The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

358 Let's just deal with it casually

"What is the strongest video, it's just putting gold on your face!"

Of course, for Sky Hammer's big family, other videos won't just look at it like this.

Various follow-up video stations are emerging, and all major stations have started to shoot original dramas with their own investment.

Among them, there are naturally some large-scale productions, and the paid viewing model is imitated by the Tianhammer video.

Among them, Zhong Xiang is one of them.

Zhong Xiang's film and television company, in addition to managing some celebrities, the main business is to maintain a video station called Tianle Video.

This website has introduced a large number of foreign film and television dramas, and it is a genuine one, so it has a great reputation. Before Tianhammer Video appeared, this website was definitely the leader in video fees.

It's a pity that after the Tianhammer video appeared, the video income of his video site was far worse in comparison.

Compared to Jiao Heng, Zhong Xiang is actually the most angry.

Before, he took out more than a dozen film and television dramas produced by his own company or had already purchased the right to broadcast on the Internet, hoping to put them on Ye Chui's Tianhammer video, but they were all rejected.

I heard that the old enemy Jiao Heng also suffered a lot from Ye Chui's side, and Zhong Xiang was not at all complacent, but was more focused on how to get back the situation.

"I want to shoot an online drama, which can definitely reach the level of Tianhammer video!" At a club tea party, he promised other members, "This Ye Chui is too crazy, but why? It is said that the entertainment industry is not his, but ours, since he shoots online dramas, we will also shoot them, I don't believe that our dramas with countless stars can't compare to his pure newcomer works!"

Hearing Zhong Xiang's words, other people at the tea party remained silent.

This attitude is not because they disdain Zhong Xiang, but because they have no confidence in Zhong Xiang's online dramas from the bottom of their hearts... It feels like the videos played by Tianhammer Video have exceeded the normal production level by too much.

Even if they gathered all their strength, they might not be Ye Chui's opponent.

Of course, although the members of the club thought so in their hearts, no one objected aloud - just treat it as an experiment, since Zhong Xiang wants to be the first bird, he will do it well.

"Well, yes, I think this is a good idea, Zhong Xiang, I support you." Jiao Heng responded first, he said with a smile, but he was thinking in his heart, if this can really work, I will follow suit, first let Zhong Xiang Make a head bird!

Even Jiao Heng, who often fights against each other, is unified, and other people who have their own ghosts will naturally not refuse.

Thus, preparations for this web drama began.

For this online drama, Zhong Xiang gritted his teeth and invested hundreds of millions of dollars, and invited countless stars and big-name directors to write the screenplay.

In the past, it was not easy to prepare such an online drama, but now that Ye Chui is the only one, the entertainment circle, or the stars who participated in the club are aware of the sense of crisis.

After several private agreements, this web drama was born.

It took only one month from the decision to shoot to the start of distribution.

But of course you can't say that when you advertise.

Tianle Video's corporate announcement is as follows: "Invest [-] million yuan, attract hundreds of stars, and take three years to create an audio-visual feast!"

Just when the ambiguous prophet came out to the eighth episode, this self-produced web drama, which was overwhelmed by Tianle Video, also announced that it would be launched.

This web drama is called Ambiguous Office Worker, and it's about office romances.

It can be seen that this drama largely followed Ye Chui's ambiguous series, and the stars in it also spared no effort to show off, and Zhong Xiang even invited countless models to act in it. , every episode has more or less revealing scenes...

This kind of plot is naturally rare in China, but the censorship of this kind of scene on the Internet is relatively loose, and there is an ambiguous prophet in the front, so Zhong Xiang is so bold.

In fact, Zhong Xiang's original plan was to send out the strong peachy tone of the ambiguous prophet.

The ambiguous office workers began to spread the propaganda overwhelmingly, showing a momentum that surpassed the ambiguous prophets, and even on the TV station, there was a preview of this online drama-in China, the TV station and the Internet are generally separated , Few people can advertise on the TV station about network products.

But Zhong Xiang did just that, and it seemed that he was very successful in what he did.

"I heard that this "Ambiguous Office Worker" is very powerful. I really look forward to it. It will definitely be a big-selling TV series!"

"I don't know how it compares to the ambiguous prophet of the strongest video?"

"It's hard to say, I think this one might be better."

"Who said that? I'm a die-hard fan of the ambiguous prophet, and I absolutely don't believe that this one can look better than the ambiguous prophet."

"The actors in Ambiguous Prophet are all newcomers, and they are not well-known at all. This TV series is different. It is full of big-name stars, and of course this one is good-looking."

