The Technological Kingdom of the Great Master Refiner

467 Why didn't you take me with you when you went to the moon?

Ye Chui wants to bring Ye Shiyu to the moon because he needs some functions of Ye Shiyu's Iron Man suit x version.

Ye Chui now lets the illusion wrap the entire moon. He can show any pattern on the surface of the moon, but the moon is a sphere, and the moon seen on the earth is only one side of the moon. If he wants to show a pattern that spans the entire moon To make the pattern visible to anyone on Earth requires a lot of precise measurements.

This kind of measurement of Ye Chui's Iron Man suit can also be done, but it will take a lot of time. After all, the product technology is there, and there is no way to do it.

However, it is much easier to do all this with the more advanced x-version battle suit, but it also takes a period of time to measure.

This is technical work, and there is no way to take shortcuts.

Fortunately, walking on the moon in a steel egg car is also a good thing, at least Ye Chui, Ye Shiyu and Xiao Ze all think it is very interesting.

"It's just a pity that the gravity here is too low, and I feel a little uncomfortable. Otherwise, the environment here is simply too suitable for the life of my group." Steel Egg expressed his emotions when he made a circle for the moon. The moon is barren and the sun is full of light— ——Now the group of steel eggs has evolved the equipment for extracting energy from solar energy with the help of Ye Chui. As long as there is enough solar energy, they can get enough energy.

The moon is very suitable for the steel egg group, but it is the problem of gravity that makes the steel egg feel quite awkward.

"It doesn't matter." But he smiled and comforted this, "When I understand the power of the earth, I can control the gravity. It will not be difficult to modify the gravity of the moon to suit the life of your group."

Hearing Ye Chui's assurance, Gang Dan immediately became happy: "That's really great, haha, I want to let the Autobots occupy the entire moon."

After Ye Chui took Ye Shiyu and Ozawa around the moon, they returned to the front of the portal, and returned to the earth directly through this portal.

Go back to Dongtian Island.

"The measurement needs to be prepared for a few days. Let Lele also prepare. I believe that after this advertisement is made, Tianhammer Enterprise will definitely cause a huge sensation!"

Back at the villa, Ye Chui was very happy.

But Ye Shiyu and Ozawa happily started to tell Yu Xue and others about the things on the moon. Yu Xue immediately became interested: "Don't ask me to go to the moon to play, I will go with me next time!"

"I want to go too!" Wang Shiyu also said floatingly.

Ye Chui has a big headache. Now Yu Xue is at the ninth peak of the Condensation Realm. This kind of cultivation has surpassed ordinary people physically. She guesses that even if she enters the moon without any protection, she will not have any problems. , at most it just feels a little uncomfortable.

Not to mention Little Lolita now, Ye Chui suspects that she has already left the realm of human beings—this girl no longer needs to breathe, the last time Ye Chui watched her play with a group of sea monsters on the bottom of the sea She was swallowed by the sea monster, and then she got out of the sea monster's mouth after a while, and she didn't say anything, and she laughed and shouted for fun...

Apart from Yu Xue and Wang Shiyu, You Rongrong, Wang Wenxue, and Mu Xiaojie, Fang Jing also showed great interest.

Ye Chui had a headache and said: "Let's talk about the matter of the moon after it stabilizes. It's too dangerous to send you there now."

Now that Ye Chui had said so, the girls agreed with some disappointment, but Wang Shiyu was not among them - she rolled her big eyes, thinking: "The moon seems to be very interesting, huh, hammer My brother won't let me go to play, so I just want to go and have a look!"

Naturally, Ye Chui didn't know about Wang Shiyu's attention, and started to discuss with An Le'er about the products.

"It's better to keep the advertisement secret for the time being." An Le'er thought about it and said, although the five main departments of Tianhammer Enterprise are completely controlled by their own people, but are there any departments like Jian Fan who are so passive? The planned internal suppression is still unknown, so it is always good to be careful.

"We are going to advertise on the moon. Even if we tell other people about this kind of thing, no one will believe it." Ye Chui smiled lightly, with a completely indifferent expression, "There is no need to hide it, but... ...Hey, Lele, just tell Jian Fan quietly, we are going to advertise, and we have already found a channel, so let the other party be nervous first, think about it, they know we have found an advertising channel, and if they want to block us, just They will definitely get busy, find out what our channels are, and finally find out that we are going to advertise on the moon, and their expressions will definitely be wonderful at that time.”

An Le'er's eyes also brightened: "I didn't expect that Jian Fan, the internal killer, could play like this. Not bad, I'll take the time to quietly reveal the advertisement to him."

In some respects, An Leer also has a childish aspect.

After discussing these matters with An Le'er, An Le'er hurried back to the office - she likes her role as the female president very much, and once she gets involved, she often gets carried away.

Just after An Le'er left, You Rongrong's face suddenly became a little strange after he answered a phone call, then he lowered his head and said to Ye Chui, "Brother Ye Chui, my friend called me and asked me to go shopping."

"Shopping?" Yu Xue stretched her waist, "It's super boring to stay at home recently, can I go shopping with you?"

