The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

370 I want to convert this fishing boat into a warship

"When you see Jing Jing again, remember to tell her that we are sorry that we didn't have more time to be with her before." Fang Jing's father sent Mu Xiaojie to the speedboat, "I miss every weekend very much now, It’s a pity that I didn’t know how to cherish the time when I took her to the coffee shop called Steam Boy, and I only spent time with her on weekends every week.”

"Yeah, I regret it when I think about it now." Fang Jing's mother also said, "It's been so many years, and I don't know which coffee shop is still there. Summary, you must go and sit with Jing Jing when you have time. .”

"Well, I see." Mu Xiaojie said in a deep voice, her heart is very heavy now.

"Okay, let's go now." Fang Jing's father continued, let Mu Xiaojie board the boat, and then pushed the speedboat away from the dock.

Mu Xiaojie felt very sad, but she hadn't lost her mind yet, knowing that she could only leave alone at this moment, and Fang Jing's parents could not go with her.

And when she leaves completely, the things they helped her will be exposed. At that time, they will definitely accept the punishment of the gods... The memories Ye Chui and Fang Jing saw were summarized by Mu Xiaojie Through the memory file, the two can see the pier gradually moving away, as well as Fang Jing's parents who waved goodbye.

What follows is ten hours of sea rafting, and Ye Chui fast-forwards to play.

Mu Xiaojie was drifting on the sea alone, and it must have been uncomfortable, but fortunately, Mu Xiaojie's nerves were tough enough to persevere, and finally met a fishing boat going out to sea, and was rescued - but at that time, Mu Xiaojie was It has been discovered that the spell that appeared on her left chest started to automatically replicate itself after she left the Territory of Chaos.

After going through several twists and turns, after a week, she finally contacted the relevant personnel of Qianlong Group.

However, what Mu Xiaojie didn't expect was that the messages she brought out due to her near-death and great luck were ultimately not accepted by the staff of Qianlong team, and even the people of Qianlong team believed that Mu Xiaojie She was a traitor——it was only then that Mu Xiaojie realized that her file had always been considered by the Qianlong Group's senior management as a category that needed to be closely reviewed.

The reason is because she was brought up by an organization in Japan.

The Territory of Chaos is relatively closer to Japan, and among the various forces above, a certain organization in Japan also has an advantage.

The Sixth Team of Longya led by Mu Xiaojie was wiped out, and the Qianlong team even suspected that Mu Xiaojie joined forces with the Japanese organization to do it.

This made Mu Xiaojie unbelievable. In addition, 40.00% of her skin had been infected by the spell at that time, and her life and death were in danger, so she ran away directly.

The Qianlong team here even dispatched the Dragon Claw team directly to capture Mu Xiaojie.

Mu Xiaojie was desperate, the curse on her body could not be lifted, knowing that she had no hope of life, when she was completely desperate at the end, she wanted to fulfill Fang Jing's parents' last wish, and told Fang Jing what they had said, so she decided to Find a way to ask Fang Jing to meet the steam boy.

Through the words of Fang Jing's parents, Mu Xiaojie can see that the steam boy Fang Jing has a special meaning, and Fang Jing will definitely understand when they meet there...

That's all that's happened in the last three months.

The first half is narrated by Mu Xiaojie, and the rest is obtained by Ye Chui and Fang Jing through memory watching.

After reading all the memories, Ye Chui and Fang Jing were silent for a moment, feeling very heavy. Fang Jing was still immersed in the moment when Mu Xiaojie parted from her parents, with tears streaming down her face.

"Mom and Dad don't know if they are still alive..." Fang Jing turned to look at Ye Chui with eyes full of tears.

Checking Mu Xiaojie's memory, let Ye Chui understand that the laboratory of the gods is very strict. Fang Jing's parents used a speedboat to let Mu Xiaojie go without permission. It is impossible to cover up this kind of thing. They will be investigated and finally punished by the laboratory of the gods, and they are likely to be dead now.

But Ye Chui didn't want to say that, he just comforted Fang Jing: "No matter if they are okay or not, I will go to the Territory of Chaos to check..."

"You want to go to the Territory of Chaos?" Fang Jing was slightly taken aback.

"I'm going to have a look." Ye Chui was thinking about the affairs of the gods, even if it wasn't for Fang Jing's parents, Wang Wenxue and Wang Shiyu, he still wanted to find out what was going on.

Turning to look at Mu Xiaojie, Ye Chui was a little surprised to find that Mu Xiaojie was leaning on his shoulder and fell asleep just like that.

She is really tired. During the days when Qianlong Group arrested her as a traitor, she hardly had a peaceful night's sleep and was just holding on. When the curse on her body was touched by Ye Chui, her mood He was extremely relaxed, and even drowsy at the time, but he understood how important the information about Fang Jing's parents was to Fang Jing, so he insisted on telling the story of these days.

