The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

308 Feeling I've Been Slapped Hardly

Ye Chui suddenly pushed the door open, startling Yang Shanshan and the other bald middle-aged man.

An Le'er showed a surprised expression, and hurriedly stood up: "Ye Chui, why are you here?"

Ye Chui smiled and walked to An Le'er's side, then glanced at Yang Shanshan and the middle-aged man indifferently, and then said: "I've already shot the advertisement, and I'm going to show it to you."

"The filming is finished?" An Le'er's face was overjoyed, and she looked at Yang Shanshan proudly.

Although An Le'er has been a bit of a strong woman and a female president recently, sometimes she can't help showing a bit of a little girl's childishness, just like now, Yang Shanshan said that Ye Chui couldn't handle the advertisement, but in a blink of an eye Ye Chui It appeared in front of her eyes with the advertisement, which made An Le'er very unhappy.

Yang Shanshan frowned slightly, and then said: "Ye Chui, it's been a long time. I didn't expect you to not only repair cars, develop cars and produce cars, but also shoot car advertisements. I really admire you."

Although her voice seemed to be flattering, but she could hear it if she listened confidently, but in fact it was slightly ironic.

Ye Chui smiled lightly and said, "I know a lot of things, and I believe the commercials I shoot are also the best."

"You are Ye Chui?" The bald middle-aged man said at this time, looking at Ye Chui with a pair of small eyes, his expression was a little arrogant, and he said, "Where is the commercial you shot? Show it to me. Hehe, to put it bluntly, there is no advertising company in Xizhou City that I don't know, may I ask which company did you hire for the filming?"

"Sky hammer film and television company." Ye Chui said casually.

"Sky Hammer Film and Television Company?" The bald middle-aged man froze for a moment, "What kind of company is this, and when was it built? Why have I never heard of it?"

"I haven't established this company yet, so of course you haven't heard of it." Ye Chui said with a faint smile.

The film and television dramas produced by the virtual entertainment industry need a cover. Ye Chui originally planned to build a film and television company to cover it up. At this time, when the bald middle-aged man said so, he casually pulled out the name.

"Hmph!" Hearing Ye Chui's explanation, the bald middle-aged man was quite disdainful, thinking that Ye Chui was just being glib.

Ye Chui remained calm, took out the USB flash drive, walked to a TV next to the reception room, and inserted the USB flash drive into it.

This TV can play video files, and Ye Chui adjusted it with the remote control, wanting to play video files.

And the remaining three people in the reception room all have different attitudes.

An Le'er is full of anticipation, but at the same time, she is also a little bit worried. It has only been three or four days since Ye Chui agreed to shoot the commercial. Will he be able to shoot the commercial in such a short time?

Yang Shanshan looked very interested. The bald middle-aged man was the owner of a film and television company she knew when she was a celebrity. His name was Jiao Heng. He was quite prestigious in the film and television circles of Xizhou City. There is the favor of supporting.

Jiao Heng helped Yang Shanshan know that An Huashan married into a wealthy family.

When she heard about An Le'er being raped, she introduced Jiao Heng to An Le'er. In fact, she had a good idea in her heart, and wanted to help An Le'er in exchange for Jiao Heng's favor.

But, unexpectedly, An Le'er said that Ye Chui could handle the advertisement.

Ye Chui is also a car repairer, at most he can be regarded as a car manufacturer, what ability does he have to deal with advertising?

Yang Shanshan thought it was An Leer's refusal to dismiss her too much, not giving her face.

This made Yang Shanshan feel a little angry. Just now, she spoke disdainfully and sarcastically because of this kind of emotion.

But now seeing that Ye Chui really started playing the commercial, she felt a little curious in her heart, wondering what Ye Chui would come up with...

The remaining bald middle-aged man named Jiao Heng was completely filled with disdain and contempt.

He thinks he is the boss in this industry, and he has never heard of Tianhammer Film and Television Company. It is obvious that this Ye Chui is playing tricks.

The commercials he took out must be all inferior and unsightly things.

Jiao Heng was already thinking about how he would ruthlessly mock Ye Chui later.

That is to say, under such circumstances, Ye Chui pressed the play button on the remote control, and then pushed it aside, so that the situation on the TV can be seen by other people in the room.

An ad can last no longer than 2 minutes. There are ten models in Ye Chui's USB flash drive, including five types of cars and five types of mobile phones. Of course, there is no need to play the ads on the mobile phones. Only those five types of cars are played.

And the advertisements of these five cars started to play, and the total time was only seven or eight minutes.

