The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

416 Your lighter doesn't seem to work very well, do you want to try mine?

Mariko suddenly launched an attack, took Barney as a hostage, and coerced him to look at the others: "You better not act rashly, or I will kill him directly!"

"Mariko, would do such a thing, how could you do such a thing!" Barney cried out in a sad voice, it seemed that he was an infatuated man. .

Manny Luke and the others became nervous at the same time. Barney was their little friend. Although it seemed that Barney leaked a lot of information about their ultimate team, they couldn't ignore Barney's life and death.

"Ye, please find a way to save Barney!" Manny whispered even more.

Ye Chui nodded, then looked at Mariko with a smile: "What are you planning to do by coercing him? Do you think you can escape easily?"

"I'm willing to give up my life for the sword god, but even if I die, I'll have to pay a few backs." Mariko said in Japanese, her voice was a bit nervous.

"What are you doing?" Gloria yelled.

Mariko did not speak, but coerced Barney into the corner of the cave, where a pile of things were piled up, which were the ammunition they had collected these days—Manny, Gandi and the others all had powerful individuals Combat ability and superpowers, but ammunition and other things are still the top priority. There are already a lot of guns and ammunition here.

If it is detonated, the entire hill will probably be destroyed directly.

Mariko is actually trying to pull everyone together to die together. .

Realizing what she was going to do, Manny Gandi and the others showed surprised expressions.

James hurriedly grabbed his sister, ready to escape at any time. With his extreme speed, he might be able to escape here. He even shouted loudly: "Crazy, if you want to die, die yourself, don't let me die with you!"

Mariko knew James' ability, she had already taken out a lighter with her other hand, lit the flame, and immediately planned to throw the thing in her hand into the pile of ammunition.

This ammunition is homemade by the pirates on the Territory of Chaos, and it can be ignited with flames.

However, just as she lit the lighter, with a whoosh, a gust of wind blew the flame out.

Mariko was taken aback for a moment, and continued to flick the lighter.

But whenever the lighter fire appears, it will be blown out by a gust of wind.

The outside of the cave has been completely blocked, where is the wind coming from?

With a snap, Ye Chui twisted his fingers, and a ball of flame appeared from his index finger. Ye Chui smiled and asked Mariko: "Your lighter doesn't seem to work well, do you want to try mine?"

Mariko: "..."

After Ye Chui finished speaking, he suddenly pointed his index finger at Mariko.


A fire dragon appeared from Ye Chui's hand, and swept towards Mariko and Barney in an instant, and then wrapped up Mariko, and with Ye Chui's hand, Mariko was involuntarily driven away from Barney's side. fell to the ground.

The flames burned, and she let out an angry roar, but she couldn't open the burning tongue.

With a wave of Ye Chui's hand, the flame disappeared.

Mariko didn't have any burn marks on her body, but she still felt like she was being burned by flames all over her body.

What Ye Chui's flame burns is not her body, but her spiritual energy, her soul.

Then Ye Chui looked at Manny: "I don't hit women, she's left to you."

"Let me do it!" Barney yelled suddenly.

He picked up a pistol from the pile of ammunition and ammunition next to him, walked up to Mariko who was screaming, and aimed the gun at her head.

Ye Chui turned around and walked in front of Fang Jing and the others, he didn't see that kind of scene very loudly.

There was a snap of a gunshot.

Mariko's screams also disappeared.

Manny walked in front of Barney and scolded him in a low voice, blaming Barney for not being able to bear the temptation, and letting the God of Swords confiscate a lot of confidential information.

But at this moment, there was a sudden noise and shouts from outside the cave.

Manny's face changed: "Just now Fujitora smiled and said that he had asked the gods to bring people over. It seems that their people have arrived. James, go and see how many of them there are!"

"Okay!" James said, and with a flash of his figure, he had already rushed out of the cave.

There was a burst of gunfire outside the cave, and then James returned to the cave.

His face was a little embarrassed: "There are at least a hundred of them here, and they are all fully armed..."

"There are so many people!?" Manny was a little surprised. Although everyone on their side had impressive fighting power, they were enclosed in the cave, and there were hundreds of people outside. unknown...

Thinking of something, everyone looked at Ye Chui.

Since Ye Chui has shown so many miracles, then he must be able to show miracles again, right?

"Steel egg!" Ye Chui suddenly shouted to the outside of the cave, "I leave it to you!"

"Okay boss!" The voice of the steel egg came in.

Manny's face was filled with joy: "I even forgot that there are two Transformers outside!"

