The whole world began to shake violently, Ye Chui and Ozawa quickly rushed to Yu Xue and the others.

At this time, Yu Xuemu concluded that Fang Jing, and Fang Jing's parents had already driven a group of virtual characters to the place where the space crack was, trying to find a way to pass through, and felt that the whole world was shaking. The face that was laughing wildly seemed to be the sonata of the end of the world, and the aura of destruction began to permeate the surroundings, and everyone on Yu Xue's side felt that they didn't know what to do.

Ye Chui and Ozawa came here, let some flying virtual characters take them with them, and then quickly rushed to the place where Wang Shiyu and others were through the passageway repaired by Ye Chui.

"Brother Ye, this place is about to be destroyed, do you have a way to escape?" Ozawa asked.

"I don't know, but... at least I can give it a try. When the space is broken, I can make a protective film of the power of space to protect us." Ye Chui said in a deep voice. After comprehending the power of the heart, he can guarantee everyone's safety [-]%.

But now, together with the accumulated comprehension from repairing the space cracks, his comprehension of the power of space has reached four-fifths in total, and only the last one-fifth has not been comprehended.

But this comprehension cannot be explained by a concept. Even if there is only the last one percent left, Ye Chui may not be able to make the space protection film.

This kind of comprehension must be [-]% in order to fully exert its power.

Now Ye Chui can only take one step at a time.

Soon, Ye Chui led Yu Xue and others to meet Xiao Shiyu.

"Everyone gather together, I will try to create a protective film to protect everyone!" Ye Chui shouted.Everyone gathered immediately.Stayed near the hundreds of nutrition warehouses.

Ye Chui's body was suspended in the air.With his hands open, a layer of translucent membrane diffused from his body, enveloping everyone.

Ye Chui frowned deeply, trying to make the film more solid.

The whole world began to collapse, this kind of collapse was not the collapse of an earthquake, but space, the space began to collapse, and space patterns appeared continuously.With a bang, one space directly turned into chaos.

This kind of chaotic impact, even if it collides with the hardest thing in the world, can tear it into pieces in an instant!

This situation is even more thrilling than the deep doomsday world.

Everyone has pale faces, even Ozawa frowned—it is worth noting that Ozawa is not afraid of the harm of this kind of chaos, her soul light power can transform all tangible things into virtual reality, and it is very difficult for her. The hurt she can directly transform into a fantasy in the brain, that is to say, it hurts her.She feels pain but doesn't get hurt.

Space shreds.As long as she doesn't want to die, she can't die.

But her life and death ability can only be applied to herself, and it doesn't help others.

Ozawa glanced at the other people around, showing a worried look, she didn't want everyone else to die.

"I hope Brother Ye can succeed..." At this moment, she could only pray in her heart.

"Huh!?" Little Wang Shiyu was held in Ye Shiyu's arms, she suddenly noticed something, frowned and pointed in that direction, "My future me, there seems to be something over there, help me bring them back."

"Is there something?" Ye Shiyu looked in that direction, using the long-sightedness ability on the X version of Iron Man's suit, she quickly understood what it was: "It seems... a hairy monster?"

The space is shattered, allowing the world of yellow sand to completely connect with the world of ice and snow. The only remaining five hairy monsters in the world also fell into this world of yellow sand. They have already been frightened by the devastating situation here. , huddled together in panic.

Ye Shiyu frowned slightly: "The hairy monsters are very dangerous, Xiao Shiyu, are you really planning to save them?" "<thing...

Ye Shiyu felt that Xiao Wang Shiyu's request should not be accepted, and was about to refuse, but at this time Wang Shiyu did it herself.

——With a wave of her small hand, a black mist filled her hand, which directly turned into a thick=strong arm, rushed out, and grabbed a family of hairy monsters a hundred meters away, and then everyone was stunned I grabbed it back.

The Maoguai family, the tallest of which was at least three meters tall, was caught by Wang Shiyu like a toy, and then thrown to the side of the open space.

Maoguai's family has already been terrified. In fact, Ye Shiyu, Mu Xiaojie, and even Ozawa were also terrified—Wang Shiyu's ability is a bit against the sky, and she really deserves to be a little girl who has become a god!

"Father Xueshan, look, look, the little girl I picked up picked us up." The hairy mushroom called out loudly.

"Mushroom son, you are right, we were picked up by this little girl!" Xue Shan also said.

Several hairy monsters looked at Wang Shiyu with strange expressions.

Mu Xiaojie, Fang Jing, and Fang Jing's parents hid behind Ozawa and Ye Shiyu, looking at the five furry monsters in horror. Some scientists also looked at this side tremblingly. The hairy monsters can say It is the strongest intelligent creature on this earth, with a very powerful destructive ability.

These scientists know this well, and are therefore all the more frightened.

But Wang Shiyu was not afraid at all, and stared at the five furry monsters hugging each other with wide eyes.

After waiting for a while, the Maoguai family finally discussed the outcome, and then Xueshan came over, and he looked at Wang Shiyu with a bit of respect: "I was picked up by us first and then our little girl, thank you Saved our lives, according to our custom. Then we shall all be yours."


Hear the words of Xueshan.Everyone was taken aback.

Wang Shiyu took it for granted - she saved these people.Shouldn't these be listening to her? <things gone! "Wang Shiyu immediately said with a smile, so she stretched out her small hand and planned to pat Xueshan's head. The furry head of Xueshan must be very comfortable to pat.

But Wang Shiyu's height is only a little over one meter, and the snow mountain is three meters high, so it's not easy for little Lolita to take pictures of his head.

But Ye Shiyu still took pictures of Xueshan's head.

——With the idea that Wang Shiyu wanted to pat the snow mountain's head, her body suddenly levitated, allowing her to pat the snow mountain's head as she wished.