But during these seven or eight minutes, the entire reception room was silent, only the sound of commercials on TV remained.

Pictures, stunts, music, actors, creativity, these are the highest indicators of advertising, and every aspect has reached the acme of advertising.

Although the actor who played the role was not well-known, and even Jiao Heng didn't know him at all, but he felt that this strange feeling was just right.

Each of these ads is perfect.

In these few minutes, both Yang Shanshan and An Le'er were immersed in the beautiful atmosphere created by the advertisement.

As a bigwig in the advertising industry, Jiao Heng can see the extraordinary in this advertisement.

Looking at these advertisements, the most direct feeling to him is: "If my company is allowed to shoot these advertisements, can they be so perfect? ​​The answer is of course no! My advertising company can't reach the scale of shooting or creativity. This level, these few advertisements, probably belong to the first-class level in the whole of China and Asia, this...these are actually made by Ye Chui, how did he do it?"

Jiao Heng felt that he was slapped hard, the kind of slap that was so loud that it made him feel ashamed.

But the point is, he was slapped in the face, and he was slapped completely without confidence.

Fan's heart is convinced.

After the five commercials were played, Jiao Heng stood up slightly trembling, and looked at Ye Chui: "You shot these commercials?"

"I found someone to shoot it." Ye Chui said lightly.

"Can you introduce me to the director who shot these commercials?"

"I'm sorry, the director has already signed with my company." Ye Chui said immediately, he could naturally hear the meaning of his anxious words, that he wanted to poach someone.

Jiao Heng continued without giving up: "Then... the creative design, art, and actors of this advertisement, have all these people signed to your company?"

Ye Chui nodded: "Yes."

Jiao Heng's face couldn't help but twitched, these talents actually paid for Ye Chui's company, what kind of Tianhammer Film and Television Company?

When did this company appear in Xizhou City, he had no information.

No, Jiao Heng thought about what Ye Chui said before, this company has not been established yet, but Ye Chui is planning to establish it, so...

"I still have a chance!"

Jiao Heng thought to himself, "I'll find someone to find out how these commercials are shot, and then find a way to recruit those talents to my company!"

He was thinking this way in his heart, but on the surface he still looked admiring, and said to Ye Chui'an Le'er: "These advertisements all show great talent, I am convinced, your Tianhammer car will definitely be successful because of this It was a big seller because of a few advertisements, I have something to say before I leave.”

After saying this, Jiao Heng turned and left without staying or even saying a word to Yang Shanshan.

Thinking of quickly finding someone to find out how Ye Chui's advertisement was shot.

However, after a long period of time, Jiao Heng spent a lot of energy trying to find out this matter, but in the end he still found nothing. This is another story.

Yang Shanshan's shock was beyond words, she looked at Ye Chui and said, "How did you find these people?"

"They are all my friends." Ye Chui said with a smile, and then he looked at An Le'er, "How is it? Which of these advertisements do you think is the best?"

"Which one is the best?" An Le'er asked suspiciously, "These are all the best, how can you tell the difference between good and bad?"

"This is difficult, I plan to let you choose one of five." Ye Chui said.

"Choose one out of five?" An Leer asked in surprise, "What about the rest?"

"Of course it's void."

"Void!" Yang Shanshan yelled, "These advertisements are shot so perfectly that they are void!?"

"Ye Chui, these five models are all top quality, shall we put them into use immediately?" An Le'er also said, she felt sorry for throwing away these perfect advertisements.

"That's fine, you have the final say." Ye Chui said indifferently, anyway, this is just the result of his virtual entertainment industry in three or four days.

An Le'er picked up the remote control and played the advertisement on the TV again. She watched it with great interest.

Yang Shanshan rolled her eyes, and asked Ye Chui, "Are you planning to set up a film and television company? You know I used to be an actor, and I know some people in this industry. Do you want me to introduce you to people?"

"Hehe, thank you for your kindness, no need."

Ye vertically refused.

Fuck, I need a connection. The virtual entertainment industry is constantly producing all kinds of film and television works. Good things will naturally be sought after. By then, won't everyone else be rushing to get close to Ye Chui's company?

Hearing Ye Chui's words, Yang Shanshan's expression changed slightly, as if she was a little unhappy.

But she concealed it very well, stood up and took a few steps closer to Ye Chui, and said with a smile: "Ye Chui, I did not misread you, you will definitely do something in the future, I wish your film and television company can be prosperous Huo, hehe, it is her blessing that we Lele met you."

Having said that, she quietly moved closer to Ye Chui.

Then quietly put a black card into Ye Chui's pocket... (To be continued.)

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