In the eyes of everyone, the knife in Saburo Muramasa's hand is definitely an invincible weapon. The reason why they were unable to take down the sword god was because of this knife.

However, Ye Chui interrupted the knife so casually.

It can't be said that it was interrupted, but it was broken directly with your fingers.

That kind of random feeling, as if Ye Chui is checking whether the habit is mature!

The picture of Muramasa Saburo sitting on the ground alone is a bit funny.

He stared blankly at the demon knife that was broken in his hand, it was all bad...

Ye Chui held the broken demon sword fragment in Ozawa's hand and looked at it: Others didn't see it, but in the field of vision of Ye Chui and Ozawa, they could see a hideous ghost struggling to get off the blade. Climb out, as if trying to escape.

"I don't know how many ghosts and ghosts used to devour each other to form this ghost. It's a very vicious thing." Ye Chui sighed.

Muramasaburo could also see the ghost, and he immediately shouted: "Ghost king, go and kill this man!"

As the bloodline of Yaodao Muramasa, Muramasa Saburo can control the ghost to a certain extent, and the name of the ghost is the King of Ghosts.

Hearing what Muramasaburo said, the ghost king immediately roared and opened his bloody mouth to devour Ye Chui.

Ye Chui remained calm, but a gleam of light flashed in his eyes.


The ghost king directly turned into a pool of smoke!

This kind of low-level ghost is nothing to Ye Chui.

This kind of ghost is just a collection of spiritual energy, Ye Chui drives the power of the heart, and can wipe out this kind of existence in minutes.

Muramasaburo was dumbfounded again, looking at Ye Chui and Ozawa with horror in his eyes.

"Baga!" With a roar, the eight star sword warriors standing behind Muramasaburo rushed out, swung the star swords, and killed Ye Chui and Ozawa.

"Be careful!" Luke reminded hastily.

"Leave it to me." Ozawa turned his head and smiled at Ye Chui, then went straight to greet him.

Ozawa's fighting method is very simple, no matter what opponent he encounters, he will punch out with one punch, and it is still the same at this moment.

The eight star knives slashed down in the air with unrivaled momentum, but Ozawa just waved his white and tender fist to meet him.


The broken Star Saber blades flew around, and the eight Star Saber warriors who wielded the Star Saber also fell backwards with a scream.

This scene shocked everyone: those are star knives, it is said that there are only 24 left in this world, each of which possesses mysterious and unpredictable power, and they were all broken by Ozawa's punch in such a simple and direct way! ?

Gandi and Luke looked at each other, this was the first time they saw Ozawa, they had seen the Star Knife before, it was a child's play for Ye Chui, and it was broken in minutes, but it was obvious that this Ozawa was more powerful than Ye Chui. Even more fierce, the eight Star Saber warriors directly maimed people with swords!

And these eight star sword warriors can basically be said to be the main force of the Sword God Association.

Reminiscent of their bloodthirsty fight just now, and Ye Chui's casualness at this time... It made everyone feel dazed as if they had just woken up.

This is too great!

Ye Chui was actually quite surprised when he saw this scene. He was able to break the Star Knife because of the talent of the craftsman, who first destroyed the formation on the Star Knife.But Ozawa is different, it is completely head-to-head, directly smashing these formations... If you fight with Ozawa, Ye Chui is definitely not an opponent.

There are still four blood ninjas left on the side of the Sword God Association. After being slightly stunned, they are about to rush towards Ye Chui's side immediately.

For this kind of cruel ninja, Ye Chuiyou felt disgusted from the bottom of his heart—they are constantly cruel to others, even they are extremely cruel to themselves, and they are completely used to perish with the enemy.

Seeing that these people were about to rush over, Ye Chui stepped on his feet suddenly, rumbling, the ground shook, and a crack suddenly appeared under the feet of the four blood ninjas, as if one mouth swallowed the four of them, followed by this crack. closed again.

Everyone was shocked, what did Ye Chui do?

After being slightly stunned for a moment, the joint forces acted quickly and detained all the remaining members of the Sword God Society.

This is the end of the chaos.

A middle-aged Chinese man who was seriously injured came down to Ye Chui with the support of other people, looked Ye Chui up and down, and said: "I have heard Sedum are Ye Chui, I didn't expect you It's so powerful."

Ye Chui looked at the middle-aged man in front of him suspiciously.

Bai Jingtian, who had recovered from his serious injury, hurried to Ye Chui and said in a low voice: "Master, he is the commander-in-chief of the Dragon Scale Group, Chen Zhengdao."

