The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

460 Turning other singers' singing into silence

After You Rongrong appeared on the stage, she was followed by a female singer who has become very famous recently. Her new single released some time ago has been ranked No.1 on some domestic charts for four consecutive weeks. fast singer.

Her singing is also very exciting, she prepared a band to perform live, a song full of dynamics, completely above the level of her usual singing.


When her song ended, the response at the scene was not very strong, only a few people who sighed clapped their hands.

It's not that her singing is not wonderful, but that she lacks the direct shock of You Rongrong's singing just now. Compared with You Rongrong, her singing at this level is still a bit worse after all, which makes people disagree.

"It seems that after Rongrong finished singing, he immediately turned the singing of other singers into a cold one. Hehe, Rongrong is indeed the best." Yu Xue said proudly, "Rongrong has definitely decided on a solo group this time." No.1."

Following Yu Xue, she looked at Wang Wenxue and Ye Shiyu beside her.

You Rongrong said this, which made Wang Wenxue and Ye Shiyu feel a little stressed, so Yu Xue jumped up and patted their shoulders: "You two will definitely reach Rongrong's level, I believe in you."

Wang Wenxue smiled: "I will try my best to sing well."

Ye Shiyu seemed to be much more confident than Wang Wenxue, and waved her small fist vigorously: "Wen Xue and I will definitely not be inferior to other combinations, don't worry."

Wang Shiyu also joined in the fun and said, "Baixi and I will definitely get No.1, so you don't have to worry about it, sister Xiaoxue."

"If you want to get No.1, what will Wen Xue and Da Shiyu do?" Fang Jing joked with a smile.

"Then we can't help it. We are enemies with my sister now." Wang Shiyu said with a sigh, but the expression on her cute little face was very serious, which made everyone else laugh. We are still enemies."

Wang Wenxue said with a smile.

While talking and joking here, the door of the room was knocked suddenly. When I turned my head to look, it was a group of reporters who came to the outside of the make-up lounge with cameras. It looked like they wanted to conduct an interview.

What made Ye Chui feel speechless was that he saw the reporter who interviewed Qian Zhenzhen and Zhou Jie not long ago.

They are reporters belonging to the variety show Entertainment Express.

"Mr. Ye Chui, the response to the performance of the first singer signed by you is amazing. Do you have anything to say about this?" The reporter spoke very fast.

"Yes." Ye Chui walked over and said with a faint smile, "I have only one sentence to tell you, I have decided on No.1 in this competition."

After saying this, Ye Chui slammed the door of the lounge shut. The reporters outside wanted to push the door in, but found that the door was closed so tightly that no matter how hard they pushed, they couldn't open it.

"He refused to accept our interview. Isn't he afraid that we will continue to discredit him?" The reporter from Entertainment Express was very angry. "I have interviewed so many big names, but this is the first time I have met such an arrogant one."

"Shut away the reporters who are interviewing!" The photographer carrying the camera also showed an angry expression. As entertainment journalists, they are the most frightening group of people in the backstage of this kind of competition, because they report casually What, it is possible to smear the celebrity's reputation immediately.

So when they meet a celebrity they want to interview, most celebrities will obediently cooperate.

Ye Chui's attitude completely angered them.

"Point the camera at the people in this room." The reporter thought of something, and said to the cameraman, "Let's record a section first."

The photographer immediately pointed the camera at the door of the lounge.

The reporter held the microphone in his hand and thought for a while, then spoke to the camera.

"Hello everyone, I'm xxx, the on-site special reporter of Entertainment Express. Now we are standing outside the make-up lounge of Tianchui Film and Television. You Rongrong from Tianchui Film and Television just brought us a wonderful performance, but It's a pity that Ye Chui refused our interview as always, and shut us out rudely. His arrogant and arrogant attitude made people deeply shocked. Everyone saw You Rongrong's performance just now, although she sang very well. Okay, but after the concert, he left the stage without saying a word. Is this looking down on our audience? It seems that whether it is the boss or the staff of Tianhammer Film and Television Company, they all like this kind of arrogant style, and as a reporter I don't just want to ask, do we really need to like actors from such a film and television company?"

This reporter is also professional, and he speaks a sentence casually without panting.

After finishing speaking, I immediately said to the photographer: "Hurry up and edit this paragraph, and put it up quickly."

Entertainment Express is a piece of entertainment news that is known for being fast, and it does not have a fixed broadcast time. It will be interrupted immediately after the entertainment news happens.

