The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

347 How Much Money Does This Girl Think?

"If you join our Tianhammer Film and Television Company, the company will definitely support you hard, but the current situation of Tianhammer Film and Television Company is not right, not because we have no strength, but because I offended some people, so tell me, You are in Tianchui Film and Television Company, I am afraid that you will not be able to be on TV and radio stations in the future, and it is impossible to have any commercial endorsements, and it is unlikely that you will release records in a short time. You can only publish songs on the Internet. Of course, I agree to MV shooting or something You will definitely be at the top level.. In the future, you may also join the filming of some film and television dramas of Tianhammer Film and Television Company. Whether it is singing or filming, all the income you get will be yours, I will not take it You pay a penny. I will let people help you write songs and shoot mvs for free. The songs or mvs will be uploaded to Tianhammer Video. The audience on the website wants to listen to songs or watch videos for free, but wants to watch or download high-definition versions If you want to listen to or download lossless music, you will be charged. This fee is all yours, and the copyright of the song is also yours. I can give you the permission to view the background, and you can check how much you earn at any time. Of course , If you join my company, you will not be able to join other companies. We signed this contract for three years, and once the contract is signed, it has legal effect."

Ye Chui said in one breath, what he said is basically all of the company's contract. Compared with the terms owed to stars by other entertainment companies, the terms in these contracts are simply too simple.

However, because Ye Chui is being squeezed out by the entire entertainment circle, the stars that Ye Chui signed here will basically not experience some things that stars will do, such as appearing on entertainment shows, shooting commercials and so on.So the terms of the contract are very simple and unavoidable.

After Ye Chui finished speaking, You Rongrong frowned, and she tilted her head to think, as if she was struggling with something.

Ye Chui couldn't help being stunned, could this girl be dissatisfied with this contract?

Before, Ye Chui, Wang Wenxue, Ye Shiyu, and even the symbolic Wang Shiyu and Baixi children also signed this kind of contract, giving all the proceeds from the song to the singer.High-definition mv downloads and lossless mp3 downloads are definitely an objective income.Although there is only one song on the Tianhammer Film and Television Station up to now, that is, "Allure the City in Rain and Snow", the download revenue of "Allure the City in Rain and Snow" has already reached millions.

This is still the beginning, and although the number of downloaders has dropped since then, it has remained stable at thousands per day, which is a considerable income.

In addition, if the song is requisitioned by a TV series, a part of the cost of each episode of the TV series will also be given to the singer in proportion.

To sum it up, the contract that Ye Chui signed for You Rongrong is very beneficial to You Rongrong, and it can even be said that it is a frantic loss for him, the producer.

Ye Chui also thinks that You Rongrong is cute and pure, and knows that she has the potential to be an international superstar in the city, so she signed it like this.

Could You Rongrong be dissatisfied?

"This... can the treaty be changed?" You Rongrong said slowly after being silent for a while, as if she was afraid that Ye Chui would get angry, so she seemed a little cautious.

"How do you want to change it?" Ye Chui asked curiously, wondering what kind of modification this girl would propose.

"Give me all the benefits, isn't it a bit too much for you, I only need [-]% for it." You Rongrong continued.

"Ah!?" Hearing her say that, it surprised Ye Chui and Yu Xue beside him.

I'm sub-Ao, how much money does this girl think?

"Rongrong, you're welcome, Sister Wenxue and the others signed this kind of contract, of course you want the same treatment as them." Yu Xue also persuaded.

You Rongrong is still a little uneasy: "But, I think this is very bad for brother Ye Chui."

Ye Chui chuckled: "Don't worry, my income is mainly from TV dramas and movies. Songs are just icing on the cake. I still need you to attract fame for the website."

After Ye Chui and Yu Xue persuaded, You Rongrong no longer worried about agreeing.

Then Ye Chui asked Ozawa to draw up the contract, and then officially asked You Rongrong to sign it.Up to now, You Rongrong has become the fifth signed singer in Ye Chui's Tianhammer Film and Television Company. The previous four are Wang Wenxue, Ye Shiyu, and two children, Xiao Shiyu and Bai Xi.

