"It may be because we have raised the price, or because the supply is in short supply, so everyone feels that if you don't buy it now, it may increase in the future, so you will buy more..."

An Le'er's voice on the other side of the phone was full of helplessness. .

Who said that raising prices can control sales?

Now the sales are not increasing but rising!

It's depressing enough.

And Ye Chui also frowned when he heard this news, what the hell, the stock was already almost sold out, but now the sales volume has soared, making people die...

An Le'er continued on the other side of the phone: "Now our cars are like real estate. The room for appreciation is too high, and they are extremely sought-after. If this continues, it will be impossible to control them. What will Ye Chui do?"

"Don't worry, I will find a solution." Ye Chui comforted, "By the way, how is the sales of mobile phones?"

"Although the sales of mobile phones have also increased, but the increase is not high, only about 5.00%." ​​An Leer replied.

"It's better, Lele, you continue to sell the car first, if the car is sold out, you can make a reservation for the time being, and I will find a way to make the steel egg work harder, and then slowly replenish the stock." Ye Chui had no choice but to do so. Said.

"It's the only way to do it now." An Le'er replied, and then hung up the phone.

Originally, Ye Chui planned to deliver dinner to An Le'er, but now that he receives this call, he might as well not go there. It's better to hurry up and build the magic weapon of that engine, and improve the steel egg's "car planting" ability as soon as possible. ...

When standing up from the dining table, Ye Chui suddenly looked at little friend Wang Shiyu with a smirk.

It was Wang Shiyu's attention to increase the prices of cars and mobile phones, and now Ye Chui finally has a reason to blame little Lolita for messing up.

"Look at your bad idea, this is going to be bad, what do you think should be done." Ye Chui asked with a smirk.

Wang Shiyu put down her job, turned around and left: "I'm going to play with the hairy monster..."

"Wait for me!" Ye Zhizhi hugged Wang Shiyu directly by the waist, "It's all your fault for breaking things, and I have to beat you PP."

Wang Shiyu struggled immediately, and kept shouting: "Brother Hammer is a big villain, and children are bullied... Wuwu, Brother Hammer, I know I was wrong, can you forgive me?"

"Don't do this, the young master is already immune."

As Ye Chui said, he stepped on the chair with one leg, then put little Wang Shiyu on the bed, and planned to hit her bed.

Ye Chui, the little loli who sneaked to the moon before, hasn't settled with her yet, so she definitely can't just let it go.

Seeing that Ye Chui was about to beat him down, Wang Wenxue, Yu Xue and the other girls also looked like they were watching the scene. Wang Shiyu was really naughty during this time, did she think that becoming a god would be a big deal, and she had to be taught a lesson. pause.

However, seeing that Ye Chui's slap was about to fall, the little girl Wang Shiyu suddenly yelled and pushed Ye Chui vigorously with both hands.

Then Ye Chui let out a groan, and his whole body was blown away.

It is not an exaggeration at all, he flew away like a cannonball, rumbled a big hole in the wall of the villa, crashed into a coconut grove next to the villa, knocked down a coconut tree, and finally stopped...

Everyone in the villa was stunned, and rushed out one by one after a while.

Wang Shiyu was the first to bear the brunt, her body suspended in the air, and hurried to Ye Chui's side.

Ye Chui was lying in a big pit, but he didn't suffer any injuries. When Wang Shiyu pushed him, he subconsciously activated the protective ability of Iron Man's suit, which didn't hurt his body, but...

The Iron Man suit was directly damaged under the push of Wang Shiyu, and the damage rate reached 70.00%.

This little thing is really getting better and better.

"Brother Hammer, I'm sorry, I didn't do it on purpose..." Wang Shiyu really panicked this time. She just shot subconsciously, but she didn't expect the consequences to be so serious. She knelt beside Ye Chui and grabbed Ye Chui's hand with both hands The pear blossoms with crying arms bring rain.

Ye Chui patted his chest, smiled and comforted him: "I'm fine...fortunately, you pushed me. If it was someone else, I would have pushed you to death."

"Wuuu, Brother Hammer, I'm sorry, you hit me..." Wang Shiyu said, then turned around and asked Ye Chui to hit her.

So Ye Chui couldn't bear it anymore, shook his head and said, "Forget it, just pay more attention in the future."

After consoling her for a while, after confirming that Ye Chui was really fine, little Lolita felt relieved and wiped her wet eyes with her two small hands.

A group of people walked into the villa, but Ozawa's body suddenly shook: "It's broken."

"What's wrong?" Ye Chui turned his head to look.

"Xiaoling is missing..."

"What, what's going on?" Ye Chui was startled and asked hastily.

Xiao Ze frowned and explained: "Just now Xiao Ling went to that party with her classmates, the environment inside was too chaotic, I don't know what happened, Xiao Ling's mobile phone was thrown on the sofa. When I realized it, Xiao Ling was no longer in the hotel..."

"Someone kidnapped her?" Ye Chui raised his brows, he treated Xiao Ling as his own sister, and now she is missing!