"Ah, no need, I... just go by myself." You Rongrong quickly refused.

Ye Chui frowned slightly, and nodded when he thought of something: "Well, then you can go."

Seeing You Rongrong trotting back to put on makeup, Yu Xue puffed up her face a little unhappy: "Rongrong doesn't seem to want to go out with me."

"It's not that she doesn't want to, but she's afraid that you and her friend won't like you." Ye Chui explained.

"Why?" Yu Xue's eyes widened strangely, "This beautiful girl is so kind and amiable, who wouldn't like this beautiful girl!"

"Yunlan." Ye Chui said with a smile.

Yu Xue couldn't help being taken aback: "You mean that Yun Lan in xxx37? How do you know that she called Rongrong?"

"Rongrong has only a few friends in this city. In the two months she has been with us, have you seen her make other friends?" Ye Chui speculated, "Reminiscent of From her demeanor just now, it is obvious that the person who called was Yun Lan, this Yun Lan probably saw that our company is developing very well, so she wanted to take a line to leave a way out for herself."

"This woman is too cunning, no, I must follow, Rongrong will definitely be bullied if she is with her." Yu Xue said immediately.

Ye Chui hurriedly stopped her: "You will embarrass Rong Rong, after all Rong Rong really treats that woman as a friend."

"Then what should we do?" Yu Xue frowned, "You can't just watch Rongrong being bullied?"

"I'll give Rongrong a car. If something goes wrong, I'll know right away... This Yunlan is here to curry favor with Rongrong, so he probably won't do anything to Rongrong," Ye Chui said. After explaining, Yu Xue was relieved.

You Rongrong put on simple make-up and changed clothes before coming out.

This girl is pure and pure, and her clothes tend to be light. Although she has a good figure and her clothes are quite tight-fitting, her overall image does not make people feel coquettish or charming at all, but is full of purity.

There are two exits on Dongtian Island, one is located in Maple Leaf Town, and the other is the office of Tianhammer Enterprise.You Rongrong is going to the urban area, so it is better to go out from the office of Tianzhu Enterprise. Ye Chui sent her away, and when she arrived at the bottom of the office building, taking advantage of no one, she stretched out her hand, and a car appeared directly in front of her. Red sports car - this car is the offspring of the steel egg combined with a BMW sports car. It is beautiful and unique. It is one of the most popular Tianhammer car models on the market. The price is more than 100 million, which is considered a luxury car .

"You also got your driver's license some time ago. This car will be yours from now on. Its name is Mary. You can drive it." Ye Chui said with a smile.

"Brother Ye, this car is too precious..." You Rongrong was surprised.

"It's just a car, it's nothing. When we meet friends, the most important thing is face." Ye Chui said with a smile.

Seeing what Ye Chui said, You Rongrong nodded and agreed. In fact, she also likes the new car very much, with a look of love.

"Be careful on the road." Ye Chui told her again, watching You Rongrong drive away.

"Steel egg." Ye Chui flashed back to Dongtian Island and contacted steel egg directly, "You can use the car symbiosis network to keep an eye on Mary's car status, now you pay attention to her, and let her report to me directly if anything happens to Rong Rong !"

"Okay boss." Steel Dan immediately agreed.


Maotian Square in Xizhou City is one of the most important business districts in Xizhou City, and the commercial buildings next to it sell various brands.

This is also the place where You Rongrong and Yunlan are better off.

Yunlan is beautifully dressed, but her face is covered with dark clouds. She is in a bad mood recently—the latest episode of I am a super singer will be recorded in two days. However, she doesn’t feel anything about I am a super singer. Confidence, recently circulated on the Internet, after You Rongrong, Ye Shiyu, Wang Wenxue, Wang Shiyu, Baixi, etc. retired, it caused huge criticism. Many people claimed that they no longer pay attention to I am a super singer. The next issue of I am a super singer, ratings The rate is very likely to fall to the freezing point, and the future is worrying.

And xxx37 has not made any other announcements recently. This sign tells her that, just as she guessed before, xxx37 should be disbanded soon.

So she has to find her next home as soon as possible, and Ye Chui's Tianhammer Enterprise is a good choice.

She thought that she would see You Rongrong later, so she took the opportunity to tell her about her desire to join Tianchui Film and Television...

A red sports car slowly drove over.

There was a look of envy in Yun Lan's eyes, this car cost more than 100 million, how much she wished to own one.

The car stopped, and You Rongrong got out of it, and happily raised his hand at Yunlan: "Lanlan, have you been waiting for me for a long time?"

"This car belongs to You Rongrong?!" Seeing You Rongrong getting out of the car, Yun Lan couldn't help but be shocked, and at the same time thought to herself, "It seems that she's really doing well in Tianhammer...but it doesn't matter , when I enter the Tianhammer Enterprise, I will snatch everything she owns!"

She thought so in her heart, but Yun Lan showed a happy expression on her face, and she greeted her with a smile: "I guessed it just now, Rong Rong, you seem to have become more beautiful after not seeing you for a few days." (To be continued. )

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