You Rongrong's original name was You Juhua, and in the village where she was born, such names were common, but You Juhua was not bad in comparison. .

At the beginning, Jiao Hengxiang You Rongrong signed her to his company, and he definitely couldn't use the name You Juhua when he debuted. It was too vulgar, so Jiao Heng changed her name to You Rongrong.

You Rong is big.

Jiao Heng has been proud of this name for a long time.

Some time ago, You Rongrong was kicked out by him. Originally, he planned to use this to put pressure on You Rongrong or You Rongrong's family, but he didn't expect You Rongrong to join Ye Chui's company in a blink of an eye, which made Jiao Heng very upset. is angry.

Then he thought of You Rongrong's family, so he called You Fugui directly.

People in the village knew from the name that You Fugui loved money very much. He told him on the phone, and You Fugui's eyes immediately turned red, and he went straight to Xizhou City.

Because the place is far away, it takes a lot of time to travel by train.

Jiao Heng had forgotten about this matter, but suddenly remembered, he hurriedly said to the secretary: "Hurry up and call him up!"

"Okay." The secretary agreed and went out.

There was a sneer on Jiao Heng's face: "Ye Chui, you did a good job in the matter of public opinion pressure, but it's okay... I won't make you happy anymore, just wait for me, You Rongrong, a little girl, I am very happy." I want to take it back with you!"

You Rongrong was originally a girl that he didn't value very much, so she kicked it casually, but he didn't expect that the girl he treated as a waste would become a treasure when she went to Ye Chui. The song "Sweet Cotton Candy" has become popular these two days. It was a complete mess, and I heard that the second wave of the title song is about to come out, this kind of momentum, You Rongrong alone can almost compare to his xxx37.

While Jiao Heng was angry with himself, he also made up his mind to pay attention. Now it is not important to care about whether the song "Rain and Snow Allure" is plagiarized. What is important is You Rongrong. He is a talent. She must be re-signed back to her company!

"Give this You Fugui a small favor later, and snatch You Rongrong back in minutes!"


"This is the office of Tianhammer Film and Television Company." An Le'er pointed to the huge office in front of her and explained to Ye Chui. Yu Xuewang, Wenxue, Shiyu, and You Rongrong also stayed here.

Sky hammer film and television company is about to officially open, and a fixed office location must be prepared.

In the past, due to the lack of funds, everything was kept simple, but now ambiguous prophets and ambiguous downloads are very popular, with tens of millions of income every week, money is no longer a problem, and the company's office location must be prepared.

The place An Leer chose was not far from the Tianhammer 4S store. It was a ten-story office building. An Leer had reserved the top floor, and there was also a rooftop available.

The whole space is at least thousands of square meters, very luxurious.

This is also according to Ye Chui's request, and this style is what he wants.

Of course, although there is a place, the office staff is a problem... It's not that they can't recruit people, but because Ye Chui's company doesn't need staff at all.

"Ye Chui, this place is so big, how do you think it's better to allocate it?" An Leer asked Ye Chui curiously after introducing the huge space.

"This..." Ye Chui looked at the girls with a bit of a headache, "How do you think it should be arranged?"

"This is easy." Yu Xue's eyes lit up, pointing to one of the large rooms, "I think this room should be converted into an audio-visual room, where a huge screen is placed here, a projection device is placed here, and some bookshelves are placed around it. Blu-ray discs can be stored on it, and a set of high-end surround sound equipment is being set up. Once the door of the room is closed, you can sit inside and watch a movie, which is not bad at all like a movie theater.”

"There's still this room!" Wang Shiyu held Bai Xi who had turned into a kitten in her arms, and pointed to a large room next door and said, "This place has been transformed into an amusement park, with a few slides and some things in the wasteland." The children have never been to the playground, and I have promised them to build a playground for them."

"This room is so big, but with such a large floor-to-ceiling window, you can directly see the night view of the entire Xizhou City." Ye Shiyu's children's shoes also came to a large room and looked at the room, "Is it okay to transform this place into a bar? You can set up a stage here, and put steel poles for steel pipe dancing on it. They have specially practiced it, and the preservation will make you all amazing, hee hee."

"Is it okay to transform this place into a study room?" Wang Wenxue also pointed to a room and said, "I bought a lot of books recently, and I can't put them down at home. It seems pretty good to put them here."

"Brother Ye Chui, would you like to transform this room into a dance practice room? You can also put some fitness equipment, and you can run here when you have nothing to do." You Rongrong also said.

"Meow, meow!" Bai Xi who was held in Wang Shiyu's arms was not to be outdone.

