Tianqi's ability is terrifying, because he can transform his body at will, so any damage he receives can be defended by letting the injured part of his body escape from his body. For example, at this time, Ye Chui's fierce sun The fall hit him directly, and the high temperature burned his skin, but he only needed to take off the outer layer of flesh and blood, and he could recover as new again.

Moulting is an application of his ability.

Ye Chui was surrounded by a red fire dragon made of magma. He was not surprised by the change of Tianqi, because he knew that as one of the senior cadres of Hellfire, the attack of that level just now would definitely not cause him any harm. what effect.

Seeing Tian Qi approaching from him roaring, Ye Chui waved his hand at Tian Qi violently.


The magma fire dragon wrapped around Ye Chui immediately moved into action, devouring towards Tianqi with a roar.

The magma circulated and the flames erupted, wrapping Tianqi tightly and fast, and then Ye Chui waved his hand again, and the brightly colored magma dragon suddenly dimmed, and the heat was absorbed by Ye Chui, which made the magma The fire dragon is directly cooled and petrified, becoming a cold stone.

And Apocalypse was completely frozen in the stone.

"Dragon Transformation!"

This is the mystery of this move, of course, it is obviously not enough to let a stone dragon trap the opponent.

I saw a stone dragon hovering together, lifelike and shining like life.And on this stone dragon, there are various lines like scales, which are a kind of runes used in refining weapons, which can double the hardness of materials.

When Ye Chui created the Tianlong Transformation move, he condensed magma to become a fire dragon.These charms will be directly engraved on the fire dragon.

The efficacy of these charms will also be emitted when the dragon cools down.

At this time, the stone dragon hovering together.Its hardness has surpassed the hardest +hardest steel!

certainly.The move of Tianlongbian is not finished yet, Ye Chui is holding a huge + huge fireball in his hand at this moment, this fireball is just from the heat extracted from the fire dragon just now, they gather together and emit fiery + hot temperature.

And Ye Chui hugged the fireball with both hands, and slowly closed his hands, compressing the huge fireball into the size of an egg.

The fireball's original orange color also turned bright red.Holding the extremely compressed fireball the size of an egg in his hand, Ye Chui walked up to Shilong, and stretched out his hand as if it was in Shilong's mouth.

The fireball spreads all over the stone dragon through the mouth of the stone dragon.

In an instant, the lines all over the gray stone dragon's body suddenly lit up, and cracks began to appear from the stone dragon's body - the heat compressed by the fireball was no less than the most intense fire+powder, and putting them together In the strictly sealed space, when the heat of the fireball begins to expand uncontrollably, a powerful and unparalleled impact will erupt.

This is the principle of firecrackers and bombs, and Ye Chui reproduced this principle at this time.After Shilong swallowed the fireball, Shilong's mouth was completely closed.Let Shilong form a closed space inside.

The double streaks on Shilong's body represent that the powerful explosive force that Shilong is enduring has reached its limit at this time.

Cracks began to appear, and a powerful shock was about to burst open.

Ye Chui retreated quickly, falling far away beside Bai Xi and Da Hei.


The stone dragon exploded. In this desert, it was as if a huge boulder had been thrown into the water, splashing up the sky with yellow sand. Going, it seems to roll up the long yellow sand for a moment.

"Master, is he... is he dead?" Bai Xi asked excitedly. "If he is killed so easily, then he is not worthy of being a senior cadre of Hellfire."

Ye Chui said in a deep voice that his moves, whether it is the Falling Sun or the Transformation of the Heavenly Dragon, are all created by Ye Chui by combining two or more skills.

The power is extraordinary, at least seeing the scene in front of him, Ye Chui is quite excited, but he also has self-knowledge, but this is not enough to kill Tian Qi.

There was a warning grunt from Dahei's mouth suddenly, following Dahei's line of sight, there were wriggling pieces of meat on the ground not far away, and these pieces of meat were slowly merging together.

The explosion just now blew up Apocalypse into countless pieces, but even so, he would not die easily. The pieces of meat began to coagulate with each other, and then turned into smaller Apocalypse. These small Apocalypse merged again, Let the apocalypse gradually grow bigger.