The show I am a Super Singer is so popular, and Entertainment Express has made it to the extreme. After each singer finishes singing, they will basically follow up with a live interview of Entertainment Express and then put it on the top. When the I am a Super Singer competition is over, Entertainment Express will be broadcast in the form of background recording after this program.

At this time, the reporter of the Entertainment Express recorded such a paragraph, and after waiting for less than 5 minutes, this interview video had already been put on the official website of Xizhou Satellite TV.

This kind of interview was originally intended to discredit Ye Chui, but...

What the Entertainment Express reporters never expected was that when this news was released, they did smear it, but it was not Ye Chui who smeared it, but themselves.

"What, you actually said that You Rongrong is blind? I really wonder if xxx's eyes are blind. After You Rongrong's singing, the silence is better than the sound. How could it be that there is no one!"

"Super suspicious of this reporter's IQ. How can You Rongrong be arrogant? Even if she is arrogant, she is as cold and arrogant as a queen. We like her the same!"

"The one upstairs is the Queen's Shou, the appraisal is complete!"

"This kind of report makes me really doubt the authenticity of these reports by Entertainment Express. The previous report about Ye Chui is also nonsense, right?"

"Speaking of the previous reports, Ye Chui said that the number one is decided, but based on Rongrong's singing, the number one is still not right, and Ye Chui is not arrogant, he is confident and has real strength! "

"Support Rongrong, and resolutely stop following Entertainment Express in the future!"

When this report was broadcast, there was an uproar among those who followed the news on the Internet.

Originally, You Rongrong was quite famous on the Internet - pure, good at singing, plus she has a great figure, she has actually been secretly called the Goddess of Homesteading.

And I Am a Super Singer's stunning song naturally made her quickly become a goddess among goddesses.

The fans are all crazy, Entertainment Express even said bad things about You Rongrong, this is simply looking for death.

That is to say, from this day on, Entertainment Express, which had always been at the top of the entertainment reporting programs, quickly went downhill, and gradually no one cares about it anymore...

Ye Chui naturally didn't know these things happened behind the scenes.

In the make-up lounge, Wang Wenxue and Ye Shiyu will be on stage soon. Although the two said they are not nervous, but You Rongrong Zhuyu is in front, and they themselves feel that if they don't perform well, they will lose face.

Compared with them, Wang Shiyu and Bai Xi, who were ranked last, were much calmer. They were not affected by the tense atmosphere at all, and they kept fighting and joking... …

The two of them really came here to play.

"It's time for us to play." Ye Chui glanced at the form handed to him before and stood up and said.

According to this form, the combination of Rain and Snow Allure will soon appear.

Ozawa helped them put on their makeup again, then left the lounge and came to the back of the stage.

"Don't be nervous when you're going to sing on stage, just treat it as if you are in KTV." Ye Chui comforted the two with a smile.

The two nodded at the same time, secretly encouraging themselves.

"Let's play."

After the host introduced the two on the stage, the two walked onto the stage.

"These two are so beautiful. Why are the singers of Ye Chui's Tianhammer Film and Television Company so beautiful? These two are no worse than You Rongrong."

"I just don't know how their singing is going. It's very good. I'm already looking forward to it."

"After listening to You Rongrong's singing, I feel that the singers who performed just now are dull, but I don't know if these two people can bring me an amazing feeling again?"

"Looking forward to their singing!" The audience in the audience quietly discussed in low voices.

Both Wang Wenxue and Ye Shiyu are rare beauties—they are women evolved from the genes of gods, and they can be called perfect in appearance.Coupled with the effect brought by You Rongrong before, the two of them faced all the audience at first glance, which made the audience full of expectations.

As before, Ye Chui enveloped the entire stage with the power of space, and then connected to the virtual entertainment circle again, the soundtrack team at the level of a symphony orchestra began to play, and the surging music sounded.

The song sung by the two is called Yu Linglong, which is a fast song with unlimited dynamics, which can stimulate people's adrenaline to the maximum extent.

A lyrical slow song sung by You Rongrong infected the audience, while this fast song by Wang Wenxue and Ye Shiyu can completely ignite all audiences!Ye Chui has such self-confidence, however, when the turbulent sounds faintly resounded, Ye Chui suddenly couldn't help being slightly stunned, and looked up at the stage: "Well, why is there someone on the studio... ..."

Ye Chui's air power enveloped the entire stage, and he could feel any changes on the stage.

At this time, it is also very easy to feel that someone is hiding on the huge = huge scale above the stage, and this person is sneakily doing something to the huge = huge chandelier on the beam.

Ye Chui quickly understood what was going on: "He wants to untie the sling of the chandelier, and then smash Wen Xue and the others to death!" (To be continued.)

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