"He's actually dead!?" Hearing the news that Zhong Xiang jumped off the building, both Jiao Heng's side and Ye Chui's side couldn't help but be shocked.

Although he knew that Zhong Xiang had put all his wealth behind for making this ambiguous office worker, but because of the poor performance of this drama, he actually committed suicide by jumping off the building.

Those who don't know Zhong Xiang just feel that it's not worth it, while those who know Zhong Xiang feel that this is not Zhong Xiang's style.

On the second day after Zhong Xiang jumped off the building, the club held an attack party.

The gathering of the club is not decided by these members of Xizhou City, nor is there any time limit, but at a certain moment, the person in charge of the meeting will feel the "call of God", and then call all the people nearby Members conduct club meetings.

This so-called God's call is very miraculous, and from a rational point of view, this is nonsense, but these members of the club believe it, because whenever they go to a party and reach a high level of xxoo with other people When the tide is high, you will always see a unparalleled woman wandering around, talking in private, everyone will have such hallucinations, this woman is called by God.

This beautiful woman is said to be the spokesperson of God. After reaching the golden membership, you can communicate with her directly.

The party at the club this night did not have the rotten atmosphere of the past at all, everyone was doing those movements stiffly and numbly, but this time, the image of God's spokesperson reappeared was more serious than ever before. image and reality.

"From today onwards, you allow Ye Chui to develop, and you don't need to stop him in any way." Walking beside the crowd, the beauty said in a clear and pleasant voice.

"Why? He refuses to join us. Allowing him to develop is a huge threat to our club!" Jiao Heng shouted in surprise. He was one of the first people who knew Ye Chui and also the first to start The person who opposes Ye Chui.

Zhong Xiang's death made him even more brooding, thinking that Ye Chui must have done something in it.

It's just that after yelling so abruptly, Jiao Heng suddenly felt a wave of fear, and felt incomparable awe at that image of a beautiful woman who seemed both illusory and real.

"You just need to do what I say, and you don't need to think about the rest." The beauty was really a little angry, and said in a cold voice.

"Yes." Jiao Heng quickly replied, there was no dissatisfaction in his tone, he felt respect for this woman from the bottom of his heart.

"Ye Chui, I will deal with it." The beauty looked around at the others, "I will make him one of you."

After saying these words, there was no need for her to stay here anymore, and her figure dissipated into a wisp of green smoke and disappeared.

At the same time, in the spiritual world.

Somewhere in the territory of hellfire, there is a huge palace here, which is magnificently built. Countless servants come in and out to maintain the operation of the palace. The scenery in this area is also very beautiful. Standing at the top of the palace In the hall, you can overlook the endless emerald green forest all around.

At this time, in the highest hall of the palace, a lazy beauty was reclining on the couch, closing her eyes and meditating.

Her appearance is exactly the same as the beautiful image that appeared in the real world not long ago.

She is Xuanyin, one of Hellfire's senior cadres.

Every senior cadre has powerful abilities, and can directly do some magical things.

What Xuanyin can do is unique in the spiritual world, and that is to directly project in the real world, and use the pleasure that those people xxoo get to let one's will penetrate into the real world.

She also uses this ability to communicate with the club.

The so-called club is a tool for her to absorb the wishes of all beings in the real world.

From her rise to the present, in just a few decades, she has become one of the most powerful people in the entire spiritual world. The main reason is because of her projection ability.

At the same time, because of this projection ability, she is also one of the only ones in Hellfire who have direct communication with that great being.

That great being created Hellfire, and expelled the gods in the spiritual world, and occupied this place. He was pursuing a great event, but no one knew what it was, and they never dared to guess. At most, he occasionally sketched the demeanor of this great existence in his mind.

At this moment, Xuanyin, who had just manifested once in the real world and seemed a little exhausted because of this, leaned slightly on the couch, as if puzzled by some questions: "What is so special about this Ye Chui? ...Why did the great existence specifically tell me not to do anything to him, but to let him develop naturally?"


Because of Zhong Xiang committing suicide by jumping off the building, Yu Xue has been depressed for the past few days.

Although no one on the Internet blamed Ye Chui for Zhonglou's suicide, Yu Xue still blamed herself. Yu Xue felt like she was the culprit.

Originally, Yu Xue was very concerned about maintaining the ambiguous and invincible series on the Internet, but now she doesn't think much about it.

It can only be said that the little girl is still very kind in her heart.

But seeing her blame herself so much, Ye Chui felt slightly worried. Fortunately, Ye Chui received a call that day.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Chui came to Yu Xue with a smile: "Xiaoxue, help me pick up someone."

"Who is it?" Yu Xue raised her head lazily and asked.

"Xiaoling is coming to Xizhou City, please help me pick her up, and take her for a stroll around the city." Ye Chui explained, it was already mid-August, and my younger sister Ye Ling was admitted to university , Seeing that it was time to go to school, Ye Chui's parents were worried that Ye Ling would not adapt to life in the big city, so they specially asked her to come to Xizhou City two weeks earlier to get familiar with the environment first.

When she heard that Ye Ling was coming, Yu Xue's eyes really brightened. She actually liked this girl who was similar to her age very much, so she quickly asked, "When will she arrive?"

"It should be soon, about two hours." Ye Chui replied. In order to affect his work, the family waited until Ye Ling was about to arrive in Xizhou City before calling to notify Ye Chui.

In fact, they are not necessary at all. Now if Ye Chui wants to, Ye Ling can be brought to Xizhou City in minutes. Besides, now that the virtual entertainment industry is on the right track, Ye Chui can have countless wealth in his account in minutes. What is floating clouds.

And hearing that Ye Ling was coming, Yu Xue really became more energetic, washed up, and set off excitedly.