Several girls chattered, An Le'er summed up, everyone put forward effective opinions on how to use this huge office space, but these opinions all have one thing in common, that is...these The usefulness seems to have nothing to do with the company's office work!

An Le'er felt a bit of a headache, this is too uncompany-like...

Several large rooms were quickly emptied by several girls, leaving only the last room.

An Le'er directly stood in this room and announced loudly: "This room is my base, I want to transform this place into a personal lounge, that's all!"

Thus, the preliminary design of Qianping's large office building was completed in this way.

After completing these designs, Yu Xue immediately called and contacted the decoration company to carry out the decoration. The little girl likes this kind of thing the most.

Taking advantage of this time, Ye Chui called You Rongrong aside, and handed a card to You Rongrong: "This is the income from sweet cotton candy, and the password is 123456."

"Ah!?" You Rongrong was taken aback, and took the card with both hands, feeling incredible, "I can get the money so quickly."

You can't blame You Rongrong for being surprised. The main reason is that when he stayed at Jiaoyang Film and Television Company, he spent a whole year in training, and only the necessary living expenses were available every month. You Rongrong started to strive for the goal of becoming a singer. It was the first time I had income.

She asked excitedly: "Brother Ye Chui, how much is it?"

"50." Ye Chui said with a smile.

"50!?" You Rongrong's eyes widened suddenly, completely stunned, "This... so much?"

"A lot?" Ye Chui chuckled, "Sweet Cotton Candy is popular on the Internet, and the MV and lossless music downloads have exceeded one million times, which translates into an income of more than 50 yuan. Plus Sweet Cotton Candy The TV series "Love Nuan Nuan Feng" released the day before yesterday was used as the theme song, and you also get dividends in it, adding up to more than [-], and I even gave you a fraction of it."

50, this is still a preliminary income, and there will be more in the future.

Of course, a song can earn so much, mainly because Ye Chui made the Sky Hammer Guardian developed by Ozawa very powerful, which almost completely eliminated the existence of pirated versions. If you want to download a song, you can only download it from Sky Hammer Video. Genuine, this kind of complete elimination, has resulted in such a high income.

You Rongrong was a little frightened, she had never seen so much money since she was born.

Even when she was in xxx37 before, the last announcement was only three or four thousand, but here, she did almost nothing, and she actually earned so much?

She is not dreaming, is she?

"Brother Ye Chui, isn't this a little too much..." You Rongrong quickly thought of something, and returned the card in his hand to Ye Chui, "I...I only need half, no, only one tenth is enough Already!"

For her, being able to get 5 yuan is already a good thing that is completely beyond imagination.

Ye Chui was sweating profusely, this girl really thinks she has too much money...

"Accept it, I earn much more than you, and 50 is just a fraction." Ye Chui refused, "Besides, 50 is nothing, this is just your first work, you may I don’t know, for Wang Wenxue and Ye Shiyu’s song Rain and Snow, they each have an income of two or three hundred, and they are not polite about taking money.”

This is true, Wang Wenxue is now familiar with Ye Chui, and her surname of a little money fan has also been exposed, which is understandable, she is a girl who is used to living a poor life, and this little money fan personality is cute.

The girl Ye Shiyu doesn't know what politeness is at all, she spends money very well, she is completely on par with Yu Xue, and every time she asks Ye Chui for money, she looks completely at ease...

Hearing what Ye Chui said, You Rongrong still felt uncomfortable: "But they are different..."

What she wants to say is that Wang Wenxue and Ye Shiyu are obviously a bit ambiguous towards Ye Chui, but she is different...

"It's nothing different. Since you've signed with me, I'm sure I won't let you suffer a little." Ye Chui persuaded with a smile, and after a long time of persuasion, You Rongrong finally accepted the offer with confidence. cards.

It was already noon, and then Ye Chui planned to take a group of girls, big and small, to dinner.

But at this moment, the phone in the only office on this floor suddenly rang.

An Le'er went over to answer the phone with a puzzled expression.

The company has just been established. Although the address has been announced, the phone number has not been announced yet. Someone actually answered the phone?

After a while, An Le'er put down the phone and walked over with a serious face.

"Who is calling?" Ye Chui asked curiously.

"It's the security guard downstairs." An Le'er replied, the security guard downstairs naturally has this phone number, she continued, "Someone is visiting, it's...You Rongrong's father."

"Huh?" You Rongrong was surprised, "Is my father here?"

An Le'er nodded, and then continued: "Besides him, there is also Jiao Heng. I have already let them come up." (To be continued.)

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