Just fast.Little Lolita was shocked: "Ah? Why did I fly?"

Surprised, Xiao Wang Shiyu's center of gravity was unstable, and her body fell down involuntarily.

Xueshan quickly stretched out her hands to hug Wang Shiyu. Wang Shiyu fell into the soft = soft hair of the monster, and immediately felt super comfortable. She happily rolled in the soft = soft hair, feeling extremely comfortable: "It's like cotton candy..."

"..." Ye Shiyu, Ozawa and others were speechless, this little thing really remembers cotton candy all the time.

Just when Wang Shiyu accidentally subdued Maoguai's family, the Tower of the Gods had already collapsed, although Ye Chui realized what Wang Shiyu had done.But he didn't want to know it, so he could only immerse himself in the production of this protective film.

"The power of emptiness. It is the power of existence. It is the root of the concept of existence. Only by mastering the laws of existence can we fully understand the mystery of space..."

Ye Chui used the power of space to condense the protective film, and at the same time comprehended the mystery of power of space in an emergency.

Ye Chui once had enough experience to comprehend the power of space, which made it much easier for him to comprehend at this time. This is the case with things like experience. In fact, Ye Chui has cultivated the Calcining Heart Sutra to the present level in a short period of time. To this extent, it is because of experience.

Comprehension of this kind of thing depends entirely on oneself, and with experience, Ye Chui knows where to start, which makes it easier for him to comprehend the mysteries of all spaces.

And every time the situation is critical, Ye Chui's comprehension can also be accelerated. For example, now, Ye Chui wants to protect the lives of Fang Jing and others. Under the influence of this obsession in his heart, he activated all his experiences to Make this realization.

The mystery of the power of space was analyzed bit by bit by Ye Chui...

There are more and more cracks in the surrounding space, just like a glass bottle under strong water pressure. Various cracks have appeared on the glass bottle, and it may completely collapse at any time, releasing the water inside...


With a muffled sound, the world completely collapsed!

At this time, outside the laboratory of the Gods in the Territory of Chaos, Steel Egg and Xiao Hei have already turned into Transformers. They have dealt with a large wave of terrorists just now. The shock, a strange fluctuation came out from this laboratory.

"Dad, what's going on?" Xiao Hei asked in surprise.

Gang Dan looked puzzled, "How do I know, it must be the boss who made the noise!"

Having said that, the two involuntarily took a few steps back.


The ten-story building collapsed completely.

In other words, it didn't collapse, but turned into small particles in an instant, and then even the particles seemed to be shattered.

The existence of this laboratory has completely disappeared!

In front of Steel Dan and Xiao Hei, there was only a piece of flat land left!

"Huh? Why did the laboratory disappear?" Xiao Hei shouted in surprise, "Where did Ye Chui go?"

"Boss is going to be okay?" Steel Dan was also shocked and puzzled, the whole laboratory disappeared. Doesn't that mean... Boss also disappeared?

At this moment, in the place where the laboratory disappeared, a space crack suddenly appeared!

Then, a pair of hands stretched out from inside, and those hands were vigorously propping up the crack in the space—this was Ye Chui.

At the moment when the Tower of the Gods was completely destroyed, Ye Chui and everyone were directly twisted into the space vortex. Fortunately, Ye Chui's protective film took effect, and no one else suffered any harm.

But at the same time, this protective film also brought everyone into the turbulent flow of space.

This space turbulence is a substance between space and chaos, and it is very dangerous. Ye Chui immediately used the power of space to forcibly open a crack, trying to bring everyone out of this space turbulence.

"Open! Open it for me!"

Ye Chui roared, and he forced the space crack to widen just like that.


Everyone protected by the space membrane rushed out of the crack!

Hundreds of nutrition warehouses, seven or eight scientists, Yu Xuemu's summary, Fang Jing's parents, Ozawa's, Fang Jing's parents, Shiyu, Baixi and Dahei, and of course the Maoguai family.

"Brother Hammer, are you alright?" Wang Shiyu was the closest to Ye Chui, she hurriedly asked with concern.

<Oh, let me introduce you, this is Xueshan, he is the head of Maoguai's family, that is his wife, whose name is Ganoderma lucidum, and that is his father's name is Caotou.The remaining three are his sons. The biggest and fattest one is called Xueqiu, the other is called Mushroom, and the other is called Xuecai. "

Ye Chui panted, turned his head to look at the Maoguai family, and then couldn't help frowning.

Although the Maoguai family is very destructive, their personalities are actually very kind. As long as they don't touch their seemingly ridiculous habits, they will generally get along very well.

What makes Ye Chui feel a little helpless for a moment is that the little girl Wang Shiyu already possesses the power of God, and now there are five more hairy monsters as helpers...

Damn, won't she still be lawless in the future?

Ye Chui had a big headache, Yu Xuefangjing already understood what happened to Wang Shiyu, and immediately felt the same headache as Ye Chui, the little witch will definitely go against the sky in the future...

"Ye Chui, what should we do now?" Mu Xiaojie asked Ye Chui at this time, the crisis was resolved, and she wanted to know Ye Chui's next plan.

"These training cabins can't fall into the hands of others, I want to take them all away..." Ye Chui said thoughtfully, "I can put them into the magic weapon of the cave, but the leader of chaos is imprisoned, and the magic weapon can't be released." Use, the imprisonment should be placed by Hellfire, I have to go and completely destroy Hellfire first."

He looked around and said, "I can go with Ozawa to solve the Hellfire matter, and you all stay here for the rest of you, Shiyu, Yuxue, Gangdan, and Hei, here is your fighting power." You are the strongest, and the security issues here are left to you!". )

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