of armor is quite high.

"Huh?" Ye Chui found something, "If this appearance is a set of armor, then how does this armor give me...why do you think of my Iron Man suit so much?"

At this time, the center of this huge girl is the mysterious girl who suddenly appeared in the small town under the mountain.

With a frenzied expression on her face, she controlled her huge figure to step on the green bull's head.

I was extremely happy in my heart: "The ultimate X version of the Iron Man suit researched by Brother Hammer is so powerful and so cool, hmph, this hateful green bull injured Brother Gangdan because of the attack just now, and let Hammer My brother was completely angry and launched a frenzied attack regardless of the consequences. Although he finally defeated the green bull, Brother Hammer himself suffered an indelible wound... Now I want to completely reverse all this and kill this stupid bull first! "


Being trampled on the forehead by a huge girl obviously angered the green bull again, it roared angrily, raised its head in a hurry, opened its terrifying giant mouth, and bit the huge girl's leg.

"Fuck off!"

The gigantic girl flew up after taking this trick, and kicked the green bull's head off in one blow.

After that, she bent down and held the two huge horns of the green bull, and let out a sex cry, and the huge green bull was thrown into the air directly.

The girl lowered her head and glanced at Ye Chui, who was standing on the mountainside, and then she flew up, grabbed a horn of the green bull with one hand, and flew towards the distance quickly.

She was so fast that she disappeared in an instant.

"What's going on here? What is she doing?" Ye Chui was extremely surprised, and didn't understand what this huge girl was going to do.

With a whoosh, the steel egg landed beside Ye Chui: "Boss, do you know that person?"

"I don't know..." Ye Chui shook his head.

Fuck, how could my young master know such a fraudulent person...

"Just now I was almost torn apart by the space fluctuation of Qingniu in the air. She suddenly appeared in front of me and hugged me and saved me." Gang Dan said, he was also very puzzled by the huge girl, and stretched out his hand to pat I patted myself on the forehead, "I didn't see her appearance clearly, I just saw her smile at me, and then called me steel egg brother, then suddenly became bigger and kicked at the green bull. "

"She called you Brother Gangdan?" Ye Chui was stunned, "It sounds like someone you know, who would call you that now?"

"No." Gang Dan shook his head suspiciously, "I only know a few women, but I know quite a few women..."


Ye Chui looked at the direction where the huge girl was leaving with the green bull, and squinted his eyes: "It seems that the situation on the earth is far beyond my imagination. This person just saved us, so he should not be an enemy."

The ground suddenly shook violently, and a terrifying wave came from under his feet.

That feeling is very uncomfortable.

"Oops, because of the big battle just now, I'm afraid the magic weapon of Xue Zang Dongtian has been completely destroyed. The consequences of the complete collapse of the space magic circle are very serious. I'm afraid this place will become flat in an instant. Steel egg, let's leave quickly!"

"Good boss."

The two were about to leave.Ye Chui was taken aback for a moment, and saw a huge beast wrapped in black and red mist walking slowly not far away.

Sexy, powerful, fierce.

"Big black?"

Ye Chui shouted softly, his eyes were full of surprise, he didn't know whether it was Dahei or Blood Soul.

Dahei walked in front of Ye Chui, let out a groan, and then fell to the ground with a tilt of his body. The black and red mist subsided, and it also returned to its normal shape.

Ye Chui stretched out his hand to massage Dahei's head, the Sky Hammer rotated systematically, accessing Dahei's consciousness, and inspected him.

Soon, Ye Chui came to a conclusion: "Now there is only Dahei's consciousness in Dahei's body, and the blood soul only exists in his body as a subsidiary force. In other words, Dahei has completely defeated the blood soul." Soul, take the power of blood soul as your own!"

"This power won't hurt him, right?" Steel Egg asked worriedly.

"That would not be the case. Although the blood soul is a very strong thing, Dahei is already full of blood and can suppress the **** part of the blood soul, but its power can be used for himself. It can be said that he has already We have two forms, one is the ordinary dog ​​form, and the other is the blood soul form. Hey, we now have an extra powerful combat force. Now Dahei fainted because he was too tired. "

Ye Chui explained that he was naturally very complacent. If Dahei could skillfully use this blood soul power, it would become extremely powerful, especially for the existence in the spiritual world, and it would be even more deadly.