The original Tianqi was a giant man with a height of three meters.But at this time, when his height reached about 1.8 meters, he stopped merging, and the remaining pieces of meat turned into seven little Tianqi who were less than one meter tall. With an evil look on his face, he chirped and smiled.

"Go get that little girl back to me!" The big Tian Qi pointed to the sand house in the distance.

The seven little Tianqi immediately started to move, swishing towards the hut.

Dahei and Baixi colleagues took action, one cat and one dog stopped two little Tianqi at the same time, and the remaining five little Tianqi rushed towards the house.

"Be careful!" Ye Chui immediately turned around and shouted in the direction of the house.

Xiao Tianqi's movements were very fast, a puff of smoke was brought up on the yellow sandy ground, and he came to the front of the sand house almost in an instant.


The leading little Tian Qi was opening his mouth to reveal a burst of sharp laughter, when suddenly his always strong hand firmly grasped his throat and lifted him off the ground.

This little Tianqi's legs were constantly swinging, trying to struggle, but he stopped moving very quickly, and his hands and feet completely drooped.

"Haw!" "Haw!" "Haw!"

The other four little Tianqi immediately screamed and surrounded the person who did the work, as if they were ready to bite and attack at any time.

"To deal with these things, it's better to let Sun Wukong take action." Staying in the sand house, Yu Xue looked relieved. The person who crushed a small Tianqi was Yu Xue with a card. Summoned virtual cartoon character Sun Wukong.

Deal with this kind of little Tianqi who seriously plagiarized the copyright of Dragon Ball.Sun Wukong's appearance is naturally appropriate...

certainly.It is naturally somewhat different from Monkey King in the comics.It is impossible to create the ability to destroy the earth at every turn like in the comics. The ability has been weakened to a certain extent, but the combat ability is still very strong.

In addition to Monkey King, other virtual characters also appeared one after another, surrounding the sand house.

Seeing this scene in the distance, Ye Chui breathed a sigh of relief: "After all, Yu Xue is a cultivator at the seventh level of the Enlightenment Realm, and his reaction speed is extremely fast, and he can make an effective response in a very short time."

"Where are you looking!?" Tian Qi's startling voice rang in his ears again.In a blink of an eye, the bald man had reappeared in front of Ye Chui, brandishing his huge+big fist and punching Ye Chui's body.

Ye Chui hurriedly avoided.

His body can be regarded as hardware, and his consciousness can be regarded as a system. His body can only run three software at most, and if there are more, it will be stuck.

At this time, Ye Chui's consciousness is loaded with three kinds of software, which are "Feng Xing Bian" to increase speed, "Swift Light Fire" to improve reaction power, and the attack move "Dragon Change". Ye Chui's fighting ability is strong, while Tianlongbian is an attacking move, while avoiding Tianqi's crazy attack.At the same time, he issued an order to the Skyhammer system again: "Uninstall Tianlong Transformation, install... Ben Lei Dong!"

Suddenly, a software uninstall box appeared before Ye Chui's eyes.When the uninstallation is complete, then a software installation box appears again.

Uninstalling and installing took a total of two to three seconds, during which time Ye Chui kept dodging Tianqi's attacks.

"What's the matter, aren't you good at fighting? Why do you only know how to dodge now?" Tian Qi roared angrily, and punched Ye Chui.


His fist suddenly penetrated Ye Chui's body.


Tian Qi was taken aback for a moment, and then realized something was wrong. His hand pierced Ye Chui, but the texture was very strange, not like flesh and blood, and his arm even felt a tingling sensation—— The shattered Ye Chui turned out to be a fake body condensed with lightning!

Tian Qi was shocked, and saw Ye Chui appearing from the left in a flash in his vision.

Tian Qi sneered, got rid of Lei Dian's fake body, and punched Ye Chui on the left again with both fists. However, to his surprise, this Ye Chui was also a fake one, which was completely condensed by Lei Dian.

Tian Qi realized something, looked around, and found that there was a Ye Chui rushing towards him in all directions.

The shapes of these leaves are erratic, and they are all formed by lightning.