Bai Jingtian was possessed by Judgment before, and then Juejing deliberately let Tianqi beat him up in order to use the power of sentient beings to condense his body, which caused Bai Jingtian to be injured all over his body. After being forced out of Juejing by Yu Xue with Tianmo Xinzhuquan, he even fell into a coma past.

When Ye Chui separated from Luke and the others, Ye Chui asked Luke to take him away, so that Bai Jingtian could tell Chen Zhengdao about Ye Chui.

"It turns out to be the commander-in-chief of the Dragon Scale Group." Ye Chui's heart moved slightly, and he found that Chen Zhengdao seemed to be injured, so he walked up to him and put a hand on Chen Zhengdao's shoulder lightly, "Let me help you first." Heal your wounds."

"My injury is not a problem...En?" Chen Zhengdao was about to refuse, but suddenly he was taken aback, only to feel a gentle force from Ye Chui's hand directly pouring into his body,

The wound he had been beaten by Muramasa Saburo healed at a speed visible to the naked eye.

This scene surprised everyone.

Among all the healing abilities, the holy light reduction of the holy knights used to be the strongest healing power, but it was obvious that Ye Chui's healing far exceeded the holy light of the holy knights.

The person in charge of the Holy Knights, the fat man Robert was even more stunned. Jacqueline, who had already seen Ye Chui's ability, walked to his side and whispered a few words. appearance.

Chen Zhengdao's injuries quickly recovered completely, and Ye Chui then helped several other people treat their injuries, including Nick Fury, the leader of the Ultimate Team, and Kalixi, the leader of Yemotian—several major forces The person in charge was attacked by Saburo Muramasa of the Sword God Society at the very beginning and was injured. Among the several persons in charge, only the big fat Robert was not recruited at the beginning.

This fat man, who was as fat as a meat ball, was actually extremely agile, and he dodged in a thrilling manner.

"I didn't expect you to be so powerful." Afterwards, Chen Zhengdao said to Ye Chui with a look of responsibility.

It's a pity that such a powerful person doesn't belong to their Qianlong group.

However, fortunately, Ye Chui is obviously not a person who does evil, which makes Chen Zhengdao, who is as full of righteousness as his name and name, secretly rejoice.

Chen Zhengdao continued, "I heard from Sedum that you are going to do something in this chaotic realm. Please, what do you want to do, we will definitely help you."

"Oh, no need, I have finished what I have to do." Ye Chui said with a smile, "I have uprooted the forces of the gods and hellfire in the Territory of Chaos, and now I am afraid that only The remnants of terrorists and pirates."

Ye Chui spoke Chinese to Chen Zhengdao, but there are many people here who are proficient in Chinese. After translating Ye Chui's words, everyone was shocked by Ye Chui again.The clan of gods and Hellfire have been killed by Ye Chui?

Ye Chui was worried that Yu Xue would be waiting anxiously, so he said goodbye to the joint troops soon.

But before leaving, Ye Chui said to Chen Zhengdao: "The members of the Sword God Association had some transactions with the gods. This time, everyone suffered heavy losses, and many of them were caused by the Sword God Association. Destroyed a ship of the Dragon Rim Group and caused hundreds of members of the Dragon Rin Group to be in distress. These are all the faults of the Sword God Association, so Muramasa Saburo and others are handed over to you to deal with."

Chen Zhengdao immediately understood what Ye Chui meant, and nodded, "Okay, I'll let those members of the Hundred Dragon Scale Group get justice."

What Ye Chui said to Chen Zhengdao meant to let the other members of the joint force know that Muramasaburo and others are now the prisoners of the Qianlong Group, and they will be handed over to the Qianlong Group for disposal. The Ultimate Team and others have no right to intervene.

Ye Chui's words are obviously very useful at this moment.

Several other forces expressed that they would naturally hand over the remaining members of the Sword God Society to Chen Zhengdao for disposal.

The affairs of the joint forces here are temporarily closed, Ye Chui and Xiao Ze returned to the place where Yu Xue and the others were, at this time the curse on the leader of chaos has been completely lifted, Ye Chui directly imprisoned hundreds of people with a wave of his hand The nutrition warehouse of the reincarnation body of the gods was put away, and several scientists, as well as Fang Jing's parents, Ye Chui, also took them into the cave.

As long as Ye Chui thinks about it, he can use Dongtian's door-to-door communication ability to get all the girls back to Xizhou City in an instant.

However, it was obvious that Yu Xuewang, Shiyu and the others hadn't had enough fun—it was hard for them to come out, and they had to spend a few days on this small island anyway.

