Hearing Xuanyin's words, Juejing's face became more shocked, as if he forgot to put away this expression. .

Can't blame him, he is a very self-cultivated person, since he became a senior cadre 230 years ago and ranked first among the seven senior cadres, he has been used to hiding his true emotions, and he has always done a good job.

However... the information Xuanyin told him was too surprising.

The refiner has not stopped yet.

The spirit defenders have been trying to build a body in the real world for a long time. They don't have a lot of willpower like hellfire, and they can directly use the willpower of all beings to build a body, so they thought of another method, that It is to directly use the method of reincarnation to let them obtain **.

The spirit defenders have been secretly preparing for this for hundreds of years. They have built a force called the Gods, and derived (cloned) a total of [-] bodies from the body of an ancient god.

Everything is ready, the only thing missing is the last link, which is the so-called factor of gods.

The factors of the gods are the key to reincarnate them, but the factors of the gods have exceeded the scope of scientific research, and they cannot successfully contain the spiritual energy of the spirit defenders. Forcibly reincarnating will cause permanent damage.

Five years ago, Ling Shoujun conducted an experiment, but the experiment ended in failure, and two ** were wasted because of this...

It is said that the only one who can overcome the difficulty of the factors of the gods is the lost weapon refiner.

Because from the perspective of a craftsman, the human body is also a kind of magic weapon, and the soul is the spirit of the weapon. The fusion of the magic weapon and the spirit of the weapon is a natural ability of the craftsman.

The essence of the gods factor is a link that allows the fusion of the magic weapon and the weapon spirit. If there is a weapon refiner to control it, it is very likely that the gods factor will be stabilized, so as to solve the difficulty of the reincarnation of the spirit defenders .

Although the spirit defenders were forced into a small territory by the hellfire in the spiritual world, their strength is extremely tyrannical. If they were reincarnated into the real world, they might cause huge damage to the hellfire...

This is why the desperate situation is so shocking.

It took half a minute before he calmed down and regained his composure: "Xuanyin, is everything you said true?"

"That's right, how could I lie to you about this? The heart of faith in my head will not allow me to lie to you." Xuanyin said hastily.

The heart of faith is what Ye Chui thinks is the virus of faith.

With the help of the heart of faith, all members of Hellfire will be loyal to that great existence. At this time, what Xuanyin said is too important. It is impossible for her to lie about this kind of thing, and the heart of faith does not allow her Lie about things.

Juejing fell silent, and a moment later a smile suddenly appeared on his face: "You really didn't lie to me, but although you didn't lie to me, you hid something from me."

Xuanyin's face changed slightly.

Juejing continued: "The information you told me is true. You know my character. After hearing this information, I will definitely set off immediately to deal with that Ye Chui. This must be what you want to happen. Since it is You must want it to happen, and it will definitely have a disadvantage for me..."

Desperately speculated calmly.

"...If I'm not mistaken, the great existence must forbid to do anything to Ye Chui, right?"

Xuanyin bit her lip, she didn't expect that she couldn't cheat the hopeless situation.

Juejing is well-known in Hellfire for his meticulous thoughtfulness, and it seems that he is still too young to be cautious—the original plan of Xuanyin was to tell Juejing that Ye Chui might be a craftsman. Xingxing will definitely deal with Ye Chui.

But that great being once told Xuanyin not to do anything to Ye Chui, no matter what the reason was, it was enough to show that Ye Chui was a bit special to that great being.

If Judgment kills Ye Chui, that great being will definitely blame him. With the moody personality of the great being, he might kill Judgment directly...

It's a pity that Xuanyin's little thoughtfulness can't deceive Juejing, and Juejing won't be fooled so easily.

And now that Juejing has guessed the great existence's affection for Ye Chui, Xuanyin can't deny it, she nodded: "That's right, the great existence once told me to let Ye Chui let nature take its course."

"Oh, let it be?" Juejing seemed to think of something, he snorted at the corner of his mouth, looked at Xuanyin and said, "Well, I will never interfere with everything about this Ye Chui, but... there is something I want Warn you, your strength is the worst among the seven cadres of Hellfire, and it is only because of your ability that you become the second among the seven cadres, so even if I am not in the chief position, it will not be you, you Better understand that."

Saying this, Juejing argued about the tie of the suit, smiled coldly, turned and walked out of the confidential meeting room.

Xuanyin was extremely angry in her heart, she punched the conference table beside her, and the table was completely shattered into slag with a bang.

On her beautiful and delicate face, there was a bit of viciousness: "Impossible, sooner or later you will have to pay the price for looking down on me..."

