Seeing that Ozawa killed Tianqi in minutes, just like playing, Yu Xuemu Xiaojie and others were shocked, which far exceeded the limit of their imagination. Although Ye Chui originally said that Ozawa was very powerful after waking up, but ... There are no such advantages and disadvantages, and there is no difficulty in dealing with Tianqi!

Everyone looked at Ozawa with a look of awe.

As for Ye Chui, his figure teleported to Ozawa from a distance in a flash, and he frowned and looked at the land below.

Apocalypse was directly decomposed by Ozawa into hundreds of millions of pieces and turned into individual cells. This kind of decomposition is the same as Ye Chui's air force, and Apocalypse cannot be reassembled by himself.At this time, in the land under his feet, there are at least hundreds of millions of small apocalypse, but each of these small apocalypse is very weak, and it is no longer possible to seize other people's body to reshape the physical body, even the body that is separated from this cell level There is no way - at this moment Tianqi is not dead, but it is not much different from death.

"Brother Ye." Seeing Ye Chui approaching, Ozawa immediately jumped up and greeted Ye Chui with a smile. She was very satisfied with her new body, and looked at Ye Chui with some strange emotions in her eyes.

Ye Chui was slightly startled, this girl is super unlimited, and I don't know what she is thinking...

These thoughts flashed through Ye Chui's mind, but it was only for a moment, but now there are more important things to be busy, Ye Chui hurriedly pointed to the desperate situation that was entangled with Ye Shiyu in the distant sky: "Xiao Ze, put that The guy was killed, but to save his life, I still need to use him to find Xiao Shiyu."

"Okay Brother Ye." Ozawa nodded at Ye Chui with his pretty chin, and then flew up towards the sky with a groan.

At this moment, the desperate situation is full of surprises. If I read correctly just now, it seems that Tianqi was completely broken up by this little girl?

How did this little girl do it, that Tian Qi would be completely broken up by her!

Judgment has already realized that something is wrong, and feels that Ye Chui's group is completely beyond his imagination, and seeing Ozawa rushing towards him, Jue Jing subconsciously felt fear at first, but then, a cruel smile appeared on the corner of his mouth: " Why should I be afraid? The reason why I have been entangled with Ye Shiyu for so long is because I cannot see the silk on her body, but this girl is different, I can see her fate, since I can see her fate, then I I can completely defend against her attacks, so what else do I have to be afraid of?"

Thinking this way in his heart, Juejing temporarily dodged Ye Shiyu's attack, and then quickly flew towards Ozawa.

Ozawa gave him a very inappropriate feeling, he wanted to get rid of Ozawa quickly first!

"Sister Ozawa, be careful!" Ye Shiyu who was not far away hastily shouted at Ozawa.

Ozawa just waved his hand lightly, and greeted him indifferently, raised his small fist, and slammed directly at the face of Juejing.

The two were about to collide in an instant.

The smile on Jue Jing's face suddenly froze.

"What's going on here... I can see her fate, and I know how she will attack, but... But why can't I dodge her attack? Her attack seems to be completely defenseless and impossible to evade! What? Such a thing will happen!?"


Ozawa's fist hit Juejing's head directly, and this was the first person who could hit him directly in a battle other than Ye Shiyu!

And then...




Immediately after that, all kinds of inhumane attacks followed. Ozawa's figure flew up and down, constantly attacking the desperate situation, with an extremely excited expression on her face, which looked particularly pure, just It's like an innocent little girl playing with some toy to high...

Seeing this scene, even Ye Chui was completely stunned: "I heard from Da Shiyu that after Ozawa fully awakened, I didn't believe it at first, but now I finally believe it... the most powerful senior in Hellfire Cadres can play as a ball..."

Of course, Ye Chui also understood in his heart that the desperate situation at this time is not the most powerful state. When he was possessed in Bai Jingtian's body before, he was injured by Yu Xue's Heavenly Demon Punishing Heart Fist, so his ability was somewhat compromised.

