The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

355 Do you want to practice seduction on me first?

"Sister Xiaoxue doesn't really want to do something, does she?"

You Rongrong swallowed hard, then turned to ask Ye Chui with some fear.

Ye Chui was speechless: "Don't ask me, I don't know what this girl is going to do either."

"Sister Xiaoxue won't really want to beat my father, will she?" You Rongrong still feels very worried. She has seen it before, because these two days are Yu Xue's menstrual period, and her temper is extremely violent.

Just this morning, when You Rongrong got up and wanted to drink some milk, she saw Yu Xue just opened the refrigerator to eat some snacks, only to find that the cookies she bought were missing—the bag of cookies was obviously stolen Wang Shiyu ate it secretly.

At that time, it is no exaggeration to say that You Rongrong really saw flames burning on Yu Xue's angry body.

Then her small arms and legs directly lifted the refrigerator weighing at least one ton and threw it out with a whoosh...

Thinking of this, You Rongrong couldn't help but fight a cold war.

Wouldn't Xiaoxue just throw her father out of the refrigerator like that?

The sound insulation effect of this meeting room is very good, the conversation is very quiet, several people are sticking to the glass door and listening carefully.


"Say it again if you have the ability!" Yuxue roared angrily in the office, and then there was a crash, and Yu Xue kicked a coffee table in the office for receiving guests. The whole thing fell apart, Jiao Heng and You Fugui, who were originally proud, suddenly changed their expressions.

Fuck, that's Limu, ordinary adults can't just break it apart, right?

This girl Yu Xue actually destroyed the coffee table casually...

And that's not counting, Yu Xue continued to fight Jiao Heng desperately, shouting in her mouth: "If you have the ability, try again, believe it or not, I will tear you up..."

Seeing this, Ye Chui hurried into the office, picked up Yu Xue and dragged her out of the office.

"You guys continue to do the sitting first, don't worry about it." Ye Chui said to You Fugui and Jiao Heng with a smile, and pulled Yu Xue to go outside. Although he wanted to solve this matter, he didn't plan to kill anyone yet. ...

Yu Xue was still waving her arms at Jiao Heng and You Fugui, shouting continuously.

Shit, now this girl is getting stronger and stronger, Ye Chui has no choice but to use the talent of the Iron Man suit to suppress her.

In and out of the office, after finally letting Yu Xue calm down for a while, Yu Xue gasped heavily: "Okay, who is next?"

"Let me do it!" Wang Wenxue volunteered, "It seems that Rongrong's father can't be tough, so let's be soft."

"What is soft..." Ye Chui couldn't help asking.

Wang Wenxue smiled charmingly, then unbuttoned a button of her white shirt on her upper body, stretched out her hand to brush her hair, and suddenly a sense of coquettishness and all kinds of upside-down sentient beings came out.

In the past few days, Wang Wenxue has been practicing acting, and Ye Chui also specially found a few big stars in the virtual entertainment circle to train her personally. After this period of practice, it can be said that Wang Wenxue's character has undergone earth-shaking changes. , at least, she is no longer easily shy.

** It will not feel unacceptable to look at the hue.

"Wen Xue, can you do it?" Ye Chui still felt a little worried, "Do you want to practice on me first?"

A series of cold eyes immediately focused on Ye Chui.

Ye Chui hastily raised his hands in surrender: "I'm just talking casually..."

Wang Wenxue charmed all sentient beings, twisted her chest and walked in.

She was tall and slender, wearing a white shirt and tight jeans underneath, and her two beautiful legs set off the incomparable beauty.

As she walked into the office, it seemed as if she could hear bursts of melodious music, full of romance and fascination...

You Fugui and Jiao Heng immediately opened their eyes wide, filled with a manly look.

Wang Wenxue sat gracefully on a sofa, her legs were stacked like a goddess, and her hands were also folded on her knees. With an elegant expression, she smiled and talked with You Fugui and Jiao Heng.

"Wen Xue is really good. Rong Rong's father and Jiao Heng are completely dumbfounded and don't know what to say." Ye Chui sighed.

Indeed, among the girls around Ye Chui, Wang Wenxue's family definitely belonged to the goddess among the goddesses.

Her appearance is even more outstanding than that of An Leer, Fang Jing Yuxue. Perhaps the only one who can compare with her is Wang Shiyu, but Xiao Shiyu is only five years old, and Da Shiyu is only 15 years old and her body has not yet grown up. There is no way to compare with Wang Wenxue.

At this time, she was simply sitting there chatting, but subconsciously made people feel a fantasy.

It's really beautiful.


Sudden!Jiao Heng rushed in front of Wang Wenxue suddenly, and shouted urgently: "Can you join my company? As long as you sign with my company, I will use the company's best resources to support you, and I promise to make you a big star." If you want to act, I will invest 5000 million yuan to let you be a female pig, okay? 7000 million? [-] million? All kinds of big-name directors and big-name stars, you can find me for you even if you mention it!"

