Jiao Heng's heart that had just let go suddenly jumped again, and he suddenly raised his head to look at You Rongrong: "You know Ye Chui."

You Rongrong nodded: "He is a good man, boss, why do you have his photo."

While talking, You Rongrong walked to the table and looked at the photo seriously.

This girl was indeed a little nervous, she seemed to have completely forgotten the panic just now, with a naive expression on her face, she asked Jiao Heng: "Boss, is he your friend? Can you tell me his contact information? You should thank him very much."

On the scorched forehead, the blue veins throbbed involuntarily.


Want to thank him?

Jiao Heng was completely angry, there was a photo of Ye Chui on his desk, of course it couldn't be because Ye Chui was his friend, but because he would take out the photo of Ye Chui from time to time and curse...

I just didn't expect that You Rongrong would know this Ye Chui.

Ye Chui is not a public star. Although he has been in the limelight recently, few people have seen his appearance.

How did You Rongrong know him?

"You know this Ye Chui very well?" Jiao Heng asked coldly.

"It's not very familiar, but he invited me to dinner once, and it was a big meal." You Rongrong said with a bit of anticipation.

At that time, she was about to faint from hunger, but Ye Chui suddenly appeared and invited her to eat. The food was so delicious and sweet, and now thinking about the taste makes her drool...

You Rongrong giggled a few times, and continued: "At that time I invited him to watch my performance, but I think it would be better to invite him to dinner again."

Jiao Heng accurately grasped the message from You Rongrong's words, and hurriedly asked: "You asked him to watch your performance? What about the performance?"

"It's our dancing city." You Rongrong said innocently.

"When did this happen!?" Jiao Heng asked.

"It was the day we just learned the song "Dancing Allure." You Rongrong didn't notice that Jiao Heng's face was already full of anger. She also picked up the photo of Ye Chui from the table and looked at it. .I wondered why I didn't leave his contact information at that time, and I regret it when I think about it now.


Jiao Heng suddenly slapped the table with a loud slap, which directly startled You Rongrong.

She looked at Jiao Heng tremblingly: "Boss... what's wrong with you?"

"This song really leaked from you, do you know that this Ye Chui is the owner of Tianhammer Video, and it was because you sang this song with him that day, that's why they can create a copycat so quickly now The rain and snow are coming." Jiao Heng shouted at You Rongrong with a stern expression, "Do you know how much our company has lost because of you? This song is entirely your responsibility."

Such an accusation is actually completely pointless.

If you really want to say that Ye Chui plagiarized, after their song Dancing Allure was released, Rain and Snow Allure appeared, and You Rongrong couldn't be blamed for this sequence.

But Jiao Heng wanted this effect, and blamed You Rongrong for all the losses.

Immediately, You Rongrong's face turned pale and her eyes became moist, completely terrified: "Boss... I, I didn't mean to..."

"Can one sentence of not intentional explain everything? Can one sentence of not intentional make up for the company's losses?" Jiao Heng continued to criticize.

You Rongrong's body began to tremble involuntarily, she had never seen such a formation before, and she was completely bewildered.

Seeing You Rongrong's appearance, Jiao Heng knew that what he said was about the same, so he showed a very embarrassed look, and said to You Rongrong: "Rongrong, in fact, I also know that you didn't do it on purpose. Just blame this Ye Chui for being too cunning, he lied to you, so everything is his fault."

You Rongrong's mouth moved slightly, but he didn't say anything.

She is very confused now, and feels that Ye Chui is not as bad as the boss said, but she doesn't know how to refute it.

"The most important thing for us now is to make up for the company's losses and protect our rights and interests." Jiao Heng looked at You Rongrong and continued, "In order to make up for your own mistakes, Rongrong, you will definitely not refuse, right?"

"Boss, what do you want me to do?" You Rongrong asked immediately.

If she could do something to make it up, she would try to do it.

"Trust me and sue this Ye Chui." His scorching fingers tapped on Ye Chui's photo on the table, "You testify that this Ye Chui cunningly slipped out of your hand the song score of "Dancing Allure", shameless imitation Us. As long as you testify, I will forgive you."

"This... isn't it good?" You Rongrong became a little confused.

At that time, she sang this song for Ye Chui. Anyway, she just sang it for him.

How can it be said that Ye Chui cunningly got the song score out of her hand?

"You want to refuse?" Jiao Heng pulled his face down, "Rongrong, there are two roads in front of you now, the first road, you go to testify against Ye Chui, the second road, hmph, you This is the end of the contract with our company!"

Asking You Rongrong to testify is entirely to discredit Ye Chui.

Ye Chui registered the copyright on that song site. If this proof is presented, it proves that Ye Chui already owned the copyright of Allure of Rain and Snow before their song "Dancing in the City" was released.