Tian Qi roared, and tried to escape from the sky, but there was also a leaf in the sky, which was punching down from the sky.

Tian Qi narrowed his eyes slightly, and sneered, "Pretending to be a monster, you are definitely the real one!"

He recognized Ye Chui falling from a high altitude, it was definitely Ye Chui's real body, and immediately swung his fists to meet him upwards.


Amidst the loud noise, Ye Chui's fist from a high place collided with Tian Qi.

A current flowed silently into Tianqi's body.

Tian Qi's expression froze: "This feeling..."

The electric current blasted into his body by Ye Chui had some strange reactions with the electric current of the other four lightning clones of Ye Chui. Those four lightning clones rushed to Tian Qi's side in a blink of an eye, and the thunder and lightning condensed one by one. The fist suddenly hit Tianqi.

Tian Qi let out a roar and waved his hands, trying to drive these avatars away from him. However, this thunder and lightning avatar was condensed from the nothingness of lightning, and his attack was completely ineffective against them. +Attacking Tian Qi with his body, it was as if he was directly struck by lightning, and Tian Qi's skin would be pulverized in an instant!

Ben Leidong, the essence of this move lies in this. Ye Chui uses the power of his heart to condense four lightning clones, and then blasts a trace of lightning gravity into the enemy's body. Under the action of this lightning gravity, The other four clones + avatars will firmly surround the enemy until death!

This is a wonderful application of the power of thunder and lightning. The most wonderful thing is that the gravitational force of thunder and lightning that Ye Chui blasted into Tianqi's body can directly detect Tianqi's next move, and then under the action of some program-like operations , Let the four lightning clones + bodies make corresponding attacks, and the attack power is even more effective.

Tian Qi roared furiously, wanting to get rid of the four avatars, but in the end he couldn't do it at all. No matter how he reacted, the four avatars always followed him around, and Ye Chui was always around him. Swimming around, condensing power from time to time, supporting the thunder and lightning avatar with weakened power.

Not far away, Dahei and Baixi are facing a little Tianqi respectively, and they are fighting fiercely, and around the sand house, dozens of virtual characters are constantly intercepting and killing those little Tianqi, the little Tianqi around the sand house, There is only one left now.

With a flash of cold light, the long sword in the hand of a white-clothed swordsman turned into a little cold star and shot at the only remaining little Tianqi.

However, at this moment, white lines suddenly appeared, and this meteor-like fast sword froze in the air, and then, with a few crackling sounds, the sword shattered into pieces, and a figure whizzed away. Come, but the desperate situation took the opportunity to kill.

"Go and attack him!" Yu Xue, who was staying in the sand house, had sharp eyes and immediately pointed to the air and shouted.

Whoosh, whoosh, countless virtual character colleagues rushed out, killing to the desperate situation.

There was a smirk on Juejing's face, and he waved his hand again, and silk threads spread out from his hand, as if they could cut the air. was directly cut into pieces, and then disappeared.

The power of Desperate Realm is unquestionable, as soon as he made a move, these dozens of powerful virtual characters were completely killed.

"Hurry up!" Juejing said to Xiao Tianqi, pointing to the sand house.

Little Tianqi immediately started running towards the sand house.

There was a sneer on Jue Jing's face, but then he showed an eager expression, and hurried to the side. The place where he was standing was directly hit by a powerful impact, and it turned into a big pit with a bang.

Ye Shiyu has already rushed over.

At this time, Ye Shiyu's battle clothes in both hands were condensed with a thick + strong barrel, which was somewhat similar to the steel egg's heavy-duty machine gun. Squirt out.

Desperately frowned, he could easily shoot more ordinary bullets, but he was helpless with the bullets fired by Ye Shiyu, so he could only run away in embarrassment.

The figure flickered, and Jue Jing began to run wildly. The yellow sand shot by bullets flew up on the sand behind him.

At the same time, the last little Tianqi screamed and jumped towards the direction of the sand house. Yu Xue stood at the window and her face changed, and she hurriedly flipped through the cards in her hand.

But Ye Chui gave her tens of thousands of cards, although each one is quite powerful, but the difficulty that the little girl is facing at this time is——

Which one should she use? . )

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