Skeletons surrounded him terrifyingly, waving weapons in their hands.

These skeletons can only act after the person in the cave died and was controlled by the fourth person.

Without any breath of life, it is completely a terrifying killing machine.

The three people standing behind Ye Chui all made terrified sounds.

The only healthy person showed a look of despair, covered his head and cried, "It's over, this time we are over..."

Ye Chui turned his head to look at them, and sighed, these three people have been born in this world since birth, and have never been out, and the mysterious fourth person treats them as toys for playing, Control the skeleton soldiers to encircle them every once in a while.

These three people are really poor.

Skeletons have gathered outside the wooden house one by one, densely packed, making a terrifying sound of bones turning.

creak, creak.

Ye Chui destroyed the healthy man's magic weapon before, making him completely lose any ability to fight. The three of them looked at Ye Chui hopefully after being terrified, hoping that Ye Chui could solve the current predicament.

Ye Chui looked at the ferocious face suspended in the air.

The person who controlled the water formation and attacked him was undoubtedly this person, no, it should not be said to be a person, because Ye Chui had already guessed that the fourth person was not a person, but... the Cheng family The artifact spirit of this magic weapon hidden in the cave!

Magical weapons above the intermediate level will open their own consciousness and possess weapon spirits.

Dongtian magic weapon is no exception.

However, the Dongtian Island in Ye Chui's hands is still severely damaged, so the consciousness of the weapon spirit has not yet awakened. If Ye Chui completely repairs the remaining few arrays, the consciousness of this magic weapon will also wake up. .

The spirit of the weapon has its own consciousness, and the general consciousness of the spirit of the weapon will sign a contract with some people to regard it as the master. Even if the master dies, the consciousness of the weapon spirit will act according to the master's last wish.

Just like the Tongtian Pagoda of the gods.

As the tool spirit of the Tongtian Tower, Gang Lei still performs the mission of the gods even though his master is already dead, and he even does not hesitate to die with Ye Chui in the end, which can be said to be loyal.

However, there are a small number of artifact spirits who are not like this. They may be infected with some human vices and become selfish and even cruel.

The weapon spirit in front of Ye Chui is obviously of this type.

"The members of the Cheng family seem to have been killed by you." Ye Chui said coldly to the face floating in the sky.

"That's right, all the members of the Cheng family have been played to death by my blood blade!" The weapon spirit's name is Blood Blade, and he controlled the skeleton to temporarily stop moving, and said coldly, "I secretly bewitched them and caused them to have a civil war. The sky in this cave world was cut off, their vitality was cut off, and the world gradually became what it is now."

Blood Blade's voice was full of pride, obviously he was very proud of what he did.

Ye Chui snorted coldly: "So what if you turn this place into a place of death?"

"I want to transform!" Xue Ren sneered.


"That's right, I want to become a real life, have my own flesh and blood, completely destroy the vitality in the cave, break through and then stand up, so I can achieve this goal!"

"How could such a thing happen? It's impossible." Ye Chui said with a frown.

As a grand master of crafting, he naturally knew that it was impossible for a crafting spirit to have flesh and blood life!

"Hey, other people may not be able to do it, but I have this thing, and with it I can do it!" Xue Ren sneered, and a golden patch appeared on his face exuding soft brilliance. It looked like a part of a broken disc, from which Ye Chui felt some kind of unpredictable mysterious atmosphere.

"This is... a fragment of spirit essence?"

Ye Chui recognized this thing immediately.

"That's right!"

Xue Ren said proudly that he believed that Ye Chui was bound to die, so he was not afraid to tell these secrets at all: "This is something that several seniors of the Cheng family 300 years ago worked hard to grab. They felt faint aura fluctuations, and thought they could use this kind of thing to re-maintain a small aura world, but unfortunately they didn't think that the real magical effect of this thing is not as simple as generating aura. It transformed into a perfect body, and I will find a way to find a few other pieces, and by that time, I will become an omnipotent person."

"Lingyuan still has this effect?" Ye Chui was surprised.

In fact, Ye Chui didn't know much about the existence of Lingyuan, and this was the first time he heard of omnipotence.

Glancing at Xue Ren's crazy face, Ye Chui also smiled faintly, and said, "I see, your idea is good, but you may not be able to become that omnipotent person."

"What?" Blood Blade was furious, "Why do you say that?"

"Because you met me."