However, if there is You Rongrong's testimony, it can be proved that Ye Chui had already heard the singing of this song before they released it.

At that time, the copyright of Ye Chui's Allure of Rain and Snow will appear very suspicious.

Jiao Heng finds a few good lawyers to file a lawsuit with Ye Chui, and it is very possible to win the case and sue Ye Chui for infringement.

Thinking about it this way, the key to this matter is You Rongrong.

You Rongrong must be willing to testify.

That's why Jiao Heng used threats.

He understands how powerful it is to use the company's contract as a threat. In the past few days, xxx37 has become popular and has tasted the sweetness of becoming a star. No one will refuse this taste again.

Using this contract as a choice, You Rongrong will definitely choose the contract.

However, after making a choice for a long time with a face full of embarrassment, You Rongrong made a choice that Jiao Heng couldn't believe at all: "Boss, I don't want to sue Ye Chui..."

"You!" Jiao Heng was furious in his heart, and he slapped the table again, "You really don't know what's good, you'd rather save money with me than testify, right? Well..."

Jiao Heng rummaged through a nearby bookshelf for a while, and then took out a contract.

This contract is the brokerage contract signed with You Rongrong.

Including one-year training and three-year debut contract brokerage responsibilities.

This contract is extremely expected for many girls.

Jiao Heng shook the contract in front of You Rongrong's eyes, and then tore it up, completely tearing up the contract.

Seeing Jiao Heng tearing up the contract, You Rongrong was completely frightened, and pursed his lips vigorously, as if he had been infinitely wronged.

Jiao Heng threw the torn contract aside, and then looked at You Rongrong coldly.

He felt that this kind of girl was far from fighting him, and would soon come to him crying and begging for his forgiveness.

"Go back and pack your things. The place you live is provided by the company. Now that we have terminated the contract, you can find another place to live." Jiao Heng then waved his hand to let You Rongrong leave.

You Rongrong bit her lip hard to keep herself from crying, turned and walked out of the room.

Because she was holding back with all her strength, she involuntarily let out a humming sound.

"Fight with me, it's still far away!" Anxiously sneered, "When she is completely convinced, let her testify to frame Ye Chui, and Ye Chui won't get any good results!"

Thinking of this, Jiao Heng even laughed out loud.

——Of course he doesn't know now, although You Rongrong looks dumb and innocent, but this girl will never change her mind easily if she is stubborn.

What Jiao Heng is even more unaware of is that at this moment, he has foolishly missed the most famous celebrity he has ever met in his life.

And he unilaterally tore up the termination contract...


"Ye Chui, the number of lords downloaded by Ambiguous has exceeded 450 now, breaking the record for the number of lords in Singularity!"

Yu Xue sat on the sofa, holding a tablet computer in her hand and said proudly, "It seems that the matter of breaking the [-] leaders in minutes is really domineering, and the highest ranking displayed by Singularity's fans is [-], maybe The results of this book will make Singularity revise the fan ranking."

This tablet computer was recently developed by Ye Chui, Tianhammer brand tablet computer, the one in Yu Xue's hand is a trial version, let Yu Xue test whether the tablet works well.

"That's right, what about the ambiguous prophet?"

Ye Chui was sitting on one side of the sofa, letting Wang Shiyu sit on her chest, and massaging her left calf.

Little Lolita has been working hard with Bai Xi recently, singing and dancing to practice songs every day.

At noon today, Ye Chui posted Ye Shiyu and Wang Wenxue's "Rain and Snow" on the Tianhammer video, which immediately made the little loli feel pressured. She must beat her future self, so she worked hard to practice dancing. As a result, he accidentally fell and sprained his foot.

At this time, sitting on Ye Chui's lap and letting Ye Chui massage the injured area, she was still reluctant.

Here, Yu Xue heard Ye Chui's words, and said with a smile: "The number of ambiguous prophets has reached more than 100. It is absolutely amazing that a newcomer and new book can achieve such a result in Singularity, but compared to The ambiguous download is much worse."

"I really didn't expect that the score of the ambiguous download is so much better than that of the ambiguous prophet..."

Ye Chui is still shocked even now, no matter from the response or the data before the release, the ambiguous prophet is much better than the ambiguous download.

But after it was put on the shelves, the results were completely opposite. The number of subscriptions and downloads even exceeded half of the ambiguous prophet.

"In two days, the second episode of the Ambiguous Download TV series will be uploaded." Ye Chui then thought, "The Ambiguous Prophet has an episode every week, but the Ambiguous Download is an episode every two weeks... I don't know, I will download it the day after tomorrow." After uploading the second episode, how many subscriptions are there?" (To be continued.)

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