"I'm investigating where, but I can't find the results in a short time..." Ozawa blamed himself, "It's all my fault, I didn't pay attention to Xiaoling's movements all the time."

"I can't blame you." Ye Chui shook his head, he tore off the damaged clothes, went to the room and changed into a new one, and said after coming out, "I'll go to that hotel to have a look."

"I'll go too." Ye Shiyu said immediately, "I might be able to find out where Xiaoling is."

Ye Chui's heart moved, thinking of what Ye Shiyu said, he nodded immediately: "Okay."

"I'll go too." Yu Xue also said, and Wang Shiyu was also very interested: "There's me too, I'm going too."

Ye Chui thought for a while, anyway, in Wang Shiyu's current state, he probably wouldn't encounter any danger, so he agreed.

Following the flash of everyone's silhouette, they appeared directly outside the villa, including Ye Chui, Wang Shiyu, Ye Shiyu, Yu Xue, and Xiao Ze.

Now that Ye Chui has comprehended the power of the sky, he can teleport within a certain distance. He flicked his hand lightly in the air, and with a bang, a portal appeared immediately. Ye Chui led the four girls into it, and directly Appeared out of nowhere at the door of the hotel.

At this moment, there were quite a few people at the entrance of the hotel, and they were naturally shocked when they saw the four people appearing suddenly.

Originally, Ye Chui didn't want the fact that he had supernatural powers to be revealed in front of the public, but now he is concerned about his sister's safety, and he can't care so much anymore.

Ye Chui, full of murderous intent, walked towards the hotel.

"Who are you? What do you want to do..." There were two guards standing outside the hotel. They didn't see Ye Chui's sudden appearance, but they found that the five of them looked hostile, and immediately He stopped in front of everyone and asked questions.

Ye Chui didn't bother to say more to them, with a light wave of his hand, the two felt a huge force hitting their bodies, and they fell backwards directly.

The glass door of the hotel was closed, Ye Chuixuan pushed forward lightly, and with a bang, the entire door was blown away.

The people around were shocked when they saw this scene, and immediately someone took out their mobile phone to take pictures.

Ozawa turned his head and looked around, stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

Suddenly, the mobile phone that was shooting made a soft bang and white smoke came out - the mobile phone had already hung up.

Then Ozawa followed Ye Chui into the hotel.

The hotel lobby is very noisy, there is a party going on, the lights are flickering, and the dynamic music is deafening.

Ye Chui frowned, and shouted loudly: "Stop!"

Noisy still.

Although Ye Chui's voice was loud, but most of the people in this kind of party came to indulge, who would talk to him?

Seeing this, Ye Chui was furious. He clenched his fist with his left hand, and the light flashed in his hand. He punched the ground with a loud rumbling sound, and the electric current scattered away. The loud noise surpassed any dynamic music, the whole hotel seemed to vibrate, and the lobby fell into darkness.

The original noise was instantly quiet.

After a while, there were bursts of terrified screams, and people began to go outside frantically.

Ye Chui gently pushed forward with his left hand, and everyone stopped involuntarily, as if blocked by something.

"Give me a moment of silence." Ye Chui said coldly.

The lobby immediately fell silent.

Ye Chui snapped his fingers with his right hand, and the electric light flickered, and the undamaged electric lights in the lobby immediately turned on again.

He glanced at the panicked crowd: "Who has seen Ye Ling tonight?"


A thin girl raised her hand tremblingly.

Ye Chui looked over and vaguely remembered that this girl was one of Ye Ling's roommates when she took Ye Ling to the school dormitory. At that time, the girl looked simple and clean, but now she is wearing a navel-baring dress and her hair is also dyed. It turned yellow, and there was a lip ring on the corner of the mouth, looking like a little girl.

Ye Chui frowned and walked in front of him: "Where is Xiaoling now?"

"I...I don't know..." The girl was terrified and looked at Ye Chui in fear.

At the same time, Ozawa walked to a sofa next to the lobby and found Ye Ling's cell phone on the sofa.

"Xiaoling will come to this party, you brought her here, right?" Ye Chui looked at the girl coldly, his heart filled with power, emitting a strong and terrifying oppressive force, which made the girl dare not tell nonsense.

"No... That's right." The girl immediately told the truth, "Someone...someone asked me to bring Xiaoling to this party, and they gave me 50 as a reward... This party was held by the big star Xiaolong , Xiao Ling liked this star very much, so she agreed to come with me..."

"The big star Xiaolong?" Ye Chui had heard the name before.

This is one of the best stars in China, and being connected with a star, is this a conspiracy of the club?

Ye Chui turned to look at Ye Shiyu: "Can you find Xiaoling?"

"It should be fine." Ye Shiyu had already taken Ye Ling's cell phone from Ozawa.

She took out something from a bag she carried with her - it was a black ball, which looked quite like a crystal ball for divination.

In fact, this can indeed be used for divination.

This black ball is the ball that Ye Shiyu sealed the desperate situation in the Territory of Chaos.

The desperate situation is sealed inside, and he has the ability to see through fate... (To be continued.)

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