Ye Chui replied calmly.

Xue Ren showed an angry expression: "I will see what you are capable of!"

Those skeletons who stood still started to move again, gathering towards Ye Chui.

The corner of Ye Chui's mouth smiled faintly, opened one hand, stretched it forward, and then made a fist!




There was a sound of bone shattering, and a black ball appeared in the center of each skeleton. This ball possessed a powerful tearing force, and it actually tore the skeletons in continuously, like a shredder.

A few seconds later, Ye Chui opened his palm again, the black hole disappeared, and a pile of bones and ashes fell on the ground.

The three people in the wooden house who thought they would die today showed surprise.

Xue Ren's face was even more stunned.

"Don't use this trick on me!"

As Ye Chui said, he took a step forward, and the person had already appeared in the air, confronting Xueren's face.

"I didn't expect that you still have some abilities, but even so, what can you do to me? You will still be trapped in this world, and it is impossible for you to do any harm to me, the weapon spirit..."

The sound of the blood blade stopped abruptly, because Ye Chui had already opened a door in the air with both hands, like opening a door, and slowly opened a crack in space.

Behind that crack was a small, empty space.

Among them is a broken body that is gradually condensing into shape.

The face of this broken body is exactly Xue Ren.

The shards of spiritual essence were suspended above his head, streams of light diffused out of them, entangled this remnant body, and gave birth to this body.

Seeing that Ye Chui was able to enter this level of space, Xue Ren showed a shocked expression on his face. It has been thousands of years since he was created. It's not that people with space ability have never seen it before, and I have never seen it so powerful. Yes, it can directly shatter the space inside the cave?

This made him completely unimaginable.

"Is this the fragment of spirit essence?" Ye Chui stretched out his hand, and the fragment of spirit essence flew into his hand. Ye Chui felt this strange substance carefully.

Without the nourishment of spirit essence, the remnant body of Blood Blade began to wither and decay at a speed visible to the naked eye...

"Give me the fragments of the spirit element, save me... No, I don't want to be a weapon spirit, I want to have flesh and blood, I want to have feelings, I want to be able to hug the woman I like... No, I don't want to go back to the Go back to the original state..." Xueren's remnant body began to struggle, and he looked at Ye Chui, "Please...give me the spirit yuan, I, I am willing to sign a contract with you and be your magic weapon. I will obey you in everything, as long as you don't let me go back to the way I was before, please..."

"..." Hearing Xue Ren's words, Ye Chui sighed inwardly. From Xue Ren's words, he could vaguely hear that he also had a sad past, which is why he took this path. It's really pitiful.

However, he has already committed the crime of killing, so it is impossible for Ye Chui to just let him go.

Ye Chui shook his head: "You have destroyed countless members of the Cheng family in such a cruel way. This crime is unforgivable."

"no no……"

Xue Ren screamed a few times, his body suddenly became lax and completely collapsed, and the broken body disappeared completely.

"Look at what good things you have done..." Xue Ren's voice did not disappear, his figure reappeared from Ye Chui's eyes, his eyes were blood red, and he stared at Ye Chui fiercely, suddenly he waved his hands vigorously , two space ripples diffused towards Ye Chui.

Ye Chui waved his hand lightly, and the two ripples disappeared without a trace. This type of spatial attack had no effect on him.

Xueren also understood this, he laughed loudly, extremely crazy: "I waited for 300 years, and I was about to succeed, ruined me... I have no chance, let's go again!" There is no chance, you! I will let you die!"

After he finished speaking, a strange shock began to spread around him.

This vibration does not come from the earth, but directly from space itself.

"Damn it, you're insane, and you plan to die with the young master again!"

Ye Chui quickly understood the blood blade's intention, let out a loud cry, and hurriedly turned and left.

"Don't even try to escape... I have sealed all the entrances to the cave, you will never be able to leave here, even if you can tear apart the space, you can't escape, you can only enter the endless space turbulence Haha, die with me!"

Blood Ninja's nervous shouts kept echoing.

Ye Chui naturally understood this situation very well, and he hurried back to the wooden house while cursing mental illness.

There are still three people trapped here, Ye Chui can never let them die here like this.

"This place is about to be destroyed, I will take you away!"

Ye Chui came in front of the three of them, wrapped them up with the power of the sky, and opened a space portal again with great effort.

Outside the portal, there is a terrifying spatial turbulence... (To be continued.)

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