Ye Chui watched Yu Xue leave, and also hoped that she could relax with Ye Ling. Seeing the girl's lack of energy, Ye Chui also felt quite uncomfortable.

After Xue left, Ye Chui sat cross-legged in the hall of the villa and continued to repair the magic weapon of the cave. Up to now, the third array map has almost been completely restored.

Ye Chui's comprehension of the power of space has also become more and more profound.

It is worth mentioning that many people possessed this Calcining Heart Sutra in the original world of comprehension, but due to limited qualifications, very few people could master it so profoundly.Most of them completely failed at the stage of leading lightning into the body in the first stage and the second stage.Ye Chui is one of the rare or the only one who has practiced the Calcining Heart Sutra to the eleventh level.

With the help of his rebirth, the main reason why Ye Chui has been able to improve his cultivation of the Calcining Heart Sutra so quickly is because of his past experience in cultivation.

Although it is impossible to directly borrow much experience from the past to realize this kind of thing, it can provide some clues to the path.

According to Ye Chui's estimation, it will take him a year or two to completely restore the strength of the eleventh level of the Calcining Heaven Heart Sutra, but it is not so easy to comprehend the No.12th level.

The Twelve Stages of the Calcining Heart Sutra is a realm that completely opened up the world. The Calcining Heart Sutra is a book of heart methods for creating a new world. "If I was able to comprehend the No.12 weight in the cultivation world back then, and create a new world before the world was shattered, then... the situation now may be completely different."

Ye Chui thought sadly, and then shook his head helplessly. It's meaningless to think about these past events.

"Ye Chui." At this time, Fang Jing suddenly walked out of the room, showing some doubts.

"Fang Jing, what's wrong with you?" Ye Chui asked curiously. Now Fang Jing spends most of his time immersed in Hellfire's laboratory. To enter the laboratory, he needs to use prayer to let the spirit enter it. , and the body will enter a dormant state, Fang Jing is like this, she has been completely addicted to Hellfire's massive scientific and technological knowledge - if Ye Chui didn't take care of her every once in a while, she might Serious mental problems are about to occur.

"Just now my mobile phone suddenly received a message..." Fang Jing said hesitantly, obviously the matter was urgent, otherwise she would not have shown such a look, "It was sent to me by Mu Xiaojie."

"Mu Xiaojie?" Ye Chui was slightly taken aback when he heard the name, and the girl with short hair and super joint skills appeared in his mind.

She is the captain of the sixth team of Longya in the Qianlong group. She is powerful and had a few encounters with Ye Chui back then.

The last time I saw her, she seemed to say that she was going to perform some dangerous mission?

Ye Chui then asked Fang Jing, "What is she calling you for, isn't it because she wants to date you?"

Mu Xiaojie is boyish, but in fact, this woman's surname is unknown, and Fang Jing seems to have a soft spot for her.

Fang Jing shook her head: "No, the message she sent me only has one name, Steam Boy."

"Steam boy?" Ye Chui was taken aback when he heard the name, "What does this mean?"

"Steamboy is a coffee shop." Fang Jing continued.

Damn, does Mu Xiaojie really want to date Fang Jing?Ye Chui couldn't help thinking this way, but then he felt that it wasn't the case: "She wants to ask you to meet? But what's the matter with only sending one name."

"It's not like this..." Fang Jing shook her head, her face became more serious, "Steam Boy is just a very remote coffee shop, and it is impossible for ordinary people to have heard of the name of this coffee shop, let alone this coffee shop. The coffee shop closed down three years ago due to poor management, and Mu Xiaojie and I met two years ago, when I was working as a research consultant in the Longwei group of the Qianlong group."

Ye Chui felt a little interesting: "How did Mu Xiaojie know this place?"

"I don't know..." Fang Jing bit her lip, and after a moment of hesitation, she said her guess, "I should be the only one who knows about this coffee shop and will point out this coffee shop to explain it. And my parents are right, my parents used to work in a research institute, and they could take me out for half a day only on weekends every week, this steam boy cafe is a place we go every time..."

"Your parents?" Ye Chui was surprised, "Should only you and your parents know about this kind of thing? Have you ever mentioned it to Mu Xiaojie?"

"I haven't mentioned this to anyone." This is what puzzled Fang Jing, and made her heart beat a little faster, "I think... Maybe Mu Xiaojie has seen my parents."


The steel egg carried Ye Chui and Fang Jing and drove quickly.Fang Jing's hometown is not in Xizhou City, but in a coastal city.

It would take half a day to rush over there, but at the speed of the steel egg, it can be rushed over within a few hours.

On the way, Fang Jing's face changed from time to time, she became happy for a while, but worried and depressed for a while.

"Don't think too much, everything will be clear when you see the summary." Ye Chui comforted Fang Jing. The research and development of her and Ye Chui's laboratory has continuously improved the level, and she has also opened up more permissions. However, in the Hellfire system, she has not found any information about her parents. .

This made him feel strange. Could it be that his parents were not brought into the hellfire?

At this time, Mu Xiaojie's sudden appearance made her hopeful.

"Xiaojie gave me a number before leaving. She said that the upper echelon of the Qianlong team didn't know that number, and she would not use this number in general, but if she used this number to contact me, it means that she What happened..." Fang Jing suddenly thought of something again, her face changed slightly, and she said to Ye Chui, "Ye Chui, Xiaojie used this number, which means she is contacting me without telling Qianlong Group, Could it be something really important?"

"We'll know when we meet her." Ye Chui comforted Fang Jing, and he was also guessing in his heart. Earlier, Mu Xiaojie said that he was going to perform some special mission. Now, it seems that this mission is really special. (To be continued.)

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