Walking out of the desperate situation of this meeting room, a trace of disdain appeared on his face when he heard the sound coming from the meeting room.

It's still a long way before Xuanyin wants to play with him.

The expression on his face then became puzzled again: "What exactly does the great being want to do? This Ye Chui... I'd better go to him and check it out myself!"


At this moment, Ye Chui's Huo Lei Shen ** has read all the massive cheat books.

It took Ye Chui several hours to observe the cheats last time, but now with the improvement of his cultivation base, his reading comprehension speed has also greatly improved. It only took one hour to compose eight first-level cheats and hundreds of second-level cheats. * Read all the cheats and keep them in mind.

Of course, memorizing these cheats does not mean that you have learned them.

Although Ye Chui's Iron Man suit can use cheats as software, there is still a programming process in the middle, which takes a lot of time to complete.

After scanning the cheats, Ye Chui looked at the door beside him, with a worried look on his face: "Ozawa hasn't completely stabilized himself until now... Could it be that her soul power is not enough for her to survive in reality?" The world has a body?"

"Ozawa, if it doesn't work, give up, I will wrap you up with my heart and send you back to the spiritual world."

In the real world, Ye Chui's deity said anxiously to Ozawa who was floating in the air and constantly condensing his body, but always failed.

"No... just a little bit, just a little bit and I will be able to succeed!"

Ozawa said firmly, she didn't want to give up.

Because she knew that if she gave up this time, she would give up every time after that. She knew very well about human beings. Even an intelligent life has this kind of human nature. She must persist, and only by persisting can she succeed in the end!

She wants to have a body, the flesh and blood that can really accompany Ye Chui in the real world!

"Huo Lei Shen, sister Ozawa seems to be in pain, you... you should find a way to help her!" Xing Mei was very worried, and hurriedly asked Ye Chui.

Ye Chui shook his head: "I can't help with this kind of thing..."

Ozawa forcibly condenses existence from non-existence, which has exceeded the limit of Ye Chui's ability, and he is completely powerless about it.

"En!?" At this moment, Ye Chui was taken aback suddenly, looking at Ozawa who was solidifying his body, "She is only one step away...Maybe, this can help him!"

Thinking of this, Ye Chui suddenly opened one hand, and there was a force of absorption in his hand.

At this time, Ye Chui was staying in a certain room in the winter villa, and saw the door of the next room opened by itself, and bursts of water vapor poured in from the outside.

Ye Chui's room is close to the back door of Dongtian Villa, and the back door is a vast grassland.

This grassland is the place Ye Chui built with soil after the magic weapon of the cave opened up a certain area.

Near the villa, there is a garden full of colorful flowers, which Yu Xue is working on recently.

In her words, she has been too irritable recently, and she plans to raise flowers and plants to cultivate her mind and family.

At this time, a watering can is being used to water the flowers and plants.

The expression on the little girl's face was also quite peaceful.

But suddenly, the air became a little dry.


She sneezes.

Then Yu Xue's face changed - the flowers and plants in front of her suddenly began to wither quickly, their moisture seemed to evaporate quickly, and water droplets in the air condensed out one after another, and then flew quickly into the villa...

Seeing this scene, Yu Xue was completely stunned: "Damn it, I sneezed so hard? Could it be that I accidentally learned some kind of fraud?"

The water droplets continued to condense in Ye Chui's hands, and finally turned into a water ball.

The water mass gradually grows larger.

It stopped when it finally got big enough.

"Ozawa, you just need to solidify your heart and brain, you can give up other organs temporarily, you just need to keep your own vitality!" Ye Chui used the power of water to control the water mass to suspend in the air, "Then you Entering here, this water cocoon is condensed by absorbing the essence of plants, and you can continue to nurture your own life in it!"

After hearing Ye Chui's words, Ozawa understood that this was probably the only feasible solution now.

So without hesitation, she began to focus on condensing the heart and brain.

This is much easier than condensing the whole body.

Soon, she completed the condensation.

Suspended in the air is a beating heart and a pink brain.

"Come on!" Ye Chui said.


The heart and brain flew into the water cocoon.

Ye Chui controlled the water cocoon, let it surround the heart and the water cocoon, and the electric light in his hand merged into the water cocoon: "The Calcining Heart Sutra can forge all magic weapons, and the human body is also a kind of magic weapon. I can’t create a body directly, but... I can help Ozawa provide a breeding environment, which is equivalent to an embryo, allowing her to grow into shape!” (To be continued.)

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