"But the ambiguous prophet is broadcast on the strongest video..."

There is a lot of discussion on the Internet about this ambiguous office worker, who are optimistic about it and who are not optimistic about it. The people on the Internet have vaguely felt that this drama appeared to fight against Ye Chui's ambiguous prophet series, so they automatically put it The two dramas are used as a comparison - Ambiguous Download is ignored by this comparison because the plot is more connotative.

For the general public, they still prefer to discuss ambiguous prophets. Ambiguous downloads belong to the kind of dramas that have feelings in their hearts after watching them but will not express them.

The day when Ambiguous Office Workers will start broadcasting is getting closer and closer, and Zhong Xiang's propaganda is getting stronger and stronger.

This makes the public have higher and higher expectations for ambiguous office workers.


"What, it's completely imitating us and following us, and you still have the face to say that it took three years to build it with all your efforts, how shameless it is!"

When Ye Chui came out of his room, he heard Yu Xue yelling angrily. In order to repair the third array map of the cave magic weapon, Ye Chui has often retreated for the past few days.

The so-called retreat... is to lock yourself in the room, and usually don't go out except for eating.

In fact, there are not many things that Ye Chui needs to worry about in the real world now, but now he is more focused on comprehending the power of space.

Ye Chui just wanted to practice the Calcining Heart Sutra quickly, and realize the power of time as soon as possible to send Ye Shiyu back to the future.

Ye Chui has always been worried in his heart, fearing that Ye Shiyu's arrival will bring some unnecessary troubles.

At this time, he had finally comprehended to a certain extent the third formation of the cave magic weapon, and Ye Chui was about to come out to take a breath, but he just heard Yu Xue's exasperated cry.

"What's wrong?" Ye Chui turned over and jumped off the second floor to come directly to Yu Xue's side.

"Look, look!" Yu Xue pointed at the laptop screen, "They dare to follow us and create an ambiguous office worker, how shameless they are!"

"An ambiguous office worker?" Ye Chui smiled lightly, "If he likes to follow suit, let him follow suit. Why are you so angry?"

"I just like to get angry with them. Ye Chui, look at them. They just made it clear that they want to fight against us. This is clearly a comparison with us. This is a provocation to us!"

Yu Xue clamored, since she stopped playing online games, Yu Xue is still full of housegirls recently, she is not practicing or watching TV dramas every day, which has become the main theme of her life, and she is also very fond of all the comments on the Tianhammer video on the Internet. focus on.

The little girl has a sense of honor even more, if she sees someone saying that the Tianhammer video is not good, she will definitely be the first to stand up and scold the street.

"I have some confidence in our video, what can he do with us." Ye Chui shook his head and said, not taking this ambiguous office worker seriously at all.

"Ye Chui, you're too confident." Yu Xue didn't think so, she snapped her fingers at the TV next to her, and with a bang, the TV automatically turned on—under Yu Xue's strong request, Ye Chui put This TV series has been built into an intermediate magic weapon.

That is to say, this TV is a TV with its own intelligence, it obeys Yu Xue's command, it can be turned on and off at any time, and it also has the ability to receive any TV signal in the world, so it can watch any TV station in the world.

At this time, as Yu Xue turned on the TV, what was playing on the TV was an advertisement.

"Advertisement of this ambiguous office worker has been put on TV?" Ye Chui couldn't help being taken aback, "It's really high-end and grand."

"Except for TV stations, radio stations, newspapers and magazines, there are advertisements in all directions." Yu Xue continued to tell Ye Chui, "They gathered all the channels to fight against us, Ye Chui, we are in danger this time."

Hearing what Yu Xue said, Ye Chui also frowned.

The entertainment industry is controlled by the club. It seems that these people finally unite to attack him. This ambiguous office worker gathered so many stars and put in so much publicity, obviously to suppress Ye Chui's arrogance.

There was a faint smile at the corner of Ye Chui's mouth: "Heh, since this is the case, let's deal with it casually."

"How to deal with it?" Yu Xue immediately asked curiously, "Are we going to make a TV series to fight against them? But now the virtual entertainment industry is operating at full capacity, and probably won't be able to spare any energy to shoot a new TV series in a short time. Is it a TV show?"

"I really don't have the energy to shoot new TV series." Ye Chui nodded. Now the virtual entertainment industry has more than 2000 star directors, screenwriters and singers. , This should be the limit. It is indeed not easy to start a new TV series with a crew.


Ye Chui smiled and said to Xue, "Have you forgotten? We have another TV series that has been filmed but not released yet. Now is the time." (To be continued.)

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