The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

445 No Exaggeration, Kneeling on the Spot

In the Qianlong group, the chief instructor is a very powerful position. As the chief instructor, he can completely command the keel group.The keel group is a continuous training department that provides elites for the Qianlong group. Everyone who joins the Qianlong group has to go to the keel group for special training every once in a while.During the special training, the life and death of this person is completely in the hands of the chief instructor.Even if someone accidentally died during the special training, the chief instructor would not be held accountable at all.

It is because of this rule that the chief instructor has a strong reputation in the Qianlong group, a position that basically everyone wants to curry favor with.

As for the chief instructor, from the establishment of the Qianlong Group to the present, Zheng Cang has always been in charge.

The next chief instructor must also be recommended by Zheng Cang before he can hold the position.

And now Zheng Cang wants to recommend Ye Chui.

Mu Xiaojie was a little stunned, and hurriedly told Ye Chui about the authority of the chief instructor.

Ye Chui was also a little speechless after hearing this, even he was a little tempted, this chief instructor seems to be a position that everyone wants to curry favor with, it seems very good, but...Ye Chui still shook his head: "I'm sorry , I really don’t have much time recently, I have a lot of other things to be busy with, and, although the Qianlong Group is a very important organization in China, but joining it will definitely be subject to some restrictions. The outside staff of the team are actually very good..."

When Ye Chui said this, it was equivalent to rejecting it.

A look of regret appeared on Zheng Cang's face, and then he laughed: "That's right, as a cultivator, you definitely won't be interested in training ordinary people."

"En?" Hearing what Zheng Cang said, Ye Chui's heart suddenly moved. He was not interested in training ordinary people, but he was very interested in training practitioners.

This made Ye Chui immediately think of the hundreds of spirit bodies that are being stored in the Dongtian Island. After awakening them, he can teach them to cultivate, which will be a part of extremely powerful combat power.

An idea that Ye Chui had long ago had fully matured at this time, and Ye Chui hurriedly said: "Although I want to join the Qianlong Group, maybe I can provide the Qianlong Group with a team of practitioners with hundreds of people. "

On the Territory of Chaos, Ye Chui realized that the strength of China's secret forces is obviously weaker than that of the United States, the European Union, Indonesia, and the God of Swords. It can make the country stronger.

And if those hundreds of spirit bodies can join the Qianlong Group and become a reading department, then the Qianlong Group will definitely become the most powerful secret organization in the world.

It is probably okay to say that it is the strongest in the universe...

Of course, cultivators are very powerful, Ye Chui will not just hand them over with confidence, lest they will be used by people with evil intentions.

Zheng Cang's eyes lit up when he heard Ye Chui talk about a team of hundreds of practitioners.

To be honest, some time ago, the Territory of Chaos made the relationship between Huaxia and Japan quite tense. This kind of tension is not on the surface, but a confrontation in the dark.

According to Zheng Cang's information, many ninjas and samurai have already lurked in.

If Ye Chui can provide a comprehension team of hundreds of people, he will never worry about these assassins hiding in the dark.

"Can you really provide such a team?" Zheng Cang asked in surprise.

Ye Chui nodded, and then continued: "However, I want to take full responsibility for this team. You can imagine how powerful they are. I don't want them to be used by others."

The expression of surprise on Zheng Cang's face stiffened slightly. He had to think about this matter carefully. If Ye Chui completely controlled such a team, and then obtained some powerful power with the help of the Qianlong team, then if Ye Chui had Two minds, it will be a disaster of doom.However, Zheng Cang soon thought again, Ye Chui's personal combat ability is so powerful, what he really wants to do, I'm afraid no one in this world can stop him.

Thinking of this, Zheng Cang nodded: "I'll go back and discuss it with that old fellow Chen Zhengdao."

Following him, he glanced at Mu Xiaojie again, "Xiaojie, come back with me to chat later, you girl, you were wanted by the Dragon Claw Group some time ago, why didn't you come to me for such a big matter?"

"I was mixed with the Territory of Chaos at the time, and I was afraid of causing you any trouble when I went to find you." Mu Xiaojie said with a smile.

Zheng Cang has great prestige in the Qianlong group, but also because of this, there are many hostile people, Mu Xiaojie doesn't want to give other people a reason to attack Zheng Cang because of himself.

Zheng Cang smiled, and stood up from the table: "What kind of trouble can it cause me? I have been an instructor of the Qianlong team for more than 20 years. What kind of trouble have I never seen? Let's go, summary, accompany me Go back to the hotel and have a good talk about your experience during this time."

Ye Chui knew that Zheng Cang asked Mu Xiaojie to go back with him, and naturally it was not just for chatting, but also to discuss the decision Ye Chui just made.

Ye Chui didn't say much about it.

"Ye Chui, go back by yourself, I'll chat with the old man." Mu Xiaojie said to Ye Chui with a smile.

Ye Chui nodded.