"Transformers!?" Gan Di asked strangely, he didn't know that there were two Transformers on Ye Chui's side.

Manny explained it to him, and Gante, Jacqueline, and Barney all opened their eyes wide.

"Woof..." Dahei let out a cry.

"You also want to fight? Then go." Ye Chui said with a smile.

So Dahei rushed out quickly.

Outside the cave, there were bursts of gunshots soon, accompanied by countless screams and roars.

Ye Chui didn't worry about hundreds of people at all, just leave it to Gangdan Xiaohei to solve it. He walked to the center of the cave, and in the circle of fire that was condensed just now, the soul from the gods is still there Struggling, let out bursts of roaring.

Ye Chui walked outside the circle of fire, and the power of his heart radiated out to touch the soul. Afterwards, the sky hammer system started to operate, and began to use the power of heart to accompany the power of the sky hammer system, trying to completely subdue this soul.

Ye Chui had comprehended countless sets of weapons before, and upgraded his Tianchui system again, with a more powerful ability to directly transform the spiritual energy body into a puppet, and what Ye Chui is doing now is this thing , He exported a steady stream of heart power and invaded the soul's body, like a virus, constantly controlling the soul's thoughts.

The soul kept struggling, but after a while it quieted down, completely silent.

"Phew, this is the first time this puppet operation method has been used, but fortunately it succeeded." Ye Chui breathed a sigh of relief, and explained to Fang Jingmu and Yu Xue, "This person should be a senior member of the gods. With the help of this puppet soul, you can directly enter the laboratory of the gods."

The flames surrounding this soul had disappeared, but this soul did not just run away, but stood there stiffly, allowing Ye Chui to control it.

The laboratory of the gods is a broken magic weapon, even if the other party wants to enter it through the back door, they need to undergo soul verification, and the soul controlled by Ye Chui at this time can just help them enter this magic weapon Instead of going through the grassland world, the ice and snow world, and the yellow sand world, there are three major worlds.

In just a few minutes, the outside became quiet.

Steel Dan, Xiao Hei and Da Hei have completely solved all the people outside.

Manny tentatively walked to the entrance of the cave and took a look outside, then said, "They're all dead..."

There was a lot of exclamation in the voice.

Others walked out one after another.

Fang Jing and Yu Xue had already expected that what they were about to see would be a horrible scene, so they both took a deep breath and prepared themselves before they dared to walk out of the cave.

The grove outside was full of dead bodies, and Steel Egg and Xiao Hei had turned into Transformers and were walking around.

Xiao Hei is also in the form of blood soul, swimming around.

This look made Fang Jing almost vomit, Yu Xue was better, but her face was still pale with fright: "Ye Chui, isn't this...too cruel?"

"These people are heinous people, and each of them has at least a few lives." Mu Xiaojie persuaded, "There is no need to show any mercy to them."

Manny walked up to Ye Chui and said, "Ye, you once again performed a miracle for us, and then you seem to be planning to go to the laboratory of the gods? Let us help you."

"No need, you should go to the west of the island quickly, the joint forces of the Qianlong group's ultimate team, Yemotian, and others should have arrived." Ye Chui said to Manny, "There are also members of the Sword God Society, you should Hurry up and warn them to be careful of the members of the Sword God Society, and you are familiar with the situation on the island, so you can help them when the time comes."

Manny thought about it seriously, and he really felt that what Ye Chui said was reasonable, and he himself understood that they might not be Ye Chui's opponent together, and it was really useless to follow Ye Chui to help or something.

Then he nodded and said, "Okay then, miraculous Ye, I believe you can perform miracles again!"

Gandi Luke Gloria and others also came to bid farewell to Ye Chui one after another, and then hurried to the west of the island.

"Let's go too!" Ye Chui said in a deep voice, "The real danger we will face later, everyone must be careful."

"Well, I understand." Yu Xue said.

Fang Jing also nodded.

Mu Xiaojie made a click and let the pistol go up.

Steel egg and Xiao Hei turned into cars again, and everyone got into the two cars, while the soul controlled by Ye Chui floated in front.

"Steel egg, Xiao Hei, follow this guy!" Ye Chui shouted.

The soul was originally invisible, but Ye Chui restrained and controlled the soul, allowing it to manifest a form, which can lead the way for Ye Chui.

Afterwards, the two cars set off and proceeded directly in the mountains and forests, knocking down the obstructing trees directly, and proceeding all the way.

"Little Shiyu, nothing will happen now..." Ye Chui couldn't help but whisper to himself at this moment. (To be continued.)

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