When she found that Ye Chui could directly check her memory without speaking, she fell asleep directly.

Ye Chui and Fang Jing glanced at each other, then quietly got up from the bed and left the room.

Suddenly got information from her parents, but the information was not optimistic, and Fang Jing's mood became a little haggard. Ye Chui asked her to go back to her room to have a good rest, and Ye Chui went to the hall outside.

"This Territory of Chaos must be visited. However, this place is obviously full of danger..." Ye Chui thought in his heart, "So, I need a big ship, a very powerful ship!"

About two months ago, Ye Chui came back from Yuxiang Town and ordered an ocean-going fishing boat at a coastal shipyard in Huaxia.

This boat is not ready to sell, but needs some custom modification.

Now, the ocean-going fishing vessel is being refitted and it will be some time before delivery.

But Ye Chui can't wait that long...

He stretched out his right hand, opened it suddenly, and with a whoosh, streaks of blue lightning appeared from his hand, forming a blueprint of a ship.

This is the magic weapon of the big boat built by Ye Chui, which has super powerful fishing ability, and it was specially built by Ye Chui for his father.

After the ordered ship has been refitted, Ye Chui plans to turn the first ship into a magic weapon according to the blueprint.

But now, Ye Chui has already designed the blueprint of the magic weapon of the big ship, which needs to be modified.

"I'm going to convert this fishing boat into a battleship..."

Although the original blueprint of the magic weapon of the big ship has a certain attack ability, it is mainly used for fishing, deep-sea fishing, and deep-sea fishing. If it encounters certain obstacles, the role of this fishing boat will be weakened a lot.

But now, Ye Chui wants to redesign the drawings and transform this big ship into a battleship, a battleship that can accomplish anything he wants in the Territory of Chaos.

But at this moment, the TV hanging on the wall beside the living room suddenly turned on by itself, and a beautiful face appeared.

"Well, Mr. Ye Chui..." The face with no personality traits and a completely neutral voice said, "There is something I want to tell you."

"What's the matter, Shining?" Ye Chui turned his head and asked.

The face that flashed on the TV is the magic weapon of this TV series, and Shining is the name Yu Xue gave it.

Ye Chui helped Yu Xue create this magic weapon for TV dramas, and this magic weapon is completely owned by Xue—this means that Yu Xue completely controls this magic weapon, and puts her own bad taste on this magic weapon superior.

When she has nothing to do, she resets Shining's appearance.

Become a man, become a woman, become an old man, become a child.

The magic weapon like Shining was completely built by Ye Chui with new electrical appliances, so they had no gender at the beginning, and they were completely changed by the master's settings.

It's just that Yu Xue changed Shining's surname three times in two days, causing Shining to have a vague understanding of her own gender, and now she has directly changed to a Chinese surname.

That's not to mention, Yu Xue occasionally loses her temper, and it's always directed at Shining, making others feel sad for this poor TV...

But at this moment, Shining suddenly spoke to Ye Chui, which also made Ye Chui feel quite strange, so he asked, "What's the matter, do you have anything to say to me?"

Shining usually doesn't take the initiative to talk to Ye Chui.

If he took the initiative to talk to Ye Chui, it means that Yu Xue asked him to talk - after all, Yu Xue is the owner of this TV, and this is a TV, so Ye Chui made it so that Yu Xue can control it remotely. With Shiny's design, Yu Xue and Shiny can communicate with each other to a certain extent.

"That Mr. Ye Chui..." Shining looked puzzled, "Master asked me to tell you that she got into trouble."

"Get into trouble?" Ye Chui was taken aback, and asked Yu Xue to take Ye Ling to play in the city. Why did she get into trouble?

Then Ye Chui was slightly startled again, and thought of a very important thing: when he was looking for Mu Xiaojie, the Dragon Claw Team of Qianlong Team secretly followed him, which meant that they were monitoring Ye Chui here in the wasteland.

Was Yu Xue also being watched around her?

of course……

Ye Chui was not worried at all that Yu Xue and Ye Ling would be hurt by the members of the Dragon Claw Group. With Yu Xue's current ability, it would not be a problem for him to pick a dozen big men from the Dragon Claw Group by himself. The Tianhammer mobile phone made by Ye Chui has certain settings added by Ye Chui. If she encounters danger, Ye Chui will get a warning here.

At least for now, Ye Ling's life is definitely not in danger.

Ye Chui rubbed the center of his brows, and asked Shining: "Why did Yu Xue get into trouble?"

"Master, she went shopping with Miss Ye Ling, but for some reason, she suddenly found a few perverts following them. In fact, the master originally wanted to drive these perverts away, but accidentally killed them all. Now, these perverts are completely paralyzed on the ground..."

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