Zheng Cang thought of another thing: "I heard what kind of capsule you installed in my son's stomach? Hehe, there is no need now, let's remove it."

"Okay." Ye Chui agreed without thinking too much. The purpose of installing the capsule in Zheng Feng's stomach is to control Zheng Feng to do things for him, but now that he has such friendship with Zheng Cang, it is naturally unnecessary to control Zheng Feng. up.

Follow Mu Xiaojie and leave with Zheng Cang first.

Ye Chui found Zheng Feng.

"Brother Ye..." Seeing Ye Chui, Zheng Feng immediately greeted him obsequiously. It has been a month since Ye Chui helped him school the last time, and the capsule in his stomach would be fatal if he didn't school it.Zheng Feng didn't tell anyone about the capsule, but today when his father came over, he asked him about the capsule in a few words, so he could only tell the truth.

Ye Chui smiled at this moment, walked up to Zheng Feng, stretched out his hand and slapped Zheng Feng's chest suddenly.

"Wow..." Zheng Feng immediately bent down and vomited, and he stopped after a long time. He suddenly saw something in his own mess, and he picked it up without being afraid of dirt: "It's that Capsule, Brother Ye, you helped me take out the capsule!"

"There's no need to scare you with this in the future..." Ye Chui said, then frowned, "Damn it, it's not dirty, throw this thing away quickly, and it contains cyanide, be careful not to poison yourself."

Hearing what Ye Chui said, Zheng Feng quickly took the capsule and disposed of it.

Ye Chui was about to leave, but Jiang Ming, who looked a little weak, suddenly stopped in front of him.

"What are you doing?" Ye Chui asked Jiang Ming with a smile.

"Just now... I was too proud, I want you to apologize." Jiang Ming put on an expression of admiration, and he lowered himself vigorously, bowing and apologizing, then turned and left.

"If this guy doesn't look arrogant, he's actually pretty good." Ye Chui commented in his heart.

Leaving Hailan Commercial Building, Ye Chui found the steel egg and got into the car to go home.

But not long after the car left, Gangdan was taken aback suddenly: "Hey, why is Tiantian there?"

Tian Tian is the first generation Autobot child of Gangdan, Ye Chui gave this pink car to An Le'er back then.

Being here every day means that An Le'er is also here.

Ye Chui asked Gangdan to stop the car: "I parked outside a restaurant every day, so Lele is eating in this restaurant? But... this seems to be a restaurant for love = people?"

Ye Chui couldn't help frowning, feeling a little strange that An Le'er would come to a restaurant with someone for dinner?

Ye hung down the car and looked towards the restaurant.

The scanning system of Iron Man's suit was activated, and everything in the restaurant was immediately visible.

Soon, Ye Chui saw An Le'er sitting in the corner of the couple's restaurant and another handsome man.

"Lele is actually eating here with other men?" Ye Chui felt unbelievable. Of course, Ye Chui didn't believe that An Le'er would fall in love with other men. He knew that An Le'er was not that kind of person, but... suddenly saw Seeing this scene, Ye Chui still felt a little sour in his heart, and at the same time, he was filled with anger towards that handsome man in an instant.

Damn it, how dare you eat with my young master's woman and talk and laugh happily?

Ye Zhizhi took him to Tiantian.

"Hey, Mr. Ye Chui, and Dad!" Soon, Tiantian saw Ye Chui and the steel egg beside him, and shouted in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"Just passing by." Steel Egg said with a smile.

Ye Chui asked: "What's the matter with Lele, who is that guy eating with Lele?"

"It's Lele's first love." Tian Tian replied.

"First love?" Ye Chui was stunned.

Yu Xue had just mentioned An Le'er's first love to him when he was on the beach this afternoon, why did An Le'er have dinner with her first love in the blink of an eye, this a place?

Tiantian seemed to be afraid of Ye Chui's misunderstanding, so he hurriedly said: "Mr. Ye Chui, don't be angry, this place was chosen by that person named Jian Fan, and he called Lele to make an appointment." After a pause, Tiantian continued, " Lele didn't want to come at first, but she told me that if she wanted to get rid of her misogyny symptoms, she had to start with this boy, so she resisted the disgust in her heart and came to the appointment. She sat in the car It took several deep breaths before mustering up the courage to enter the restaurant."

"You came to the appointment only after you got rid of the misogyny?" Ye Chui was a little surprised, how could the misogyny have something to do with this person's car?

Afterwards, Ye Chui scanned An Le'er and Jian Fan with his battle suit. Ye Chui soon found that there was something wrong with An Le'er's appearance, and his expression was very unnatural. He resisted listening to Jian Fan's eloquent talk.


A murderous look flashed in Ye Cui's eyes, because when he saw Jian Fan, while An Leer was paying attention to the scenery outside the window, he suddenly took out a pill and put it in the wine glass in front of An Leer... (To be continued.)

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