Ye Chui is speechless about this, not to mention that the island is full of dangers, there have been many battles before, corpses can be seen everywhere, what's so interesting about this kind of place...

However, what Ye Chui didn't expect was that Ye Shiyu found a nice beach on the land of chaos.

That place didn't seem to be polluted by other people. The beach scenery was very beautiful, surrounded by coconut trees. Seeing this place, the girls immediately took out the bikinis they had prepared and started having fun.

In fact, the previous experience was really thrilling, and everyone really needs to relax at this time.

After Ye Chui confirmed that there was no danger in the vicinity, he let them go.

Ye Chui also released Wang Wenxue and You Rongrong from the cave magic weapon.

After Wang Wenxue found out that Wang Shiyu had secretly used the invisibility card to sneak to the Territory of Chaos, she was extremely worried during the past few hours. Now she found that Wang Shiyu's child was completely fine and had received the power of God. Her small body She can directly levitate in the air, and there are six extremely terrifying hairy monsters as her pets, so... Wang Wenxue is even more worried.

She knew Wang Shiyu's surname very well.

With this ability now, will there be a balance in this world in the future?


There were still some terrorists and pirates roaming around the Territory of Chaos, and in the next few days, the sound of gunfire and firing could be heard from time to time. This was the joint force cleaning up the remaining villains.

These days, Ye Chui has been lying comfortably on the beach lounge chair every day, watching a few girls in bikinis dangling in front of his eyes, and his little life is extremely happy.

Of course, Ye Chui is not completely idle, he has now fully comprehended the power of the heart, and has the ability to completely repair the magic weapon of the cave, so he has been trying to completely repair the damaged array of the magic weapon for the past few days.

Ye Chui also met with Chen Zhengdao several times and discussed some things.

Ye Chui saw Chen Zhengdao's intention to pull Ye Chui into Qianlong Group, but Ye Chui didn't have that plan for the time being, so he politely refused.

But Ye Chui didn't say anything dead.

Among the secret powers of various countries, China's Qianlong group does not seem to be too strong.

It's no wonder that many other countries have purchased some genetic potions from the gods to stimulate their abilities, but the Qianlong group has never refused to use human experiments, which has greatly reduced the power of the Qianlong group.

In response to this, a thought quietly rose in Ye Chui's heart——

He took hundreds of spirit bodies from Hellfire. These spirit bodies are sleeping in the Dongtian villa. When they wake up, each of them can have the ability to cultivate.

I don't know if it's because China is the birthplace of cultivation, but 90.00% of these spirits are from China.

When these people wake up, Ye Chui may be able to teach them the method of self-cultivation, and it won't take long for these people to form a powerful force.

——If you think about Yu Xue, you will know that each of these people has a talent for cultivation that Yu Xue doesn't want to compete with.

If these people are properly managed, it might not be a bad thing to let them join the Qianlong team to form a brand new team.

But this is just Ye Chui's thoughts for the time being.

It will take a lot of time to actually implement it.

Ye Chui naturally didn't know at this time, it was because of his sudden idea that in the future, in the Qianlong group, except for the dragon head group, dragon tooth group, dragon heart group, dragon scale group, dragon claw group, dragon In addition to the project group, there is a brand new sub-organization called the Dragon Soul Group.

Later, a famous saying came out:

Once the dragon soul comes out, there is no one to compete with!

Ye Chui is the team leader of Dragon Soul.


Ye Chui mentioned to Chen Zhengdao about the Sword God Society again.

After leaving the Territory of Chaos, Chen Zhengdao said that he would definitely go to Japan to find their theory. As for Muramasaburo and other ninja warriors, they are destined to be imprisoned in the exclusive prison of Qianlong Group forever.

Afterwards, there will definitely be some negotiations with the Japanese side, but these matters belong to international issues, and Ye Chui doesn't want to pay attention to them.

Half a month has passed since the remnants of pirate terrorists on the island were wiped out.

There are still countless sea monsters lurking in the sea area around the Territory of Chaos. The gods have been destroyed. These sea monsters seem to be under some control and still have not left, which makes the Territory of Chaos full of danger.Ye Chui asked Neptune to open the way and escort the joint troops to leave the island.

"Fantastic Ye, thank you for your help this time." Nick Fury, the leader of the ultimate team, looked at Ye Chui respectfully before boarding the ship, "If you need any help in the future, please let me know , I will definitely do as you wish."

Robert of the Holy Knights, Khaleesi of Ye Motian, and other leaders of secret forces also said the same.

These people hold great power in various countries, and their commitment will be very precious.

Ye Chui chuckled: "In the future, maybe there is something that really needs your help." (To be continued.)

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