"Um... I don't want to leave Tianhammer Film and Television Company for the time being..." Wang Wenxue was taken aback and said hastily.

"Then you set a price, how much will you be willing to come to my company? I am willing to pay as much!" Jiao Heng continued to shout.

After being in the entertainment industry for so long, the female stars he's lured are counted by the dozen, but Wang Wenxue is the most beautiful beauty he has never met before, which makes his heart completely uncontrollable, and will always be in front of others The image of a gentleman he had maintained disappeared in an instant.

It's like a **** showing a hideous face.

**At present, it seems as if you can hear bursts of screams, Wang Wenxue's previous calm suddenly collapsed, defeated, stood up in a hurry, and rushed out of the office...

Wang Wenxue was KO.

"It seems that you are the only one left now." Ye Chui finally looked at Ye Shiyu.

Ye Shiyu spread her hands: "I won't go in...hehe, even if I don't go in, I can still deal with them."

"How do you get it done?" An Le'er asked curiously.

Ye Shiyu pointed to her head: "Of course it directly entered their consciousness..."

Having said that, Ye Shiyu looked at You Fugui and Jiao Heng with full attention.

Ye Chui immediately felt a force similar to the power of the heart emanating from Ye Shiyu's body.

This power is not Ye Shiyu's own.Instead, she caught some equipment she brought from the future.

The essence of this power is the power of the heart, or it can be said that it is something similar to a wireless connection, allowing Ye Shiyu to directly access the consciousness of the people around him, and even directly change the mind of the other party.

"In the future, I have completely perfected the sky hammer system..." Ye Chui thought to himself, "Although I can connect wirelessly now, at such a long distance, even if I can connect to the consciousness of You Fugui and Jiao Heng , but it is impossible to break through their consciousness firewall, let alone modify their will directly... The only thing that can do this kind of thing now is the Sky Hammer System x version brought by Ye Shiyu from the future."

For Ye Shiyu's attack, Ye Chui was full of confidence, and felt that this time he would succeed immediately.

Any obstacle is inescapable in the face of technology.



Ye Shiyu suddenly screamed, and then squatted on the ground covering her head in horror.

Ye Chui was taken aback when he saw this, and hurriedly asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Wang Wenxue and others were also very concerned.

"I... I feel a little sick." Ye Shiyu held her stomach for a long time before she calmed down a bit, but her body seemed to be still trembling slightly, she looked unbearable, and her face was a little pale .

Seeing her like this, Ye Chui suddenly became curious, what's going on?

Jiao Heng's joining the club has something to do with Xuanyin, one of the seven senior cadres of Hellfire. Could it be that Ye Shiyu's visit to Jiao Heng's consciousness touched something left by Xuanyin, and did the feedback hurt her?

Ye Chui was worried, and hurriedly asked: "Shi Yu, what's going on? What did you see?"

"I... I have never seen such a disgusting consciousness." Ye Shiyu said with some fear: "That scorched consciousness... I have never seen such a yellow thought, and Rongrong's father, I have never seen such a money fanatic thinking..."

"Eh..." Ye Chui was speechless for a moment, it turned out that Ye Shiyu was counterattacked like this when he saw the idea of ​​wealth.

He couldn't help but cast a gloomy glance at You Fugui and Jiao Heng, these two people are really gods, Ye Shiyu is known as a little witch, what kind of things have never been seen before, and they were disgusted by them...

It seems that it is really not easy to get You Rongrong back.

Ye Chui's side took turns taking turns, but the whole army was annihilated. Now only Ye Chui is left as the coach. An Leer, Yu Xuewang, Wenxue, Shiyu, You Rongrong all looked at Ye Chui pitifully, and completely pinned their hopes on Ye Chui's body.

Ye Chui was speechless, what could he do at this time?

Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Ye Chui's eyes.

" can do this!"

Thinking of this, Ye Chui immediately held You Rongrong's hand: "Rongrong, follow me in."

"Brother Ye Chui, what are you doing?" You Rongrong looked at Ye Chui with a strange face, "Brother Ye Chui, did you think of any solution?"

"I can only do this now." Ye Chui nodded, and then dragged You Rongrong into the office.

The sound insulation in the office is good. Wang Wenxue and others had to put their ears on the floor-to-ceiling glass in the office to hear the conversation inside.

They were all curious, what did Ye Chui think of?

"Ye Chui, don't try to evade. Today I must take Rongrong away. Her father is here. All your hard work will be in vain." Seeing Ye Chui coming in, Jiao Heng immediately went to bed. Said in a cold voice, with a look of being convinced by Ye Chui.

"Hehe, that's right." Ye Chui said with a smile, and he patted You Rongrong on the shoulder, "Then I will terminate the contract with Rongrong immediately." (To be continued.)

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