But despite this, he is still a very tough opponent.

Ye Shiyu is immune to his destiny ability, coupled with a high-tech battle suit, he can barely fight him to a tie, but Ozawa, going up is just a big beating, so casual, so free and easy, just like him play the same...

"Impossible... Impossible..." Judgment was completely stunned, he couldn't believe it, how could there be such a powerful person in this world?

He wanted to escape, but there was no way, Ozawa's figure was countless times faster than him, just like a girl who was juggling a ball, with light movements, no matter how much she juggled, the ball would always be completely in her hands in the end.

On the side, Ye Shiyu, who had just fought against Jujing, was slightly shocked when she saw this scene, and then thought in her heart: "Sister Ozawa is still as domineering as ever..."

In the future, Ozawa will be the most powerful person around Ye Chui. Several times when Ye Chui encounters danger, it is Ozawa who takes the lead to save the day. Ye Shiyu has long understood Ozawa's strength.

When she planned to travel back to this timeline, Ye Chui gave Ye Shiyu the newly developed Iron Man suit X version. He punched her lightly, and her battle clothes were shattered, and she herself was injured a little bit, so she had to recuperate for another half a year before heading back to the past.

Ozawa's strength has definitely surpassed the scope of human beings, although...she was considered human in the first place.

"Well, I have to prepare the cage quickly..." Ye Shiyu withdrew her thoughts and began to prepare.

With her hands together, a layer of green light began to spread out from her hands, and the green light could vaguely see each character flickering.

This is a kind of sealing technique, which is created by Ye Chui in the future by combining the power of science and technology with the power of self-cultivation. The only function of this thing is to seal the desperate situation, and it can seal the desperate situation forever. Of course, the premise is that the desperate situation must be in a weak state just work.

In the blink of an eye, a small box appeared in Ye Shiyu's hand. This box was completely made of transparent and illusory green characters, constantly shining with light.

Ye Shiyu pointed one end of the box at Ozawa: "Sister Ozawa, throw him in here!"

Ozawa paused and looked at Ye Shiyu.

The desperate situation is about to slip away.

"Come back." Ozawa stretched out his hand to grab it, and Ozawa picked it up like a chicken. Ozawa stared at the box in Ye Shiyu's hand for a moment, and then understood what the box was for, with a slight smile on his face. With a smile, he walked in front of Ye Shiyu with desperation.

"What is that? What are you going to do?" Seeing the box in Ye Shiyu's hand, Juejing screamed loudly. He felt an ominous aura emanating from the box.

"Don't talk nonsense, let's go in." Ozawa smiled, then knuckled Jue Jing's body into a ball and stuffed it into the box.

The body of Judgment was originally formed by the condensed power of sentient beings, and it can be changed into any image. When he turned into a ball and stuffed it into a box, Ye Shiyu directly covered the box.

The ball crashed around in the box, as if it wanted to escape, but in the end it couldn't do it at all, and was firmly haunted by that strange spell.

"Is this the end of the desperate situation..." Seeing this scene, Ye Chui felt a little unreal.

With Ozawa waking up, everything became extremely simple.

Then his face changed slightly, he thought of something, and then his figure rushed up to the sky in a flash and came to Ozawa and Ye Shiyu.

"Desperate situation, tell me where Xiao Shiyu is!" Ye Chui asked in a deep voice.

"You want to know where that little girl is? Just dream, I will never tell you!" Juejing's desperate voice came from the seal.

Ye Shiyu held the box in her hand, and did something cracklingly. The sealed hopeless situation suddenly convulsed, and she felt a huge pain, shen=yin made a sound.

"Say!" Ye Shiyu shouted in a cold voice - the one who was taken away was herself in the loli era, of course she was very angry at this time.

"..." Juejing intends to keep silent, even if he dies, he won't help Ye Chui.

Seeing him like this, Xiao Ze quickly grabbed the seal, and the strange breath in his hands directly entered the box, and the desperate scream immediately rang out involuntarily.