Even Ye Chui can directly bring Dahei's consciousness into the spiritual world - the blood soul is originally a kind of spiritual energy.

You can train Dahei in the spiritual world, let Dahei practice fighting!

The steel egg turned into a car form with a crackling sound, and his left leg was injured, but this did not affect the car form, but there would be some damage after turning into a car form.

Ye Chui got into the car with Dahei in his arms, and the car rushed all the way down Xuezang Mountain.

Under the snow mountain.

Gu Feihai and the others were waiting anxiously. The great changes in the mountain made everyone tremble with fear. Some residents of the town not far away approached and asked what happened. The bustling people at the foot of the mountain were very noisy.

When Ye Chui and Gangdan came down the mountain, Gu Feihai said he was relieved, and the little girl Wang Shiyu who was held in his arms even jumped off the ground and threw herself into Ye Chui's arms, crying uncontrollably.

Little Lolita was really worried.

"Ye Chui, what's the matter, have you dealt with that monster?" Gu Feihai asked with concern.

Because it was night and the sky was pitch black, although some monsters could be vaguely seen, but the figure of the giant girl pulling one of the horns of the green bull away was not clearly seen.

Ye Chui shook his head: "That monster almost killed me and Gang Dan, but fortunately someone suddenly appeared and took it away."

"Someone suddenly appeared? A cultivator?" Steel Egg asked in surprise.

"It should be..." Ye Chui's voice was very uncertain. The battle armor used by the giant girl was obviously not something that was difficult to cultivate. On the contrary, it was somewhat similar to Ye Chui's Iron Man suit, and it was an alternative magic weapon.

But Ye Chui is very sure that he has never developed a magic weapon that can make people grow bigger.

Could it be the former practitioners of the earth?

But it doesn't feel like it.

During the conversation with Gu Feihai, there was a rumbling sound coming from the Xuezang Mountain. In the amazed eyes of everyone, this huge mountain collapsed little by little.

As if it was hollow, the mountain fell down, shrinking little by little.

In the end, the whole mountain disappeared, and there was a flat land in front of everyone.


Xuezang Mountain completely collapsed and disappeared, which only lasted for a few minutes.

A high mountain just disappeared in front of my eyes, and no one would be able to accept this scene calmly.

"Ye Chui, what's going on?" Gu Feihai asked in surprise.

"This mountain was originally a shattered magic weapon. The battle just now completely destroyed this magic weapon. The array map was destroyed and completely annihilated. This mountain was also crushed into the vortex of space..." Ye Chui explained simply.

Gu Feihai vaguely understood, and all he had left was endless surprise.

Ye Chui thought of Yu Xue's father and daughter, so he asked Gu Feihai, "Where is Xiao Xue with Uncle Yu?"

"I've already been sent to the county hospital. They are in good condition and there is no problem." Gu Feihai said hastily.

Ye Chui breathed a sigh of relief.

Gu Feihai then pointed to those mountain people. Their homes were destroyed. Although it felt like they had escaped from the devil's den, it was also a bit of sadness to them. They all had sad faces and didn't know what to do next.

Gu Feihai asked: "Ye Chui, what should we do with these people?"

"Leave it to me." Ye Chui thought for a while and said, "I can arrange them in Maple Leaf Town."

Ye Chui's Tianhammer mobile phone is about to go on sale, but the current weekly output is only [-] units, which is far from enough, so Ye Chui wants to increase marketing.

There are more than 100 mountain people here, and there are about [-] or [-] of them with production capacity. Ye Chui wants to take them under his banner, give them a safe place, and prevent them from passing on the affairs of the mountain village to others.

Gu Feihai naturally agreed with Ye Chui's words and nodded.

Here Wang Shiyu hugged Bai Xi and got into Steel's body. She was worried about Ye Chui, but now that Ye Chui was fine, she felt relieved, and said to Gang Eggy in a childish voice: "Thank you for helping Brother Hammer to follow him." That monster fight, from now on I will call you steel egg brother, okay?"

"Brother steel egg?"

Hearing this title, both Ye Chui and Gang Dan were shocked at the same time. (To be continued.)

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