Of course, for the two loli girls, Xiao Shiyu and Bai Xi, although they still seriously named their group, Ye Chui just thought they were having fun.

After signing the contract, You Rongrong returned to the super studio to practice the next song.

Wang Wenxue and Ye Shiyu also stayed in this studio to rehearse the new song.

Ye Chui glanced at the paper contract and put it away casually.

"By the way, Rongrong wasn't originally called that name, was it?" Yu Xue thought of one thing, and said to Ye Chui, "Her name was chosen because of the meaning of tolerance, so everyone is called You Rongrong. No matter how it sounds, it's a bit insulting, right? I think I should help her change her name?"

"I've thought about this too, but she's been using this name for a year, she's used to it, and she doesn't want to change it." Ye Chui said with a smile, "The most important thing is that her original too ugly. .”

"What's her original name?" Yu Xue asked with interest.

"You chrysanthemum."


Yu Xue was stunned for a while, then nodded in agreement, "Sure enough, the name You Rongrong is better."

It was more than ten o'clock in the evening, and Ye Chui and Yu Xue were leaning together to watch a video broadcast on TV. It was the fifth episode of the latest Ambiguous Prophet. It hadn't been released on the website, so Ye Chui and Yu Xue watched it first .

But at this moment, a scream suddenly came from the super studio.

Ye Chui was taken aback, and hurriedly jumped up and rushed into the studio with Yu Xue. He had already recognized that the voice belonged to Ye Shiyu. In Ye Chui's impression, this girl should be very calm. Why did she suddenly startle loudly? Call?

When he pushed the door of the room and walked in, Ye Chui saw Wang Wenxue in the room holding a mobile phone in a daze, as if he had just received a call.

You Rongrong leaned tightly against the wall, looking terrified.

And Ye Shiyu looked extremely shocked. Looking at her, she seemed to have heard some frightening news.

Wang Shiyu and Bai Xi are not here, and they have already fallen asleep at this time.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chui frowned and walked to Ye Shiyu's side.

"I...I don't know..." Wang Wenxue shook her head blankly.

Ye Chui looked at Ye Shiyu, and found that her face was a little pale, and there was an expression of disbelief on her face.

"Shi Yu?" Ye Chui asked.

Ye Shiyu's eyes were a little lost, and she didn't respond to Ye Chui's call.

"Wen Xue, did you say something just now?" Ye Chui turned to look at Wang Wenxue.

"I didn't say anything." Wang Wenxue pointed to the mobile phone in her hand, "I just answered a call just now, Shi Yu seemed to hear the content of the mobile phone, and suddenly called out."

"What phone call?" Ye Chui frowned even deeper.

"It's from the hospital. Some time ago, I wanted to test the DNA of me and Shiyu. It was not until a doctor on duty in the hospital told me the test results..." Wang Wenxue hurriedly explained.

Ye Chui couldn't figure it out anymore, Ye Shiyu shouldn't be surprised by this result at all, it should be Wang Wenxue who should be surprised and screaming, right?

Ye Chui asked: "What was the result?"

"The doctor said that the dna arrangement between me and Shiyu is completely different, and it is absolutely impossible to have a blood relationship..."

When Wang Wenxue said it, her face was a little sad, and at the same time, she was a little strange. Although the result was disappointing, it shouldn't be too unexpected. After all, saying that Ye Shiyu was her lost sister seemed a little too extravagant for you, but why did Ye Shiyu Will be so surprised?

When Ye Chui and Yu Xue heard the result, they were also shocked at the same time, and they also understood why Ye Shiyu screamed——Ye Shiyu came from the future. Although time and space are different, the DNA on her body should be the same as that of her body My sister's Wang Wenxue has the closest blood relationship.

But the hospital tested that the two were not related by blood.

Could it be that Wang Wenxue and Shi Yu are not sisters at all?

" is this possible?" Ye Shiyu murmured, tears welling up in her eyes. (To be continued.)

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