Ozawa is using the power of soul light to attack the desperate situation.

The power of soul lightness, in short, is a kind of power that can do everything, blurs the boundary between virtuality and reality, you can achieve as much as you want, and the pain that you are suffering at this time is Ozawa. The imaginary pain has already exceeded the limit of pain, and it is impossible for even the most determined person to bear the pain.

"I said... I said!"

Soon, Extremis was begging for mercy.

"In the east, the thread of destiny on that little girl came from the east!"

"it is good!"

Ye Chui nodded, then landed beside Yu Xue and the others and said that he wanted to go east. Yu Xue still had a lot of summoning cards in his hand, and he summoned some, so that some virtual characters inside could carry them on their backs Moving forward, a group of people began to move eastward according to the instructions of the desperate situation.

At this moment, in the laboratory in the yellow sand world.

"Quick, a little bit!" Gang Lei shouted impatiently, "We must extract the gods' factors from her as soon as possible. As long as we extract the gods' factors, we can resurrect the gods!"

Little girl Wang Shiyu was sitting angrily being grabbed by a doctor in a white coat, another scientist was drawing blood from her arm, and other doctors were busy all around.

These scientists, like Fang Jing's parents, are scientists captured by the gods.

"There is something wonderful in this little girl's blood..." A scientist who was observing with a microscope exclaimed in surprise, "My God, I have never seen such a living thing, as if any After things are infected by this thing, they will instantly become full of vitality!"

"That's right, it's that kind of thing!" Gang Lei nodded, "That's the factor of the gods, find a way for me to extract that kind of thing!"

"Extract it?" The scientist was taken aback, "It's not easy to do..."

"Hurry up and tell me, how long will it take you?"

"About...about an hour?"

"Hurry up! I'll give you 10 minutes to extract it, otherwise, you'll all die!"

Gang Lei's face became grim. He had been paying attention to the battle outside. Seeing that Xiao Ze woke up and solved the apocalypse and the desperate situation almost instantly, Gang Lei was extremely shocked. He understood that the only thing he could deal with now was this For girls, I am afraid that only the clan of gods has awakened. Therefore, the factors of the gods must be extracted as soon as possible to revive the clan of gods, so that he may have a chance of life.

Gang Lei glanced at the side. Beside him, there were hundreds of nutrition warehouses, each of which contained a body.

Five years ago, Wang Wenxue and Wang Shiyu both came out of this cabin, and then were sent out for some inexplicable reasons, and met Ye Chui.

Wang Shiyu was grabbed by those doctors, she kept struggling, but soon, she blinked her big eyes, watching everything around her suddenly stop struggling.

"Hey, I think everything here is very familiar, right?" Gang Lei saw Wang Shiyu's strangeness, so he laughed, "Because, you were born from something like that."

Wang Shiyu's eyes were already attracted by the hundreds of nutrition cabins on the side. Looking at the people locked in the cabin, her face showed a confused expression.

Everything here is indeed very familiar to her, she seems to have been here in countless dreams...

"The clan of the gods is about to be born, but it's a pity that you are on the wrong team and you have become a traitor to the gods." Gang Lei continued to say to Wang Shiyu, "But it doesn't matter, you are at least a little bit useful... the things on your body The factors of the gods can help us fully summon the gods to this world!"

"..." Wang Shiyu's expression became even more puzzled. She seemed to understand something, but she didn't understand something, which made her fall into a certain kind of ideological dilemma.

Gang Lei no longer paid attention to Wang Shiyu, but directly came to the front of the next cabin, with a prayerful look on his face: "Gods, my master, the time for your birth has come, but I still need you to give me some strength , to prevent them from coming here, please give me instructions..."

After he finished speaking, his face suddenly changed, he had received some instructions - he used prayer to communicate with the gods in the spiritual world, that is, the spirit defenders.

I saw that Gang Lei's face changed, and then nodded, with a look of pain on his face.

"Yes, yes, I see..." (To be continued.)

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